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    高考英语语法复习专题 01b冠词重点知识归纳考点聚焦仿真演练.doc

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    高考英语语法复习专题 01b冠词重点知识归纳考点聚焦仿真演练.doc

    冠词分为不定冠词(a, an),定冠词(the),和零冠词。(一)不定冠词的用法1指一类人或事,相当于a kind ofA plane is a machine that can fly.2第一次提及某人某物,非特指A boy is waiting for you.有个男孩在等你。3表示“每一”相当于every,oneWe study eight hours a day.4表示“相同”相当于the sameWe are nearly of an age.5用于人名前,表示不认识此人或与某名人有类似性质的人或事Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith?Sorry, wrong number. There isn't_ Mr. Smith here.A. 不填 B. a C. the D. oneThat boy is rather a Lei Feng.(活雷锋)6用于固定词组中a couple of, a bit, once upon a time, in a hurry, have a walk, many a time, a waste of, in a mess7用于quite, rather, many, half, what, such之后This room is rather a big one.8用于so(as, too, how)+形容词之后She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet.9用于抽象名词具体化的名词前success(抽象名词)a success(具体化) 成功的人或事a failure 失败的人或事 a shame 带来耻辱的人或事a pity可惜或遗憾的事 a must 必需必备的物或事a good knowledge of 精通掌握某一方面的知识a pleasure一件快乐的事10与序数词连用,表示“又一,再一”In order to find a better job, he decided to study a second foreign language.为了找到一个更好的工作,他决定再学习另外一门外语。(二)定冠词的用法1来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K表示某一类人或物In many places in China, _ bicycle is still _ popular means of transportation.A. a; the B. /; a C. the; a D. the; the 2用于世上独一无二的事物名词前the universe, the moon, the Pacific Ocean3表示说话双方都了解的或上文提到过的人或事Would you mind opening the door? 4用于演奏乐器play the violin, play the guitar5用于形容词和分词前表示一类人the reach, the living, the wounded6表示“一家人”或“夫妇”(对比上文的不定冠词用法5)Could you tell me the way to _ Johnsons, please?Sorry, we dont have _ Johnson here in the village. A. the; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /7用于序数词和形容词副词比较级最高级前He is the taller of the two children.8来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K用于国家党派等以及江河湖海,山川群岛的名词前the United States, the Communist Party of China, the French9用于表示发明物的单数名词前The compass was invented in China.10在逢十的复数数词之前,指世纪的某个年代in the 1990s(二十世纪九十年代)11用于表示度量单位的名词前I hired the car by the hour.12用于方位名词,身体部位名词He patted me on the shoulder.13与比较级和最高级连用比较级+ and +比较级表示“越来越”;The harder he works, the happier he feels.表示两者间“较的一个”比较级前加the;who is the older of the two boys?三者或三者以上相比,表示最高程度时,用“the + 最高级”的结构表示。这种句式一般常有表示比较范围的介词短语。Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three.(三)不用冠词(又名零冠词)的用法1专有名词,物质名词,抽象名词,人名地名等名词前不用冠词Beijing University, air, love, Jack, China2名词前有this, my, whose, some, no, each, every等限制时不用冠词I want this book, not that one.Whose purse is this?3季节,月份,星期,节假日,一日三餐前不用冠词Spring, March, Sunday, National Day, breakfast4表示职位,身份,头衔的名词前不用冠词Lincoln was made President of America.5表示球类,棋类等运动的名词前不用冠词He likes playing football/chess.6与by连用表示交通方式的名词前不用冠词We went right round to the west coast by _ sea instead of driving across _ continent.A. the; the B.不填;the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;不填7以and连接的两个相对的名词并用时不用冠词husband and wife, knife and fork, day and night8 表示泛指的复数名词前不用冠词Horses are useful animals.