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    中考一轮复习精品课件人教版英语八年级上册,第5课时 Units 1-3,Book 8A,第5课时Units 1-3,Book 8A,河南省专用,第5课时 基础过关,河南省专用,difference,advise,suggestion,less,illness,importance,第5课时 基础过关,河南省专用,traditional,balanced,forgetful,forgettable,第5课时 基础过关,河南省专用,how often,on weekends,as for,be good for,try to do sth,look after,keep healthy(fit)/keep in good health/stay healthy,第5课时 基础过关,河南省专用,have a cold,have a sore back,see a dentist,have a fever,be stressed out,have a rest,go camping,think about,decide on,第5课时 基础过关,河南省专用,What do,usually do,go to the movies,keep in,health,Whats the,have a cold,第5课时 基础过关,河南省专用,feeling well,hope,will feel/get better,easy to have,important to eat,第5课时 基础过关,河南省专用,What are you going to do,Im going to babysit,How long,for four days,第5课时 基础过关,河南省专用,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,词汇点睛,1 hardly adv.几乎不;简直不点拨 hardly为副词,表达否定含义,用在反意疑问句中时,符合“前否后肯”的原则。拓展 hardly ever 几乎从未I hardly ever exercise.我几乎很少锻炼。She can hardly walk home,can she?她几乎不走路回家,是吗?,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,()2010荆州 Do you think yesterdays math problem was difficult?Yes.I could _ work it out.Ahardly Beasily Cfinally Dnearly,A,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,2 exercise v锻炼;运动 n.U锻炼;运动C体操;练习点拨(1)exercise作动词,意为“锻炼;运动”。How often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?(2)exercise作不可数名词,意为“锻炼;运动”。We should take enough exercise every day.我们应该每天多做运动。(3)exercise作可数名词,意为“体操;练习”。Do you do eye exercises every day?你每天做眼保健操吗?,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,3 until conj.直到;到为止;在之前点拨 until既可用于肯定句,又可用于否定句。但在肯定句中,谓语动词应为延续性动词;在否定句中,谓语动词一般为终止性动词。notuntil的意思是“直到才”。My mother waited for me at the gate until I appeared.我母亲一直在门口等我,直到我出现。,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()I didnt go to bed _ my mother came back last night.AsoBuntilCthoughDafter,B,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,4 difference n不同;差异;区别different adj.不同的;不一样的搭配 make some differences产生差别be different from与不同I am studying the differences between boys and girls.我正在研究男孩和女孩的差别。My thought is quite different from his.我的想法和他的想法有很大差别。,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,5 be good for/at/to/with辨析(1)be good for意思是“对有益”。(2)be good at意思是“擅长于”。(3)be good to意思是“对好”,相当于be friendly/kind to。(4)be good with 意思是“与相处融洽”,相当于get on/along well with。,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,用good的相关短语完成句子(1)Mr Smith _ his neighbours.史密斯先生和他的邻居们相处得很融洽。(2)Watching TV too much_your health.看电视太多对你的身体没有好处。(3)He _ playing football.他擅长踢足球。(4)The old woman _ us.那个老太太对我们很好。,is good with,isnt good for,is good at,is good to,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,6 a few,few,a little与little辨析 参见下面表格:,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,注意(1)a little还可用作程度副词,修饰形容词、副词或其比较级,而a few不能。(2)few/little是具有否定意义的词,表示“几乎没有一点或一些”,不能再与not连用。A few people can live to 100,but few can live to 150.有些人能活到100岁,但几乎没人能活到150岁。Could you give me a little milk?你能给我点牛奶吗?There is little water in the cup,is there?杯子里几乎没有水了,是吗?,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()Theres _ water in your glass.Would you like to drink some more?No,thanks.Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few,A,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,7 leave 与 forget辨析 leave和forget 都可表示“遗忘”,其区别为:forget通常不能与表示地点的副词或短语连用。leave通常要与表示地点的状语连用。Dont forget my telephone number.别忘了我的电话号码。He left the car key in the office.他把汽车钥匙忘在办公室了。