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    自考大学英语自学教程(下册)课程 自学辅导材料 内部使用.doc

    课程代码: 00015 大学英语自学教程(下册)课程自 学 辅 导 材 料配套教材:大学英语自学教程(下册)主 编: 高 远出 版 社: 高等教育适用层次: 本 科内部教学使用UNIT ONE 内容提要 1 重点和难点 1 复习思考题 2UNIT TWO 内容提要 3重点和难点 3复习思考题 4UNIT THREE内容提要 5重点和难点 5复习思考题 6UNIT FOUR内容提要 7重点和难点 8复习思考题 9UNIT FIVE内容提要 10重点和难点 11复习思考题 12UNIT SIX内容提要 13重点和难点 13复习思考题 14UNIT SEVEN内容提要 15重点和难点 15复习思考题 16UNIT EIGHT内容提要 17重点和难点 17复习思考题 18UNIT NINE内容提要 19重点和难点 19复习思考题 20UNIT TEN内容提要 21重点和难点 21复习思考题 22UNIT ELEVEN内容提要 23重点和难点 23复习思考题 25UNIT TWELVE内容提要 26重点和难点 26复习思考题 27UNIT THIRTEEN内容提要 28重点和难点 28复习思考题 29UNIT FOURTEEN内容提要 30重点和难点 30复习思考题 32UNIT FIFTEEN内容提要 33重点和难点 33复习思考题 34TEST PAPER 36TEST PAPER 46TEST PAPER 54TEST PAPER 64 71 Unit One内容提要AimsText AText BWordsaccomplish predict constraint tendency profitabilityinterview vague prospectindifference conservative Phrases in the way in part to present with to apply for to turn downStructures as long asGrammarAs 的用法重点和难点Text A1. accomplish vt. 完成(任务等),成就(1) It was the young workers who accomplished the difficult task.正是这些青年工人完成了这项困难的任务。(2) During her first year she accomplished a great deal.她在第一年就取得很大成就。2. predict vt./vi. 预言;预示(1) Its too early to predict the result at this stage.在这个阶段预测结果还太早。(2) No one can predict when the disease will strike again.没人能预料这种疾病什么时候会再爆发。3. constraint n. 强制;强制因素,制约条件(1) He returned to the school under constraint.他迫不得已又回到学校。(2) There are no constraints on your choice of subject for the essay, you can choose whatever subject you like.文章内容不拘,你可任选。4. profitability n. 赚钱,获利(1) There is no profitability in doing the business.做这样的生意无利可图。5. in the way 碍事,妨碍;挡路(1) He thought he was helping us, but in fact he was only in the way.他认为他在帮我们的忙,但实际上他只会妨碍我们的工作。(2) If you wish to leave, I wouldnt stand in your way.如果你想离开,我不会阻拦你。6. in part 部分地,在某种程度上 (1) His success was due in part to luck.他成功的部分原因是运气好。(2) The house is furnished in part.这个房子已基本上装修好了。Text B1. to apply for 申请Im here to apply for a visa. 我来这申请签证。 2. to turn down 拒绝,调小 Would you like to turn down the radio? 你能把收音机音量调小些吗?复习思考题. Vocabulary and Structure1. It may rain; youd better take an raincoat_ .A. in case B. in no case C. on case D. in this case 2. The bed was_ ready for the night.A. turned on B. turned out C. turned down D. turned away 3. _ is essential in the business world.A. Efficiency B. Inefficiency C. Effective D. Efficient 4. The question will then be repeated_ different words.A. with B. in C. on D. by 5. She wore a heavy coat_ catch cold.A. so as to B. so as not to C. so that D. as to 6. Franklins ability to learn from observations and experience_ greatly to his success in public life.A. owed B. contributed C. related D. attached 7. His words and expression suggested that he_ satisfied with the answer.A. was B. should C. be D. is 8. The importance of multiple objectives is also based, _ , on the values of the decision maker.A. in ahead B. in hand C. in part D. on the part 9. We made plans for a visit but_ difficulties with the car prevented it.A. subordinate B. subsequent C. afterward D. consequent 10. Decision makers must have some way of determining _ of several alternatives is best.A. what B. any C. which D. some .Translation from Chinese into English1. 雇主希望求职者个性随和,工作努力。2. 如果你事先通知我,我昨天就去机场接你了。3. 我的目标就是今年十月份通过英语考试。4. 但是这种简化倾向会使他们对其他的可供选择视而不见。5. 人们通常认为决策是一个孤立的现象。Unit Two 内容提要AimsText AText BWordsastronomer exert explode collapse shrink gravity launch convincing swallow operate revolve largely glitter unlikelywhereasPhrases to research into speculation about to swallow up to make upto apply to above all as a rule by the wayStructures could have + 过去分词Grammar定语从句重点和难点Text A1. exert 发挥, 产生2. explode 爆炸,突发3. shrink 收缩, 缩小4. to research into 研究They are researching into the causes of cancer.