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    xo火电工程施工现场专业安全检查表 .doc

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    xo火电工程施工现场专业安全检查表 .doc

    rapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants ' duty consumption further. Implementing an "honest canteen", standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research "village officials" capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that China's reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the "five in one" the General layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a "five in one" and the improvement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the party's construction in the area of institutional reform. The "five in one" programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the party's Congress, on the theme "personnel", discussing election Central's top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third火电工程施工现场专业安全检查表目 录一、火电工程施工现场专业安全检查表编制及使用说明 35二、施工现场 37 1现场安全检查表37三、安全防护设施 39 1个人防护用品安全检查表39 2防护栏杆安全检查表42 3孔洞盖板安全检查表43 4隔离设施安全检查表44 5安全网安全检查表45 6速差自控器安全检查表46 7安全自锁器安全检查表47 8活动支架安全检查表48 9废料垃圾通道安全检查表49 10滑线安全网安全检查表 50 11手扶水平安全绳安全检查表 51四、施工用电 52 1施工用电管理安全检查表52 2施工供、用电线路安全检查表53 3变压器安全检查表54 4配电室安全检查表55 5专用盘、配电箱安全检查表57 6照明安全检查表597接地(零)及防雷保护安全检查表62五、防火防爆 65 1防火、防爆安全检查表65 2危险品库安全检查表67六、季节性施工 72 1夏季施工安全检查表72 2冬季施工安全检查表74七、高处作业与交叉作业 75 1高处作业安全检查表75 2交叉作业安全检查表77八、脚手架和梯子 78 1脚手架一般规定安全检查表78 2竹脚手架安全检查表80 3木脚手架安全检查表81 4钢管脚手架安全检查表82 5挑脚手架安全检查表85 6移动式脚手架安全检查表86 7悬吊脚手架安全检查表86 8脚手架的拆除安全检查表88 9移动式竹木梯子安全检查表89 10移动式轻金属折梯安全检查表 91 11钢筋爬梯安全检查表 92 12绳梯安全检查表93九、起重与运输 94 1起重安全检查表94 2运输安全检查表96十、焊接、切割与热处理 99 1焊接、切割与热处理安全检查表99 2高处焊接与切割安全检查表 100 3金属容器和坑井的焊接与切割安全检查表 101 4集中供氧站安全检查表 102 5热处理安全检查表 103 6气瓶安全检查表 104 7制氧站安全检查表 1068乙炔站安全检查表 107 十一、施工机具 109 1电动工器具安全检查表109 2砂轮机安全检查表112 3磨石机安全检查表113 4蛙式打夯机安全检查表113 5混凝土搅拌机(附搅拌站)安全检查表115 6钢筋切料机安全检查表118 7(预应力)张拉设备安全检查表119 8点、碰焊机安全检查表121 9平刨机安全检查表122 10带锯机安全检查表 123 11圆盘锯安全检查表124 12空压机安全检查表125 13水泵安全检查表127 14滤油机安全检查表128 15电焊机安全检查表129 16金属切削机床安全检查表131 17链条葫芦安全检查表133 18钢丝绳安全检查表13419卷扬机安全检查表135 十二、升降机137 1提升架安全检查表137 2载人电梯安全检查表140一、火电工程施工现场专业安全检查表编制及使用说明 一、为了及时、准确地发现现场施工过程中的不安全因素,避免在安全检查过程中疏忽、遗漏导致事故发生的关键性不安全因素,提高安全检查工作的质量,特编制本检查表。 二、本检查表依据电力建设安全工作规程(火力发电厂部分)(以下简称“规程”)第一篇“通则”的有关内容,同时参照电力工业部起重机械安全检查评定标准以及安全防护用品的有关国家标准等编制而成。 三、本检查表适用于火电工程建设单位和火电施工单位各级专职安监人员进行日常性安全检查或单项专业安全检查时使用,也可供上级对下级抽查某些单项专业工作时使用。 由于本检查表的检查内容仅仅是对现场直观的检查,故在对单位或施工现场进行考核、评价时,只能作为参考使用。 四、本检查表中有关“速差自控器”、“安全自锁器”、“活动支架”、“废料垃圾通道”以及“滑线安全网”等火电施工安全设施的内容,在“规程”中虽未作明确规定,但在电力建设安全施工管理规定(以下简称“规定”)中已明确列入“火电施工安全设施标准名称表”,而且电力工业部即将正式批准为强制性标准,要求火电200MW及以上机组的施工必须使用,因此将火电施工安全设施编入本检查表。 五、对于“规程”第一篇“通则”中的第八章“起重与运输”的有关内容,其中大型起重机械部分,电力工业部已有专业检查表,故在本检查表中不再予以重复列入。对于上述内容,可根据起重机械安全检查评定标准的要求,配合机械管理部门进行检查。但对于小型起重机具以及起重运输作业,则应按本检查表的要求进行检查。六、使用本检查表进行安全检查时,对所检查的每一个单项都应在“是”“否”栏内打“”(符合要求)或“×”(不符合要求)。对于不符合要求的项目,还应在检查表“检查记录”栏内用文字简要说明具体存在问题的情况及其严重程度。例如:使用“现场安全检查表”进行检查时,对“10进入施工现场人员是否均戴安全帽”一项在“否”栏下打“×”(不符合要求),则应在“检查记录”栏内具体说明在何时、何处,有几人未戴安全帽。