,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,拓展 forget doing sth 表示“忘记做过某事”,forget to do sth 表示“忘记去做某事”。He forgot giving me a call.他给我打了电话,可他已经忘了。She always forgets to make the bed.她总是忘记整理床铺。,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()(1)Im very forgetful.This morning I _ my math book at home again.Aforgot Bleft Ckept Dhad()(2)We forgot _ umbrellas,so we were all wet.Abrought Bbringing Cto bring Dbring,B,C,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,句型透视,1 How often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?点拨 how often意思是“多长时间一次”,用来提问在某一特定的时间进行某个动作的次数,答语常是never,sometimes,often,usually,three times a year等表示频率的副词或副词短语。How often do you watch TV?Once a week.,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,拓展 与how相关的短语还有how long,how soon,how far等。(1)how long意思是“多长”,常用来提问“时间段”。(2)how soon意思是“(时间上)多快/多久”,一般用于将来时,答语通常是in two days,next Friday等表示将来的时间状语。How soon will your father come back?In five days.“你父亲过多久回来?”“五天后回来。”,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,(3)how far意思是“多远”,对距离提问。How far is it from here to your home?Only 200 meters away.“这儿离你家有多远?”“只有200米远。”,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()(1)_ do you watch TV every day?About two hours.AHow muchBHow many CHow long DHow often()(2)_ do you have PE lessons?Three times a week.AHow long BHow soon CHow many DHow often,C,D,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,2 Whats the matter?怎么了?点拨 Whats the matter?相当于Whats wrong?常用于询问病情,意为“有什么不舒服吗?”“怎么了?”拓展(1)该句型通常与with连用。类似的说法还有:Whats wrong with?Whats the trouble with?Whats up?(2)在上述句型中,wrong和up分别是形容词和副词,前面不加the,而matter和trouble是名词,前面要加the。Whats wrong/the matter with your bike?你的自行车怎么了?,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()Whats _ with you?Athe wrongBmatter Cthe matter Dthe up,C,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,3 A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.大量蔬菜能帮助你保持健康。点拨 keep in good health保持身体健康同义词组:keep healthy拓展 keep的用法:(1)keepadj.保持状态(2)keep sb/sth adj.使某人或某物保持状态(3)keepdoingsth 继续不停地做某事(4)keep sb/sth doing sth使不停地做某事,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用(1)Please keep your eyes_.请闭着眼睛。(2)The teacher kept him _ outside the classroom.老师让他在教室外面站着。(3)How long may I _ the book?这本书我可以借多长时间?,closed,standing,keep,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,4 Its important to eat a balanced diet.均衡的饮食是非常重要的。点拨 句中it是形式主语,动词不定式to eat a balanced diet是句子的真正主语。拓展 句型“It is adj.(of sb/for sb)to do sth”表示“某人做某事是的”。(1)在“of sb”的句型中,形容词往往是表示主观感情或态度的词,如:good,kind,nice,clever,careful等。,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,(2)在“for sb”的句型中,形容词往往是表示客观情况的词,如:easy,hard,important,impossible等。Its very kind of you to think so much of others.你能如此多地为别人着想真是太好了。Its difficult for him to finish the work on time.对他来说,按时完成这项工作真是太难了。,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()Its important _ us _ improve our English.Aof;to Bfor;to Cfor;for Dto;for,B,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,5 Im going camping.我要去野营。点拨(1)camp可以作动词,意为“野营,宿营”。Do you like camping?你喜欢野营吗?(2)句中Im going是用进行时表将来,有“意图,安排,打算”之意,有此用法的多为表位移的动词,如come,go,leave,arrive等。