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    1,1,写 作 福建医科大学 吴 臻,英语写作的内容,考试大纲对写作的要求作文的题材作文的题型作文的体裁(以论说文为主)解释说明类 对比类 比较类 立论类,作文的题材,工作学习(97)The Problems I Have in My English Study(98)Why We Work业余活动 Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports 交通(95)On Automobiles科技(01)The Greatest Invention in the Past Century 人生观(00)Which is More Important,Wealth or Health?社会热点(96)The Role of Migrant Workers(99)The Qualities of the Cross-Century Talents文化及风俗 Should Fireworks Be Banned?谚语类 Haste Makes Waste,作文的题型,提纲式作文情景作文根据所给的图表进行描写和评论看图作文写文章摘要,作文的体裁,解释说明类(97)The Problems I Have in My English Study My Favorite Program We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge 对比类(00)Which is More Important,Wealth or Health?Reading Selectively or Extensively?比较类(95)On Automobiles(98)Why We Work Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports立论类 Bicycle An Important Means of Transport in China,如何进行英语写作 I(提纲式作文),如何审题如何拟提纲如何写开头段(Introduction)如何写正文(Body)如何写结尾段(Conclusion)写作的模式整体性和连贯性如何使句子多样化检查,审 题,注意阅读标题和提纲审题时易犯的错误:I 偏离主题Ex.1 Title:Advantages of a Job Interview Outline:1、现在找工作一般都要进行面试,通过面试,面试者和应试者可以互相了解情况。2、面试者可以向应试者介绍情况,如工作性质、条件、待遇等。3、应试者也有机会给对方留下一个好的印象,如可以表现自信心,可以介绍教育背景、工作能力等。Ex.2 Title:Bicycle An Important Means of Transport in China Outline:1、为什么自行车在中国很普及。2、和汽车的比较。3、自行车在中国的前途。,II 忽略提纲之间的内在联系 Ex.3 Title:We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge Outline:1、科学技术是社会发展所不可缺少的。2、社会科学和自然科学相互渗透。3、现代大学生需要广博的知识。审题三步骤 1、题目是什么?(topic)2、需要回答什么问题?(论述的角度)a.wh/how question b.yes/no question 3、提纲各条内容之间是什么关系?如何布局?引言或开头段(introduction):提出问题 正文(body):分析问题 结尾段(conclusion):解决问题,拟 提 纲,Ex.1 Title:Bicycle An Important Means of Transport in ChinaTopic:bicycles Question:Why are bicycles an important means of transport in China?Introduction:China is popular for its emperor of bicycles.a.cheap,affordable b.traffic condition Body:Riding a bicycles has a lot of advantages over driving a car.a.a physical exercise to ride a bicycle,gain weight in a car b.more economical to ride a bicycle than a car c.no need for much parking space d.no pollutionConclusion:Bicycles will still be a popular means of transport in China for quite a long time.,Ex.2 Title:Advantages of a Job Interview Topic:job interview Question:What are the advantages of a job interview?Introduction:A job interview is advantageous both to the interviewer and to the interviewee.Body 1:It is advantageous to the interviewer.a.get first impression of the interviewee b.let the interviewee know about the job c.get the interviewees ambitionBody 2:It is also advantageous to the interviewee.a.make a good impression on the interviewer b.introduce his qualifications c.demonstrate his abilities Conclusion(增加部分):The job interview is important.,如何写开头段(Introduction),在开头段中应引出主题,提出从何角度讨论这一问题,并确立论点。Ex.1 Title:Advantages of a Job Interview(1)Nowadays,when one applies for a job,he will be interviewed before he can be employed.(2)A job interview is advantageous to both the interviewer and the interviewee.(3)Its an effective way for the interviewer to know about applicant and the interviewee to know about the job he is applying for.Ex.2 Title:We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge(1)Knowledge is power.(2)Scientific and technological knowledge is especially the case.写开头段的方法常用于开头的句型,开门见山法 Ex.The cross-century talents should possess the following qualities.They should have profound knowledge,creative ability,good command of a foreign language and proficient skill in computer.背景导入法 Ex.1 A total of 11.5 million workers had been laid off from the state-owned bankrupt enterprises by the end of last year,and the figure is expected to continue to rise as technology becomes more advanced.Ex.2 With the development of industry and increase of employment in cities,more people are swarming into cities.As a result,accommodations have become very difficult.