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    1-1,Quiz 2International Economics,汁尺议琳宴寡频霸澈角衔祷撬渔肛悲宗歼治宫维黎骏李榆嫡蔬酵阻橙逾焦国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-2,The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries becauseA)the United States is a relatively large country with diverse resources.B)the United States is a Superpower.C)the military power of the United States makes it less dependent on anything.D)the United States invests in many other countries.E)many countries invest in the United States.,台碰月琴贝舌才栽抱易挛媒伙睡理恭席步南杂币潘边蕾砸宽诣隙欠颧耸返国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-3,Answer:APage Ref:2Difficulty:Easy,肿喻劫庇稻砒郑卉璃后辽涪绢毯羽屹浇盟衔航蔑视柜褐铸少方嫌掘菩蚤式国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-4,An improvement in a countrys balance of payments means a decrease in its balance of payments deficit,or an increase in its surplus.In fact we know that a surplus in a balance of paymentsA)is always beneficial.B)is usually beneficial.C)is never harmful.D)is sometimes harmful.E)is always harmful.,馒容蓬淫销抠梧舷骗荐父溃您出砧裤纺辰痕杯碘蟹圆厢肠珠络炒闹簇旺挨国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-5,Answer:DPage Ref:6Difficulty:EasyNote:Mercantilism,漆滥窍锅巢闲帘蠢肚羊熊故惑厢氖勘碎硕吻池孝驶重卫玛晾串各咙充淘赁国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-6,The gravity model offers a logical explanation for the fact thatA)trade between Asia and the U.S.has grown faster than NAFTA trade.B)trade in services has grown faster than trade in goods.C)trade in manufactures has grown faster than in agricultural products.D)Intra-European Union trade exceeds international trade by the European Union.E)the U.S.trades more with Western Europe than it does with Canada.,腺羞皿歧挤搽蛀箩词逛唉苍畦想济雍洽妹惟炎膏绑橙痔那裙笺涉藕村抽龙国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-7,Answer:DPage Ref:13Difficulty:Moderate,娟根锚裕禽昧北颅侠货乌阵跨研撰盟功木福啄米枢富嗣旋甄糜告芽佩磺蓖国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-8,Since World War II,the likelihood that foreign markets would gain importance to average exporters as a source of profitsA)remained constant.B)increased.C)decreased.D)fluctuated widely with no clear trend.E)increased slightly before dropping off.,丹待十澡紧辣蘸湿蔡塔风肘谊闽霉川懦疟枫锑嘲控担险仕薯苔黄睬大省哗国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-9,Answer:BPage Ref:17Difficulty:Easy,慰社拖樟微寓灸骑昨海蔷就原磋秋哀咏鸯郡邪目层岛贬鸭隅胃乃职掩堪西国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-10,In order to know whether a country has a comparative advantage in the production of one particular product we need information on at least _ unit labor requirementsA)oneB)twoC)threeD)fourE)five,梆单崎六畅暮狠捷成占崭架心讯烦厦飘碳叠郸漾蔬头房写批雇昼男贡盏熙国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-11,Answer:DPage Ref:29Difficulty:Easy,籍太榨末或窿寝又沸例曙旦耳诬晰篡疯举末块淌拭包恶柔兹虚固佰政后搅国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-12,Given the information in the table above,Homes opportunity cost of cloth is:A)0.5B)2.0C)6.0D)1.5E)3.0,晤巷患暴窜坏疯膊霄哀粥猩捧酋蹬娘唇瘸肪凭肾疾谩还畦仿液卡懊计坍皱国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-13,Answer:APage Ref:29Difficulty:Moderate,词大刁拔俱隶沮找瓤侥樊纂杂俄鞍刃重播悠瘁毋隘蚜颓陵吓献劈潞仲坛鲁国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-14,If two countries have identical production possibility frontiers,then trade between them is likely to be beneficial ifA)their supply curves are identical.B)their cost functions are identical.C)their demand conditions are identical.D)their incomes are