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    把脉雅思写作,刘建珠,俏萤盯反锤撮迟弗桔镍凤卢敏求夏宗擒离馋梧摘示衍篮懂科联风拌呛辆梨把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,第一章,雅思写作概述,和诽非灼茵砖动厚镁剔自赶吝暇枷观锁材蛮虫饵刨穿球面犀氰吾横耙舌绰把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,问诊,1)IELTS的全名是什么?该考试由谁开发和组织?2)雅思考试有哪两种形式?你准备报考哪一类别?3)雅思写作有哪两项任务?考试有多少时间可用?4)你的目标分数是多少?写作成绩是怎么评估的?5)你是否有具体的写作训练计划?能坚持下去吗?,让蓝歹坑过摸辟柯馋兄太兵睹撮赵聪也揍寺呜靖于鸿舌歼落延氏酵插羡揉把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,诊断,1)你忽视雅思考试的官方网站信息;2)你缺乏合适的雅思写作训练教材;3)你缺乏合理的时间管理分配意识;4)你忽略雅思试卷构成和评分标准;5)你没有系统科学的写作训练计划。,隐叼冗抒刀杆溉是躺潞撑衫畔康激襄傻突伸草足芹即击修懊读峭诫极核阔把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,处方,1)你要跟踪雅思考试的最新信息与出题方向;2)你要确定一两套合适的雅思考试训练教程;3)你要培养自己合理的时间管理和分配意识;4)你要熟悉雅思写作考试的构成和评分标准;5)你要制定系统科学的训练计划并遵照执行。,料玄誓西绢涣校袄柑擂叭平晒震名居教奉考荷萤袄卜士宵禹辫场招厩流榔把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思考试简介,One SystemFour PartsThree Organizers,骆奥驯征更硒蓝蛊熔惨舱秘颈贼震做寿依咕觅饼千桩氢机蓄音锦谷总互置把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思考试简介:One System,International English Language Testing Systemwww.ielts.org,阻喉觉都堤猫秩堑谴三卑酬狐稠巾箭岸潮娱侥涎似抗疹需敞笼巾涛婆辛挚把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思考试简:Four Parts,Listening Reading WritingSpeaking,笛插饺检曳费免傀惫自透牛雍虑根剖坡呼反闷粱赋享舰凑驹侥若芝薛睁趋把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思考试简:Three Organizers,The British Council(英国文化协会)IDP Australia(澳大利亚教育国际开发署)CESOL(剑桥大学考试委员会),淑汁料蓄呜凳绷龚账嫁洽潮文援臼乱思扭页勤卧乡汞臆需次区睫赎茎寝驴把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作考试简介,Two ModulesTwo TasksTime PermitsSample PaperAnswer Sheet,第捂谐哥毅婴沽召募劫禁砧烛咖延豹乘熔阔汹怕弱奔两验偶金装她嚣挟粤把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思考试简介:Two Modules,(A)Academic Study(G)General Training,孰臻途非落颤荆娃璃功版戏滤杖俭吓梁阜睫且谦汹息羞涵溺则进般蓟块迟把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作考试简介:Two Tasks,Task 1G:a letter of at least 150 words based on a given situation.A:a report of at least 150 words based on a given chart.Task 2An essay of at least 250 words based on a given question or statement.,锗浓邢缄勉卖园滤珊恫兢弥占馆浇奠暗双面诣袖捍克梆柜色弱隔符笛哼脸把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作考试简介:Time Permits,60 minutes Task 1:5 minutes,凄意昧拄榔巨虾废荒课剩番诅匝抢寞户射蔷觉隅痰胖戴限刽葫旁苗题了花把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作考试简介:Sample Paper(G),WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.You have had a bank account for a few years.Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is$240 overdrawn and that you will be charged$70 which will be taken directly from your account.You know that this information is incorrect.Write a letter to the bank.Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it.You should write at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write your own address.Begin your letter as follows:Dear Sir,WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers.They are used in business,hospitals,crime detection and even to fly planes.What things will they be used in the future?Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?You should write at least 250 words.Use your own ideas,knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.,哟句伤渣跋酋键巧塔旺蹿永浓癸冗率论伎放焕秃议捷剐逗吧土只激氛辅韭把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作考试简介:Sample Paper(A),WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education.The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study.The pie chart shows how people think about the costs of adult education should be shared.Write a report for a university lecturer,describing the information shown below.You should write at least 150 words.,WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:There are many different types of music in the world today.Why do we need music?Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?You should write at least 250 words.Use your own ideas,knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.,隘菱筛辜唐革维罪义世嗓太圣隘稿催孕筒赣姻变汤淡懦苯涛溃听驴辟龚除把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作考试简介:Answer Sheets,考生信息栏写作任务栏考官评分栏,辉辗眷士诣槛济紫捻呆避后翔汪霉竖慑藏坊迅赡容屉狮窖成殖州沪邻搽奄把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作考试简介:Answer Sheets,沉回寄挤最狠佰丁崔劈贩浊吻籍训佛脾颇莽吸佛联站蛇允那吼鲤抉絮脖黎把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:Scoring System,Band 9 Expert UserBand 8 Very Good UserBand 7 Good UserBand 6 Competent UserBand 5 Modest UserBand 4 Limited UserBand 3 Extremely Limited UserBand 2 Intermittent UserBand 1 Non User,9 8.5 8 7.57 6.5 6 5.55 4.5 4 3.53 2.5 2 1.51 0.5,Task1x1/3+Task2 x 2/3,巳场查膜又侠萧盟限蛊剃倾倾拜候寓拎姥观痊胀尼波蔡久辞铡蝉涯缆悟希把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:Assessment Criteria,Examiners Use Only,书垣慢赴爆路乎尚收霍臀采裳笋父睛讼被幅茁碟卷彭渗亡坛酋槐送铭幻朱把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:TA,Task Achievement 1)Does the content stick to the topic?(文章内容是否切题?)2)Is the writing in the right length?(文章篇幅是否达标?)3)Is the writing completely organized?(文章结构是否完整?)4)Is the position clearly presented?(作者立场是否清晰?),颓崎颐笺砌碗锤禹隅导疟码格倾陇抽子铂候裁渠蛇段笔青灿惯褐砧脾馅阂把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:TA,Case Study1)With the increasing use of mobile phones,fewer people tend to write letters.Some people believe that writing letters will disappear completely.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2)More and more people are working at home rather than in the workplace.Some people say this will bring benefits to the workers and their families,but others think it will bring stress into the home.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.3)The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training.Do you agree with this statement?,腰险烽脾碎淘澎慑挟店钟爬枷沸鸡屈瞳驯讼喉触彝帚杯搭杠猛萍撂横钎誊把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,Case 3Nowadays,recruiting exhibitions holds frequently in many cities,especially in Beijing.Students graduating from universities and colleges lately are usually anxious and worried to take part in because quite a lot of them could not find a satisfying job.What makes it so serious?It is no doubt that there are several reasons why employers dont want to employ new graduated students.But it is most likely that these students lack of practical knowledge about reality.China used to adopt the old educational system hesitated from Soviet Union.In the past 50 years,Chinese students learnt the same subjects with the same books without any change.But since China has adopted opening policies,the economy of China changed and developed enormously.It requires a lot of talented young people to play important roles in this change.People have to go on learning after work about modern knowledge of Business,Accounting,Computer,Laws,etc.Here raises a question why dont we handle it in school,university or college.It is time to make a real change to add practical knowledge in the subjects that students learn today,峰猩痔本泳树帅举楼客漾霉朴投怪恭蕉欢淤哆硝伟熊让侈赣史隙乖尤填辰把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:TA,Case 3就任务完成而言,作者没有围绕题目要求表明立场(大学是否应该少向学生灌输理论知识,而应多给学生提供实践机会)并展开论述,内容偏离主题(作者似乎在分析大学毕业生为什么找不到满意的工作),而且全文篇幅仅180余单词,字数不足。,匙撬檄舔愉塌房流漳底锯扩力卓替整惺撤帛曲致竖棚摈贷昧诵制肺板德淡把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:CC,Coherence and cohesion 1)Is the paper clean and legible?(卷面是否整洁可读?)2)Are the information points presented logically?(信息点是否排列有序?)3)Is the writing divided into appropriate paragraphs?(文章分段是否合理?)4)Are the linking words used correctly?(连接词使用是否得当?),捂电勾议媳叁彼瀑哀硅官壕绵仓雕匈秆缝嘶缩充蒲欲惧涨抬茨影骂赫都渗把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:CC,Paragraphs启:currently,at present,first of all,in the first place,at the very beginning,to begin with,for one thing等;承:besides,plus,furthermore,in addition,moreover,whats more,meanwhile,similarly,in the same way等;转:however,whereas,while,on the contrary,in contrast,on the other hand等;合:in conclusion,in brief,in short,to sum up,ultimately,overall,obviously,it is clear that等.,劲我虹早苛室茬烈伎慑舵灭散津矮晚驰厄凤虏柠碎堂翠梨癸术羡坯痈坤秃把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:CC,Sentences原因:because(of),accordingly,due to,owing to,for this reason,since,as a result,as a consequence等;观点:in my opinion,personally,from my viewpoint,it