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    我的暑假英语作文三年级范文 经过期末考试的一翻折腾后,暑假终于来了。我也可以好好的放松一下了。你想知道三年级的暑假英语作文怎么写吗?下面是给大家精心挑选的我的暑假英语作文三年级,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!我的暑假英语作文三年级1A long and happy summer vacation has finally passed. During the holiday, I have had a very happy and fulfilling life. Let me talk about it and share it with you.On the day of the exam, I took a flight to Shanghai with my parents, and I was going to visit the Shanghai world expo. This is the first time I came to Shanghai, see there in the tall buildings stand, traffic and people, very lively boom, the city was full of festive atmosphere, no wonder my mother said that Shanghai is the biggest city in China, really liked.When I enter the expo garden, I see the past special shape of the building, the whole park is divided into things on both sides, the west is the main exhibition area, east city and enterprise case pavilion, a total of more than one hundred countries, know that every day we receive information about a dozen two hundred thousand, or even hundreds of thousands of people visit in the park, the scene is very spectacular!In the expo site, I met many countries, the name of the national pavilion has its own characteristics, to show the local conditions and customs of all countries and cities, to show the most advanced and most representative, attracted the friends from all over the world come and watch. Due to too many pavilions, we only visited the pavilion in a dozen countries, which let me the most impressive is the China pavilion, its shape is very special, like a red MuGunZi build up, high up in the center of the garden, you can see its spectacular, but brilliant! There is also a moving picture in the museum - "riverside map of qingming".我的暑假英语作文三年级2People are looking forward to the summer vacation, they can travel around, they can sleep in every day without waking up.However, this summer vacation I was not happy at all, but felt more alive than school. I stayed at home all summer and I was bored. The most annoying thing for me is that my mom and dad have known for the whole day that I can study, study and study.Instead, I found that is how good a thing to go to school, every day can discuss and many friends, communication, can also accept the teacher taught us that the steady stream of knowledge, as if place oneself in a stream, we swimming there, looking for belongs to own a piece of the sea.In the past, I didnt understand this, I avoided learning all day long, I took shortcuts to everything, and I didnt know what to do anyway. Today, I realized that I had lived in a world of deception for 15 years, and had never been conscious of it.As the saying goes, "the book has its own gold room, has its own beautiful woman" in the book, listen to today indeed as expected, since learning these days, I seem to think books are my best friend, who cant replace.If my life can be redone, I will choose to study hard and never be a white man.我的暑假英语作文三年级3This summer, I graduated from primary school. That would mean I had a good summer vacation, no homework, no pressure. For half a month after my vacation, I played freely and freely. One day I felt I had not even the appearance of the students, I began to fear, but dont know how to, so I had to continue to fall, surf the Internet every day, watching TV.Sent a Courier one day, the home, need me to sign for a moment, I brought a pen to write his own name, all of a sudden, I feel very unfamiliar, I have not used to write, even to accept delivery, watching a crooked font above, I feel very useless, even when the bad student, can do? Turn off the computer TV and close the book. I sat on the sofa slowly, thinking a lot. I ask myself: do I really need this kind of pleasure? Without an answer, I ask myself: is it not necessary? Well, it must be. But I cant go on like this. I want to change. I want to be a positive girl! I drew up a calendar for myself, and then turned over a list of problems I hadnt written before. I still go to the morning run every morning. Now I really change a lot. I am no longer the girl who is decadent.I have a lot of daily life. Sports, studies, and entertainment. There is a lot of it. I love it. Its easy. Its good. I think this is the most meaningful summer vacation Ive ever had.我的暑假英语作文三年级4Just have a holiday, my father took me to the hengdian studios, we visited the south of the lower reaches of the yangze river, the Ming and qing dynasties today, qingming scroll attractions, I also put on small space space took photos of the dress here has a flavor of rural breath and mountain city, swim studio, I truly realized the motherland the magnificence of the good things. On July 13 solstice 15, I went to "the brave summer camp", the summer camp let me increase of knowledge, not only exercise the courage, but also let I learned to take care of themselves, know how to get along well with your classmates, cooperate with the tacit understanding. In the middle of August, I visited the fourth mingshan forest park, enjoying the scenery of green mountains and green water and enjoying the cool autumn.Today, our family goes to the west lake. We started off, and on the way we laughed. Soon we arrived at the west lake in hangzhou. When I got in, the first thing I saw was the scene inside. It was the summer, and the lotus was unusually large, and a flower bag was the size of a childs head. On my way to the lotus, I saw many foreigners. There is a foreigner who is always hanging around in my memory because he said hello to me. When he told me that Hi, I didnt know what to say.We take a boat around the west lake for a reward. On the surface of the west lake, across a bridge, do you know what bridge it is? Tell you, it is the bridge, the place where bai suzhen and xu xian meet. We went to three small islands: xiaoying chau, lake heart pavilion and ruan pier. One of the three islands let me linger - three pools of the moon. In the evening, the moon light down, the lake has three moons, really beautiful!Through this trip to the west lake, I felt the beauty of the west lake deeply. As song dynasty great poet su dongpo wrote: "want to make the west lake more than the west son, the subtle makeup is always appropriate".我的暑假英语作文三年级5My sixth grade is about to begin. Looking back on this rich and colorful summer vacation, there are many interesting and happy results. I am so happy. This summer vacation I planned to accomplish a lot of tasks, but my biggest accomplishment was learning to cook, cooking was not simple, different dishes had different ways of doing it. When I first learned to cook, I didnt even have a scrambled egg. Thats the simplest thing I ever thought of. However, after a summer of practice, my cooking has greatly improved and I can make some simple meals.This summer I also made a breakthrough in my studies. In mathematics, Im at a friends suggestion, and a day to do some really, make their brains more with more flexible, mathematical olympiad will no longer be my biggest problem! Also, I learned to write poetry, poems, novels, fairy tales. And so on and so forth. I also prepared a preview of the text in the sixth grade. I believe that my efforts will not be in vain, I will succeed! In sports, I will spare one hour every day to practice running, high jump and so on.Sometimes I play a game of five. Now, I can beat a lot of people.Yes, and - safety!You cant go to the pond to play.Do not pass through the green belt for your own safety, lest you get hit by a car.3, you cant buy some quality and expired food in some concession stand in case you have a bad stomach.It is dangerous to climb some buildings.Dont open the door for strangers. If your parents arent at home, you can ask your friends for help.There must be a zebra crossing in the street.You cant ride a bicycle on your bicycle at the age of 12.I keep in mind that every time mom and I go out, I urge my mother to follow the traffic rules and be safe. I always remember when I go out.I also went to yiwu international trade city, the trade city is very big! The merchandise is full of everything, everything, let a person see dazzling, our motherland is so beautiful!我的暑假英语作文三年级范文


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