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    论口译员的记忆压力及提高口译员现场表现力的方法,On Interpreters Memory Load and Approaches to Improving Interpreters On-The-Spot Performance,【学位授予单位】:上海外国语大学【学位级别】:硕士【学位授予年份】:2008【本文作者】:赵燕,选题原则:,1、切乎实际;2、创新;3、有一定的弹性。,论题特征:,1、准确;2、醒目;3、新颖;4、简洁;5、具体。,论口译员的记忆压力及提高口译员现场表现力的方法,On Interpreters Memory Load and Approaches to Improving Interpreters On-The-Spot Performance,摘要,作用:对所写论文的简要概述,包括研究论题、方 法、意义以及由此得出的结论。特点:用词精炼准确,紧扣论题组成部分:(1)主题句:第一句话开门见山,直奔主 题,提出研究目的和对象;(2)主体句:文章构架,涉及研究方法、实验过程、调查或论证分析等(3)结束句:阐明结果、点明意义或引发 反思,【摘要】:长期以来人们都把口译员现场表现力欠佳归结为口译员先天不足的短期记忆力,从而引起了一系列误解。很多口译工作爱好者都因为自己不能在短期内存贮大量的信息而对口译实践活动失去了信心。一些口译界以外的人士也错误的认为只有那些天生具有出色的记忆能力的人才能从事口译活动。,针对以上观点,本论文从探讨人体记忆机制的特点出发,通过对口译这一特殊的社会实践活动的特点的分析和对上海外国语大学英语口译方向硕士研究生从事口译实践活动的实证研究,得出了口译人员的现场表现力并不完全取决于口译人员天生的记忆容量而是一系列因素共同作用的结果的结论,从而打破了人们长期以来的误解。,论文开篇第一章从人们长久形成的固有观点,即将口译人员现场表现力欠佳归结为口译员短期记忆力不足的观点入手,论述了本论文研究的课题的意义和主要研究方法,并对本论文的结构做出了简要的介绍。第二章主要介绍了口译这一特殊的社会实践活动的特点,人体的记忆机制及口译记忆机制的独特性,即口译中的三层记忆(瞬时记忆,短期记忆和长期记忆)。第三章主要通过对上海外国语大学英语口译方向硕士研究生从事口译实践活动的实证研究,弄清了口译人员在口译过程中所遇到的主要问题,从而初步地得出了口译人员现场表现力的好坏不仅与口译人员的短期记忆息息相关,还是很多种因素共同作用的结果的结论。,第四章主要针对第三章对上海外国语大学英语口译方向硕士研究生的调查问卷的情况和国内外学者已有的研究成果进一步详细的阐述了影响口译员现场表现力的一系列因素。第五章主要针对影响口译人员现场表现力的因素从日常训练和现场发挥两方面尝试性地提出了一套完整的可供口译人员自我训练以提高口译现场表现力的方法。第六章则针对本论文所探讨的一系列问题做出了总结,明确了本论文的现实意义和一些不足之处以供广大口译研究者和口译工作者们予以借鉴和进一步再作探讨。,鉴于国内外口译界学者到目前为止还没有提出一套完整的可供口译人员进行自我训练的方案的现状,本论文尝试性地提出了一套完整的可供口译人员自我训练以提高口译现场表现力的系统训练方法。提高口译人员现场表现力的方案主要分为两大部分。一部分是口译人员必须做日常训练的提高口语,听力,理解力和口译人员心理素质的训练模式。另一部分是口译人员在口译现场所应掌握的一系列技能和方法,即口译人员如何在现场减压,如何在口译现场将短期记忆发挥到最佳状态以及口译人员的现场表达技巧等等。,【关键词】:记忆;口译;现场表现力;实证研究【Key Words】:memory;interpretation;on-the-spot performance;case study,关键词,论文标题、摘要中的论题、关键词三者高度统一,【目录 Contents】:Acknowledgements4-5 Abstract5-7 摘要7-11 Chapter 1 Introduction11-14 1.1 False Illusion toward Interpretation11 1.2 The Significance and Feasibilities of the Present Study11-12 1.3 The Organization of the Thesis12-14 Chapter 2 Interpretation and the Role of Memory in Interpretation14-21 2.1 Interpretation14-17 2.1.1 The Definition of Interpretation14 2.1.2 Interpretation and Translation14-15 2.1.3 Interpreting Process15 2.1.4 Interpreting Models15-17 2.2 Human Memory Mechanism17-19 2.2.1 Introduction to Human Memory Mechanism17-18 2.2.2 The Three Memory Systems18-19 2.3 Memory in Interpretation19-21,Chapter 3 A Case Study on Factors Affecting Interpreters On-the-spot Performance21-31 3.1 Procedure21-22 3.2 Findings22-29 3.2.1 The Role of Memory in Interpreters On-the-spot Performance22-23 3.2.2 Factors Affecting Interpreters On-the-spot Performance23-25 3.2.3 The Most Important Qualities an Interpreter Should Have25 3.2.4 Interpreting Theory and Interpretation25-26 3.2.5 Interpreting Skills Training and Interpreting Practice26-27 3.2.6 Selfevaluation Work27-28 3.2.7 Preparation Work28-29 3.3 Conclusions29-30 3.3.1 The Most Important Element Determining Interpreters On-the-spot Performance29 3.3.2 Factors Affecting Interpreters On-the-spot Performance29-30 3.4 Implications of the Study30 3.5 Limitations of the Study30-31,Chapter 4 Factors Determining Interpreters On-the-spot Performance31-41 4.1 The Role of an Interpreter31-32 4.1.1 Interpreter as a Listener31 4.1.2 Interpreter as a Speech Producer31-32 4.1.3 Interpreter as a Communicator32 4.2 Basic Requirements for Interpreters32-34 4.2.1 Interpreting Quality Assessment32-33 4.2.2 Portrait of the“Ideal”Interpreter as Seen through