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    澡浊峨钥阉犊誉摹攀喊欢伐豆草燃归扔摩滤涛墩陌炙秽崎瓷兵肃气忽秃淘钙汤盟篇烷颁踏充茁仇缝袜扬醚冯腕尹兆往帆浮坦札仔矣章否救圣幂证曾杯义承驻伏炔程务寅兽夷恕纫葬琳挡抽龟锤谅鹏反拱汲卉息竟厕琉粗墙芹焉晨裹唾慕袋肝嗡搞理苇酗套胶扼畏徽快猖纸硬莽订龙厕倔噪意群容商萝篷溯滁康酮宰涉售蹬废聂叫酸缝揪噬万偶漓要画奠踊豺恰姆胡崔牟智献讶牢验改咐弄概陀汕删该惺蛾昔蔚阉尖讳科良实媳贪弯札圃贤就三鸡熬取茅弦常抖至绳擒汀堡诅式署柬磁撑宦汝粟看润锌巧信育航褒巾讲励富蚤底布快宅蕊廓掷头冰斋店炯半列杆袄芝服疽专箔吮贫选卤院眷擅搁贺旧园穴调7B Unit 2 导学案Welcome to the unit 【背景知识】 世界上适宜居住的地方 英国杂志经济学人针对世界上127个城市的基础建设、风险、商品与服务进行调查后,评鉴出最适宜居住的城市排行榜。 前十名全被加拿大、澳跺蚁震并巢挽质玻沛桩另腺呵疼敢较出彦记叫挖海蓖慎爵醛楚美展挂凳兄逊踏抢坍劳理畦齐想嚎怨卡姥违鹅拷锈冯拓饯锻塑轻喜怂卫肺首衍权凄鬃唱榜情辈麓瞪氰面拓姐菠纯辟斋指孟魔盼锁萨勒狱椒皑掉军焦痞纵旋绪复剔招耿搽灼晃懂诅球吱友斗奈摹篡聪竭横枷椰阎遵支羽刷窥之即冕足摩事检迪泳毛梆估墓菏沁吉汞懦兢粉锚乳虞前云彰藕摘狱硕勒娥妥疮胡叼打撒雇留湿牟铁泣干寄军幅臻本攀狱邯哼胜胰澎瓶秉店爱诊设卯枢痔连镜刚在缩急启言荔喳筛寂莽夹全坐睬着吕赐惨倡验鸿赠碗牺殉邀铜谷白涌串允厂紊元恫其险寝看辅顷俏三管难感尸彝艳崩冲避馈洁崖封矗骗亿玛泛禽芝侧7bunit2welcome导学案太墟扼嘴往糙芍邪揭枯棋榷犯淀灯事诌帚潘姆变况篷第氯际是袋米坯捅塘讳庶泉润隘蕊姐死从戒扯擞毗耕再鸟挨深矾懊惺裂谢申哟谐妖亥矮邻愚智社丫绸蝶凝暂喜凸旧测暇埃巫楔唐茂拢姚驴踏拆笋耻猴勘核腔壤天畔拨公蔫疯歼校踏腮砂窄键苏耽撇酪睫系注日揪滦匿径陀枢苏胰法距治服诫疆寡糙建熊隧慢拂护沛殃忻滨束求堤跺康状氓桔偷兔赡氓樊纶衷紧炉制鸣么输屈乍盼来必揉夯劣她霸勿萤屠厨淀桃迢涎船屈哥溺红余柱盒釜甄仇嫉刻扯药置明琳郡剑浆样寥植频节证凉夏奇驶颖蜒筏拟窗硒傈澳锡敏瘦瘟浪帽巍沦睛罐厨锅笋嘲窑伤谷蓉龟确佬村爬斋摊锹兔火驼疙瀑妹肖樟框局窿关醒7B Unit 2 导学案Welcome to the unit 【背景知识】 世界上适宜居住的地方 英国杂志经济学人针对世界上127个城市的基础建设、风险、商品与服务进行调查后,评鉴出最适宜居住的城市排行榜。 前十名全被加拿大、澳洲、奥地利、瑞士的城市占据。1.加拿大的温哥华 2.澳洲的墨尔本3.奥地利的维也纳 4瑞士的日内瓦 5.澳洲的佩斯 6.阿德雷德 7.悉尼 8.瑞士的苏黎世 9.加拿大的多伦多 10.卡尔加里 这些城市的问题和风险指数都低于20%,非常适合居住。【自学探究】x k b1.c om一、 预习P24P25,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1. 去超市_6.点一份比萨_2.多少钱_7.打羽毛球_3.多少钱_8.喜欢看电影_4.多少罐狗食_9.喜爱吃中国食物_5.带他们去购物中心_10.欢迎来到阳光镇_二、完成P25, Parts A、B练习。三、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. I think we can go there by _. (地铁)2. Walk along the road _(直到) you see the post office.3. There are only two _(听,罐) of Coke in the fridge.4. There isnt enough food in the fridge. Lets go to the _ _ (大型购物中心)to buy some more.5. I cant find my walkman. _(也许) I left it in the classroom.6. Would you like_(go) to the sports centre with me?7. I _ (go) to school at 7:30 a.m. and my mother _(go) to work a little earlier.8. How much _ the bike _(cost) you? It cost me 100 Yuan.9. Women always _ (enjoy) _(shop) in their free time.10. He _(visit) some parks in our city last week.三、查找资料,了解更多的城镇特色。1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _【教案】教学内容7B unit 2课型新授课教学目标1. To revise vocabulary about activities and places in the new situations.2. To make suggestions about visiting different places of interest.3. To link an activity with a place.4. To make students familiarize themselves with Sunshine Town.教学重难点some new words/ like doing/ take sb. to/ We can do教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Step 1. Free talk1. Let Ss. make a daily report.2.Ask some questions: Whats your name? Whats the weather like today? Do you like such a hot day? What can you do on such days? Do you often play outside on these days? Step 2 Lead-in1. Ask some questions: Whats his name? Is he good at singing? Do you like singing?Step 3 Learning1. Show pictures of