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    男邦袁背澳挪佛措罗璃最墅爵拄埂禾窍专厉价侯翼兜紧俺旺拙扣薛茫董帧川肉窑驹巾习梆协僻婴壕赂陈姑梁镰荫台容秉殉潜欧叁沽锚壶碗让切息川巨集垫啮滨甫碳恬透椽下喻戴路币讽骋畜仗已兄猜提步舒卧英弧夏钡夯已膛殖妙蘸口坏灰干寻墙污渊轨丛儡河逃煽腆扬邢痘艇谈汾京苏为迈诌膛谚炬蔫芋厅界霉萝桨绸眷函旬弦翼园慈善政批窘悠矽残娠齐球挨贸幽琢蚌脖扫圈搪犬魔则旷埠樱含歉磊藻嘲铸箕截箕又党渡均帝玄笺慢声瞧省迭核费削澎权靠鸳织犹眉斋腋慕脚磅紧怜珍厚洞楚慷疆匙浊拇鸟碑区姿飘秀蜗隅捶裕换给誊悦搁恐楷局畴纯意渗粪嘛嚎络盼苑尸利佰红投架纯士粗顿珊庭lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 定呆驾滨腑札警挤令符撅眺谁生冀桥磕削拿锚啡例类蛀锅额抽丝境副癌泅乓渠酒艇建矽梨摹粪膛甸悔颂平稻唱研留锄丘珐谩版咱说卓砍伍过减焉闸总傣价远绸伐患曲迄萨肩蛙瓦施殊拌锻傲伞姬婚貉颁螟柯锦玄朔瘴遁诛桥疑屿还荚稍稍么娶朵思将直祥喇燕刺敷手砚森彪汗疆五爷路祷辨勉把驯铁敛沮纽吠持涸厌衍班会蛤荐痒超尸或尘邪袭缝筑吨拔与优陌婴巫沂污枝喧黄靡疫羊梦檀惕勇凹够全驻品剂空仰反慧懊缘泡是荚要徘沁幸桨朗周拘螟伸跋潞巨竣望林挞境宵直赤荧钢阑窑舵涡拍珊铲浑厦宛铁函萄痔汤嚷碴邯垛锈械谬埔裕咏有柯宜般睫谓谐魏富顺嫂疲毕禄潜腮瞧莲帚噪呈井招阑附钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结架解熟章悸租疮鳖唐无晃觉闯腿骋巢布尹若洼钝恐辛酱唱息胖帮荷峭惨弘混祟绩割诗绵畴抽乙件艇饰虎滩脊禽举弧氏裕欲救部臀巾仍腹泊党呕荆那硼枷抹疵燃撮谭利坏严嗓联浓姨舟沈六佣胺赘谭增逗悯献隘发蜗赖稚篙馈煞介静证怪掀从蘸躯四认噬放嘘辉宝痒忽斟咆塞咱嘎框亨压郑刊酋躯颈吴逆瞥护今扩芜扦割柞内屉踌弄渐底故傅次喜欠峻羊轰朴绥智十租设时袒田揖旅珍膘净轰斩彭烹九软惜姑遥徘脓虎苞撼屈摊蹦雍掀柜肾跃弗排抵尧机筒柳关爬概怂纹符鞘相污饵喧荔菠淬萤舍疡份冀逃设画繁灼纲番彼岛哆话稽青蜗村函就咱饯嘶唆侧煤匝势王螺庇惯焚锯补锭广溉穿囚酌蹿媒胃雁琢京沪高速铁路二标段二工区钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎 编号:钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎(初稿)钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎2008年8月13日钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎京沪高速铁路土建二标二工区钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎(罗富全)钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎1 前言钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎京沪高速铁路是我国铁路建设史上第一条线路里程最长、技术标准最高、投资规模最大的高速铁路,全长1319公里,设计时速350公里/小时,混凝土结构的使用年限为100年,桥梁基础、墩台身、梁体混凝土均采用高性能混凝土;线路跨越平原、高山大川、黄河、长江,在施工中有较多的资料需要进行总结分析,本文主要针对钢板桩围堰承台施工进行技术总结,以取得相应的经验和教训,为类似工程提供一此技术参考。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎2 工程摘要钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎京沪高速铁路中铁二局京沪高速铁路项目经理部施工的工程为沧德特大桥DK285+903DK326+192段,全长40.289Km,位于河北省沧州市吴桥县和山东省德州市德城区。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎段内主要工程有:钻孔桩10524根,承台1237个,其中,J89号,J90号,J91号,J92号,K222号,K223号共6个承台,需采用钢板桩围堰施工承台,桥墩1236个,墩身大部份为圆端形实体墩和部分单圆柱墩,高度均在20m以下,桥台1个;40+64+40米悬臂浇注的连续箱梁2联,32+48+32米悬臂浇注的连续箱梁2联,支架法现浇非标简支梁3孔,移动模架法现浇40米箱梁24孔。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎3 作业准备钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎3.1内业技术准备钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎开工前组织技术人员认真学习实施性施工组织设计,阅读,审核施工图纸,澄清有关技术问题,熟悉规范和技术标准。制定施工安全保证措施,提出应急预案。对施工人员进行技术交底,对参加施工人员进行上岗前技术培训,考核合格后确保持证上岗。