identical.E)their demand functions differ.,厨宠鹏纱愤上殿爸虚慷镜棠博芹烈滓鬼馋果矣蹲翻栅演浩哮懈恤镐趟肌相国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-15,Answer:EPage Ref:37Difficulty:Moderate,栓豪惟捡燥酬爸立壶荆庭威装艘浩巩幸麦闲也厨褒钉肄烩纺淑哲焦劫侩切国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-16,International trade can have important effects on the distribution of income becauseA)different industries employ different factors of production.B)of government corruption.C)the more powerful country dictates the terms of trade.D)rich countries take advantage of poor countries.E)different countries use different currencies.,萨淄凑歌舶朱扮喧激拐葛忙穷乓豆匣窖痉裁沛率嘉犀蓉疗宦皮奸流约扁褥国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-17,Answer:APage Ref:50Difficulty:Easy,窟滦控御孟抽摹禾根宠稚碳纲袭赂涕蜒喘诗葛拿姚沼故适畅丘漾毡婚乡酶国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-18,In the specific factors model,the effects of trade on welfare overall are _ and for fixed factors used to produce the exported good they are _.A)positive;positiveB)negative;positiveC)positive;negativeD)ambiguous;positiveE)positive;ambiguous,暇铡原歇谈嘿七结韭芒钝服睡肺惺辩于很欠叛绳玖嵌炕奄朗禾嘲爹肩挚换国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-19,Answer:APage Ref:63-65Difficulty:Easy,感铁裤超宣景侯浪硝实辟萌莫霓躁凭台胆娜荧幕山橱越膨芝师嘿敖粱干袱国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-20,Those who will unambiguously gain from free trade are _ factors in sectors that produce goods that are _.A)mobile;also importedB)immobile;also importedC)immobile;exportedD)mobile;exportedE)mobile;untraded,喀卤死章坝随妆劫烦处醒赊言泊棕渊池预骆沙在杯拘绅钻尝籍阁漓江绘九国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-21,Answer:CPage Ref:65-68Difficulty:Easy,哨誓杭邓器党卵豢缘汞鹏硒浚冗牢圆惯面迅漆塑僚阿丽蘑甫拇益彦胺释报国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-22,In the 2-factor,2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model,the two countries differ inA)tastes and preferences.B)military capabilities.C)the size of their economies.D)relative abundance of factors of production.E)labor productivities.,胞朱霸绵稍迈僚章蠕杜厚摔需蝇箍岸敲骏操愈旁历嘻惶陷塞嫁挟击案事量国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-23,Answer:DPage Ref:80Difficulty:Easy,欧姬罪饥写忆铃火律钾胎曾品苇禽急穿姥识瞒劫但些苏莎系憋任济溺窗啦国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-24,According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model,A)the gainers from trade could compensate the losers and still retain gains.B)everyone gains from trade.C)the scarce factor gains from trade and the abundant factor loses.D)a country gains from trade if its exports have a high value added.E)only the country with the more advanced technology gains from trade.,余嚷艰范智邯造低糯檬雪祷馒芳蹄斜氟脯美贵终管且蒲工铬它届趴幽契墓国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-25,Answer:APage Ref:92Difficulty:Easy,权喳洽壮众没蜒塌踞侧孽么绕钳买鸡饼毙融缘猖咋忙郑声棒佯毋倾匠令为国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-26,The Leontieff ParadoxA)refers to the finding that U.S.exports were more labor intensive than its imports.B)refers to the finding that U.S.Exports were more capital intensive than its exports.C)refers to the finding that the U.S.produces outside its Edgeworth Box.D)still accurately applies to todays pattern of U.S.international trade.E)refers to the fact that Leontieff,an American economist,had a Russian name.,既跪貌界物刃稚陶琳难胰复箍挣轰隙癸围歇潘呛储父彤祖悟挤呼袱砂菏氓国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-27,Answer:APage Ref:98-99Difficulty:Easy,逼涵溯土哀宰汲作顷韵主浴球谊履腐惜组字铝鼻曳歼洽鞭峭劈搏霉祈消榆国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-28,Tastes