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    高考精品]《全程复习方略》人教版大一轮总复习 课时提升作业 必修4 unit 2 working the land[原创首发].doc

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    高考精品]《全程复习方略》人教版大一轮总复习 课时提升作业 必修4 unit 2 working the land[原创首发].doc

    、课时提升作业(十七)必修4Unit 2(建议用时40分钟). 阅读理解Modern AgricultureEngineering and technology is an important part of modern agriculture. There are even people called agricultural engineers now. One area of agriculture where plant production is advancing rapidly is hydroponics, which is a technique of growing plants in water that contains nutrients. Because hydroponics doesnt use soil, people in very dry areas like parts of Africa, for example, can grow plants for food and other natural resources. Hydroponics may also increase food productiona concern for the growing population. Agricultural ChemistryAgricultural chemistry is connected with both chemistry and biology, which are important in agriculture for things such as weed control, soil mixture, agricultural products analysis, and nutritional(营养)requirements for farm animals. TechnologyTechnological progress and other advancements have greatly changed the way things are packaged, processed and marketed to consumers. Technology benefits farmers by reducing the amount of labor they need to do and by increasing the efficiency and productivity of the farms. While technology controls most modern farms today, animals like horses are still actively used on farms to transport products. Computers have also become an important agricultural management tool. Hydroponics and greenhouse growing are two examples of agriculture that generally make use of computers for managing lighting, feeding and temperature. Aircraft, including planes are also used in daily agricultural business. 【文章大意】本文主要探讨了有关现代农业和现代科技的话题。1. It can be inferred from the passage that agricultural chemistry. A. is a chemistry experiment for agricultural productionB. is a science connected with chemistry and biologyC. is a study of pest control and soil mixture for farm animalsD. shows a relationship between plants, animals and their environment【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文章第四段的描述可知B项最佳。2. From the passage we learn that technology in agriculture. A. manages lighting, feeding and temperature in daily farm workB. allows farmers to use trucks instead of animals to transport productsC. means making full use of computers in modern agricultural workD. reduces the amount of labor needed in farming and increases the farms efficiency【解析】选D。细节理解题。原文倒数第四段中提到. . . by reducing the amount of labor they need to do. . . , 因此选择D项。3. Which of the following is NOT used as tools in agriculture? A. Horses. B. Aircraft. C. Hydroponics. D. Computers. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后三段的描述可知horses(倒数第三段)、computers(倒数第二段)和aircraft(倒数第一段)都是现代农业需要的工具。而hydroponics在文章的第二段中提到, 是一种在水中种植植物的技术。4. This passage may be taken from. A. a science magazineB. a daily newspaperC. an international reportD. a fashionable book【解析】选A。推理判断题。文章谈论的是现代农业和科技的话题, 因此很有可能是从科技杂志上选编的。. 完形填空My first-grade teacher, Mr. Gunderson, once told my class a story. A father is killed in a car accident and the son is1hurt. But when the boy arrives at the2, the doctor on duty says, “I cant3surgery on this patient. This is my son! ”Mr. Gunderson asked, “Who is the doctor? ”Hands went up and my classmates shouted out4, but they didnt arrive at the correct answer. Mr. Gunderson didnt let me5because he knew it would be very easy for me to understand that the surgeon was the boys6. I suppose that Mr. Gundersons7would be a lot easier for todays first-graders. Being a doctor at that time, my mother was considered very8because female doctors were rare then. 9, to my sister and me, she was and is just Mom. When we were kids, we came home from school to a10, who watched us until our parents came home. Mom took Fridays off so she could spend more time with us, and we could tell that she felt11about not being home more often. My younger sister and I12at a fairly young age that this was Moms weak spot, and we13it mercilessly whenever we wanted a new toy or snacks. I wish I had14doing that the first time Mom told me about one of her15who had died, but Im sure I didnt. I cant imagine what its like to spend all day taking care of other peoples16children, some of whom are not going to17it, and then come home to find that your own kids are acting like that. We were just like18brats(顽童)then. I suppose she could have found our guilty weak spots to make us19, but she never did. I think Id better20her for that. 