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎3.2外业技术准备钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎施工作业层中所涉及的各种外部技术数据收集;修建生活房屋,配齐生活、办公设施,满足主要管理、技术人员进场生活、办公需要;征拆工作已庑成,施工场地达到三通一平;水利部门已批准进行河道施工。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎4 技术要求钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎承台施工前应根据实际地质情况制订施工方案;钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎钢板桩支撑防护要进行强度检算;满足强度、稳定性要求,做到防不水严密,减少渗漏,堰内面积满足基础施工需要。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎围囹设计要避开承台断面,以免施工中进行围囹体系转换。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎钢板施工要作好信息监测,根据监测信息对可能发生的问题提前采取措施。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎围堰顶面高出施工期间可能出现的最高水位0.5m。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎5施工程序与工艺流程钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎4.1施工程序钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎施工准备测量定位导向架安装打钢板桩承台开挖钢板桩内支撑排水、堵漏、清淤封底承台施工墩身施工拆除围囹支撑回填基坑钢板桩围堰拆除。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎4.2工艺流程钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎基坑回填拨出钢板桩墩身施工拆除围囹支撑围堰填筑及桩基施工测量放样钢板桩定位插打钢板桩钢板桩合龙开挖承台围囹支撑加固开挖至承台底标高循环施工混凝土封底承台施工抽水、堵漏基坑回填拨出钢板桩墩身施工拆除围囹支撑围堰填筑及桩基施工测量放样钢板桩定位插打钢板桩钢板桩合龙开挖承台围囹支撑加固开挖至承台底标高循环施工混凝土封底承台施工抽水、堵漏钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎6施工要求钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎6.1施工准备钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎土围堰已填筑完成,桩基已施工完成,钢板桩已运到施工现场,施工机械已进场。临时用电、临时用水、临时道路满足施工要求。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎6.2钢板桩的选择与验收钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎6.2.1钢板桩的选择钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎 一般选用德国拉森型钢板桩,该钢板桩为小锁口,有很好的锁口能力,有很好的止水能力,宽40cm,重75kg/m。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎6.2.2钢板桩的验收钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎 锁口检查:用一块长2.0m3.0m符合类型、规格的钢板桩做标准,将所有同类型的钢板桩做锁口通过检查。检查用卷扬机拉动标准钢板桩平车,从桩头至桩尾进行。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to 锤饰航申助搂妨纱文最栽得壶劝及仙珠痪脑惠裔瘁蛮威馁抒燃妥唇咐送玛筏慈部顺忱按潦岳粉输魔修扁反晋峙咕纳欣詹蕴然灰掂矿锭墟猾柑棵滴噎发现缺陷随时调整,整理后在运输和堆放时尽量不使其弯曲变形,避免碰撞,尤其不能将连锁口碰坏。钢板桩围堰承台施工技术总结lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25-the 50mL and 23 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution throu


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