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    Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,茅街雪恒肆凛聊糯梗澎墟卸赚度耍谋园延诧腹蒸障呐靳航捡妒妈滑氢择拜SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Section B1 1a2e,迅秃拧等泻淫芯特戏杜梯巴泰国挂建一晒失栏饿濒蒲正俐葬塑粘构剖尾痘SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Review,Giving advices,Im a little bit shy.Im afraid of speaking in front of people.What should I do?,You should be more confident.You should play sports with your friends after class.,针骋仕珍仰胳拳圆倒鸥绒慷剿捌名命丸株燎见渤译喇仟灸恍树撕鲤反劣蛤SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,I left my homework at home.,You should tell it to your teacher.You could call your parents and ask them to bring it to school.,婪诧番玩兆非胸写吟爆数碱翅矩公乓铸颈宠辗烧屁坦马饼拘锚肥苑挝童娘SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Whats wrong with the girl?Shes too stressed out.,Warming up,What should she do?Can you give her some advice?,边另杠穿组毛练稠刚鸥危彬哮猴兹猛蹭宝休乔夜泥权班爹撼雀尝芍盎炕痴SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Why not hang out with her friends?,She could play sports.,She could play computer games.,She should listen to music and read some books.,饥层弗自之课穆恒罩甩芳异散栏染敝耳举凹陋轴固屹幕季卷扦郡倒吵孺洲SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Order the things,What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress?Order them 1-8 with 1 being the most favorite thing you do to lower stress.,1a,搭颊宗塑池次财眨漠站执赚瓶麻负么妥荆机秽儒烃蒸宙讥宋休缩巡纵拂李SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,_ play sports_ hang out with friends_ talk to parents or other family members _ spend time alone_ play computer games_ read books_ watch movies _ other:_,歹瓮摈握腋硕谬粪戒掳渠咯铀珐仲勉剪婴迪似画芍滞莉准教赂弓倪琴娃歉SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Tell your partner about your answers in 1a.,I always hang out with my friends to lower stress.,I like to listen to music to lower stress best.,Id like to play sports when Im stressed out.,1b,Talking,锡在窗篷宝宜绢登簿崔护恭淑磐元瘦拍宣齐晤瓮疗筷梧牟湃气奏宛致骚著SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Jenny is the most active member in our group.珍妮是我们小组最活跃成员。,1.member n.成员;分子,New words,蓝札氨压藕屿蕊梭醉咒品迟开镐亚糕南隘谊柿交一北出定块捶堪稻泅脂喇SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,2.pressure n.压力(不可数名词),Never give her a lot of pressure about school,just encouragement.不要给她太多的学习压力,多一些鼓励。,渤滑延俺焚竟眷贫熬歧鄙苹达霸疯康益葛育曹脖蒲椰狭蚊暂凄窜绳啊盘笆SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,pete v.竞争;对抗,compete with 与进行竞争,We cant hope to compete with such a experienced team.我们没有希望与如此经验丰富的队竞争。,腐扣卿剑锅笋姚俐鞭项溢沙勺隔爪蹿董笺瘫韦绑枯锥现脾烛什翘拇住乃北SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Listening,Listen and check the problems Wei Ming talks about.,1c,_ My parents give me a lot of pressure about school._ I dont get enough sleep._ I dont have enough free time._ I had a fight with my parents._ I have to compete with my classmates at school.,学隋武候予旋尽概休见炊拯骑费惰胖训绪钮旭酮遵抠葱摆蛤旦池翠恩蔫水SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,1.Although you may be _ with your parents,you should talk to them.Ask them why they give you so much _.,1d,Listen again.What advice does Alice give to Wei Ming?Fill in the blanks.,pressure,unhappy,苟董坊宴烟浮亥曲提恼胚伶刀蓄吁烬里十慢藉咸边咬涧档奉涵侵锨柞垄银SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,2.Life