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    Bells Psycholinguistic View,Bell derives from works in psycholinguistics and assumes that the process of translating:(P.45)1)is a special case of the more general phenomenon of the human information process;,2)should be modeled in a way which reflects its position within the psychological domain of information processing;,3)takes places in both short-term and long-term memory through devices for decoding text in the source language and encoding text into the target language,via non-language-specific semantic representation;(语义表征),4)operates at the linguistic level of clause,irrespective of whether the process is one of the analysis of incoming signals or the synthesis of outgoing ones(monolingual,reading and/or writing,or bilingual,i.e.translation);,5)proceeds in both a bottom-up(自下而上)and top-down(自上而下)manner in processing text and integrates both approaches by means of a style of operation which is both cascaded(串联)and interactive(交互作用),i.e.analysis or synthesis at one stage need not be completed before the next stage is activated and revision is expected and permitted;,6)requires there to be,for both languages have:(1)a visual word-recognition system and a writing system 一个诉诸视觉的词语辨识系统和一个书写系统。,(2)a syntactic processor(句法处理器)which handles the options of the MOOD system and contains a,(3)frequent lexis store,(常用词汇存储)a lexical search mechanism,(词汇搜索机制)and frequent structure store and a parser(语法分析器)through which information passes to(or from)a,(4)semantic processor(语义分析器)hich handles the options available in the TRANSITIVITY system and exchanges information with a(5)pragmatic processor(语用分析器)which handles the option available in the THEME(主位)system,and there is also an,(6)idea organizer(意念组织器)which follows and organizes the progression of the speech acts in the text(and,if the text-type is not known,makes inferences on the basis of the information available)as part of the strategy for carrying out plans for attaining goals,devised and stored in the,(7)planner(计划器)which is concerned with creating plans for reaching goals of all kinds.Some of these plans may involve uses of language such as text-processing.This might include translating a text and this decision might well have made even before its first clause had been processed.(Bell,1991,45),From the above we can see that the translating process is not a linear one(非线性的)in which a stage follows another stage in a strict order.It is a process in which,although every stage must be passed through,the order is not fixed.,Bell goes on to divide the process of translating into two steps:analysis(分析)and synthesis(合成).In either step,three distinguishable aspects of operation are involved:syntactic information,semantic information,and pragmatic information,which co-occur roughly,with the five stages which are parsingy语法分析,expression,表达 development拓展,ideation,构思 planning策划.(p45/282),In the analysis phase,the translator first reads the source language text.The stage of reading and inputting is very important,for“it is not unusual for a reader to be able to parse a clause without understanding the meaning of the words in it”(Bell,1991,49),In the synthesis phase,“the translating process approaches the point where the source language text clause has been converted into a semantic representation and the translator has made the decision to translate the semantic representation into the target language text.”(Bell,1991,58),There are three mechanisms involved in this phase:the pragmatic,semantic,and syntactic processors.The pragmatic processor deals with the purpose,the thematic structure,and the style of the original;the semantic processor receives the purpose and works to create a structure to produce a satisfactory proposition;the syntactic processor scans the frequent structure store for an appropriate clause which will represent the proposition.,Steiners Hermeneutic View,George Steiner,Professor of several famous universities in America and Britain,applies a hermeneutic approach to translation and thinks that translation is a fourfold hermeneutic activity,namely,trust,aggression,import,and compensation.,Steiner calls the first stage trust“an investment of belief”(Steiner,2001,312),for the translator must trust the work s/he id doing,otherwise,s/he will not do it at all.,After trust comes aggression.The second move for the translator is incursive and extractive,for our understanding of the source text is an act“inherently appropriative and therefore violent”(Steiner,2001,313).,To depict it vividly,the translator breaks a linguistic code:“decipherments in dissective,leaving the shell smashed and the vital layers stripped.”(Steiner,2001,314),(对符号的阐释就是将其躯壳打碎,将内容暴露其外。)