【文章大意】作者的母亲是一名医生, 她因不能常照顾孩子而心怀愧疚, 而作者和妹妹就利用这一点来满足自己的要求。慢慢地, 作者开始为自己的行为感到愧疚。1. A. simplyB. graduallyC. frequentlyD. seriously【解析】选D。根据前文父亲在车祸中死亡且用“and”连接并列句, 下文又提到男孩需要做手术可知, 这个孩子伤得很重。seriously“严重地”, 符合语境。2. A. hospitalB. roomC. stationD. spot【解析】选A。根据下文中的“the doctor on duty says. . . ”可知, 孩子被送到了医院。3. A. determineB. representC. performD. deliver【解析】选C。这位医生说: “我不能给这个病人做手术。这是我儿子! ”perform“做, 执行”, 符合语境。determine“决定”; represent“表示, 象征”; deliver“递送”。4. A. programsB. guessesC. dreamsD. suggestions【解析】选B。作者的同学举手喊出自己的猜想, 但他们谁也没有给出正确的答案。guess“猜想”, 符合语境。5. A. concludeB. remindC. answerD. question【解析】选C。根据下文中的“because he knew it would be very easy for me to understand that”可知, 老师知道这个问题对于作者来说很容易理解, 所以没有让作者回答(answer)。conclude“断定”, remind“提醒”, question“询问”。6. A. grandpaB. motherC. stepfatherD. uncle【解析】选B。根据第二段的第一句可知, 作者的母亲是一名医生, 所以作者会很容易知道那个外科医生是男孩的母亲。7. A. trickB. explanationC. theoryD. puzzle【解析】选D。作者认为Gunderson先生出的这道难题对于今天的一年级的孩子来说会简单得多。trick“诡计, 欺诈”; explanation“解释”; theory“理论”; puzzle“难题, 困惑”。8. A. specialB. sillyC. wealthyD. average【解析】选A。根据下文中的“because female doctors were rare then”可知, 当时女医生很少, 所以作者的母亲被认为是很特别的(special)。silly“傻的”, wealthy“富有的”, average“平均的”。9. A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. AlsoD. Last【解析】选B。女医生当时很少见, 但对于作者和妹妹而言, 她只是母亲。前后是转折关系, 因此选择B。10. A. memberB. fatherC. passer-byD. baby-sitter【解析】选D。根据下文中的“who watched us until our parents came home”可知, 作者和妹妹由临时保姆(baby-sitter)照顾。11. A. angryB. curiousC. carefulD. sorry【解析】选D。根据下文中的“about not being home more often”可知, 作者和妹妹知道母亲因不能常在家照顾她们而感到愧疚。12. A. madeB. figuredC. designedD. worked【解析】选B。根据第二段最后一句中的“we could tell that she feltabout not being home more often”可知, 作者和妹妹很小就认为这是母亲的弱点。figure“认为, 以为”, 符合语境。13. A. took advantage ofB. looked forward toC. kept away fromD. looked down upon【解析】选A。作者和妹妹利用母亲的弱点使自己的要求得到满足, 比如新玩具或零食。take advantage of“利用”; look forward to“期待”; keep away from“远离”; look down upon“轻视, 瞧不起”。14. A. continuedB. startedC. stoppedD. considered【解析】选C。当作者的母亲第一次向作者讲述一个去世的病人的故事时, 作者希望自己停止(stopped)那样做。15. A. colleaguesB. friendsC. patientsD. relatives【解析】选C。母亲是医生, 这里指她的病人。16. A. educatedB. sickC. excitingD. dangerous【解析】选B。作者无法想象整天照顾别人家生病的孩子, 有的还不能活下来, 回到家又看到自己的孩子也是这个样子是什么感受。此处指被医生照顾的生病的孩子。17. A. mentionB. favorC. requireD. make【解析】选D。make it表示“渡过难关”, 为固定搭配。18. A. spoiledB. supportedC. honoredD. defeated【解析】选A。作者意识到当时自己和妹妹就像是被宠坏了的顽童。spoiled表示“宠坏的”, 符合语境。19. A. imagineB. cryC. waitD. obey【解析】选D。作者认为妈妈本可以找到我们的软肋使我们顺从, 可她却没这么做。obey“遵从, 服从, 顺从”, 符合语境。20. A. judgeB. supportC. thankD. hate【解析】选C。此处指作者感谢(thank)母亲没有那样做。. 语法填空阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。People are not as honest as they once were. The temptation(诱惑)to steal is greater 1. ever before especially in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman 2. always went into a large store on Monday morning. 3. Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual 4. the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective 5. (watch)her. The woman first bought a few small articles. After a little time, she chose one of 6. (expensive)dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly 7. possible. Then the woman simply took it and walked out of the shop 8. paying. When she 9. (catch), the detective found out that the shop-assistant was her daughter. The girl“gave”her mother a free dress once 10. week. 1. 【解析】than。greater than是形容词的比较级结构。2. 【解析】who。who引导的限制性定语从句。3. 【解析】One。One Monday表示一个星期一。4. 【解析】when。when引导时间状语从句。5. 【解析】to watch。It is +adj. (+for sb. )+ to do sth. 为固定句型, 其中to do sth. 作真正的主语。6. 【解析】the most expensive。从上下文可知, 此处是“最昂贵的衣服之一”。7. 【解析】as。as+adj. 原级+as possible是固定搭配, 表示“尽可能地”。8. 【解析】without。without paying指没有付钱。9. 【解析】was caught。she与catch之间为被动关系, 用被动语态表示“被抓”。10. 【解析】a。once a week指每星期一次。【技法导练】完形填空如何解答形容词或副词辨析题(1)判断搭配环境。根据空的前后内容, 找到这个形容词或者副词所处的搭配环境。(2)判断思想感情。形容词和副词往往是用来表达作者对待一件事物的思想感情的, 空前后的内容的感情基调直接决定着这个空所填形容词或副词的感情色彩。(3)看这个空前后的名词或动词。如果填形容词, 就看它所形容的名词是什么, 有些形容词和有些名词是不能形成修饰关系的; 如果填副词, 就看它所修饰的动词是什么, 有些副词和有些动词是不能形成修饰关系的。利用这一点能排除部分选项。根据完形填空对形容词、副词的考查, 判断下列各题选择的依据。题号依据答案1根据前文_可知D8根据下文_可知A11根据下文的_可知D答案:题号依据答案1根据前文killed和and可知D8根据下文rare可知A11根据下文的about not being home more often可知D关闭Word文档返回原板块


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