设问法 Ex.How should we read?Should we read selectively or extensively?Everyone has his own view.定义法 Ex.Patriotism is love of ones country.引语法,如何写正文(Body),一般写成一段或两段每个正文段落包括二至三部分:1、主题句(topic sentence)一般位于句首,表达全段的中心思想,句子尽量简洁,无语言错误。2、扩展句(supporting sentence)围 绕主题句展开,阐述主题句观点,可应用不同的方式来扩展主题句。3、结尾句(concluding sentence)总结全段的内容,与主题句相呼应。有时可以无结尾句。常用的衔接词和短语,扩展主题句的方式,列举法(Listing):first,second,lastly,finally,one,another,for one thing,for another,in addition,to begin with,etc 举例法(Example):for example,for instance,such as,also,that is,besides,moreover,additionally,namely,etc因果法(Cause and Effect):as a result,therefore,thus,so,consequently,owing to,due to,because of,for this reason,on account of,since,as,accordingly,result in/from,etc比较和对比法(Comparison and Contrast):in contrast,on the contrary,in comparison,just as,likewise,while,etc分类法(Classification):divide/classify into定义法(Definition):mean,be defined as类比法(Analogy):be like,equal,be compared to,Ex.1 Title:My Favorite TV Program Body1:(1)World Report aims at keeping audiences informed about the international situation.(2)It introduces the important events which happen recently all around the world,for example,international conferences,new scientific discoveries and armed conflicts.(3)It reports serious accidents,such as air-crashes,train derailments.(4)It also reports natural disasters,for instance,earthquake,volcanic eruption,flood and drought which occur in various countries.Body2:(1)There are several factors which may account for my preference of the program.(2)First,the information is not only new but just and objective.(3)Besides,the news announcers broadcasting quality as well as their facial expressions is excellent.(4)Finally,the video quality of this program is also wonderful.,Ex.2(1)Different people hold different attitudes towards a failure.(2)When faced with it,some can stand up to it,learn valuable things from it and try their best to fulfil what they are determined to do.(3)Others,on the contrary,lose heart and give in.They do nothing but complain about themselves and the objective conditions.Ex.3 Substances can be divided into three kinds:solid,liquid and gas.(topic sentence)Ex.4 We all declare for liberty,but using the same word we do not mean the same thing.(topic sentence)Ex.5 A friend is a safe port in a storm.,如何写结尾段(Conclusion),总结全文 与开头段相呼应 如果提纲明确要求阐述“我的看法”,在结尾段一定要具体阐述建议或希望。Ex.1 Title:Advantages of a Job Interview Introduction:Nowadays,when one applies for a job,he will be interviewed before he can be employed.A job interview is advantageous to both the interviewer and the interviewee.Its an effective way for the interviewer to know about applicant and the interviewee to know about the job he is applying for.Conclusion:In conclusion,the job interview is significant.Both the interviewer and the interviewee can benefit from it.,Ex.2 Title:Reading Selectively or Extensively?Conclusion:In my opinion,we should read both selectively and extensively.We ought to distinguish good books from indecent and vulgar books.The latter should never be touched,but the significance of good reading cannot be overvalued.Our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment,and there is no such thing as“too many”in reading good books.常用于结尾的词组和句型,写作的模式,模式一:开头段:第一段:(两句)S1:写出文章所要围绕的大致话题;S2:确立文章主题。正文:第二段:(七句)S3:引出作者持有此观点的理由;S4:理由1 S5:支持理由1的细节1 S6:支持理由1的细节2 S7:理由2 S8:支持理由2的细节1 S9:支持理由2的细节2 结尾段:第三段:(两句)S10、S11:总结全文,与文章主题相呼应。,模式二:开头段:第一段:(两句)S1:写出文章所要围绕的大致话题;S2:写出两种不同观点。正文:第二段:(三句)S3:写出正方观点的理由;S4:支持正方理由的细节1 S5:支持正方理由的细节2 第三段:(三句)S6:写出反方观点的理由;S7:支持反方理由的细节1 S8:支持反方理由的细节2 结尾段:第四段:(两句)S9:明确作者的观点;S10:总结全文,与其中一观点相呼应,强化主题。,整体性和连贯性,整体性:各个段落均围绕文章主题。连贯性:段落之间以合乎逻辑的方式排列,读起来通顺流畅。