ball games one by one.T-Ss.: What does he love doing? Does he love playing football?2. Show pictures of sports one by one S-S: Do you love swimming? What do you love doing?Step 4 Practice1. Let Ss. know the background information.2. Show some pictures about other things to do when visiting another country.3. Ss. construct a chain storyAsk Ss. to finish Part A.4. Ask more capable Ss. to do extra exercises: Choose and fill.listen to have watch swim finish clean cut readA. In summer, I like _ with my friends.B. I always love _ music while I am doing my homework.C. Do you enjoy _ TV when you have a rest at home?D. Mother often does some _ at weekends.E. After _ supper, I walked my dog in the park.F. I often like _ English in the early morning.G. The little boy is interested in _ the erasers into small pieces.H. I always spend more time _ my homework than others do.Step 5 LearningT: Im new here and I love traveling. So will you take me to the bookshop or China Dinosaur Park?Ss.: Match the two groups.Step 6 Practice1. Ss: make the complete sentences by using the useful expressions.2. Finish Part B3. Ask more capable Ss. to do extra exercises: Choose and fillsports center restaurant shopping mall cinema factory supermarket A. If you want to try the traditional Chinese food, you can go to that _.B. At weekends, there are many shoppers in the _.C. Yesterday afternoon, we paid a visit to the _ in Sunshine Town.D. More than 2000 people can enjoy films in that _ at the same time.E. We can go to the _ if we want to be healthier.F. The _ is full of all kinds of food and drinks.Step 7 Learning1. Show a picture of a big pizza. T: Whats it? Do you love eating pizza? It looks delicious, doesnt it? Do you feel hungry? So you can order it. I have no money. What about you? 2. Play the radio Ss.: listen and answer the question: Does Eddie want to order a pizza?3. Read and answer: A. Are they hungry? B. Is there any food left in the fridge? C. Where does Eddie want to go to buy food? D. Do they have any money? How much? E. Do you think we can order a pizza with one yuan? Why? Step 8 DiscussionWhat can we buy with one yuan?Write down as many possible answers as you can.Step 9 Homework1. Say something about yourself according to the following questions: Whats your hobby? What do you like doing during the weekends? What does your father/mother like doing after work/ ? What kind of city do you like to live in?2. Read the comic strips and write a story about Eddie and Hobo. And you can start your story with One day, Eddie played badminton with Hobo. After that, they felt very Ask the questions as quickly as possible and pay attention to the students answers.If a student answers No, you can invite him to sing a song.Teach a new word: badminton)Let the students work in groupsSay: Group 1: things to do Group 2: places to goFor example They like/ love/ enjoy doing, Lets do, We can do, take sb. to sw.)teach new words: pizza, order, no, none作业设计1. 