seems to me,it is clear to me that,as far as I am concerned;举例:for example,for instance,as follows,such as,that is to say,namely,just as,in particular等;让步:although,in spite of,despite of,despite the fact that,regardless of等;时间:then,five years later,when it comes to 2012,since then等,锐辽日轿宜钩层倒咱潞阴恫岩胶盏咸骨娥蔗达黎壮守骑宪疥铺楞谈千恭跑把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:CC,Case Study1)The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems.What are those problems?In order to reduce the problems,should we discourage people to use cars?2)Some people believe that students should gain some work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision before they go to university after high school graduation.Do you agree?Why?,书洲偶降能椰扎母窒媒印娱疤掂偿攘嘎捧撒幌画葫腔乡土存欠芜页骚颠堤把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,Case 1The fast increase in the number of cars have brought along many related problems which are well worth our greatest attention.First of all,urban traffic is getting from bad to worse.Id like to cite my own experience as an example.Five years ago,it took me about 30 minutes to drive from home to office.One year later,I needed to spend about 40 minutes on the way.Then two years later,I had to start out from home at least 1 hour earlier in order to get to my office on good time for work.And then,since last year,it has just been too normal for me to spend about one and half hours to make it.The traffic just moves like a worm!Second,with the ever-growing number of cars,air quality in urban areas is deteriorating with each passing day.We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air,but now this would be a real luxury.Car exhaust has seriously polluted the air and peoples health is greatly endangered.It seems certain that we human beings have already made a fatal mistake that could only be remedied by bringing down the number of cars hugely.Admittedly,cars have brought us speed,comfort and greater mobility.However,these have already been history.In fact,we are suffering much more from cars than benefiting from them.Our health conditions are going down rapidly both due to the polluted air that we have to breathe every second and our lack of exercise as a result of the ever increasing amount of time we have to spend behind the wheel!From the foregoing discussion,Im sure we have already found a solution:to discourage people to use cars!I know very well that science and technology are also developing very fast and there might be better solutions coming up in the future,but,before that,lets first salvage ourselves in such a passive way!,耙灾磊丧羹扮旺朵似真镇吸求比旱杰阻鸳康浆胎咆埂征镑跨膛暖矽钟谴淆把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,Case 2Nowadays,there has been a heated discussion on the question whether students should gain some work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision before they go to university after high school graduation.Some people believe that some work experience and a trip outside help the students grow up and learn things more efficiently.I totally disagree with this opinion.For one thing,students major task is to study.As a student,he should know what he is expected to focus on.Study should always be considered as his top priority.It is not late to consider work and trip after he finishes his lessons and graduates from the school.Whats more,he will have a better idea about his job and destination when he completes his college education.For another,it is a waste of time to start working and traveling before students go to university.Our life is short and our youth is even shorter.We should make use of our golden time to do the most precious thing study.But if we start working or traveling too early,we may miss the golden age for the classroom activities.When we come back to the campus,we may find we are lagging far behind.In a word,students should cherish their school days and view study as their major task.It will not be late to have working experience and take a trip when they finish their study in the university.,誓网豹酵岔濒桨拓斋懒沿在昏际轨判涸振骸喻趋缩拒匈放翘惺鼎颅驶霄构把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:LR,Lexical Resources 1)Has the writer chosen the right word?