1、运用代词 2、重复关键词 3、采用同义词 4、使用过渡词(启承转合)Ex.Giant pandas are facing extinction.For one thing,they often suffer from hunger because bamboo blossoms and dies.For another thing,the birth rate of these rare animals is so low that they can not successfully reproduce themselves.The greatest threat to these endangered animals,however,is from human beings.Some hunt them for their furs;others cultivate their natural habitat for more farmland.In a word,food shortage,low birth rate and human intervention lead to the decreasing number of giant pandas.,改变句子结构 Ex.1 More and more people finally got to know the fact.Ex.2 We were absorbed in the beautiful scenery and forgot the time.Ex.3 They heard the noise and immediately rushed out of the room.Ex.4 We had to wait in the rain for an hour to meet the chairman.Ex.5 They broke into loud cheers when they heard the news.Ex.6 Stormy applause broke forth when the champion athletes appeared on the stage.Ex.7 The young representatives fondest hope was that the legislature would pass the anti-smoking bill.Ex.8 Linda,normally a timid girl,argued heatedly with them about the air pollution.交替使用长、短句 Ex.(1)Advertising can be a service to the customer.(2)This is true when ads give reliable information about the goods advertised.(3)Such information is needed if the customer is to make a sensible choice when he goes shopping.(4)It is useful in that it lets him know of the kinds of goods in the shops.(5)Printed ads do this job best.(6)Customers can collect them and compare them.(7)They can be taken along to shops and checked against the actual goods in the shops.,检查拼写、大小写、标点符号检查语法错误 1、时态:Ex.1 You can pass the exam easily if you will work hard at these books.Ex.2 She planned to finish the work at 5,and then she changes her mind.2、语态:Ex.3 All the windows in the house are said to break last night.Ex.4 The accident was happened when he was away.3、主谓一致:Ex.5 Half of the fruit are bad.Ex.6 The team are composed of twenty young men.Ex.7 A series of lectures on computer science have been scheduled.Ex.8 The young is usually interested in this film.4、非谓语动词:Ex.9 Surrounding by the police he had no choice but to give up.Ex.10 Weather permits,the bus will leave the city at 10.,检查词汇错误 1、词性误用:Ex.1 Li Yong is very humor.Ex.2 I watch the program everyday.success-succeed;affect-effect;rise-raise;sometime-sometimes;adopt-adapt;custom-customer;etc.2、赘述:Ex.3 The technology is advancing pletely eliminate;combine together;fall down;enter into;in the modern world of today;new innovation;return back;true facts;etc.3、关键词遗漏:Ex.4 I hate self-centered people.Ex.5 This novel tells us his life in childhood.写作中常见的其它错误:1、串句:Ex.1 Mary decided to stop smoking,she didnt want to die of lung cancer.Ex.2 I took lots of vitamin C,however I still came down with the flu.Ex.3 Even you do it now,you cant make it in time.,2、从句独立成句:Ex.4 There are many ways to improve city traffic.For example,widening the streets,building subways and so on.Ex.5 Marys mother was ill.So she didnt attend Toms birthday party.3、平行结构:Ex.6 While we reduce the number of vehicles,the speed of traffic can be increased.Ex.7 People not only want to eat enough food,but also7want to eat better.Ex.8 The price of milk isnt higher than grain.Ex.9 But other people argue that everyone has a certain opportunity and a wise man will never lose it whenever it arises.4、连词:Ex.10 Smoking is harmful to health.On the one hand,it can cause lung cancer.On the other hand,it can increase the chances of having a miscarriage if a woman is pregnant.,5、搭配:Ex.11 However,the speed of a car is much faster than that of a bicycle.Ex.12 We students should study/learn as much knowledge as possible so that we can be fully prepared for the future.6、赘言(简洁问题):Ex.13 In my opinion,I believe the free medical system is in need of reform.Ex.14 We must cooperate together to make our cities greener and