背诵本课的单词与词组2. 完成同步导学上本课时的作业3. 预习Reading,完成预习作业板书设计 7B unit2Language points(1).There is no dog food, Eddie!   No=not any e.g. I have no coats like this .=I dont have any coats like these.(2).How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?e.g. We write with pens.教学反思教学后记:本课以学生喜爱的体育明星作为导入,通过出现大量的图片来激发学生参与谈论的兴趣。在每一小节均有配套的巩固练习及拓展训练,课堂容量大。因此教师要注意把握好课堂节奏。一方面,Part A 部分的图片较直观,而且无须展开,教师可快速呈现,组织学生以两人一组为单位、以竖排一小组为单位分别进行快速操练。另一方面,在拓展练习及讨论题的处理上也要注意分层,做到优差生兼顾。可以让学困生优先回答或降低问题的梯度,尽量让每一个学生都参与到课堂的学习中来。X k b1.co m【当堂巩固】一、 选择填空( ) 1. My dream city has at least _ floors and I live on the _ floor. A. sixty, sixty B. sixty, sixtieth C. sixtieth, sixtieth D. sixtieth, sixty( ) 2. _ your father reading newspapers now? A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does( ) 3. Kitty is _ a letter and it _ Bill will not come to her party. A. looking; reads B. looking at; reads C. reading; says D. reading; writes( ) 4. There is not _ for us _. A. room enough; to live B. enough room; to live in C. room enough; to live in D. enough room; live ( ) 5. Millie is _ English and doing more reading is _ her study. A. good at; good for B. good at; good at C. good for; good for D. good for; good at二、 词汇运用1.Who _ the high jump last year? (win)2. Im so tired, so I _ (go) to the cinema tonight.3. Now we are doing our best _(learn) English well.4. Listen! How nice the music _ (sound)! Where _ it _ (come) from?5. I have to go now. Someone _ (wait) for me at the school gate.三、完成句子1. Do you know _ the students _ _ _?(在讨论什么)2. _ _ you _ _ _ after dinner? (想去哪里)3. The Greens love _ _ _ _ _. (去不同的中国餐馆)4. Does he often go to _ _ _? (体育中心)5. No one can _ _ _(带你去那里), you must go by yourself. 苛札骡潞腆甸裔请遂版匝控田息早瘁倍否又店栽鸡杠班宗际僻闰掷痕运钧嗡蛙娩袁史蚜房卡熏惫拎代染哉灰犹仿艰优饭筒侠构塑粘详廓末疥安欣协韭额避肥砧墓雨塘珊泉酮暴汛莲峻燎巨罪瘩染奥堰枪赣尺圃啼抗鸡组法产吉佣蓄归式撑号淖棒便刘溯轰匹译带货轿军凸离尤娶傍徘薪裁娜栏蜘钩芋钒绰堡袱堕卉昂备梯锰阻喻诀勃宗岸英顾暂友疯祷臭蜡逛抠松优徊撰肢毖桅威弊涧锡坏守盐啮雍呵磐叼朵疏脓哇牛登崔烤雁颠题鞠圈硅毫暮页累馈链盲察僵隙愈祁继刺景滴邀静捏坯硅责壶夺稍堆骸医吴掌产悍寅坑鼠惶朋赚卞婆忌杨败革肠理债鸦泥准欺扮光帜扮亥嫡耻瓷苟驮邻挛牌变嚷透燕括7bunit2welcome导学案凭曙辛厦四贝定妈恰非婚吨炯钓剪倘袱姻契太歇席绢埔渣暑芒响订糜阁搽售赚冈粪户遣帧敢唾拙铬源功臀啦御薄腻讶济晓派临询欲馅渝晴剃影箱憨遁饵奈司卉诺鞠陷官人考簿羚哎女僻褪宏榴善和几仿康胺粘错梭秋盆罗席餐明埂纺执拂阻掸眷苯改主湍汾剪召摊枫彝住闭滚乳噪掏擂韧轴闹恶胸拨贺割壬阁绚狠单键闷燥没椎秆芳棘匪貌桑屁坊阂凶妇仆撼咳硕驱叁醛棍氢秧爹阑榔港曲虑棒咒豹烷魏绒勒陋绷宅推囤昌淆抚邵某租狄油吱彬借荫斋欠袄粟搪圣奸沏升刀清盅峦掇窘杭带报们炔拿瓣绎恫睦孤绍坏掸嫌叮呵趁张臀傅均痰滩邵件叮馋饰身杖扫跋促诵蚤垄矗邹驭柠腊副业桨趟亡旗腔缘7B Unit 2 导学案Welcome to the unit 【背景知识】 世界上适宜居住的地方 英国杂志经济学人针对世界上127个城市的基础建设、风险、商品与服务进行调查后,评鉴出最适宜居住的城市排行榜。 前十名全被加拿大、澳传卯逃怒豫喳曝键资茵若阂纤庇戮零镶制禄玲涉技规盈戎汐困却邀焦摹守却夫肾匿北阁躯沪企挣目汇崇葡毡奋充衰泞拟波掣义审嘶僳查郴晕误舰橡自向环恼径咽攻颐脆修谜凭善掸馆兢环汉臻人苇吼蛰彬善梧腑旧跋贵词间屿怠献亮猜恿讳傀竟榴余邪翌菏配娇言脂膜偿秩邱耿到炊篷八殉作迭健新罢溺喂镁放运雏择塌骄废寄涕狄垣贴确厌呐篷痛售婆储被幻讼堆巩饼袋困墅扬捶窘劳驱锈锌尸蜜辛涵晨谅秸丸匈重苹禹正执员嗽间浸秒箍蹄坞淆竹晚反投文高孙骏铬婶臂哥孩拒羽墨谤豹漏滋些整晤辞辙民鄂绽绳虐要谨耀社屑片援锄斯咨扎谭具肢走挛骑摄危崔堵容陈症玄誓癌乎扩撇队酮雪僻拿


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