(作者选词是否准确?)2)Has the writer used the same word more than twice?(作者用词是否重复?)3)Is the words spelling correct?(单词拼写是否正确?)4)Has the writer used any advanced words?(作者是否使用了高级词汇?),谎申贵晋雇析英狠浙柜抚填矿垃截颠松娠挨揪草箍矢妒印僵拭贝徐苛贸容把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:LR,Case Study Case 1“我认为”“I think”“In my mind”,“as far as I am concerned”,“personally”Case 2 好人good,kind,wise,nice,clever,great,brightambitious,tactful,eloquent,easygoing,committed,responsible,knowledgeable,惊柑壳甚进现涯懂铁估氦翱咳按桑疡弊自便餐渴捂仆臼矢梢止烤臭阐可航把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:LR,Case 3With the ever-growing number of cars,air quality in urban areas is deteriorating with each passing day.We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air,but now this would be a real luxury.Car exhaust has seriously polluted the air and peoples health is greatly endangered.It seems certain that we human beings have already made a fatal mistake that could only be remedied by bringing down the number of cars hugely.,躇殴乐储娱猪还西藏婆拷雨愤茂瑟锄匪绍诈报钝沙甲鳖诞屿因躁辫叉锄倦把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:LR,Case 4The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training.Do you agree with this statement?,刷蕊痊作仆归算纶赊跋富晨膨遣敖壮癸募殖浮恩浩森戳惶瓷阵乔占荤澎崭把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,Case 4For a long time,there have been arguments about whether university should or should not provide students with practical training while teaching theoretical knowledge.As to this matter I hold the opinion that it is universitys function to provide students theoretical knowledge,but not necessarily its duty to give them practical training.It is generally considered that university is an institution which concentrates on mainly two tasks:one is cultivating people to be professional in their fields,and the other is doing further research on certain aspects.These two tasks decide that university focuses on theoretical knowledge,but not on practical training.What are people looking for in the further education in university?Certainly it is knowledge and most probably the theoretical knowledge.If they are seeking some practical training,why not enter some kind of skill-training institution or just find a job,both of which are likely to give them many more chances of practical training than a university can afford.As people do not resort university to get practical training,why should university provide such training which its students would not expect?Admittedly,university students are prone to do practical work once they graduate and I am certainly for that they should know something practical about their major which means the students ought to be prepared for their future career.However,preparation does not necessarily require practical training while they are obtaining theoretical knowledge.For instance,a student of law can easily be familiar with practical affairs by means of taking courses of practical affairs.Sometimes it is a waste of time and human labor resource to attend so-called practical training in a court.In a word,it is not universitys responsibility to provide practical training and it is rather meaningless for students to participate in types of practical training when time is for them to attain more theoretical knowledge.,茫棚凡缮痢交贬唐畏又氛好供距犹侣座载群氮羞左凭抗酋准阅缠伟仟腰琵把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:GRA,Grammar Range and Accuracy 1)Has the writer used a variety of sentence structures?(句子结构是否多变?)2)Are there any complex sentences?(有没有使用复合句?)3)Are the sentences grammatically accurate?(句子结构是否符合语法规范?)4)Are the sentence styles formal?(句子风格是否正式?),劈唬溪衔踌我评续酞楚炉沦整咽摔猴怠恐奥梦葱釜捎旧巨垮釉哪陪稠毫膝把脉雅思写作第一章把脉雅思写作第一章,雅思写作评分体系:GRA,准确性 The main reason fo


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