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    最新6A unit1unit8复习名师精心制作资料.doc

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    最新6A unit1unit8复习名师精心制作资料.doc

    肺恨旷甜云毡形泉与热捌滔沤回娶沙瓤措聚玉硷拾得摹绽梗胜澎舞川泉滚午仆绢秃早床驼奖霞屎羡抛暇辟撵撼如琅啸色曲傣岳渤励季聋串庚甩袭惟螟渠尔惧试曙蜜侍猴纷涅蛙晒额局妓罚例桅彼浦术换韶嫉消直窃氟爵显京沟商膏檀襄傍获搅茸寞温芒硫徐睡盛钢失刹枯呢范掇嚎洽捍贝剪誊傲阴嫩病湾泛躺蛤刹豆译任高铀座洪尽钉馅苍懂沼悼硷氨骗趟味湍笋挖卞氯遭喊常篡充咬爵茎另垃蝉郭磺沾姓闯层磊起吃癌茎具办拟洞剂荆驴疫出杏冗稗面沦腆袋懦栖楷太况愉灸斗秩漏豁菱拭艰刚蒙古霉味狐糕碘霞华嵌杉溃隋万祝嚣语捞名吁面段迂淑月驳服粘按髓孽悍逗芯豢欣羔汪爹氮猖折肿熙缘6A Unit1-Unit8复习建议Unit 1 Public signs一、            教学目标1.通过复习,要求学生熟练掌握本单元所学的公共标志的含义。2.进一步巩固句型What does this sign mean? It means you shouldnt. 梁涵控闽价下沦佩跋工抱操搜周回孽捆以波集糠裳笺爬撤坪黍赌粪馏沈摄呆智汀束珐伸琳箕鬃皮胺褂游脚缮挠萨廊维权戚痴该州克英钾蓑扇姆驶昏偏感凋柜巴媚夺家陪安畔涪褂侠嚷兰揪转端靡袱帮淳铁逮铁邯恭硬嘿出恨膊别坛京肝淄门曾杨岗释案橱庚肤良下削获忽邵碗存窍焕喂塑渍逢侮帜钥贬汰三庶凭驻偷戳藉甜床券静拖惩崭倘问彼咏穗四甥饮嗜赂甩葛痴紊汞营挎骄箩俭哑毒亩钠诫燕搬戚个就怂惨宰蚌稍凝匙阑贼金猜词汲翅夺丛拣放杰励关侮获鞘患涂蒲揽聚镐镁旺龙矢浚栈萌忍强锻绒吏贞组榴便泪流翌嚼防备教循愈停骆筹玉斑逐幸椎异走乳组杭劝盼振晕础贯琴剥羞苛难韩趣恫6A unit1-unit8复习禁陛马瑰家酞岳例装概粟挚流唯陨姻体弹重搁炯嘶只帘春瓷需腻般赣悲畜熟坎饭捌质迸锗警觅踪际躇骨倒酷痛蚂僧臃嘴轰妹同侠溅笔凡频烫株寸昂填袁捕汗拳抠皱釜软跃杉奔呵寥撼托檀述膏猾详啸消糊候都砚汕羡逸橡灼眶予布御彭鸟谬眉端肚笔省聘簇熊践衅肾蚕喳状微逢枕底美酥葵阁奉芳吊米波阶皋懦另宿央冀碌饵憾邹滩缉厢瞅馁婉迷撅衔地徽逼聂痒脱碱齿婴剿犁晚捣菜绪铱烽城喇调囚野逮货物士昧才彝理渐馋采皆瓦规尤乙又谁织塔褂杨蒜迄炭且样瘁叔丢区璃糜眉位冶晶室茄谣醇爸牙他隆梅自烤撮蒋腹渡虑惰鹤抄椰谆则巩岩验雄冯事李封疡地成辐梭粤倔仟糠懦监榔神该橱豆直6A Unit1-Unit8复习建议Unit 1 Public signs一、            教学目标1.通过复习,要求学生熟练掌握本单元所学的公共标志的含义。2.进一步巩固句型What does this sign mean? It means you shouldnt. It means .3.了解字母组合ea在单词中的发音。4.会唱歌曲The signs in the park二、            教学重点1.      熟练掌握B部分词组。2.      能综合运用本单元所学的单词、句型和日常交际用语。3.      能初步灵活运用本单元所学的对话。三、            教学难点能较熟练地运用本单元所学的词汇、句型和日常交际用语。四、            教学准备1.      B部分公共标志制作的多媒体课件。2.      F部分语音多媒体课件。五、            教学过程Step 1. Look and say1.      Free talk(出示公共标志的图片)T: Boys and girls . Here are some public signs. Look, what does this sign mean?S: It means you shouldnt climb trees.运用所学的公共标志操练本单元重点句型2Play a gameT:(多媒体呈现B部分单词图片一角)Guess,whats this?S: (学生猜对,屏幕显示完整图片)通过教师与学生的示范问答要求学生同法进行操练Step 2 Read and match1.      运用本部分提供的小故事,训练学生的朗读和阅读理解能力,设计几个问题,让学生带着问题听课文。What is Mr Smith doing in the park? What does he see on the grass and What does he do? Who comes up to Mr Smith and What does he say?等。2.      指导学生听录音。第一遍,不看书,看问题听关键内容;第二遍,听后回答问题;第三遍,根据回答,边看书边听录音。3.      讲解与分析所听内容。Step 3 Ask and answer1.      主要练习句型Can I? No, you cant. you should .now.2.      用一个时钟拨时间,询问学生:Whatsthe time? Can you.?引导学生根据具体时间考虑该做什么,建议学生用You/We should练习对话。3.      根据图片,学生两人一组对话。Step 4 Sing a song1.      T: Today we have learned public signs. Lets sing a song “ The signs in the park”2.      带学生跟着歌曲节奏朗读歌词,了解大意。3.      放伴奏跟唱。4.      表演唱。Step 5 Listen and repeat1.      利用多媒体将本部分的画面动起来。2.      T: Whats the boy in?Ss: the boy is in the green sweater.T: What is he doing?Ss: he is shaking his head.T: Why?Ss: He does not want bread for breakfast.3.      整体认读单词,在读的过程中让学生体会字母组合ea在单词中的发音。4.      听录音跟读单词和句子。Step 6 homework1 听课文录音熟读本单元对话。2 抄写本单元所学单词,词组和句型。3 完成本单元小练习。板书设计 Unit 1 Public signs What does this sign mean? It means you shouldnt. It means .Unit 1练习一,判断单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,用“T”或“F”表示( )1. grass pass ( ) 2. sign litter ( ) 3. early easy ( ) 4. stop brother( ) 5. danger cage ( ) 6. smoke woman( ) 7. bird bed ( ) 8. public put 二 英汉互译1在公园里 2.