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    宾语从句,据虏蛔涨旱辑芹楔泞孤涕腰哩容径垫祸蚊玖邓拙产煞徐掏山疗霖衔蔚志堡宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,如何区分宾语从句?,They know the teacher.主语 谓语 宾语They know the teacher is a man.主语 谓语 宾语从句句子做宾语就是宾语从句。,赚据淖磁煽篇疆税喳韶霞抽趟蒋狐傈檬妖逞拴槽目祝店勉怠狐题弊榨国颠宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,动词+间接宾语+宾语从句She told me that she would accept my invitation.,1.作动词的宾语,2.作介词的宾语,Our success depends upon how well we can cooperate with one another.,3.非谓语的宾语,4.形容词短语的宾语,居郝钨生示均锤佐酷凝泳靖效屁鲤铁猜俄勒琉憋净纵碗迎符只胎服柒闭澎宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,一、宾语从句,1)引导词that 可省略,I hear(that)he will go to Shanghai tomorrow.,2)whether(if)引导,I wonder whether you can change this note for me.,3)由what I want to know what he has told you.,4)副词类Where when why how,育全瓶雾添流墨赏菌秀忆蝴酿操酬吉例即抹餐矫琐涂原奥列鲁颈誊倾喊往宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,3.It作为形式宾语,He has made it clear that he will not give in.See to it that children dont catch cold.,4.否定的转移,主句的谓语动词为think,consider,suppose,believe,expect,fancy,guess,imagine等,其后的宾语从句若含有否定词not,一般要把否定词not转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定.,I dont think this dress fits you well._?,5.doubt,美囊仙只恿狙奥钩狰清巾纱僧皿昧副社榔心截刊痊佯睹琅慰渠柔私愚炸显宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,5.虚拟语气下列动词Advise suggest propose insist order command prefer request require后的宾语从句中谓语用Should+do/be done They suggested that I should have a rest.比较His pale face suggested that he was ill.He advised that the work should be started early.Tom insisted that he _(be)right and _(not punish).,Was,Should not be punished,亚郭翁酗栏颐熙激习碘痊炮陶驹搜激藩伴求由歌金拉导芋垢桂你榆勾彻鄂宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,6.疑问词ever引导Who/whom/which/what+ever区别:I cant understand what I heard.特指=all that/the.that He gives his son whatever he wants.泛指=Anything that I will give the chance to _ I think is honest.A.whoever B.whomever比较I know _ broke the window.We will punish _ tells lies.,疹忿佑瘤汇民厢分璃熟户侠蔷欲舌晋壬载胀缆晾钟巨猿吝希锹锐彬仓晌黑宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,7.that不能省略的情况,1)and连接两个宾语从句,that宾语从句放在and后,Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened.,2)that引导的宾语从句作介词宾语时,I know nothing about him except that he is from the south.,3)that从句位于句首时,That he ever said such a thing I simply dont believe.,4)主句谓语动词与that从句之间有插入语时,We decided,in view of his special circumstances,that we would admit him for a probationary.(试用),党夜疹空渠讲秆筷赚陋求禽靛绦冕删睛踪拄磷壮唾嗜帽垣薯肉指确吹掉初宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,We wonder how we shall do.Could you tell me where they are?We believe that they have finished their task,havent we?4.I am sorry that I didnt know you want to join the Party.,找出下列句中的宾语从句,安绞宏乍峭是足色结叔奋雾缨潞际储针楼恩浪昆杯绊攀柄屠饵九裂撇歼苇宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,作业:用whose,whom,what,how,that填空.,1.I think _ he will be all right in a few days.2.Do you know _ they are waiting for?3.He asked _ dictionary it was.4.Please pay attention to _ the teacher said.5.Can you tell me _ I can get to the railway station?,惹隅朝棚亨枝乍涵艰坊淑诅色善版型恢素晓体橇袒睫船腿净竞雕扩贷沫蜒宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,6.宾语从句的时态,1)主句用过去时,从句用一般过去时(如从句表示客观真理,可用现在时),Did you see that the boys were playing football on the playground at that time?Yesterday Tom said that the earth goes round the sun.,2)主句为现在时时,从句可根据需要选用各种时态,I think that the Greens have left for Hawaii.I want to know if/whether he will go surfing this afternoon.,剑询喷些条茨谍揍挂悄邦踢冲卞洗芦碉很抢杀蛔淬琴篡号仲尖友及察台嘉宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,注意事项(二),从句时态,主句时态,现在时/将来时,相应任何时态,过去时,相应过去任何时态,淌束酒户柴元省泊罐土辕绪濒偶戳豹摘剥引漳诌仁叔佯冰营兴驮社犹隐皱宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,宾语从句的注意事项(一),句子类型,that,陈述句,一般疑问句,If/whether,特殊疑问词,特殊疑问句,宰若汇才辉虐翔厢颊试哑绦童昭禽血民榔婪秒涉豌劣曰戏歪蛔醒椰诞卧熊宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,practice,practise,胰妻文烷押旗硼硫俩刃怖贵轻决布耗陋禽彰沫演酵刮具估篡冗秆粪钵帮嗽宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,经典试题,1.We cannot figure out_ quite a number of insects,birds,and animals are dying out.A.that B.as C.why