In the case of translation,the translator invades,extracts,and brings home the essence of the source information.,The third movement is incorporative,into which the language has already developed a complete linguistic system.But whatever the degree of naturalization,“the act of importation can potentially dislocate or relocate the whole of the native structure”(Steiner,2001,315),The last step is compensation.The activity of translating brings disequilibrium to the language system by taking from another language and adding to ones own.Compensation should therefore be made to keep the system in balance.,However,“both the outflow of energy from the source and the inflow into the receptor”(Steiner,2001,318)indicate that it is really difficult for the translator to find the ideal point without any loss of energy.The problem of being insufficient,superfluous,or whatever in poor translation,usually come from the final step.,Peter Newmark:(A Textbook of Translation,p19)My description of translating procedure is operational.It begins with choosing a method of approach.Secondly,when we are translating,we translate with four levels more or less consciously in mind:,the SL text level,the level of language,where we begin and which we continually(but not continuously)go back to;,1)You flatter me.误译:你拍我马屁。正译:你过奖了。,2)He is lying on his back.误译:他仰卧着在他的背上。正译:他仰卧着。,3)唐长安城划分为一百零八坊和东市、西市两个商业区。误译:It was divided into one hundred and eight workshops and two commercial districtsthe East City and the West City.,3)唐长安城划分为一百零八坊和东市、西市两个商业区。改译:It was divided into one hundred and eight squares and two commercial centres called the East Market and the West Market.,(2)the referential level,the level of objects and events,real or imaginary,which we progressively have to visualize and build up,and which is an essential part,first of the comprehension,then of the reproduction process;.,(3)the cohesive level,which is more general,and grammatical,which traces the train of thought,the feeling tone(positive or negative)and the various presuppositions of SL text.This level encompasses both comprehension and reproduction:it presents an overall picture,to which we may have to adjust the language level;,(4)The English arrived in North America with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the Spanish in South America,where explorers had discovered immense fortunes in gold and silver.Although Spain and England shared a pronounced lust for wealth,differences between the two cultures were profound.原译:英国人抱着和西班牙人开拓南美洲一样的动机来到北美洲,西班牙的探险者在南美洲发现了大批金银财宝。虽然西班牙和英国都同样明显地贪图财富,但是两国的文化却却在着很大的差异。,(4)The English arrived in North America with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the Spanish in South America,where explorers had discovered immense fortunes in gold and silver.Although Spain and England shared a pronounced lust for wealth,differences between the two cultures were profound.改译:当年西班牙探险者在南美洲发现了大批金银财宝。英国人来到北美洲的动机也如出一辙。尽管两国对财富的贪欲同样强烈,但是两国在文化上却存在着巨大的差异。,5)唐长安城包括今西安城和近郊区,面积相当于现在西安城的七倍半,城周有三十六点七公里,城内居住着约一百万人口。原译:The Changan City in the Tang Dynasty included todays Xian city proper and its suburbs.Its area was seven and a half times as large as Xian city.Its circumference was 36.7 kilometers.There lived about one million people in the city.,5)唐长安城包括今西安城和近郊区,面积相当于现在西安城的七倍半,城周有三十六点七公里,城内居住着约一百万人口。改译:The Changan City in the Tang Dynasty included todays Xian city proper and its suburbs.It covered an area seven and a half times as large as Xian city,with a circumference of 36.7 kilometers.It had a population of about one million.,(4)the level of naturalness,of common language appropriate to the writer or the speaker in a certain situation.,Finally,there is the revision procedure,which may be concentrated or staggered according to the situation.,Newmark emphasizes revision thus:“Revision is also a technique that you acquire.I suggest you spend on revising 50-70%of the time you took on translating,depending on the difficulty of the text.If you have the time,do a second revision a day or so later.It is difficult to resist making continual improvements in the taste area,and this is harmless provided you make sure that each revised detail does not impair the sentence or the cohesion of the text.If appropriate,the final test should be for naturalness:read the translation aloud to yourself.”(A Textbook of Translation,37),Some Dos and Donts for Students,(1)First read the whole text at least two times and study it intensively,trying to fully understand the content,the subject-matter,the style,the background,the intention of the author,the purpose of the translation,the needs of the client,and the reader for whom the translation is intended,etc.In translating technical data,try to know relevant information about the specialized subject.Dont hurry to begin translating one sentence after another without a study of the whole text.,(2)When coming across a new word or a difficult expression,analyze the context,the grammatical and logical relationships before looking it up in reliable dictionaries(English-Chinese and English-English)or consulting the materials concerned,then choose the correct meaning and use the right word.,(3)Pay attention to the connections of words,sentences and paragraphs so as to make the translation smooth,expressive and well-knit.