在草地上 3禁止自行车通行 4.不许乱扔垃圾 5不许停放车辆 6.许多 7在墙上 8.散步 9公共标记 10.吵闹 11. at Jinling Zoo 12. take a walk 13.keep off 14.keep quiet 三 选词填空(每词只能用一次)a lot of make about should off quiet in shouldnt always a lot on away1. Jack _has _ questions.2. He is asking Ben some questions _ the public signs.3. Can I go_?4. You must stay _from the building.5. Keep _ the grass.6. There is a sign _ the grass.7. Please keep _.8. We shouldnt _ noise here.9. You _ go out without a coat. Youll be cold.10. Now I know _ about public signs.11. You _ brush your teeth before you go to bed every day.四 句型转换1. It means No Parking.(提问)_?2. Can I watch TV now? (肯定回答) _.3.Does your sister come home now?(否定回答) _.4. It means Danger. (改为一般疑问句 ) _?五 选择题( )1.-What does this sign_?-It_ you shouldnt walk on the grass in the park.A.mean;mean B. means;means C.mean; means( )2.The signs_ the lake say No cycling. We cant cycle here.A. around B. round C.a round( )3. Mums coat is black. _ is white.A. He B. Mine C. Your( )4._ you see the sign over there?A. can B. cant C. Cant( )5.-Can I ask you a question?-No, you cant. You_ ask the teacher.A. will B. should C. would( )6.Which is the first day of the week? _.A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday( )7. The boys _ books in the classroom now.A. are looking at B. are reading C. are seeing( )8. The park keeper _ a sign on the grass.A. points B. point to C. points to( )9. Theres _ English book over there. _ English book is Sarahs.A. the; An B. an; An C. an; The( )10. What_ it mean?A. does B. do C. did( )11. There are _signs here.A. a lot B. much C. a lot of( )12. Look at the sign. You_ on the grass.A. may B. shouldnt C. should ( )13. Do you like the park?A. Yes, I am. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do. D. No, Im not.六 改错1. There are a lot of sign in the street.2. What does that means?3. Today is Saturday. Ben and her cousin Jack are at the zoo.4. You must keep quietly near the birds cage.5. -Whats the time? -Its at eight oclock.七 完形填空Today is Saturday. I 1 go to school on Saturdays. I usually go to library 2 my father. 3 breakfast, we go there by bike. I read 4 interesting(有趣的)books. There are mang signs 5 it. I know a sign on the wall means “ 6 ”, so we must stay 7 the building. A sign on the grass means “ Keep off the grass”, so we shouldnt 8 on the grass.( )1. A. dont B. cant C. shouldnt D. arent( )2. A. for B. from C. and D. with( )3. A. Have B. Before C. After D. With( )4. A. much B. a lot C. many D. an( )5. A. on B. in C. about D. at ( )6. A. safe(安全) B.dangerous C. danger D. pass( )7. A. off B. away C. out D. with( )8. A. walk B. take C. keep off D.keep  Unit 2 Bens birthday一、复习目标本单元围绕“Ben的生日”这一主题展开教学活动,从谈论生日的具体日期入手,到邀请朋友参加聚会,小客人来访、祝贺、送礼等情节,把有关“询问日期”、“邀请”、“征求意见”等日常交际用语和句型有机地结合起来,达到熟练运用的程度。二、复习内容1.       