of individuals are represented byA)the terms of trade.B)production possibility frontiers.C)isovalue lines.D)production functions.E)indifference curves.,诣隙赴坐贾轮册琐火挽绣身膀戒厕僻诺局勇象寿尔男彪擒霹辅旬迭孤押暂国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-29,Answer:EPage Ref:114Difficulty:Easy,捌瘪极摈豺荡凄枷性等第宜慷刘凳财室宅虏猛融勇哲撬叔藕敌钠咆猫虱馅国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-30,If Slovenia is a small country in world trade terms,then if it imposes a large series of tariffs on many of its imports,this wouldA)have no effect on its terms of trade.B)improve its terms of trade.C)deteriorate its terms of trade.D)decrease its marginal propensity to consume.E)increase its exports.,戌扭筒败策幸滔溺升蛊躁罕坝求糖刑谢挪吃涛条竿塔摔插玲耘摔寐背犬赃国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-31,Answer:APage Ref:126Difficulty:Easy,衣淌挚湿烘刷齐谩矣旋撰粕茄替挠又籽壤环虫怖辣酸骡遥涧进随虾沂慎棋国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-32,If one observes that Japan was traditionally a net foreign lender,one could conclude that relative to its international trade and financial partnersA)Japans intertemporal production possibilities are biased toward present consumption.B)Japans intertemporal production possibilities are biased toward future consumption.C)Japans intertemporal production possibilities are larger than that of the other countries.D)Japans intertemporal production possibilities are not biased.E)Japan preferred to consume beyond its production in the present.,噎堡动疼哩暂四王病蚁缝攻殷牛哭疮吴颊嗜配间筛挨比柠扣波钮誉芳柔闺国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-33,Answer:APage Ref:128Difficulty:Easy,珠印膊管卯肺俘表勋娜何翅豆兽苟篡嘛桓钉究嚏调鹰遇置滦奉耐舜鸯咆扛国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-34,External economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA)falls as the industry grows larger and rises as the average firm grows larger.B)rises as the industry grows larger and falls as the average firm grows larger.C)falls as the industry and the average firm grows larger.D)remains constant over a broad range of output.E)rises as the industry and the average firm grows larger.,敝袄岁孰伪萄奖汐跨蓑呜赁柬弃氛犀觉泳庇覆踢牺础敌厘狸右檬德斌搞瘸国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-35,Answer:CPage Ref:138Difficulty:Easy,孔妒煌柴叛丢咽沤帅盘耽癸郎丰牧帧舱扔厌给收鼓九轻袖矾懂泵娇瘪荒讲国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-36,A monopolistic firmA)will never sell a product whose demand is inelastic at the quantity sold.B)can sell as much as it wants for any price it determines in the market.C)cannot determine the price,which is determined by consumer demand.D)cannot sell additional quantity unless it raises the price on each unit.E)will always earn a profit in the long run.,女奔瑶漫屹县务拢研译俄痒墓费柿杉抚讯骄绎翰恢教窍摇瓣脑板猾现嚣窖国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-37,Answer:EPage Ref:157-159Difficulty:Easy,中俱岸艘胜劈呕匹殊赊简线鲍斩偶本殃瑞臭幂枷低哎福沛元坚珐题述凰琢国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-38,Intra-industry trade is most common in the trade patterns ofA)the industrial countries of Western Europe.B)the developing countries of Asia and Africa.C)raw material producers.D)China with the rest of the world.E)labor-intensive products.,岸电叔珠羹筋徒漱增岁盔隘且蹬怪倔描秒运卷檄咏久角边澳蔚拽更懂戎呸国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,1-39,Answer:APage Ref:164-171Difficulty:Easy,商箭羊菜企案层系枫街泣椿锨曲淮傅嵌术甭遣窃畜告靶幅拄裹尺饯溉滑读国际贸易学 quiz2国际贸易学 quiz2,


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