他们正在研究癌症的病因。5. to make use of 利用Make use of every chance you have to speak English.要充分利用一切机会说英语。Text B1. revolve vi. 旋转;绕转(1) The mechanism that revolves the turntable is broken.带动转盘旋转的机械装置坏了。(2) The earth revolves round the sun.地球绕太阳公转。2. largely ad. 大量地;主要地(1) The country is largely desert.这个国家大半部分都是沙漠。(2) His success was largely due to luck.他的成功主要是靠运气。3. whereas conj. 而,却;反之(1) He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.他一定有六十岁了,而他的妻子看起来只有30岁。 (2) He is ill, whereas Im only a little tired.他生病了,而我只不过稍觉疲惫罢了。4. convincing a.有说服力的,使人信服的(1) There is no convincing me that reading was a pleasure.没有有力证据表明他们有罪。复习思考题. Translation from English into Chinese.Atomic energy is a great discovery of the 20th century, and many people have played apart in its development. Albert Einstein told the world about its basic idea in his famous theory of relativity in 1905. As he and other scientists began to discover more about the nature of the atom, they learned that great amounts of energy could be released by splitting an atom. However, it was also necessary that energy be controlled. If it were not, it would be very dangerous. Now atomic energy is used to move ships and submarines, and it may also prove useful for space ship. In fact, this new source of power has many uses ,either as fuel or as radiation, that it is almost impossible to imagine all the changes it will bring into our lives. According to some scientists, the world neednt be afraid of a possible shortage of coal, natural gas or other sources of fuel for future. They say that if these used up, these would be enough of this new type of energy to last forever.Unit Three内容提要AimsText AText BWordsdeteriorate lethal debate prosecute tradition elderly disabled opt shorten prohibition conspiracy privilege unfair bias abolishPhrases to be affected with to make request for to takeinto account to opt out (of) to haveat heart to amount to by naturebe worth doingStructures S +demand/insist that 从句Grammar一致关系重点和难点Text A1. deteriorate v.使恶化,越来越坏1) The countrys economy has been deteriorating for some time.这个国家的经济恶化已经持续一段时间了。2) Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions. 皮革受潮会变质。2. prosecute v. 对起诉,告发 1)He was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limited. 他因超速行驶而被起诉。2)They will prosecute him for murder. 他们告发他谋杀。3. opt v. 抉择,选择1) Fewer students are opting for science courses nowadays. 现在选择理科的学生少了。2) She has opted to be the side of the poor. 她决定站在穷人一边。4. be affected with 患有疾病 He is affected with cancer.5. make request for 要求 He made request for further information from the police. 他要求警方提供更多的信息。6. take into account 考虑到Text B1.conspiracy n.阴谋,密谋;阴谋集团,阴谋帮派(1) She has been charged with conspiracy to murder.她被指控密谋谋杀。 (2) I think there was a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee.我认为有个阴谋集团不让我进委员会。2. unfair a. 不公平的,不公正的(1) Do you think we live in a fair society?你认为我们生活在公平的社会中吗?(2) If some athletes use drugs, it is unfair to the others.有的运动员使用兴奋剂,其他运动员就要吃亏。3. bias n. 偏见;v. 有偏见(against, towards)(1) The government has accused the media of bias.政府批评了有偏见的媒体。(2) He is biased against that plan.他对那个计划存有偏见。4. abolish vt. 废除(法律,习惯等);取消(1) Should the death penalty be abolished?应该废除死刑吗?(2) I think bullfighting should be abolished.我认为应该废除斗牛。5. by nature 生来,天生,就其本性而言(1) He is intelligent by nature.他生来聪明。(2) Shes very cheerful by nature.她天生是乐天派。6. be worth doing 值得(1) There are only two things worth reading in this newspaperthe TV listings and the sports page.这份报纸只有两处值得一读电视节目预告和体育版。复习思考题. Wording spelling1.理事会 n . c_2.注射 n . i_3.缩短 v . s_4.保健 n . h_5.禁止 n . p_6.安乐死 n . e_7.请求 v . r_8.猛烈地 ad . f_9.任命 v . a_10.年长的 a . s_11.易受伤的 a . v_12.