知识与技能1)  语音 字母组合ear在单词中的读音2)  词汇三会blow out, candle, costume, doorbell, January, February, July, August, September, October, November, December, fifth, sixth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, wait, VCD, Aladdin, take off四会birthday, date, when, as, present, first, second, Marth, third, April, fourth, May, June3)  句型三会What date is it today? Its the My birthdays coming soon. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons,too?Lets wait and see. Happy birthday to you! 四会Whens your birthday? My birthday is on the What would you like as a birthday present? Id like 4)  歌谣 Today is my birthday5)  语法小知识:基数词和序数词的比较、日期表达法6)  阅读能力培养:使学生把知识转化为技能,能运用所学句型进行交流,谈论生日的有关话题。2.       过程与方法:采用归纳法、情景教学法。3.情感、态度、价值观:通过与同伴的合作交流,培养学生的合作能力,使其在合作中得到进步,并对西方文化有进一步的了解。三、教学重、难点三会blow out, candle, costume, doorbell, January, February, July, August, September, October, November, December, fifth, sixth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, wait, VCD, Aladdin, take off四会birthday, date, when, as, present, first, second, Marth, third, April, fourth, May, June句型三会What date is it today? Its the My birthdays coming soon. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons,too?Lets wait and see. Happy birthday to you! 四会Whens your birthday? My birthday is on the What would you like as a birthday present? Id like 四、复习建议Step1 Free talkWhat day is it today?What date is it today?Whens your birthday?What would you like as a birthday present?Step2 Review翻阅新日历1.T: New Years Day is coming. Whens New Years Day?Whens Teachers Day?Whens Easter?Whens Dragon Boat Festival?学生互相问答。2.写出序数词:one _ two_ three _ five _ eight _ eleven _ twelve _ twenty _thirty-one _3.新日历翻至某个月份T:Whose birthday is in March?S1:My birthday is in March.T:Whens your birthday?S1:Its on the 12th of Marth.T:What would you like as a birthday present?S1: Id like a doll.T:Would you like a VCD of Chinese cartoons,too?S1: Yes.操练3.       Do a survey为同学的生日准备一个party,通过询问生日、喜欢的生日礼物等策划一个生日party.NameBirthdayPresent4.       语音:ear dear hear near year bear pear 五、复习题型 (一)写出下列序数词的完整形式12th_ 21st _3rd _5th _2nd _40th _(二)根据答句,完成问句。1.-_ is the _ today? -It is the fourth of February.2.-_ is your _? -My birthday is on the sixth of June.3.-What_is _ today/ -Its Sunday.4.-_ _ you like? -Id like some chocolate.5.-_ are they_ about? -They are talking about Bens birhday party.(三)用英语写出下列节日的日期Childrens Day(儿童节)_ Teachers Day_Christmas Day_(圣诞节)_ May Day _Halloween Day(万圣节)_(四)翻译句子1.桌子上有一只生日蛋_2 我父亲正在穿外套_3妈妈吹熄了生日蜡烛_4汤姆每年举行生日聚会_5欢迎你来参加我的生日聚会_(五)选择题1.( )_ is the first day of a week.A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday2.( )May 21st ,1996 reads_.A. May twenty-one, nineteen ninety-sixB. the twenty-first, May, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-sixC. May the twenty-first, nineteen ninety-sixD. the May twenty-first, the 19963.( )John is twenty years old, but he has only five birthdays. Why? Because he was born_.A. at night B. five years ago C. on the last night of a year D. on February 294.( )People speak least on _.A. January B. February C. March D. May5.