(四)有无冠词意义不同(常见的词组)by day在白天 by the day按天计算in case of以防 in the case of就来说in charge of负责,管理 in the charge of由负责in office执政 in the office在办公室in sight(of)看见 in the sight(of)在看来go to sea去当水手 go to the sea到海边去out of question毫无疑问 out of the question不可能take advice征求意见 take the advice听从劝告be of age成年 be of all age同龄go to church去做礼拜 go to the church去教堂in prison坐牢 in the prison在监狱特别提示:当地点名词表示地点时,其前用定冠词;表示在这一地点所发生的活动时,其前不加冠词。如:He went to the bed and fetched me a magazine before he went to bed.他睡觉前到床边给我拿了本杂志。冠词是历年高考的常考点。主要考查冠词在具体语境中的运用,考查内容包括定冠词和不定冠词的用法区别,名词前不用冠词的情况,特指与泛指以及习语中的冠词用法。How about taking _short break? I want to make _call.A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a 【解析】答案为D。take a short break“休息一会儿”, make a call“打一个电话”。 Christmas is_ special holiday when _whole family are supposed to get together. A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. a; the 【解析】答案为D。a special holiday指“某一个特别的节日”;the whole family为特指。 I looked under_bed and found books I lost last week. A. the; a B. the;the C. 不填;the D. the; 不填 【解析】 答案为B。此题中的the bed和the books都为特指。the bed 指“所看的床”;the books指“所丢的书”。 I like_color of your skirt. It is good match for your blouse. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the 【解析】 答案为C。 the color指“你衬衫的颜色”;a good match泛指“和你的外套相配的一种好颜色”。 George couldnt remember when he first met Mr. Anderson, but he was sure it was Sunday because everybody was at church. A. /; the B. the; / C. a; / D. /; a 来源:Z.xx.k.Com【解析】 答案为C。a Sunday泛指某一个星期天;at church为固定搭配,不用冠词,意为“在做礼拜”。 Many people have come to realize that they should go on _balanced diet and make room in their day for exercise. A. a; / B. the; a C. the; the D. /; a 【解析】 答案为A。a balanced diet泛指“一种平衡的饮食”;make room为固定搭配,意为“腾出空间”。 Many people have come to realize that they should go on balanced diet and make room in their day for exercise.A. a;不填 B. the; a C. the; the D.不填; a【解析】答案为A。分析句子可知,第一个空用“a”表示“一种”,某些不可数的抽象名词前用不定冠词表示某种具体的情况或概念。第二个空不用冠词,make room意为“腾出空间(时间)”为固定短语。How about _Christmas evening party? I should say it was _success. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填 来源:学科网ZXXK【解析】答案为B。the Christmas evening party为特指刚结束的圣诞晚会;a success考查抽象名词具体来源:学科网ZXXK化时的不定冠词用法。success原为抽象名词,不可数, 但在此处已经完全具体化而变为可数名词。题中a success意为“一次成功的晚会”。当抽象名词表示具有某种特性、状态、情感、情绪的人和事时,这个抽象名词已经变为可数名词,再如What a pleasant surprise you gave us! 意为“你真的给我们带来了惊喜”。We went right round to the west coast by sea instead of driving across continent. A. the; the B.不填;the C. the; 不填 D.不填;不填【解析】答案为B。 by sea意为“经海路”;by the sea意为“在海边”;表示大陆、大洋等的名词前通常要加定冠词。George couldnt remember when he first met Mr. Anderson, but he was sure it was Sunday because everybody was at church.A./; the B. the; / C. a; / D./; a【解析】答案为C。不定冠词用于表示星期的名词前,泛指“某个星期几”;at church表示“做礼拜”,at the church表示“在教堂”。故本题选C。1.What about _ job?Its too difficult _ job for me.A. the; a B. the; theC. a; the D. a; a【答案及解析】A 第一空是特指,第二空是泛指。