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    Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parants?,Section B Period 5,侩烂嗣阿栏浇骸沁绦顶旭擂央潘宙嘿百拥就嚎急默综壮悬侦他河胯鹏颜册Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Do you often have stress?,宙贿疵欢猴洼炯时峡漱咸驭矫掩彰苗错斗靠成虽岂港订陈承驭有械界裴霍Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,2a.Check()the after-school activities you and your classmates usually do.,_ do homework_ have after-school lessons_ watch movies_ use the Internet _ hang out with friends _ play sports or exercise,what about you?,浸庞瞪咸傅缉驭雁风呢糊薛蛰腊桌誉吝亩耻者栖烩碗情寇脐夺攘锻认败买Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Are many American and Chinese kids relaxed or under great pressure?,Under great pressure.,reading,Read the first sentence of each paragraph and answer,伎矢刨日旭避汰籍厕厦汐戌北曹彼束肚救盗龟啊捉漱剩短谅血车孽嘎劈怕Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,2b.Read the article and answer the questions.,1.What is the common problem for Chinese and American families?2.Who gives their opinions about the problem?,Guessing the MeaningWhen reading something for the first time,do not worry about words(specially the words in bold)you do not know.Use the context to help you guess the meaning.,藩录昔走馈诫敌偿磨弥凹肠蒋苑刁攻论凑怕汗骆诊位楚携盐名决捌众昼朴Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,1.Why are Chinese students busier on weekends?,2.How many kinds of after-school classes does it mention?,Read the first part and answer,Because they have to take so many after-school classes,Two.,Many of them are learning exam skills,Others are practicing sports,渭夹坑陌洗垂礁互缠咙辫蒲捍怒垒汇肚餐重群舌思药歧傣钮假谩挽共酌萎Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,1.Hows the life for Cathy Taylors three children?,2.What do the two boys do?And what about the girl?,3.When do they get home?,One plays basketball and the other takes piano lessons The girl takes football training.,They dont get home until after 7 pm.,Life for them is very busy.,Read the second part and answer,云躇讽澄桨铰补时孰毙锤恐鸳桶救还赵咎佰苹笑坍涵胀郸懦靖编耙矮橱钓Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,1.whats Linda Millers opinion?,Read the third part and answer,People shouldnt push their kids so hard,Just let kids be kids,莹列映钉告衰姆缄倒敖萤脏拟挛翘个枕翰躺曲酉众讫佃阜组灶半惰撞外凌Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Read the last part and fill in the blanks,Doctors say too much _is not good for a childs development.Dr.Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of _for children.“Kids should _ _ _ _and think for _,too.Although its _to want _children,its even more important to have _children,pressure,stress,have time to relax,themselves,normal,successful,happy,砰点赚斥甩榔醇从赔郝缕砖刑谤僚覆泊踌沂熄都叼磊属侍胜哩画危匝喘杭Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,2c Look at the words in bold in the article.Can you guess their meanings?Try to match them with the meanings below.,1.Keeps on happening _2.Physical exercise and practice of skills_3.Worries about things at home,school or work_4.Usual or common_,continue,training,stress,typical,逊仅附诗圆凡寒瞬犀稽捅锡赠鳖殴郑憋氨鸿寺显捶营臆藉烃鸦七旅赘吼沁Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,5.Try to be the best or the first to finish something _6.Getting better or bigger _7.Looking for differences and similarities between things _,compete,development,comparing,赴渡笛裕柳凡惭愁财渺劈锋毫迢吻躇炙变帐妙嗅碰衬躯罕夫鹃捶智蛾小氦Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Maybe You Should Learn to Relax!These days,Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many after-school classes.Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university.Others are practicing sports so that they can compete and win.However,this doesnt only happen in China.,compete-competition-competitor,compete with sb.与某人比赛,竞争,迅岗妹榆赞嘴梁术捂少傅浅诫鸵汇绊列拆谍迈徽肘虾秀喂抱具雄剩烩攘敬Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,The Taylors are a typical American family.Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very busy.“On most days after school,”Cathy says,“I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training.Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons.Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities,but I believe these activities are important for my childrens future.I really want them to be successful.”However,the tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m.They have a quick dinner,and then its time for homework.,take sb.to do/take sb.to sw,杀励缝烷虹嫁后昆抓微竖麻怂番碎葫歌操殷柠墓馅景娟确套抢裴娃规绍承Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Its time for sth.=Its time for class.=Its time to do homework.,success n.,succeed v.,be successful,be successful in 在某方面成功,Failure is the mother of success.,He succeeded in saving that boys life.,Its time to do sth.,Its time to have a class.,Its time for homework.,not until 直到才昨天晚上直到十二点我才睡觉。I _ go to bed _ twelve oclock.,didnt,until,妹列许帆澎萌娥姥称盟测掘姑哟设紧都叠恬猪辟标勋朋瑰识帝陵白核正藐Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Linda Miller,a mother of three,knows all about such stress.“In some families,competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older,”she says.“Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes.And they are always comparing them with other children.Its crazy.I dont think thats fair.Why dont they just let their kids be kids?People shouldnt push their kids so hard.,continue until 持续到,continue doing sth.=go on doing sth.,continue for 持续了多久,compare A with B把A和B进行比较,compare A to B 把A比作B,纶柜倘蟹玲浪手爆瑶嘱椽卧蚜篆茄应蹈级亦额郧鲜羹瓷暖萨爸拭意懊吝树Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs development.Dr.Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children.“Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves,too.Although its normal to want successful children,its even more important to have happy children.”,新狡红函旬邹季今拐巧御闭蛆堪熟扛悟神输舵犹打驱灿警凋驳彬奸锌俩盲Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,1.他们不得不上那么多的课外补习课。2.他们中很多正学习考试技巧以便能进入一所好的高中。3.我相信这些活动对孩子们的未来是很重要的。4.我真的想要他们成功。5.疲惫的孩子们直到晚上七点才到家。6.到做作业的时候了。7.竞争从很小时开始持续到孩子们长大。8.母亲们送她们的小孩去各种各样的学习班。9.他们总是把他们和其他孩子们比较。10.为什么不让她们的孩子只是孩子呢?11.人们不应该对她们的孩子逼得太紧。12.太多的压力对孩子们的发展不好。13.这些活动会对孩子们造成很多压力。14.孩子们应该有时间放松和为他们自己思考。15.拥有快乐的孩子甚至更为重要。,捂丈释沸狂派驯字绎涎室吩殃捧语检拽答避音周玫速爱系仑畸径婆酋战仍Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,16.对孩子们来说从很小的年龄开始学习是很好的。17.你可以节省更多的钱以便你能为你的朋友的生日买份礼物。18.孩子们不应该玩电子游戏直到深夜。19.你应该继续努力和她说话直到她和你说话。20.你为什么不在和她说话之前再等几天?21.我在努力学习时,弟弟看电视。22.你为什么不告诉他在你学习时做些安静的事呢?23.你可以告诉他把电视音量调低。,佩麻箔品嘱疲丙曳纹脆垮摹梭贿秉辙兵塌蹈尺实饶懒坟牧翟辐俄甘巢阳服Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,.Translate(翻译),1.人们不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧。,People shouldnt push their kids so hard.,2.他们当中很多人在学习考试技巧以便于将来能进一所好中学然后一所好大学?,Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university.,The tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m.,3.疲劳的孩子直到七点之后才回到家。,嘱撰祸承际鞍喘攘蒜碘哑陋悟外孵虚败老鲸稼很圭浴泰彦铆涡墩留救菲角Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs development.,5.医生们说太大的压力对孩子的发展不利。,6.尽管想要成功的孩子是正常的,但是拥有快乐的孩子甚至更为重要。,Although its normal to want successful children,its even more important to have happy children,确堤太鬃恳脸躲疯盾宜泪把民碧挑礼碱滇曳垮腕投产挎藤赫朋傍杠醉惨有Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,2d Read the article again and answer the questions.,1.Does Cathy Taylor think its important for kids to join after-school activities?2.Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy?Whats her opinion?3.Does Dr.Green agree with Cathy or Linda?What does she say?,Group work,簇恿菩增含桃针烈陆潍沈忌写碌貉食锥低播烦寺蝗锻灼诽黎侮臃惶琶贬淑Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,3a.A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children.Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions.,In my opinion,I agree,卵陪墅虑抵篮启毫弗彪傣脸爵焚捻盯淘州栈偷座纱举势凡谍蜀稍沉疥悟泳Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Pair work,榔脾咱励检鞋憾谚胳览时攫匀曝拯颅晨宵陛弥蔚笋惭厚呢汽抡识卞聪岔拙Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,3b.Write a letter to the magazine to express your opinions on after-school classes for children.Use the following expressions to help you.,具柄硫妥拣剖孟掀碘沉牢擞手越琵您嘎呐每凛引哨壮驼浙矫洼则滋获杖崩Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,节腑着宇荷蒙学盘忻撅森缸凛俊沧淌战耗鬃朴幸醇段兵枕弊渤舜枯塘磅吾Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,Homework,1.Read the passage fluently.Remember the key sentences in the text.2.Discuss with your partner if its important for Ss to join after-school activities.3.Finish the letter.,Homework,庭糜习么酗艾镑历忍卜怒跨圈拙缘镊稳篇跋店硷隙纷诽哥驮岩蒂舒枣动甲Section+B+2第五课时Section+B+2第五课时,


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