对查出的具体问题,还应按“规定”中的有关要求进行处理。现场若无此项工作,在“是否”栏内不作任何记录。plenary session, each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged, you can concentrate on national development and reforms. Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective, often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics. From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China, plenary session, 12 session, 14, 16 plenary session have programmatic meaning, respectively, marking the four stages of China's economic reform, and that the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of "taking class struggle as the key link," shifted to socialist modernization; 12 session marked the change from rural to urban, established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change, governance and rectify the economic order; 14 . Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, safeguard the people's interests. Legal authority to uphold the Constitution, deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution, perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power, improve the system of judicial protection of human rights. Plenary session, Affairs the right to adhere to the system, and let the people authority to let the power run in the Sun, is shut up in a cage of the system power policy. Decision Science, implementation should be constructed strong, supervise the running of powerful system, improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption, promoting political integrity, and strive to achieve cadres ' honest and Government integrity, clean politics. To form a scientific and effective coordination of power restriction and mechanisms to strengthen anti-corruption institutional innovation and institutional protection, sound improvement style normal system. Plenary session, building a socialist culture in China, enhancing national cultural soft power, must adhere to the orientation of advanced Socialist culture, adhere to the development of Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the people-centred work-oriented, further deepening reform of culture. To improve the cultural management system, establish and improve the modern market system and building modern public cultural service system, improve the level of culture opening. Plenary session, achieving development results more equitable benefit of all people, we must speed up reform of social programs and solve the issues of concern to the people the most direct and real interest, and better meet the needs of the people. To deepen education reform, improve institutional mechanisms for the二、施工现场现现 场 安 全 检 查 表受检单位负 责 