(4)Read the foreign language but think in our own-read and understand the original text,form a thought or an image in our mind,think in Chinese and see how we can express the thought as if it were our own.,(5)Don t be confined or restricted by the foreign words we see in the text,but express the original thought appropriately in Chinese.(6)Compare the original with the translated,and revise the draft.,Usually there are three steps in the process of translation:Comprehension(理解),Representation(表达),Checking-up(校核),4.1.Comprehension(理解)4.1.1 Have a good grasp of the linguistic phenomenon,the meaning of the vocabulary,the sentence structure and idiomatic usages.准确理解词义,e.g.(1)The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the poor.,e.g.(1)The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the poor.新市长来看望了城市贫民,这一表示关心的举动赢得了他们的某种好感。,2)It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated.,2)It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated.当您认识到您的崇高事业受到人们如此 广泛的尊敬和赞赏时,您就力量倍增。(或:您就有了力量。),3)“What did he say?“He smiled a little.I suppose he thought me very silly.He said he had another fish to fry.”“他说什么?”“他笑了笑,我猜想他一定觉得我这个人非常蠢。他说他没有那么多闲功夫。”,4.1.2 Have a thorough comprehension of the underlying logic of the original.The logical relationships can help you to comprehend what the grammatical relationships cannot.理解逻辑关系,e.g.(1)After all,all living creatures live by feeding on something else,whether it be plant or animal,dead or alive.原译:毕竟所有活着的生物,不论是植物还是动物,死的还是活的,都靠吃某种别的东西生存。,e.g.(1)After all,all living creatures live by feeding on something else,whether it be plant or animal,dead or alive.改译:所有活的动物毕竟都靠吃别的东西来生存,而不管这些东西是植物或动物,是死的还是活的。,2)John has bought the Times.,2)John has bought the Times.A:John has bought a copy of the Times.B:John has bought the press enterprise,which publishes the Times.,1.3 Try to have a thorough understanding of the subject matter concerned.A translator should be familiar with the cultural background of the language,this includes historical,literary,philosophical and even religious references and allusions.,e.g.John can be relied on.He eats no fish and plays the game.,e.g.John can be relied on.He eats no fish and plays the game.约翰为人可靠。他既忠诚又正直。to eat no fish means to be loyal and honest.to play the game means to play fair;behave in a just honorable and fair manner(规规矩矩地比赛,为人正直),4.2.Representation(表达)Representation is the result of comprehension,but accurate comprehension does not mean adequate representation.It seems that sometimes you understand the meaning of the sentence,but you dont know how to represent it in appropriate words.At this stage,words chosen and sentences constructed must all be expressed to convey the accurate meaning of the original.,(1)Use the dictionary flexibly e.g.Ignorance of the law excuses no man.,e.g.Ignorance of the law excuses no man.谁也不能以不懂法律来替自己辩解。,(2)Change the order of the sentencee.g.You will fail unless you work harder.你不努力工作就会失败。,e.g.Mr.Han believes that many Chinese are overlooking the potential risks because of a“worship of market forces”and the alluring prospect of cheaper imported goods.译文:韩先生认为,许多中国人由于“崇拜市场能量”,并且受到便宜的进口商品的诱惑,对于人世的潜在风险缺乏足够的认识。,e.g.Overall,there could be a net gain in jobs,but the WTO membership will not reverse the trend of growing rural and urban unemployment.It is likely to aggravate disparities between regions as areas unencumbered by large numbers of state-owned enterprises make the biggest gain.译文:总的说来,WTO会创造新的就业机会。但它无法扭转城乡失业率的增长趋势。另外,国有企业数量较少的地区将成为最大的赢家,由此还可以进一步扩大地区差别。,(3)Split the sentence e.g.It is a curious fact,of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation,that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.原译:这是件我不能想出解释的事,就是正好那些天气最坏和寻找风景如画的地方最带有困难的欧洲国家是对乡村生活具有的热情和对自然景色具有的爱心最强烈的和最普遍的。,e.g.It is a curious fact,of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation,that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.改译:欧洲有些国家,天气坏透,那里的人要辛苦一番,才能找到景色如画的地方。奇怪,他们恰好最喜欢过乡村生活,也最爱欣赏天然风景,而且这个情形也极普遍。这是实情,我怎么也提不出叫人满意的解释来。,4)Add or delete some words e.g.(1)Condit came out with his political smile.,e.g.(1)Condit came out with his political smile.康迪特走出去时,脸上带着政客惯有的笑容。,(2)A doctors duty is to make every effort to save the dying and help the wounded.医生的职责是尽心尽力地救死扶伤.,4.3 Checking up Guesswork or carelessness always causes a translator to make foolish mistakes.So you should check whether the translation omits anything or makes any mistakes;check whether the translation is economical and natural without any translationese.(翻译腔).,1)Check the names of persons,places,dates,directions,nume


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