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    Infectious vs Noninfectious DiseasesCommunity Unit School 感染性与非感染性疾病社区学院文档资料.ppt

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    Infectious vs Noninfectious DiseasesCommunity Unit School 感染性与非感染性疾病社区学院文档资料.ppt

    1.Infectious-caused by microorganisms,Pathogens-disease causing organismToxins-poisons produced as a byproduct of the bacterias metabolism,botulism,Popped up lid,1.Infectious-caused by microorganisms,Pathogens-disease causing organismToxins-poisons produced as a byproduct of the bacterias metabolism Physically destroy cells,remove nutrients,etc.,tapeworm,Ringworm(fungus),bacteria,Chicken pox,1.Infectious-caused by microorganisms,Pathogens-disease causing organismToxins-poisons produced as a byproduct of the bacterias metabolism Physically destroy cells,remove nutrients,etc.Passed from one host to another,1.Infectious-caused by microorganisms,Pathogens-disease causing organismToxins-poisons produced as a byproduct of the bacterias metabolism Physically destroy cells,remove nutrients,etc.Passed from one host to anotherMost seen for the first time with microscopes,How do we protect ourselves against pathogens?,Vaccines introduce killed or weakened strains of a pathogen(virus or bacteria)that can stimulate our own immune system to prevent infection.,Louis Pasteur(1822-1895),His experiments showed that microorganisms do not arise from non-living matter(spontaneous generation)and that bacteria can cause disease.wine industry-microbe+fruits/grains-alcoholWool industry-anthrax bacteria vaccineSilk industry-parasite causing worms to die,If we do become infected,antibiotics can be used to attack and destroy bacteria(works only on prokaryotes!),Other pathogens can be treated with specific medications-like ring worm(fungi=athletes foot).,The best way to protect yourself against viral(and other)diseases is to avoid getting infected and keep yourself healthy so your immune system can protect you if you do!,Controlling Bacteria,Sterilization-boiling,frying,steaming(kills endospores if hot enough),Controlling Bacteria,Sterilization-boiling,frying,steamingDisinfectants,(kills endospores if strong enough),Controlling Bacteria,Sterilization-boiling,frying,steamingDisinfectantsRefrigeration(slows down growth,but does not kill endospores!),Controlling Bacteria,Sterilization-boiling,frying,steamingDisinfectantsRefrigerationFreezing,(NO!),Controlling Bacteria,Sterilization-boiling,frying,steamingDisinfectantsRefrigerationFreezingCanning,(if done right!),Controlling Bacteria,Sterilization-boiling,frying,steamingDisinfectantsRefrigerationFreezingCanningDrying/Salt/Sugar,(No!),Viroids(RNA),-Mad cow disease-Deer chronic wasting disease,Prions(protein infectious particles-no DNA!),Scared Yet?,Germ Theory of Disease,Before the microscope,humans thought disease was caused by supernatural forces(like fate or curses)because there was no visible organism causing the disease.,Kochs PostulatesPathogen found in sick hostIsolate pathogen&make a PURE culture.Inoculate pathogen into healthy host and check for development of disease.Re-isolate pathogen and compare to original host.,Germ Theory of Disease,Disease is caused by“invisible”microbesMicrobes are transmitted from host to hostMicrobes reproduce in the body of the host,Lymes disease,VirusesBacteriaProtistsFungiParasites-wormsProtein,How Diseases are Spread,Physical Contact,How Diseases are Spread,Contaminated Food and Water,How Diseases are Spread,Vectors-infected animals,Be smart about food handling in your home!,You cant stop germs,but you can do things to keep your family healthy!,Noninfectious Diseases,Noninfectious Diseases-not caused by microorganisms,Deficiency diseases-some substance is lacking(vitamin C),Noninfectious Diseases-not caused by microorganisms,Deficiency diseases-some substance is lackingScurvy(vitamin C)Anemia(iron),Noninfectious Diseases-,Environmental Diseases-react to something that invades the body,but is not reproduced there.Allergies(pollen,bees,pet hair.food,etc.),Noninfectious Diseases-,Environmental Diseases-react to something that invades the body,but is not reproduced there.Pollution(brown lung,asbestos,etc.),Noninfectious Diseases-,Genetic disease-caused by DNACystic FibrosisDowns Syndrome,Noninfectious Diseases-,Degenerative diseases-disorder in functioning of the bodyHeart diseaseAutoimmune,


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