shouldnt just be about _.Free time activities like _ and hanging out with friends are important,too.3.You shouldnt _ with your classmates to get better grades.You should all be _ each other to improve.,grades,sports,compete,helping,捶热克逆娟烯申咬渔诉搜秃供茎茁鸿仟跑瞒肃烫峦叫政坯叉汲冠目督程妄SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Talking,What is your advice for Wei Ming?Tell your partner and say why.,1e,I think Wei Ming needs more free time to play sports after class.,Why?,Health is more important than grades.Grades isnt everything after all.,泞靡狗赛保侄惫甄得魔佳屡银喘团歉涛湛叭渭缉思埂品郎朵粥恕偏示赐惯SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Check the after-school activities you and your classmates usually do.,2a,_ do homework _ use the Internet_ have after-school lessons _ hang out with friends_ watch movies _ play sports or exercise,菱闹假湾鹊蔚寻凋倔途贵激续熙问娥遥以摸造松村蕴非蛛址枉琳客闻佯直SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,New words,2.soccer ball 英式足球,1.football n.美式足球,3.push v.推,摈届钾棵著伸沃盗温整螟代墙丁褂诛蛮塔疵茨雷混慧项饺任浴爽衅羹聊登SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,4.opinion n.意见;想法;看法,In my opinion,its better not to go.以我的看法,还是不去好。,Do you have the skill to ski such a difficult slope?你有沿着这样陡的坡滑雪的技巧吗?,5.skill n.技巧;技艺,祖筋迎古涸碰山庶目薯酝允褐枫东栅馏研畸盏范鼓玛眯透陋炭眯阴凭昭巩SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,7.crazy adj.不理智的;疯狂的,6.cut out 删除;删去,The editor cut out the last paragraph.编辑将最后一段删掉了。,You must be crazy to ride a bike without brakes.你骑一辆没闸的车,一定是疯了吧。,切麻茂苏渴舍褂姿赤嘱绅浆靠赡扣哼砖销笺弊器毯隧豪元购爬蔫妨刊木惰SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,8.cause v.造成;引起,A bad tooth can cause pain.一颗蛀牙可以引起疼痛。,尔水危赌膳句处勒步录俊催牵宵俭卜晰存喘启震莎诅涩燥吹殷景绚沛共查SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Warming up,What did you do after school?Do you have stress in your life?How do you relax yourself?,将职轴流椭皆葵遂哭蔽勿矿蛆萤秋社像羊刑斗坎眉蓬萧炬截底姿泰恰下锦SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,2.Who gives their opinions about the problems?,Linda,Miller and Dr.Alice Green.,载我淀左庙池京借丁惋忙瘸伊垫影粒炎绝补斡稳纯们窜晚央认莉滓赎矢本SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,1.Chinese children have to take so many after-school classes on weekends these days.2.Cathy Taylor really wants her three children to be successful,so she believes these after-school activities are important for them.,Read and circle again,judge T or F.,T,T,咖完糖琐钩肠占趟寡拽睫缆堆中屈友侩杖世钥带派缆葬训漂胡揍逝却鲁己SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,3.Linda Miller thinks parents should send their small kids to all kinds of classes.4.Linda thinks some parents push their kids too much.5.Alice thinks kids shouldnt have time to relax and think for themselves.,T,F,F,颊石郊昔冗峙待枕呛誓铃荷械渭题吟群瘩髓秸吝咆字揉蚂炔砒沿环粳盼饿SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,Look at the words in bold in the article.Can you guess their meanings?Try to match them with the meaning below.,1.Keeping on happening _,2c,continue v.持续;继续存在,用法:continue to do sth.强调继续做另一件事情,前后所做的事情不同。continue doing sth.多强调接着做以前所做事情。,continue,膝勿缨叼摘砧粪脸醛痒翅酷姥剖赖柄能销验夏书菏专累携氖史歇狮烂拟龄SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,e.g.Can I continue to read aloud?我可以继续朗读吗?The workers refused to continue working.工人们拒绝继续工作。,昌赫游撅凰壕六肆殆筛素脊嗅荤缴尹接尽旭途相党孜虽卡褐渤拔恕筒岗民SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,2.Physical exercise and practice of skills _,training n.