,第5课时 互动学案,河南省专用,拓展 gov.ing表示“去做某种活动或运动”,类似的短语有:go swimming 去游泳;go shopping 去购物go hiking 去徒步旅行;go skating 去滑冰go fishing 去钓鱼;go sightseeing 去观光,第6课时 Units 4-6,Book 8A,第6课时Units 4-6,Book 8A,河南省专用,第6课时 基础过关,河南省专用,quickly,worried,more,whom,invitation,第6课时 基础过关,河南省专用,women,careful,training,freedom,interesting,interested,第6课时 基础过关,河南省专用,take the subway(train)/by subway(train),how far,depend on,go sightseeing,leave for,plan/make a plan to do sth,study for a test,go to the doctor,have a piano lesson,第6课时 基础过关,河南省专用,the day after tomorrow,keep quiet,come over,in some ways,look the same,look different,more than,the same as,be good at,第6课时 基础过关,河南省专用,How do,get to,ride my,takes,to walk,Can you come,Id love to,第6课时 基础过关,河南省专用,for your invitation,as good at sports as,As,in some ways,第6课时 基础过关,河南省专用,beats,in,us laugh,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,词汇点睛,1 invitation n邀请点拨 invitation是动词invite的名词形式。拓展 an invitation to 的邀请/请柬invite sb to somewhere/do sth邀请某人去某地/做某事I received Toms invitation to his birthday party.我收到了汤姆生日宴会的请柬。I was invited to Toms birthday party.我被邀请参加汤姆的生日聚会。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,2 beat v打败;战胜;超过点拨 beat的过去式和过去分词分别为beat,beaten。搭配 beat sb in/at sth在某事上战胜某人He beat me at chess.他下棋赢了我。辨析 win 后面的宾语一般是奖品、比赛、辩论、选举或战斗等,而beat后面只能接人,表示一方赢了另一方。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用用beat或win填空(1)No one can _ us except ourselves.(2)We are looking forward to _ the match tonight.,beat,winning,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,3 whole与all辨析(1)whole作形容词时,用于修饰单数可数名词,置于冠词、指示代词、物主代词和名词所有格之后。Its raining the whole week.整整一星期都在下雨。(2)all作形容词时,用于修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数,位于定冠词、指示代词、物主代词和名词所有格之前。Dont eat all that bread!别把那块面包都吃了!Are all the students here today?今天所有的学生都到了吗?,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,(3)试比较以下词组:the whole day 整整一天 all the days 所有这些天the whole country 整个国家all the countries 所有的国家the whole school 整个学校all the schools 所有的学校,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用用all或whole填空(1)Qian Xuesen has given _ his life to our beautiful country.(2)He spent the _ morning reading the story about Qian Xuesen.,all,whole,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,4 both与all辨析(1)both表示“两者都”。Both of the students are from the UK.这两名学生都来自英国。(2)all表示“三者或三者以上全都”。My sisters and I are all at school.我和我的姐姐(妹妹)们都在上学。注意 both和all在句子中作主语的同位语时,通常放在be动词、情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()(1)What do your parents do?Are they doctors?No,they are _ teachers.AeitherBallCeachDboth()(2)Where are your classmates,Lei Lei?They are _ playing on the playground.Aboth Ball Cevery Deach,D,B,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,句型透视,1 How long does it take you to get from home to school?从家里到学校你花多长时间?点拨 句中动词take意为“花费(时间),”it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语 to get from home to school。It takes(sb)some time to do sth 意为“做某事花费(某人)多少时间”。It took her two hours to write the letter.她写这封信花了两个小时。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用I will spend a week reading the book.It _ _ me a week _ _ the book.,will take,to read,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,2 Can you come to my party?你能来参加我的聚会吗?点拨(1)can表示“能力”,意思是“能;会”,其否定形式是cant/can not。(2)can用在疑问句中常表示“征求意见”或“请求许可”。在口语中,can可以代替may,表示“允许”,在正式场合中,我们常用may表示请求、许可。She can speak a little English.她会说一点儿英语。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the North Street Hospital?打扰了,你能告诉我去北街医院的路吗?You can/may keep the book for two weeks.这本书你可以借两周。May I open the window?No,you mustnt.“我可以打开窗户吗?”“不,你不可以。”,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,注意 Can you?意为“你能吗?”表示客气地请求某人做某事,用could 比 can 语气更委婉。其肯定回答:Yes./Yes,I can./Sure,Id love to./Of course./Certainly./Yes,please.等,其否定回答:Sorry./Sorry,I cant.等。