2.Duncan, _ NBA star, is one of _ few basketball players who are very popular to many of his Chinese fans.A. an; the B. an; a C. the; the D. the; a【答案及解析】A 第一空泛指“一个NBA篮球明星”;第二空考查短语中的冠词,the few表示:特指为数不多的几个篮球运动员。3.Our graduation party was success. We sang and danced until it came to end at ten oclock.A. a; the B. a; an C. the; an D. / ; /【答案及解析】B 此处a success抽象名词具体化,表示“一件成功的事情”;come to an end是固定短语,表示“结束”。4.Really? Who will give lecture?Mr. Wang, famous professor from Nanjing University.A. the; / B. a; the C. the; a D. a; a【答案及解析】C 第一空指说话双方都知道的那个演讲,故使用the修饰;介绍某人表示“一个的人”时,名词前面应用不定冠词。5.It was _ surprise that my first teacher, already 90, was still living and in _ good health.A. the; aB. /; aC. a; / D. a; the【答案与解析】Ca surprise一件让人吃惊的事,是抽象名词具体化;in good health是固定短语,意为“身体好”。6.Although everything seems to have been taken into consideration, _ accident can happen when the astronauts walk in _ space.A. /; the B. an; the C. the; the D. an; /【答案与解析】D第一空填不定冠词表泛指,第二空space“太空”前不加冠词,故选D项。7.Nowadays it is difficult for people to find _ work because _ economic situation in world is very serious. A. /; an B. /; theC. the; the D. a; /【答案与解析】Bwork是不可数名词,表泛指,所以第一空不用冠词;第二空特指“世界经济形势”,故用定冠词the。句意为:因为严峻的经济形势,现在人们找工作已经很困难了。8.A new research suggests cutting _ global warming pollution would not only make _ planet healthier, but also make people healthier. A. the; a B. /; /C. /; the D. the; the【答案与解析】Cglobal warming pollution是泛指概念,不用冠词;the planet特指地球,用定冠词。9.By _ nature, you are an adventurer, full of amazement and curiosity about _ world bigger than life itself.A. a; theB. the; theC. /; a D. the; /【答案与解析】C固定短语by nature表示“天生,生性”,故第一空不需要填冠词;第二空填不定冠词a表示泛指。10. According to recent reports, one of the rare animals, _ crocodile, is in _ danger of dying out.A. a; the B. /; aC. /; the D. the; /【答案与解析】Dthe crocodile特指上文中的稀有动物之一,所以前面要加定冠词。in danger of处于危险之中,为一固定短语。11.Geneva, _ city in Switzerland, is _ center of Switzerlands watch and jewelry­making industries.A. the; aB. a; the C. a; / D. /; the【答案与解析】B第一空a city构成同位语;第二空用于特指。12. If I were in _ position of the mayor, I wouldnt allow _ factory like this standing in the center of the town.A. a; theB. the; / C. the ; a D. / ; the 【答案与解析】C第一空为短语in the position of sb.处于某人的地位/位置;第二空为a factory like this,像这样一座工厂。故选C项。13.On September 25, _Ukrainian ship became the victim of robbers in _Gulf of Aden near Somalia.A. a; the B. a; /C. an; the D. an; /【答案与解析】A第一个空格泛指一艘乌克兰的船,乌克兰这个英语单词首字母不是发元音的,第二个空格亚丁湾是个专用名词,应用定冠词the。14.In communication, a smile is usually_ strong sign of a friendly and _ open attitude.A. the; / B. a; an C. a; / D. the; an 【答案与解析】C 句意为“在相互交流中,微笑通常是一种友好和开放的态度的明显特征。”a 用在可数名词sign前,泛指一类事物;friendly and open 是并列,修饰attitude。15.The sportsman didnt manage to break _ record, but it was _ good try.A. a; theB. the; a C. a; / D. the; /【答案与解析】B由句意知第一空提到的纪录是彼此都知晓的,故用the;而第二空则是泛指,a good try(一次很好的尝试)。综上,选B项。


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