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    优秀的空乘面试英语自我介绍 优秀空乘面试自我介绍Hello my name isXXX.I am XX years old.I graduatedfrom XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. Ill try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job.空乘面试自我介绍阅读Good morning, everyone. Thank you for taking your time. Its really my honor to have this opportunity to take part in this interview. Now, I would like to introduce myself briefly.My name is Doris. I am 23 years old and born in Qingdao. I graduated from Hebei University of Science and Technology. My major is English. And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation. I also studied Audit in Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology. I am very interested in English and study very hard on this subject. I had passed TEM-8 and BEC Vantage. I worked in an American company at the beginning of this year. My spoken English was improved a lot by communicating with Americans frequently during that period.I am very optimistic and easy to get along with. I have many friends. Teamwork spirit is very important in this age. I think if we want to make big achievement, its very important to learn how to cooperate with other people. My motto is "characters determine destity", so I alwarys remind myself to be honest and modest to everyone .A verd says "attitude is everything". If I get this job, I will put all my heart in it and try my best to do it well.空乘面试英语自我介绍范文Good morning/afternoon, my name is Yang Haiyan , you can call me Yanzi.It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I will answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today.Now Id like to introduce myself briefly. I am 20 years old, Born in Shandong province. I grow up in a sweet family, composed of my dad, mom, brother and myself. The reason I want to be an airhostess is I like the feeling flying in the sky like a swallow. I am an optimistic and confident girl. I have full confidence for creating a bright future, and I believe I can do well in CAAC. I believe punctuality and diligence are crucial for career; therefore I will try my best.Although I just graduated from school, I have confidence to create my future. Soaring in the sky as an airhostess has been a dream for me since childhood. This is why Im longing for a job on a plane, and this is why Im standing here for this interview. I hope my application will be granted, so that I can devote my best service throughout the world as a airhostess member of CAAC.Thats all. Thank you for listening.优秀的空乘面试英语自我介绍相关


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