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    牛津译林版单元复习学案(8B Unit4)文档资料.doc

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    牛津译林版单元复习学案(8B Unit4)文档资料.doc

    牛津译林版单元复习学案 死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 (8B Unit 4)我国古代的读书人,从上学之日起,就日诵不辍,一般在几年内就能识记几千个汉字,熟记几百篇文章,写出的诗文也是字斟句酌,琅琅上口,成为满腹经纶的文人。为什么在现代化教学的今天,我们念了十几年书的高中毕业生甚至大学生,竟提起作文就头疼,写不出像样的文章呢?吕叔湘先生早在1978年就尖锐地提出:“中小学语文教学效果差,中学语文毕业生语文水平低,十几年上课总时数是9160课时,语文是2749课时,恰好是30%,十年的时间,二千七百多课时,用来学本国语文,却是大多数不过关,岂非咄咄怪事!”寻根究底,其主要原因就是腹中无物。特别是写议论文,初中水平以上的学生都知道议论文的“三要素”是论点、论据、论证,也通晓议论文的基本结构:提出问题分析问题解决问题,但真正动起笔来就犯难了。知道“是这样”,就是讲不出“为什么”。根本原因还是无“米”下“锅”。于是便翻开作文集锦之类的书大段抄起来,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不参考作文书就很难写出像样的文章。所以,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病。要解决这个问题,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫,必须认识到“死记硬背”的重要性,让学生积累足够的“米”。 基础自测死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 一、词汇拓展1. cooking (n. ) _ (n.) 厨师_(n.)厨具2. knowledge (n.)_(adj.)有见识的,知识渊博的3. writer (n. )_ (vt.) 书写_ (n.)作品;著作4. touch ( vt.) _ (adj. )动人的,令人同情的5. tiny(adj. )_(adj.)(比较级)较小的_(adj.)(最高级)最微小的6. refuse (vt.) _(adj.)被拒绝的_(vt.)(反义词)接受7. success (n.)_(adj.)成功的_(adv.)成功地 _(v.)成功8. sales (n. ) _(v.)销售9. advice (n.)_(v.)建议_(vt.)(同义词)建议 _ (n.)建议10. habit (n.) _(adj.)习惯的二、短语归纳1. 怎么处理这些书_2. 在冰箱上 _3. 对感兴趣_4. 历史书 _5. 过去的知识 _6. 在空闲时间 _7. 撞到岩石上_8. 与某人一样_9. 对某人大喊_10. 继续做某事 _11. 一群人_12. 逃跑 _13. be tired out _14. look down _15. run away from _16. fall over _17. hand in _18. return the books _19. on time _20. in the future _21. collect information _22. different types of books _23. lots of advice _24. open up _三、句型再现1. Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo? (what.(to) do with.力固定句式,意思是“怎么对待;怎样处理”,类似的句型还有what.(to) think of 和how.(to) deal with.,注意不能用how. do with.)(1)我不知道怎样对待我的儿子。 I don't know what I can_ _my son.(2)他说他知道他应该怎样处理这个烂苹果。 He says he knows _he should _ _ this bad apple.2. However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body. (continue doing sth. 为固定句式,表示“某人继续做某事”,而continue to do sth.表示“继续做另一件事”)这场雨整整持续了一个下午。 The rain_ _ all afternoon.3.I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the rope. (manage白do sth.为固定句式,表示“某人成功做成某事;设法做”。)(1) 你是怎么到达那里的? _(2) How did you manage to get out of danger? _要点聚焦一、词汇精讲1. touch vt, 感动,触动课文:The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me. 丑陋人卡西莫多的故事感动了我。拓展:be touched by被感动 get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系 keep in touch with与某人保持联系 lose touch with sb. 与某人失去联系She fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow.她的头一挨枕头,就睡着了。What the teacher said touched all the students.老师的话使同学们都感动了。Linda and I kept in touch by writing to each other.琳达和我用书信互相保持联系。活学巧用 Dont touch the notebook on my desk. (翻译句子) _我们都被这部影片深深感动了。We are all _ _by the movie. 毕业并不意味着你将会与老同学失去联系。(翻译句子) _相约中考(2019.苏州) For these people, the senses of smell, sound, sight, _(触摸), and taste are not separate (分开的).2. either adv. 也课文:I did not know what to say either. 我也不知道要说什么。辨析:either,too,also,as welleither表示“也”, 用于否定句中,常用于句末too表示“也”,多用于口语,位置通常放在句末,前面常有逗号,也可用在句中,前后都有逗号also表示“也”,较正式,位置通常接近动词,不用于句末,用于肯定句中as well通常放在句末,意为“也”,相当于too -Do you like the winter here? 你喜欢这儿的冬天吗? -Yes, I like the summer as well for it's not too hot. 是的,我也喜欢夏天,因为天气不是很热。 If you don't go,1 won't either. 如果你不去,我也不去。活学巧用用also, too, as well, either填空 I am sorry. I don't know the home address,_. Li Lin is good at history, and he is good at maths, _. The foreign visitor knows some about the ancient China _. Peter is _ one of the best players on the school football team.3. on time准时课文:You must return them on time. 休必须准时归还它们。拓展:in time及时 at a time每次,一次 all the time -直 at one time 曾经 at the same time同时 at the right time适时,在适当的时候 at times时常,间或 from time to time不时地 If you want to know much more information, get in touch with them in time. 如果你想得到更多的信息,请及时与他们联系。 If you can't arrive there on time, you should let them know. 如果你不能及时到达那里,你应该让他们知道。 