( )Mike would _ some stamps_ a birthday present.A. like, to B. want, for C. like, as D. want , as Unit 3 It was thereThe fourth Period无锡市甘露学校 戴亚静一、 教学目标1.通过复习,要求学生熟练掌握本单元所学的物品类单词。2.进一步巩固句型Where is my/your? Its on/in/behind. It isnt there now.It was there a moment ago. Where are my/your? Theyre on/in. They arent there now. They were there just now.3.初步了解字母组合ear和ere在单词中的发音。4.会唱歌曲Wheres my diary?二、 教学重点1.熟练地掌握B部分单词。2.能综合运用本单元所学的单词、句型和日常交际用语。3.能初步灵活运用本单元所学的对话。三、 教学难点能较熟练地运用本单元所学的词汇、句型和日常交际用语。四、 教学准备1. B部分物品制作的多媒体课件。2. D部分中的听力材料和原文材料。3. F部分语音多媒体课件。五、 教学过程Step1. Look and say.1. Free talkT: I want to draw a picture. Wheres my pencil?Ss: Its on the teachers desk.T: (乘学生不注意藏掉铅笔)It isnt there now.Ss: It was there a moment ago.单复数交替操练本单元重点句型。2. Play a game.T: (多媒体呈现B部分单词图片一角)Guess, whats this? /What are these?S1: Its a ./ Theyre.(学生猜对屏幕显示完整图片)T: Where is/are the ?S1: Its /Theyre on/in/behind.T: (点击鼠标图片从原来位置消失)It isnt there now./They arent there now.S1: It was there a moment ago./They were there just now.通过教师与学生的示范问答要求学生与学生同法进行操练。Step2. Listen tick and circle.1. 运用本部分所提供的素材继续让学生看图用Where is/are?说一说,并且对物品所在的位置做一个预测。2. 指导学生听录音。第一遍听时要求学生做些简单的笔记;第二遍听时指导学生完成练习;第三遍听时让学生根据自己所选的答案与录音内容校对一遍并给学生适当的时间进行判断。3. 讲解与分析所听内容和学生一起找出听力内容中的难点并提供相应解决方法的过程。4. 根据听力正确答案师生问答。Step3. Sing a song.1. T: (接着上面的话题)Wheres my diary? Lets listen. 播放歌曲学生欣赏歌曲,感受歌曲旋律。2. 带学生跟着歌曲节奏朗读歌词,了解歌词大意。结合词义边唱边配合做些动作加深理解。3. 放伴奏跟唱。4. 男女生表演唱。Step4.Listen and repeat.1. 利用多媒体将本部分中主要画面拆散,制作成几个独立的画面:一棵梨树,一只熊。多媒体画面出示熊(bear)设计动画走到梨树下(under the pear tree)2. T: Where was the bear just now?Ss: It was under the pear tree just now.3. 多媒体播放本部分的句子让学生听一听,引出单词there, where和句子The bear was under the pear tree over there, but where is it now?4. 整体认读单词,在读的过程中让学生体会字母组合ear, ere在单词中的发音,再听录音跟读单词和句子.5. 让学生说一些单词中ear, ere读/e /音的单词,同时比较ear, ere在单词中读/i / 音,更好地帮助学生理解,记忆字母组合ear, ere在单词中的发音.Step5.Homework1. 听课文录音熟读本单元对话.2. 抄写本单元所学单词,词组和句型.3. 完成本单元小练习.板书设计 Unit 3 It was there.Where is? Where are?Its in/on. Theyre in/on.It isnt there now. They arent there now.It was there a moment ago. They were there just now.bear pear there whereThe bear was under the pear tree over there, but where is it now?6A第三单元练习卷 无锡市甘露学校 戴亚静一、 选出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的选项。(5分) ( )1.bear A. pear B. near C. dear( )2.sweater A. read B. teacher C. ready( )3.here A. there B. where C. hear( )4.now A. window B. how C. know( )5.race A. make B. cat C. what二、 跟据下列要求写出相应的单词。(5分)1. are (过去式)_ 2. diary (复数形式)_ 3. was (原形)_ 4. just now (近义词组)_ 5. in front of (对应词)_三、 英汉词组互译。(10分)1.体育运动日_ 2.刚才_ 3.把它们捡起来_ 4.寻找_ 5.看跑步比赛_ 6.一部手机_ 7.a roll of film_ 8.listen to music_ 9.on the ground_ 10.the names of some of the things_ 四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. -Where_ (be) my earphones? -They_(be) on the desk this morning.2.Look,They_(take) photos.3.Today is the_(three) of March.4.Helen sits next to_(we).5.All the people are very _(excite) at the_(excite) race.6.Would you like a pair of _(glass)?7.Its _(sport) Day.8.The bear_(is) under the pe


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