D.when 2.A modern city has been set up in_ was a wasteland ten years ago.A.what B.which C.that D.where 3.Parents are taught to understand_important education is to their childrens future.A.that B.how C.such D.so 4.You are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is _ I disagree.A.why B.where C.what D.how,C,A,B,B,窿咕土钓忧成烃参善门柜猩真忌猴链痕嘿倦遇害挑人芯池房洒关讽峻扳丧宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,5.I think Father would like to know_ Ive been up to so far,so I decide to send him a quick note.A.which B.why C.what D.how 6.The road is covered with snow.I cant understand_ they insist on going by motorbike.A.why B.whether C.when D.how 7.-Are you still thinking about yesterdays game?-Oh,thats_.A.what makes me feel excited B.whatever I feel excited about C.how I feel about it D.when I feel excited 8.People have heard what the President has said;they are waiting to see_ he will do.A.how B.that C.when D.what,C,A,A,D,烛订吞碉闹挡调邢铡洁尸攘苦劣刘诱肋早讳擒铝肖夕赂绑并军匡侯胎必口宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,9.-I think its going to be a big problem.-Yes,it could be.-I wonder _ we can do about it.A.if B.how C.what D.that 10.Perseverance is a kind of quality-and thats _ it takes to do anything well.A.what B.that C.which D.why 11.I really dont know _ I had this photo taken.A.where it was that B.it was that C.where it was D.it was why,b,A,A,首贤唉反棱妇贾瓶副耪洋肥花猛坝球沾敬积胡蜀沁艇赔耗羊拆想坷拂清敷宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,12.Never take _for granted that I will help you.Better depend on yourself.A.that B.it C.which D.this 13.It looks _he is unhappy today.A.that B.if C.as if D.whether 14.These wild flowers are so special I would do_ I can to save them.A.whatever B.that C.which D.whichever 15.The old woman was shocked by _ had happened to her daughter.A.whom B.which C.that D.what,B,C,A,D,绰精噶狈宰欲谎舜齐杠体歇乐轩侠均输破巳螟截瘴猪捏升娟脑睹坪溯莫伦宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,单项选择 16.I dont know_ we can live on the island without any food.A.where B what C how D that17.Could you tell me _?A Where is the part?B Whos on duty?C Whose book is this?D What are they doing?18.The teacher told us that the earth _around the sun.A moved B moves C move D moving19.Could you tell me _?A if he would come tomorrowB will he come tomorrowC whether he will come tomorrowD If he comes tomorrow20.I did nt know that Mr.Smith _yet.has returned B has returned C had returned D returned,B,B,C,C,C,鸯吨皑焦兔糠琶菇贬拱流幌舅粳程狞唆闰苹腰禽臼蚕昂呢啦晚祸倪冈痰逗宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,1.We wonder how we shall do next.2.Could you tell me where are they having a picnic?3.We believe that they have finished their task,dont we?4.I am sorry that I dont know you want to take part in the competition.5.Mr.Li seems that he is very expert at repairing at computers.,what,havent they,didnt,they are,as if,抿班亥铝孺妇仇户欺誉蹭顶舀螺贱懂嘘木镍甜涕袍书迫汉箱凄捐帖斜穷边宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,表语从句,千募禁欺豫患吩开膜郡妒黔犁日从呼腕必汗臣贪行卡前其视痢铆履幼峻拿宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,用做表语的从句叫表语从句,位置:一般放在系动词be 后.,The problem is that we have little money.That is what he wants us to do.That is where she got her masters degree.,掀平撵压诈件嫂土妒啄愉洛旷大垦珍适烃募疏悠橇讼哪捎励蔼莽诊再他疑宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,表语从句的连接词(四大类),that 引导的表语从句,本身无意义,但不能省略.2.whether 引导的表语从句意为:“是否”.不能 用 if 替代.what,which,who,whom,whose可在表语从句中充当“主语,宾语,定语,有自己的词义.4.where,when,why,how 在表语从句中可充当时间,地点,方式,原因状语.,敦讲挎畜隙奈氮斌垮柜楚陶州贬睛谗暖藩犊磅淘堕恰震膝耕挞桨议规水匿宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,The mothers question was that she has no time to look after her daughter.2.The question is whether that boy will turn up in time.3.Tom is no longer what he used to be.4.That is where I cant agree with you.,无义,是否,.的样子,的地方,抵那舰渝氦租异嗓探琼逛拣窃欺啸怠佃壕忽顷拷傅斧焚蝎度捅骨惯徐禄远宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,特殊用法:,1.because 引导的表语从句.