One task at a time. 一次完成一项任务。活学巧用 ( )They got the station _to catch the train. A. all the time B. at the same time C. in time D. at times ( )The teacher asks us to finish our homework _.A. on time B. in time C. at times D. in a time ( ) We know that we'd better not eat too much _keep healthy. A. at the right time B. from time to time . C. at a time D. at one time : She asked me some questions from time to time. (翻译句子) _相约中考(2019.无锡) I hope the train will arrive _ _ (准时) , but its beyond my control.(2019.镇江) The show is that sometimes four or even ten ostrich (鸵鸟) are marching forward _ _ _ (每次,一次), and this is seriously strange.4. refuse vt. &vi 拒绝,回绝课文:At first all the British publishing houses refused to publish it. 刚开始英国所有的出版社都拒绝出版它。拓展:refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 She refused to attend the tea party.她拒绝参加茶会。活学巧用那个小男孩拒绝去上学。(翻译句子)_5. advice n. 建议,忠告,劝告课文:My friends give me lots of advice on books. 我的朋友们给了我很多关予书籍的建议。拓展:advice为不可数名词 give sb. advice on sth. 在方面给某人建议 take the advice采纳建议 ask sb. for advice 向某人寻求建议 这个题目太难了,能给我一些建议吗? The problem is very difficult, could you give me some advice? 如果在你的家庭作业上有任何困难,你都可以向我寻求建议。If you have any trouble with your homework, you can ask me for advice.活学巧用 当面临重大决定时,我会向朋友寻求建议。(翻译句子)_ 当建议合理时,你应该采纳别人的建议。You should _ others _ ,if the advice is reasonable. 相约中考(2019.淮安) Follow the doctors _ (advice / information) and you will get better soon.二、句型突破1. Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo? 霍波,你已决定怎么处理这些书了吗?点津:(1)本句是“v. +疑问词+(n.)+to do”的形式,其中疑问词包括疑问代词what,which,who和疑问副词how,when,where等。如: We haven't decided which room to live in. 我们还没决定住哪个房间。 (2)在“疑问词十动词不定式”结构前,也可以是如sure,clear等的形容词。如: I'm not sure how to look after the dog. 我不确定怎么样照顾这个狗。 (3)“疑问词十动词不定式”结构在句中可以改成由该疑问词引导的从句。如: I don't know what to do. = I don't know what I should do。 我不知道应该做什么。 (4)“疑问词十动词不定式”结构还可以在句中做主语和表语。如: How to deal with the problem is very important to us. 如何解决这个问题对我们来说很重要。 (5)“疑问词十动词不定式”结构中若不定式部分的动词是不及物动词,其后的介词或副词不能省略。如: I don't know who to talk with about this book.我不知道和谁讨论这本书。活学巧用 ( ) We can't work out the physics problem Can you_ tell us_?A. how to do B. what to do it C. how to do it D. what should to do 请告诉我怎么去那儿。 Please tell me _ _ _there. I don't know how_ _ _(借书)from the library.2. After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could. 在我们的船撞土礁石损坏之后,我奋力前游。点津:句中的“as far as I could' 表示“尽我所能地远”,使用“as +形容词副词+as”结构,当其用作比较级时表示“和¨一样”;as. ,. as的固定搭配还包括as long as “只要”,as soon as “一就”。 Please call me back as soon as possible. 请尽快给我回电话。This dictionary is as useful as you think. 这本字典和你想象的一样有用。活学巧用 这个问题没有我想像得那么困难。(翻译句子) _ Lily sat down _ _away from him _ _.(尽可能远)3. I must run away from therm 我必须逃离他们。点津:must与have to是两个常用的情态动词,两词后面都接动词原形。在使用时,应注意两词间的差别。 (l)must表示主语有义务“必须”做某事,强调说话人的主观看法,主要用于肯定句和疑问句;must还可以表示肯定推测,意思是“一定”。have to强调的是客观需要,意思是“不得不”;have to有人称和数的变化。 (2)must的否定形式是must not,其缩写为mustn't,表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。have to的否定形式是do not have to表示“不需要,没有必要”,其缩写为don't have to相当于needn't(在学习过程中要注意与can't“不可以,不能”及may not“可能不”区分开)。 I must work hard at my lessons. 我必须努力学习功课。(主观意愿) I have to look after mother at home for she is ill. 我得在家照看妈妈,因为她病了。(客观需要) You mustn't make any noise in class. . 上课时你们不许吵闹。活学巧用 在图书馆星必须保持安静。You _ keep quite in library. 你必须及时返还书籍。如果想续借,你不得不重新申请。You _ return the books on time. If you want to keep them longer, you _renew them. ( )-Can you come to have dinner with me this evening?:-I'm afraid not. I _take care of my grandmother. She is ill.A. can B. have to C. may D. could易错防范一、must, have to的用法辨析·典例呈现. ( ) The house price is too high. We _ do something to stop lt. A. must B. have to C. can D. may【答案】B【易错剖析】must表示主语有义务“必须”做某事,强调说话人的主观看法,主要用于肯定句和疑问句;must还可以表示肯定推测,意思是“一定”。have to强调的是客观需要,意思是“不得不”。另外must只有一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去),而have to则有多种时态形式。二、advice,suggestion的用法辨析·典例呈现. ( )There are a few _on quitting smoking. A. advice B. suggestions C. suggestion D. ideas【答案】B【易错剖析】suggestion和advice都可以表示“建议,忠告”,但是advice,是不可数名词,没有单复数的区别;而suggestion为可数名词,有复数形式。