人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1施工现场是否有安全纪律2现场物料堆放是否安全可靠3施工道路是否畅通临时挖掘截断是否提前采取保证通行的措施是否经有关部门批准4排水沟及涵管是否保持畅通5现场标志是否醒目车辆限速标志道路危险区设“危险”“禁止通行”标志夜间有红灯警示道路与铁路交叉处有标志易落物区设“小心落物”“危险止步”等标志高压危险区设“高压危险”“禁止通行”等标志6危险作业区是否设警告标志是否同时设围栏夜间是否设红灯警示是否设专人管理7沟道、孔洞是否均有盖板盖板是否符合安全要求(见:孔洞盖板安全检查表)8大的孔洞、平台、楼梯是否均有防护栏杆防护栏杆是否符合安全要求(见:防护栏杆安全检查表)9照明设施是否满足夜间施工要求10进入施工现场人员是否均戴安全帽佩戴是否正确(系紧带)11高处防护设施不完备处是否均系安全带安全带是否悬挂在牢固的构筑物上是否高挂低用12进入施工现场施工人员是否均穿防护服防护服是否符合其作业的防护要求13作业人员是否按作业要求戴防护镜14作业人员是否按作业要求穿防护鞋现场是否杜绝穿凉鞋、拖鞋、高跟鞋、带钉的鞋15尘毒作业人员是否戴好个人防护用品16尘毒作业场所是否有通风或除尘设施17酸类及有害人体健康的物品是否存放在专用的库房内或场地上是否做出标记库房是否保持通风良好18在深井、地下室、容器内作业是否采取通风排气措施后再作业是否设专人监护检查记录:检查人:三、安全防护设施个人防护用品安全检查表受检单位负责人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1安全帽安全帽是否是有“生产许可证”单位的产品安全帽是否是有“产品合格证”帽的质量是否满足以下要求:垂直间距:塑料衬:2550mm,棉织或化纤:3050mm锁紧器符合要求佩带高度8090mm是否在规定的使用期内(从产品制造完成之日计算,塑料帽不超过两年半,玻璃钢、橡胶帽不超过三年半)到期后是否经抽查测试合格后再使用2安全带安全带是否是有“生产许可证”单位的产品安全带是否有合格证是否定期检验是否有记录使用前是否作检查(绳无变质、磨损,保护套完好)3防护服特殊作业防护服是否从有“生产许可证”的厂家进货是否有“生产合格证”焊工工作服是否符合以下要求:白色帆布的右门襟扣住左门襟发生意外能迅速脱下4防护眼镜防护镜是否是有“生产许可证”单位的产品产品是否有合格证书防辐射线面罩是否符合以下要求护目镜:按出厂遮光编号或使用说明书使用颜色是混合色面罩由不导电材料组成观察窗、滤光片、保护片尺寸吻合,无缝隙各部件无松动脱落5防护鞋防护鞋是否是有“生产许可证”单位的产品是否有“产品合格证”绝缘鞋是否符合以下要求在规定电压范围内使用绝缘鞋胶料部分无破损绝缘胶鞋每六个月做一次预防性试验在浸水、浸油、浸酸和浸碱条件下不得作为绝缘鞋用6手套绝缘手套是否符合以下要求是有“生产许可证”单位的产品根据作业电压进行选择表面无裂痕、拆缝、发粘、发脆等缺陷筒口上压制“绝缘”和耐压等级焊接手套是否符合以下要求是有“生产许可证”单位的产品皮革表面无僵硬、薄档、洞眼等残缺手套有足够长度,不让手腕裸露 检查记录:检查人:防护栏杆安全检查表受检单位负责人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1临空面是否均设防护栏杆楼梯是否设栏杆大的预留孔洞处是否均设栏杆井口处是否均设栏杆楼板、平台、屋面等临边是否均设栏杆2防护栏杆是否符合要求高度为1.05m设上、下两道横杆立柱间距不大于2m设18cm高的挡脚板构件无破损、变形构件光滑无毛刺3栏杆是否固定牢固可靠4栏杆是否统一做到标准化色标是否醒目 检查记录:检查人:孔洞盖板安全检查表受检单位负责人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1现场的预留孔洞坑槽、沟是否均有盖板(或栏杆、安全网)2盖板是否做到标准化盖板上是否有醒目标志(红白道)盖板底下是否有不少于四点的限位块(限位块与孔洞边距2530mm)盖板边缘是否大于孔洞100mm3因工作需要揭开孔洞盖板是否有围栏和警告牌夜间是否有红灯警示工作结束是否及时烣复 检查记录:检查人:隔离设施安全检查表受检单位负责人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1垂直交叉作业区是否有经审批的专项隔离设施2隔离设施是否严密牢固3搭设隔离设施是否有经审批的安全措施4是否经验收合格后使用5超过24m高(例如烟囱、水塔、电梯口)的隔离设施是否采用双层防护 检查记录:检查人:安全网安全检查表受检单位负责人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1安全网的质量是否符合要求新网是否有出厂合格证(有生产许可证厂的产品)旧网是否经试验合格后使用(是否经6m高差,160kg冲击试验合格)2建筑施工首层外侧是否架设安全网3是否随施工高度上升安全网4上、下对孔是否架设安全网防护5安全网的架设是否正确、牢固网应里低外高(50cm)网内无杂物支杆无断裂、弯曲网内缘与墙面间隙小于15cm网与下方物体表面距离大于3m6立网架设是否牢固底边系结是否牢固7使用时是否避免:焊接火星落在网里周围有严重的酸碱烟雾8安全网是否有跟踪使用记录9不符合要求的安全网是否及时处理10安全网的存放、保管是否符合要求 检查记录:检查人:速差自控器安全检查表受检单位负责人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1是否有省级及以上安全检验部门的产品合格证2安全部件是否齐全3是否高挂低用水平活动范围是否在以垂直线为中心,半径1.5m范围内4使用前是否作试拉试验5自控器的绳钩是否挂在安全带的连接环上6使用中是否远离尖锐物、火源、带电物体使用中不添加任何润滑剂7在下列情况下,是否做到及时进行试验正常使用每两年一次经过大修后更换器件停用超过2年碰撞或带负荷锁止后8日常检查以下项目是否符合要求工作性能良好绳钩、吊环、固定点、螺母等无松动壳体无裂纹或损伤变形钢丝绳无磨损、变形伸长9是否做到正常使用每隔35年检修一次 检查记录:检查人:安全自锁器安全检查表受检单位负责人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1是否有省级及以上安全检验部门的产品合格证2安全部件是否齐全3主绳是否在设备构架吊装前设置好是否垂直设置上下两端是否固定牢固在上下同一保护范围内是否无接头4使用前是否经试拉、检查合格后使用5安全绳无打结、铰结主绳无打结、铰结6是否将绳钩挂在安全带的连接环上使用7自锁器和主绳是否远离尖锐物、火源、带电物体8日常检查以下项目是否符合要求自锁器的工作性能良好锁钩螺栓、铆钉等无松动自锁器的壳体无裂纹或变形安全绳无磨损、变形伸长主绳无磨损、变形伸长固定点无松弛9自锁器正常使用每隔35年是否检修一次10下列情况是否按有关标准进行检验:正常使用每隔两年一次经大修或更换元件后闲置两年,重新使用前严重碰撞、挤压或高处坠落严重变形 检查记录:检查人:活动支架安全检查表受检单位负责人检查地点检查时间序号检 查 内 容是否1支架是否为符合设计要求的合格产品2支架使用中是否符合以下要求无焊缝


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