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    主页面,Unit 9College Success Made Easy,Before Reading-warm up,WARM-UP ACTIVITIES,Think:1.In your idea,what is the standard to judge whether a student is successful or not in the university?What tips can you give for becoming a top student?How to live a meaningful college life?,Before Reading-warm up,WARM-UP ACTIVITIES,Pair Work:Make a dialog with your partner based on those three questions.,Oral Practice:Make a mini-speech on the topic“How to Be a Successful College Student”.,Before Reading-understanding the text,PRE-READING ACTIVITIES,Listen and try to answer the following questions.,1.What do other students feel about the top student?2.What is the best test takers technique in taking a test?3.What is the writers attitude toward top-students phenomenon?.,Global Reading-main idea,Text Structure Analysis,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point New Words,arouse vt.1.ause(sth.)to happen 引起,唤起,激起 He succeeded in arousing the nations sympathy.他成功地唤起了全国的同情。2.wake(sb.)from sleep 唤醒 He was aroused from his sleep by the doorbell.门铃声把他从睡眠中唤醒。NOTES:rouse,arouse,rise,arise,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point New Words,whatsoever ad.used with such negative words as not,nothing,none,etc.for emphasis 任何,丝毫The new boss has done nothing whatsoever to improve efficiency.新来的老板在提高效率方面什么也没做。There is no doubt whatsoever that the scientist has devoted all his life to his cause.毫无疑问这位科学家把一生都献给了事业。NOTES:whatever,however,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point New Words,magnificent a.very good or beautiful;very impressive出色的,宏伟的,壮丽的This is a magnificent book that I will treasure forever!这本极佳之作我会永远珍藏!Her diamond earrings were magnificent.她的钻石耳饰非常漂亮。NOTES:brilliant,glorious,splendid,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point New Words,outstanding a.very good;excellent优秀的,突出的He is an outstanding student.他是个优秀学生。Students with outstanding university records may win scholarships.学习成绩优秀的大学生可获奖学金。NOTES:great,striking,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point New Words,awaken vt.make someone experience a feeling 唤醒,激起My first visit to a theatre awakened an interest which never left me.第一次去电影院我的兴趣就被激发起来,后来就再也没有减退过。NOTES:awaken is often used in a figurative sense.The commonly seen expressions are“awaken ones interest”,“awaken ones enthusiasm”,etc.,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point New Words,entertain v.1.be ready and willing to think about something 考虑,怀着No one would entertain such a proposal.谁都不会考虑这样的建议。2.do something to amuse and interest people 使快乐;给娱乐His jokes failed to entertain the children.他的笑话没能逗乐孩子。NOTES:entertainment,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases,stand out be much better than other people or things突出;出色She stood out among the students by herbeauty.她的美丽使她在学生中与众不同。As a student,Molly stands out from the rest of her classmates.作为学生,莫利在班上是出类拔萃的人物。NOTES:stand up/stand up to/stand up for,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases,with ease without difficulty 容易地,不费力地 Anne was intelligent and capable of passing her exams with ease.安妮很聪明,通过考试毫不费力。He handled the problem with ease.他轻松地处理了这个问题。,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases,sit back make no effort to do something闲坐着,不作努力They didnt do anything except sit back and enjoy life.他们除了坐享生活,什么也不干。We cant afford to sit back with so many things to be done.要干的活那么多,我们可不能坐视不动。NOTES:sit by,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases,get behind fail to do as much as one should have done拖延Hes always getting behind with his work.他工作老是不能完成。I cant sleep at night because Im worried about getting behind with my work.我晚上睡不着,担心工作完不成。NOTES:get behind with/lag behind,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases,strike sb.as sth give somebody a particular opinion or feeling给某人某种感觉或印象She struck him as a very controlled woman.他感到她是个很克制的女人。The idea struck.me as somehow weird as I have never heard of it before.我觉得这主意有点怪,因为我以前从来没听说过。NOTES:strike sb as odd/strike sb as silly,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases,adapt to Change ones behavior or attitude so as to used to something new调整,适应It took her several months to adapt to the quick pace of city life.她花了几个月时间才适应城市的快节奏生活。Some students have difficulty adapting to college life.一些学生适应大学生活比较困难。NOTES:adapt for,adapt from,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Sentence Structure,No matter how difficult a professors question is,that one special student seems to know the answer.【翻译】不管教授的问题有多艰深,这个学生似乎都知道该如何 作答。【解析】no matter how+adj./adv+subject+verb 无论/不管多么的,Or:however+adj./adv+subject+verb No matter how careful you are,sometimes youll make mistakes.However careful you are,sometimes youll make mistakes.,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Sentence Structure,2.There will be more desire at half past eleven to read a political science article that sounded really interesting than to begin trying to study French irregular verbs,a necessary task that strikes you as pretty dull.【解析】较长的比较句型翻译时有时将主句和从句分开并列译常 常更容易理解,不一定要译为“比.更”。There will be more desire at half past eleven to read a political science article than(there will be less desire)to begin trying to study French irregular verbs【翻译】在十一点半的时候你会更愿意去阅读那些听起来都的确有趣的政治学文章,而不太情愿去学习法语不规则动词,那任务让人觉得十分枯燥,但又不能不做。,Detailed Reading-language points,Language Point Sentence Structure,3.Should you ask successful students around you,you will discover more tips.【翻译】如果你问一下自己周围表现优异的同学,你会发现更多的好点子。【解析】倒装:Should+subject+verb=If+subject+verb Should a serious crisis arise,the public would have to be informed of it.Should your car break down,change to a bus.Should you change your mind,no one will be upset.,I.Matching Game,granterror factormission cease weird alter accomplish,_complete _mistake_give _cause _important task _stop _very strange _change,c,f,e,g,h,b,a,d,Practice,Guided Practice,After Reading-guided practice,Guided Practice,上交闲坐着,不作努力拖延完成或处理某事与有关艰难地完成(使)适应,turn in sit back get behind get sth out of the way have to do withplow throughadapt to,II.Guessing the meaning,After Reading-story telling,Making summary,Group Work:Please give a summary of the text with the words and phrases given below.,student,stand out,fantastic,three tips,dont get behind,always do most difficult task first,get sth.out of the way,best test taker,being excellent,Reference,Global Reading-main idea,There is at least one student in your class who stands out as being fantastic.For you to be one like that,the author comes up with three tips:First,dont get behind;second,always do whats most difficult first,just to get it out of the way;and third,be the best test taker.As long as you keep learning from the best,you will stand out as being excellent in the future.,Making summary,After Reading-assignment,Assignment,Topic:Different Reasons for People Enrolling in Recurrent Education(继续教育)Specific Details:improve job skillsenjoy learningmeet people and make new friends,HINTS:general statement supported by specific details120-150 words,Essay Writing,新视野大学英语读写教程多媒体课件,结束页面,


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