创建者 n . f_13.争论 v . d_14.特权 n . p_15.伤残的 a . d_16.削弱 v . w_17.全国性的 a . n_18.家长统治式的 a . p_19.敏感的 a . s_20.功劳,功绩 n . m_. Word Form1. He knew there was no hope of _(recover) and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating.2. Should doctors_ (allow) to take the lives of others?3. Betty fell asleep with the stove fire still_ (burn).4. Van Wendels last three months of life were filmed and first_(show) on television last year in the Netherlands.5. In_ (add) to this, a second doctor must confirm that theses criteria have been met and the death must be reported to the police department.6. One hundred and sixty pounds _ (be) what you should weigh.7. _ (affect) with lung cancer, the old lady became very weak.8. It is no use _ (go) there now. It is so late.9. _ (absorb) in her work, Mary forget her lunch.10. Young men should bravely face the _ (real) and widen their horizon.Unit Four 内容提要AimsText AText BWordsdomestic exploit abuse campaign guilt immigrant concessiondeport unison ditch deny degrade racistPhrases to bring over be deserving of be supposed toto watch overto call upStructures there 引出的存在句型Grammar倒装句重点和难点Text A1. exploit v. 开发,开采,利用,剥削1)No minerals have yet been exploited in Antarctica.南极洲的矿藏还未开采。2)child labor exploited in factories 在工厂中受剥削的童工3)They exploited her generosity shamelessly.他们无耻地利用了她的慷慨。2. abuse v. 滥用,虐待 He abused his position to make money. 他滥用职务赚钱。 The slaves were often abused, beaten and even killed by their owners. 3. deport v. 驱逐出境1) Thousands of illegal immigrants are caught and deported every year.2) The criminals were deported from England to Australia.4. bring over 把 带来,使转变1)Next summer he hopes to bring his family over from America. 他希望明年夏天把他一家人从美国接来。2) What he said brought me over to his opinion. 他说的话使我转而同意他的意见。5. be deserving of 值得, 应得 His efforts are certainly deserving of praise. 他的努力当然值得表扬。6. be supposed to 应该 Summer is supposed to come in June. 夏天应该在6月份到来。Text B1. ditch n. 沟;沟渠;v.开渠;筑渠 (1) Ditches can be used for irrigation and drainage.沟渠可以用来灌溉和排洪。(2) a pasture hedged and ditched.周围有篱笆和沟渠的牧场2. deny vt. 否定,否认;拒绝接受,拒绝给予(1) The three defendants deny all charges.三位被告否认全部指控。(2) No one should be denied a good education.任何人都有接受良好教育的权利。3. degrade vt.降级,贬低;堕落;退化(1) I believe pornography degrades women.我相信色情作品使妇女堕落。(2) I felt degraded by having to ask for money.我出于无奈向别人要钱而自觉有失尊严。4.racist n. 种族主义者;a.种族主义的;种族歧视的(1) He is a racist who refuses to employ blacks.他是拒绝雇佣黑人的种族主义者。(2) His views on the immigration question can only be described as racist.他对移民的观点只能说是种族歧视。.phrases and expressions1.to watch over 看守,照管,监视(1) The shepherd watched over his flock.牧羊人照管他的羊群。2.to call up 打电话;使想起,使忆起(1) Someone called up from Tangshan and asked to see you at 5oclock this afternoon.有人从唐山打电话来,要求今天下午五点钟和你见面。(2) The sound of happy laughter called up memories of his childhood.这欢笑声使他回忆起童年时代的背景。复习思考题. Vocabulary and Structure1. He was convicted_ fraud.A. to B. at C. on D. of 2. Life now is much easier than it_ 20 years age.A. used to be B. be used to be C. used to being D. be used to being 3. He said she_ a prisoner at the factory where she worked.A. feel like B. like C. felt like D. liked 4. Many people doubt_ these measures will successfully reduce the incidence of abuse.A. that B. whether C. if D. at 5. Weve been advised not to risk _ in these conditions.A. to travel B. for traveling C. traveling D. travel 6. John is_ the government for equal rights for women.A. advocating B. campaigning C. convicting D. requesting 7. The Robber is _ capital punishment.A. used to B. brought over C. blamed for D. deserving of 8. A Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicting of murder, _ protects


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