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()(1)_ you come to my party tomorrow?Sure,Id love to.ANeedBMust CMay DCan()(2)2010山西 _your American friend eat with chopsticks?Yes,but he cant use them well.ACanBShouldCMust,D,A,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,3 Maybe another time.那改天吧。点拨 another作形容词,意为“又一的,再一的”。I dont like this book.Can you give me another one?我不喜欢这本书,你能再给我一本吗?拓展 another还可作代词,意为“再一个;另一个”。They got on the bus one after another.他们一个接一个上了公交车。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()The shoes dont fit me.Would you please show me_?Athe other oneBthe others Canother pair Danother one,C,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,4 I am a little taller than her.我比她高一点。点拨(1)“比较级than”这一结构表示两者的比较。其中“比较级 and 比较级”,表示“越来越”。“The比较级,the比较级”表示“越,就越”。Its getting hotter and hotter.天气变得越来越热了。Our school is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的学校变得越来越漂亮了。The harder you study,the more you know.你学习越努力,你知道的就越多。The more carefully you do,the better you will do.你做得越认真,你就会做得越好。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,(2)在使用比较级时,为使比较的程度更确切,可以在比较级前加上一些修饰语。a little,a bit 表示“一点,稍微”;much,a lot,far表示“得多”;even表示“更”。It is even colder today than yesterday.今天比昨天更冷。,活学活用()This watch is _ than that one.Amore cheaper Bmuch cheap Cmore cheap Dmuch cheaper,D,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,5 Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘英不如她的姐姐体育好。点拨 asadj./adv.原级as表示“和一样”其否定形式:not as/soaslessthan表示“不及”I think English is as important as math.我认为英语和数学一样重要。,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用改为否定句Bob is as careful as Jerry.Bob_ _careful as Jerry.Bob_ _careful than Jerry.,isnt as/so,is less,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,高频考点,()1.Can you go shopping with me?_.I have to help my parents.ASure,Id love to BSorry,I cant CYes,I can DOK,lets go()2.Could you buy me an MP4 like this,uncle?Sure.I will buy you _ one than this,but _ this.Aa cheaper;as nice as Ba better;better than Ca worse;as nice as Da dearer;worse than,B,A,第6课时 互动学案,河南省专用,()3.My car runs _ than yours.Aquick Bquicker Cfast Dfaster()4.Liu Ying is _ her sister Liu Mei.Atall than Bas taller as Cnot as taller as Dnot so tall as()5.It is getting _ in summer.Awarm and warm Bthe warmer and the warmer Cwarmer and warmer Dmore and more warm,D,D,C,第7课时 Units 7-9,Book 8A,第7课时Units 7-9,Book 8A,第7课时 基础过关,河南省专用,(过去式)_(绞死;吊死)(过去式)_(逗留;悬挂),hanged,hung,won,winning,player,slept,lucky,luckily,第7课时 基础过关,河南省专用,nation,nationality,achieve,performance,violinist,pianist,artist,usual,第7课时 基础过关,河南省专用,cut up,addto,two slices/pieces of bread,watch a dolphin show,hang out,take photos,win a prize,at the end of,第7课时 基础过关,河南省专用,go for a drive,on ones day off,in the future,be born,stop doing sth,at the age of,take part in,major in,第7课时 基础过关,河南省专用,How much,On my next day off,go for a drive,camping,第7课时 基础过关,河南省专用,Luckily,brought,get wet,was she born,was born in,too,to,第7课时 基础过关,河南省专用,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,词汇点睛,1 turn v旋转;转动搭配 turn on 打开(电器等)turn off 关掉turn up 调大(音量等)turn down 调小,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用(1)The baby is sleeping.Please _the TV.孩子在睡觉,请把电视关掉。(2)Its too dark inside.Can you _ the light?里面太黑了,你能把灯打开吗?,turn off,turn on,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,2 win v获胜;赢(过去式和过去分词分别为:won,won)点拨 win一般接表示“比赛项目、奖励和名次”的名词,如:win a prize“获奖”,win the match/game“赢得比赛”。win后不接“某人”作宾语,接人的时候应该用动词beat。Our football team beat them and won the match easily yesterday.我们的足球队昨天很轻易地战胜了他们,赢了比赛。Maria won first prize in yesterdays singing competition.玛丽亚在昨天的歌唱比赛中得了第一名。