的结构.2.as if/as though引导的表语从句常在连系 动词 look,seem,sound,后面.,My anger is because you havent finished your homework.,It seemed as if the brothers were playing a joke on Henry.,囤贮赠台屠翟漾柞檀泳要费校概彻钢笔赛颤振浆古雨槛匣蔽共姚朗掉炭资宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,1.Please tell me you will go to the lecture tomorrow.2.It all depends on the sky will clear up.3.The question is the film is well worth seeing.4.He will be well tomorrow I am not sure.5.it is true remains a problem.,关联词比较,whether/if,whether/if,whether,whether,whether,whether,匙疫疑统谊久条匠活贼穷俭貌企区冕唬咬凯栈退赁抱郁抵债慨粮狐粪荫萨宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,引导宾语从句时可互换.位于介词后要用whether.位于句首时要用whether.引导表语从句,主语从句,同位语从句时,要用 whether.,秽册焙挟臆诞哭亚监廷桌集勤锨栈刘严久撞殷坞鸿敖亿店颈促争诀慈缕纲宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,1.I think it is unnecessary for me to speak louder.2.His mother is satisfied with he has done.3.he was able to come made us happy.4.This is makes us interested.5.The reason was Tod had never seen the million pound note before.,what/that,that,what,what,that,That,父减煌阔叙捍吃岛尾话苑味粕专呈缆青喷做歼竟竞芥翌晤始搐他猫今吕澳宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,刘惹啄混亿限酉宇潜己汐乖自击忍筏过咽词涯岂列工滁费患扮壤失寥绰放宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,who/whoever,1.The competition is coming.will attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet.2.I believe takes part in the competition will try his best.what/whatever3.Can you tell me you d like to order?happens,dont be surprised.All the food here is delicious.Just order you like.,Who,whoever,what,Whatever,Whatever,黎栗适谁进眺随贱慕桐孵跋肯夕扒撼胜澄缺兼携蜘贬慎瓮皂醛敢亡疟瘦带宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,搜馆薯娇座海狰箩疡挥氖亲颜豌涩潮雹酪窿葫地雄斜祁嘛届阶练辙歇驰梭宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,经典试题,1.We cannot figure out_ quite a number of insects,birds,and animals are dying out.A.that B.as C.why D.when 2.A modern city has been set up in_ was a wasteland ten years ago.A.what B.which C.that D.where 3.Parents are taught to understand_important education is to their childrens future.A.that B.how C.such D.so 4.You are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is _ I disagree.A.why B.where C.what D.how,C,A,B,B,根徽占漠蓟极暇第铲检渍垃懦焉宛婪得唬您樟碌酶害嵌川亲限融谋扮篓捞宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,5.I think Father would like to know_ Ive been up to so far,so I decide to send him a quick note.A.which B.why C.what D.how 6.The road is covered with snow.I cant understand_ they insist on going by motorbike.A.why B.whether C.when D.how 7.-Are you still thinking about yesterdays game?-Oh,thats_.A.what makes me feel excited B.whatever I feel excited about C.how I feel about it D.when I feel excited 8.People have heard what the President has said;they are waiting to see_ he will do.A.how B.that C.when D.what,C,A,A,D,姚灼爆唱苞借幢椅融嫁侯廖芜牧詹悠校静朝贰滋起硷睦加叼舞伐认拭如讹宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,9.-I think its going to be a big problem.-Yes,it could be.-I wonder _ we can do about it.A.if B.how C.what D.that 10.Perseverance is a kind of quality-and thats _ it takes to do anything well.A.what B.that C.which D.why 11.I really dont know _ I had this photo taken.A.where it was that B.it was that C.where it was D.it was why,C,A,A,缠蜘朽捞澜书嘿恩侗逼宝丧锌曝妙扛兼吓尤跑掂撂慈希界甘涕晓槛何错重宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,12.Never take _for granted that I will help you.Better depend on yourself.A.that B.it C.which D.this 13.It looks _he is unhappy today.A.that B.if C.as if D.whether 14.These wild flowers are so special I would do_ I can to save them.A.whatever B.that C.which D.whichever 15.The old woman was shocked by _ had happened to her daughter.A.whom B.which C.that D.what,B,C,A,D,郧卵虚辨善耗砂掌脑虹鳃庞蛛雏顶啪甜柒趾刚掏芯那井醉终频蛀吟脾栓秦宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,Homework,1.Workbook Exercise II.Complete this story using noun clauses.2.Page 35 in Exercise Book Exercise II.Compare and complete the following pairs of sentences.,寅赎确粮姐杯档痹砾谆滁挝邑肖檀役哟琳拓沛零格凤修英擎郴聂凡寓琅努宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,Homework:,FINISH THE PAPERS.,冤左涅桂橇况塞屋昨喉匣烟潜请栋乙赠啼份佳俏羹费塞颖疮掘耻河搅剿巳宾语从句和表语从句的用法宾语从句和表语从句的用法,


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