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    Jane Eyre简爱英文版.ppt

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    Jane Eyre简爱英文版.ppt

    Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte,The Bronte Sisters,Charlotte Bronte(1816-1855)Jane Eyre 简爱,Emily Bront(18181848)Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄,Anne Bront(1820-1849)Agnes Grey 阿格尼斯格雷,Author:Charlotte Bront(夏洛蒂勃朗特)(April 21,1816 March 31,1855)was an English novelist,the eldest of the three Bront sisters(勃朗特三姐妹)whose novels have become enduring classics of English literature.There is a story about Bronte and her sisters.In this family,in order to push their younger brother to study,three elder sisters accompanied his study every night.At last,the young man was consumed with Alcohol and Drugs and reduced to philistine.On the contrary,three girls were all famous with their own works.Today I will highlight their elder sisterCharlotte Bronte and her masterpiece.,Jane Eyre,Edward Rochester,Adle,Mrs Fairfax,St John Rivers,Lady Ingram,elder male cousin,wooer,Mr.Brocklehurst,the schools financial manager,Mrs.Reed,Jane Eyres Story,Jane had a terrible childhood,when she was very young she became an orphan and lived with her Uncle.After her uncles death,her aunt treated her badly and at last Jane was taken to LOWOOD INSTITUTION,where she spent eight years there.Eight years later,Jane became a governess at Thornfield,and met her master Mr.Rochester.Then true love came about between the two persons.When Rochester was young,because of property disputes,he was asked to marry Bertha Manson,who turned out to be a mad woman few years later.Rochester lived with hopeless and careless until Janes appearance.,However,when they held the wedding,Berthas brother turned up and stopped them,for Rochester had a wife living.Though Jane loved her master with great affection,she decided to leave him.After suffering a lot in her leaving way,she met her cousin,Brocklehurst,and inherited a large number of legacies.When he promised to Jane Eyre,she thought of Mr.Rochester and finally returned.After finding Rochesters misfortune brought by his original mad wife,Jane chose to stay with him forever.,Self-Respect and Self-Confidence,Her self-respect is related to her life environment.She is poor but aspiring,small in body but huge in soul.In her opinion,everyone is the same at Gods feet.Though there are differences in status,in property and also in appearance,all the human beings are equal in personality.,Jane Eyre is exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.Jane,casting alone on the world and fighting a solitary battle,shows her determination in pursuing her self-esteem and independence at every stage of her life,both in struggling with social pressure and resisting the temptation of passion and love.In every relationship,Jane rises from inferiority to superior,and finally gains full independence through continuous rebellion.,Independence Spirit,I miss him,love him,hazing,indelible,is not the sun,dispel the sand storms blow can build a statue.我思念他,挚爱他,刻骨铭心,不可磨灭,并非是阳光驱散的雾气,更不是风暴可以吹塌的沙造塑像。This is the name on the inscription engraved like marble,alex,wherever I go,my heart is toward him,longing to him and bless him.这是刻在碑文上的名字,注定像大理石那样历久远,无论我到哪里,我的心都是向着他,渴望着他,祝福着他。,Sentence Reviews,My View,Janes life was sympathetic and hard,but her strong mind to pursue equal and independent impressed me deeply.Jane thought that love was based on the spiritual equality,and only loved each other can couple obtained happiness.So Jane didnt give up her love because of the social status.Rochester was in the upper class,but he had fed up with the sham of it.It was Janes kind and strong mind that woke him up just like a fresh wind.,Janes story makes me thinking about my life and I learned much from her experience.We should have a strong mind,be tolerate and have confidence and courage to confront with difficulties and troubles.,Thank You,


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