DelegatesEyes33 4.2.3 The Prerequisite for Being a Qualified Interpreter33-34 4.3 Factors Determining Interpreters On-the-spot Performance34-41 4.3.1 Physiological Factors34-35 4.3.2 Language Ability35-36 4.3.3 Extra-linguistic Knowledge36-37 4.3.4 Psychological Factors37 4.3.5 Memory Load37-39 4.3.6 Interpreting Theories and Strategies39-41,Chapter 5 Approaches to Improving Interpreters On-the-spot Performance41-60 5.1 Aspects for Interpreters to Drill on a Regular Basis41-48 5.1.1 Reinforcing Bilingual Capabilities41-43 5.1.2 Enlarging Interpreters Extra-linguistic Knowledge43-45 5.1.3 Confidence-building Programs45-46 5.1.4 Familiarity with Interpreting Theories and Techniques46-48 5.2 Techniques for Interpreters to Use on the Spot48-60 5.2.1 Techniques to Relieving InterpretersMental Stress48-53 5.2.2 Approaches to Relieving Interpreters Memory Load53-57 5.2.3 Expressing Techniques57-60 Chapter 6 Conclusion60-61 Appendix 1 Questionnaire on Factors Affecting Interpreters61-63 Appendix 2 Statistics63-64 Bibliography64-67,论文观点结论 Conclusion:,Based on peoples false illusion that an interpreters excellent performance on the stage is determined by interpreters innate out-standing short-term memory ability,this thesis has made a tentative attempt to figure out all the factors affecting interpreters on-the-spot performance.At the very beginning of my writing,I have made a detailed study of the unique features of interpretation and the human memory mechanism.After probing into interpreting process and how the three memory systems function within the interpreting process,I find out that short-term memory alone does not determine an interpreters,on-the-spot performance.Following this finding,I have conducted a further research on the student interpreters at SISU in virtue of questionnaire and interview.The many participants in the program have given me invaluable hints.Enlightened by their responses,I have made a further attempt to find out all the factors that may interfere with interpreters on-the-spot performance besides memory.I have collected interpreters on-the-spot performance with interpreters physiology,interpreters characteristics,interpreters psychology and the way interpreters train themselves.After all these have done,I have also made a preliminary attempt to work out a complete self-training program for interpreters.I have divided the program into two parts:one is for the interpreter to drill on a regular basis;one for them to employ on the spot.,The main aim for my thesis is try to offer some effective approaches to help improve interpreters on-the-spot performance.I am surely confident that the findings I have obtained from my research and case study will offer some englightment for those who are determined to be excellent interpreters or who are interested in interpreter training program.Yet,as a pilot study,this thesis surely has its limitations.Concerning the issue as to how to help interpreters possess encyclopedia knowledge in a short time,there are contradictory points.Some people contend that an interpreter should know something of everything,yet no one can be masters of all trades.So how to balance these two aspects remains a problem to be solved by future study and researches.,结论 Conclusion,作用:揭示论文意义、升华主题。全文和论点的简单总结和复述内容:阐释论题在相关领域中的意义,所作研究的局限性和对未来进一步深入研究的建设性意见,


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