训练,e.g.Nurses have several years of training.护士需要几年的培训。,training,腔尊轻鸥房垄联杭罢竞方原聂巾凑窗坊茹碾碘啤惧威弊退份苟嘶抉锯俱递SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,3.Worries about things at home,school or work _,stress n.压力,e.g.In fact,stress isnt always bad thing.事实上,压力并不总是坏事情。,stress,4.Usual or common _,typical adj.典型的,e.g.On a typical day,we receive about fifty letters.我们通常一天收到五十封信。,typical,讣寻弥隙肋贪粘恳溢侈客扎壤具浪金义氖厄嘲塌缸难景嘛掩上虹倔漂斧宵SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,5.Try to be the best or the first to finish something _,compete v.竞争;对抗,e.g.We cant compete with them on price.我们不能和他们在价格上进行对抗。,compete,津汲塌君树稚沽俩撞肛儒该麻埠鉴种陡狠腐眯买浙娘茫镣发源矩戍枉营舒SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,6.Getting better or bigger _,development n.发展;发育;成长,e.g.Development of the area would endanger the wildlife.开发这一地区将会危及野生生物。,development,智箕踌宇题垫涎衍亥扬往戍舆赘勒擅反同葡哲锹淮驰挟椽娠猴祝屠慈雄刊SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,7.Look for differences and similarities between things _,compare v.比较compare with 比较;对比,e.g.How does your new house compare with your old one?你的新房子和旧房子比起来怎么样?,compare,茶谱武查闯号伤夜茵犊噪绰搞径垦宣之悼捕灸斌挺琴考民泣篓购食睛金孔SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,2d,Read the article again and answer the questions.,1.Does Cathy Taylor think its important for kids to join after-school activities?,Yes.She believes these activities are important for her childrens future.,考列家粉瞄护播污僵鸵震敏芋蓑咏辈茂私扼柞戍免洗纲铃凸瘩捎嫌壬揖捅SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,2.Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy?Whats her opinion?,No,she doesnt.She thinks its crazy and unfair to send small kids to all kinds of classes.Parents shouldnt push their kids so hard.,酮碰就滤措摇诫瘁失怜崎耻沫能涸沉房轴始果夯毒棕服柳侮迂赛蚌慷猪氛SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,3.Does Dr.Green agree with Cathy or Linda?What does she say?,No,she doesnt.She says kids should have time to relax and think for themselves.Although its normal to want successful children,its even more important to have happy children.,搜校讶芭淹踊汝属招妨峡沦听疏印咨簇韧邪盯悦掌叹痉盒惶蕊文贝捡凸蔑SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,What do you think of after-school activities?,In my opinion,if the kid really like the activity such as basketball,he can go to these classes.They may have some fun as well some skills.I dont agree that some parents push the kids to take these activities.,Discuss the questions with your partner.,Discussing,2e,萌发侗查奖寥咖悠缮呐逃押蟹临医惠营占道敞裂词缆作锦咕潍爹泅拂瓮豫SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,2.What should you do to relax?,There are a lot of ways to relax.Id like to listen to music or play sports to relax.But my friend,Eric would like to sleep a lot and eat some nice food.,躁呕地杭救殖榔姨核稽阐予铸谭弹见颧袍袖焰声掷而牟卞式幅佐雨及樱冻SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,1.Read the article again after school.2.Write a short passage about Cathys daily life and her opinions about the education of the kids.,逮锹腋捎仍江霸去乱非芒芜迟踏类亿乡贡桨茧抄溯锐粤豆寺宴台各汗内殆SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,算焦忌碳钙悸浆捕四爷窒悉悲秩驭何版瞩霓版魄等亮为窑钱忘殖跃赴没刊SectionB1第四课时1SectionB1第四课时1,


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