句中提示词a few修饰可数名词。巩固训练一、单项填空()1. Although there's still a long way to go, we'd better_ to the end.A. continue B. concernC. considerD. decide()2. We don't know what to_ the problem.A. deal with B. do withC. go with D. begin with()3 I wonder if you can give me some _ on my report.A. voices B. words C. opinions D. stories( )4. What makes a _ person? Or what leads to _?A. success; successful B. successful; success C. success; success D. successful; successful( )5. They decided _ after dinner.A. have a broke B. have a break C. to have a broke D. to have a break( )6. She lost _ with Linda because Linda's address changed. A. touch B. lineC. close D. information( ) 7. All passengers _ go through safety check before they take a plane.A. can B. mayC. must D. ought( )8. We don't know _ it next. Let's go and ask Mr. Li.A. what to do B. to do what C. whether to do D. to do whether( )9. -Would you mind if I open the window? -_. I've had a cold for two days. A. You'd better not B. Never mind C. Of course not D. All right( )10. If you don't finish your homework_, your teacher will be unhappy. A. in time B. all the time C. on time D. the same time( )11. -Please _ the paper, Jimmy! -But I haven't checked it yet, Mr. Black.A. hand in B. take out C. look at D. go through( )12. Jack missed his footing and _ . A. fell over B. fell in C. fell into D. fell from( )13. There is no reason for us to _ his help. A. resist B. reduce C. refuse D. repeat( ) 14. Someone has put away the books. You _ do it. A. mustn't B. don't have to C. shouldn't D. can't( )15. Amazing ! _ have they dealt with all the rubbish in _ short time? A. How; such B. What; such a C. How; such a D. What; such二、完成句子1.太神奇了!你是怎么做到的 ? Amazing! How did you_ _ _ it?2. 邮局在银行对面。 The post office _ _ to the bank.3. 这个新工作将会为我开辟一个新的世界。 This new job will _ _a new world to me.4. 我不知道如何逃走。I don't know_ _ _ _. 5. 我跳舞跳了一早上了,我筋疲力尽。 I was dancing all the morning, I was_ _.三、词汇运用A. 用括号中所给汉语意思填空1. In_(德国)there are different kinds of high schools.2. With _(知识)we have conquered (战胜) nature. 3. We have to _(归还) these books on time.4. Did you _(触动)my plate just now?5. Their _(成功)is not an accident.B. 根据括号内动词的适当形式填空6. He made a_(decide) not to go to Beijing this summer.7. Each _(write) has a view.8.The horse was_ (tie) to the tree. 9. The city's hospitals are _(able) to cope (应付)with growing numbers of patients.10. Three workers _ (lift) the heavy box from the truck yesterday.答案:基础检测一、1. cook; cooker 2. knowledgeable 3. write; writing 4.touched5. tinier, tiniest 6. refused; accept 7. successful ; successfully ; succeed 8.sale 9.advise, suggest; suggestion 10. habitual二、1. what to do with these books 2. on the fridge 3.be interested in 4.history books 5.knowledge of the past 6.in spare time 7. crash against the rocks 8. the same as sb 9. Shout at sb. 10. continue doing sth. 11. an army of people 12, get away 13. 筋疲力尽 1 4向下看 1 5从逃跑 16摔倒 l 7递交 1 8归还这些书 19准时 20在未来 2 1收集信息 2 2不同类型的书23大量的建议 24打开三 1. (l) do with (2) what; do with 2. continues falling 3. (1) How did you manage to get there? (2) 你是怎么脱离危险的?要点聚焦一、1别碰我桌子上的笔记本。 deeply touched Graduation doesn't mean you will lose touch with your old classmates. 2. either too as well also either 3. C A C 她时不时地问我一些问题 on time at a time 4. The little boy refused to go to school. 5. When faced with big decision, I would ask my friends for advice take; advice advice二、 C how to get to borrow books 2. The problem is not as difficult as I thought. as far; as possible 3. must have to; have to B巩固训练一、l. A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10. C 1l.A 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C二、 1. manage to do 2. is opposite 3. open up 4. how to get away 5. tired out 三.A. l. Germany 2.knowledge 3.return 4.touveh 5. successB. 6.decision 7. writer 8. t


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