拓展 winner 获胜者,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,3 else与other辨析(1)else是副词,意为“其他的;别的”,用来修饰不定代词(something,somebody),不定副词(somewhere,anywhere)和疑问词(what,who),且置于所修饰的词之后。(2)other是形容词,意为“其他的;别的”,一般修饰名词,放在所修饰的词之前。other本身也可作代词。,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,Do you have anything else to do?你还有其他的事情要做吗?What other things did you do?你还做了其他的什么事情?Some people came by car,others came on foot.有些人是坐汽车来的,其他人是走着来的。,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()What _ do you know about her?She often goes to the zoo with _ students.Aelse;else Bother;other Celse;other Dother;else,C,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,4 famous adj.著名的;出名的点拨 famous相当于wellknown。搭配 be famous for 以而出名be famous as 作为而出名Did Tina meet a famous actor?蒂娜碰见了一位著名的演员吗?New York is famous for its skyscrapers.纽约以其摩天大楼而驰名。He is famous as a writer.他是个有名的作家。,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,5 end n结束;结尾;尽头 v(使)结束;完成搭配 at the end of 在的尽头;在的末端(可以指时间,也可以指位置)in the end 最后;终于by the end of直到尽头(多用于过去完成时)end to end首尾连接排成一行end(with)sth结束;终止end up doing sth以做某事而结束,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用(1)You can find a post office_ the street.你会发现在街道的尽头有一个邮局。(2)We will take an exam _this month.本月末我们会进行一次考试。(3)The tiger jumped into the water_.最后,老虎跳进了水中。,at the end of,at the end of,in the end,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,(4)We had seen three English movies_ last term.截止到上个学期末,我们已经看了三部英文电影。(5)The discussion ended up _ jokes.讨论最后以讲笑话而结束。,by the end of,telling,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,6 alive,living和lively辨析(1)alive 意为“活着的;在世的”,用作表语,可修饰人或物。alive作定语时,通常放在所修饰的名词后面。All the other soldiers were killed in the battle.He was the only man alive.其他所有战士都阵亡了,他是唯一的幸存者。,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,(2)living 是形容词,意为“活着的;有生命的”,常作定语,也可用作表语,修饰人或物。the living 活着的人Are there any living things on those stars?那些星球上有生物吗?lively是形容词,意为“精力充沛的;活泼的;快活的”,用作表语或定语,可修饰人或物。He may be 80,but he is still lively.他可能已八十岁了,但是仍然精神矍铄。,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用(1)Both plants and animals are _ things.植物和动物都是生物。(2)Who is the greatest man _?谁是当今活着的最伟大的人?(3)The _ are the happiest.活着的人最幸福。(4)She has a _ daughter.她有一个活泼的女儿。,living,alive,living,lively,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,7 because of与because辨析(1)because of 是介词短语,意为“因为;由于”,后面接名词(短语)、代词等。(2)because 意为“因为”,是连词,后接原因状语从句。We didnt go to the movie because of the rain.We didnt go to the movie because it rained.由于下雨我们没去看电影。,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,活学活用()He didnt attend the meeting yesterday _ the late bus.AbecauseBbecause of Csince Dfor,B,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,8 join,join in,take part in与attend辨析(1)join表示“加入某一组织而成为其中的一员”,join后可直接跟表示人的名词或代词,表示“加入到某人或某些人的行列中去”。We are going swimming.Would you like to join us?我们要去游泳,你愿意和我们一起去吗?(2)join in表示“加入;参加(某种活动)”,in之后接名词或v.ing形式;表示“参加某人的某种活动”时,可用join sb in(doing)sth。Will you join us in playing basketball?你愿意和我们一起打篮球吗?,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,(3)take part in指参加会议或群众性活动,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在其中发挥作用。Im going to take part in the sports meeting.我将参加运动会。(4)attend意思是“出席;参加”,指参加会议或仪式、婚礼、葬礼或听报告等,强调的是这一活动本身,而不是强调参加者在活动中的作用。My mother attended an important meeting yesterday.我妈妈昨天出席了一个重要的会议。,第7课时 互动学案,河南省专用,1 How many bananas do we need?我们需要多少香蕉?How much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶?点拨 how many 和 how much 都可以用来提问


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