cleaner.Ex.15 The number of film-goers has decreased,and it is due to the reason why they find it more convenient to watch TV at home.Ex.16 In spite of the fact that his initial experiments had failed,he persisted in his research.7、残缺句:Ex.17 Is that middle school where you studied two years ago?,8、There be 结构:Ex.18 There are many people like to go to the movies.9、more and more 结构:Ex.19 Nowadays young people who seek to go abroad are becoming more and more.10、“众所周知”的句型:Ex.20 As is known to all that China has the largest population in the world.11、逻辑错误:Ex.21 They should spend their holidays to have a long trip.12、中式英语:Ex.22 The reason for brain drain has three respects.Ex.23 The cause of the traffic accidents mostly is peoples carelessness.Ex.24 Mike has left for half an hour.Ex.25 I helped him as possible as I could.Ex.26 Please come at six if you are convenient.Ex.27 We are impossible to finish it by tomorrow.,如何进行英语写作 II(情景作文),分析提示,认真审题,选择自己的观点草拟提纲,确定短文的布局结构 开头段:根据题目中给出的情景,简要叙述主题产生的背景,提出自己的观点。正文:提出充分的理由来支持自己的观点。结尾段:总结全文,强调主题。Ex.Migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities.In this part,you are to write about“The Role of Migrant Workers”.You can agree or disagree,completely or partially to the above statement.But no matter which position you take,you should give sound supporting reasons.Introduction:Migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities.,Body:1、take up dangerous,strenuous jobs 2、clean and beautify the cities 3、offer labor:free women from heavy housework Conclusion:Migrant workers promote the development of cities.Migrant workers leave their homeland for better chances,Some want to change their destiny;some want to make a fortune.Whatever purposes they cherish,they have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities.Most of the migrant workers are hard working and unafraid of hardships.They take up the dirtiest,the most dangerous or strenuous jobs which city laborers are unwilling to do.With lots of buildings they have set up and streets they have kept clean,they have helped modernize and beautify the cities.Not only have they become the main work force in the construction sectors,they also have helped liberate city women from heavy housework chores by taking care of the babies,cleaning houses or providing any other service citizens need.Although some of the citizens complain about the increasing number of the problems such as theft,robbery a few of migrant workers have committed,most of the citizens agree that their contribution is obvious,and they do promote the development of cities.,Why People Work?,Introduction:Work is part of mans life.Body:1.Work is indispensible to mans existence.It provides material things of life.2.Work is beneficial to mans health.The more the work,the more active the mind.3.Work offers ambitious people chances to realize their value.e.g.A writer or a scientist Conclusion:We should regard work not only as means of making a living but also means of living a more fruitful life.Some people live to work.(for pleasure and satisfaction)Other people work to live.(for money)In my opinion,如何进行英语写作 III(图表作文),图表种类分析图表描绘图表,得出结论(Introduction)分析原因,发表议论(Body)总结全文,提出建议(Conclusion)应注意的问题:图表有无时间参照,table:表示多种事物相互之间的关系 Ex.Changes in Peoples Diet bar graph:比较几种事物在一段时间内的增减情况 Ex.Film are Giving Way to TV line graph:表示一种事物的上升或下降趋势 Ex.Air Pollution and Cancerpie graph:表示各种事物在总数中所占的比例 Ex.Major Causes of Road Accidents,了解清楚表格、图形、数据、百分比、分类、横线、纵线等所代表的含义。从整体看图表有何发展变化,找出特点、规律。分析数字,从众多的数字中抓住所反映的问题和发展趋势。可结合所给的标题和提纲进行分析。,抓典型:并不需要描述、引用所有的数字,只就典型数字说明原因及关系。按情理得出结论:基于图形所给事实,得出合乎情理的结论,做到自圆其说,具有说服力。结论可以放在段首,也可以放在段尾。熟悉描绘图表常用的表达法。,如何进行英语写作 IV(摘要),仔细阅读,正确理解作者的观点或文章的主要内容,可在原文中划出将采用的要点。简要地在草稿上列出这些要点。根据所列内容组织成文,其顺序应与原文内容基本相同。可删去文中的细节、举例、详细数字,按字


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