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    仁爱英语八级下册unit 5 Topic3 section B教学设计.doc

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    仁爱英语八级下册unit 5 Topic3 section B教学设计.doc

    课题 :Unit 5 Feeling happy Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.Section B一 教学内容及其分析1.内容:本课教学内容通过康康、简和玛利亚的交谈,谈论如何与他人相处融洽,保持良好情绪的重要性。2.分析:要求学生就与人友好交往,保持良好情绪进行对话交流。二、目标及其分析1. 目标: (1)学习make+object+n. 和let+ object+v的用法。 (2)谈论保持良好情绪的重要性2. 分析:本课重点学习make+object+n. 和let+ object+v的用法。三、教学问题诊断分析 本课存在的问题可能是当主语是单数时,make 不会用第三人称单数一般现在时形式,教师在讲课时要注意强调。四、教学条件支持条件分析主要使用录音机/磁带以及小黑板、各种实物、简笔画教学。五、教学过程设计(一)基本流程复习 导入 问题及其活动 小结 配餐作业 教学反思(二)教学过程 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 6分钟)复习Section A对话并导入新知识。1. (教师以迈克尔的身份, 表述感情,引导学生使用学过的关于安慰的表达方法。)T:Now I act as Michael. I dont feel well. Please reassure me. Im afraid of catching SARS. Am I dying?Ss:No, Michael. Dont worry. Youll get well soon.T:Im afraid of taking bitter medicine.Ss:Dont be afraid! Be brave!T:Im nervous about the test at the end of the month.Ss:Take it easy. We can help you.2. (让两名学生表演。)T:Lets do it again. Who wants a try?S1:I will.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 8分钟)呈现并学习1a中的重点词句。1. (教师将已设计好的听力问题呈现在黑板上。)How will Michaels classmates cheer him up?(让学生听1a的录音,并回答问题。)T: Listen to 1a and answer the question on the blackboard.(教师核对答案。)T: Lets check the answer to the question.(板书答案,学习并掌握put on。) They will put on a short play and give him a surprise.2. (通过谈论Michael与同学们之间的友谊,加强对学生的情感教育,从而引出并学习本课的目标语言。掌握get along with和affect; 理解schoolmate和workmate; 了解mood。)T: OK. We know Michaels classmates will put on a short play to make him happy. Well done! In our daily life, we should get along well with our classmates, schoolmates or workmates and help each other. It can bring us happiness. If we are usually in this good mood, we may become healthier. Thats to say, moods can affect our health.(板书画线生词及短语,并进行适当讲解,然后进入巩固环节。) get along with, schoolmate, workmate, affect, mood3. (自读1a,画出make,let结构的句子。)T: Read 1a by yourselves. Underline the structure of“make+object+adj./v.” and“let+object+v.”.(核对并板书。) Illness usually makes us sad, worried and frightened.That will make him or her get well soon.So lets give Michael a surprise!Lets prepare for it.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)巩固1a,完成1b。1. (放1a的录音, 要求学生跟读,注意语音语调的变化。)T: Please follow the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (让学生自读1a, 完成1b,并让学生试着复述。)T: Please read 1a by yourselves and fill in the blanks in 1b. Then try your best to retell it.(检查答案。)3. (组织学生分角色朗读课文,然后引导学生这样谈论1a的内容:)S1: Is Michael feeling better?S2: Yes.S1: How do his classmates make him happy?S2: S1: Many things can affect our feelings. Can you give some examples?S2: S1: What should we do when we are in trouble?S2: (这样有助于检查学生对课文的理解程度,也利于培养学生的口头表达能力和语言组织能力。活动结束后,教师给出符合实际的评价,以鼓励为主。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)编对话并表演,完成2和3。1. (让学生编对话。假设自己患了牙病,去看医生。注意在对话中要用一些表示情感的词或句子。)T:Have you got (a) toothache before?Ss:Yes. / No.T:Now, if youve got a toothache, what should you do?Ss:Go to see a dentist.T:Right. Make a new dialog between a patient and a dentist with your partner. You need to use some phrases or sentences to express your emotions.Example:A: Im afraid of / Im worried aboutB: Calm down. / Dont be afraid(让学生先准备两三分钟,再表演。并对其进行合理评价。)2. (完成2。)T: OK. Lets listen to 2. This is a dialog about seeing a dentist, too. What do they say? Please listen carefully and complete 2.(核对答案。)T: Lets check the answers together.3. (教师呈现例句,学习并掌握生词boss,理解headmaster,然后让学生观察make, let后动词的形式,归纳总结make, let的用法。)(板书)The boss makes the workers work for 14 hours a day.That will make him or her get well soon.Lets prepare for it.Lets give Michael a surprise.make/let sb. do sth.4. (教师用幻灯展示3中的图片,练习make, let的用法,提醒学生注意make后接动词的原形。)T: Please look at the pictures in 3 and make sentences after the example.(让几名学生分别把答案板书到黑板上,然后一起检查。)T: Ill choose some students to write their answers on the blackboard.(一分钟后)T: Please look at the blackboard and check the answers.(学生可能会出现类似这样的错误。)The funny man makes the girl to laugh.Mother doesnt let her child to watch TV.T:Are they right?Ss:No. T:How to correct them?Ss:Cut“to”.T:Yes. Good.(如果学生写的句子全部正确,教师可故意写几个错误句子,以提醒学生注意make, let后动词的形式。)4. (让学生用“make/let somebody do/not do”造更多的句子。)T: Please make sentences using“make/let somebody do/not do”as many as you can.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 9分钟)探究处理4。1. (利用实物或图片学习生词passport,然后讨论“Your classmates make you monitor.”句子结构,完成4并派小组报告员向全班同学汇报。)Example:T: Which situation makes you nervous?Ss: .T: Which situation makes you happy?Ss: .六、小结1、继续学习make,let 的用法;2、学习如何安慰别人以及帮组他人走出低落情绪的句子和用法。七、目标检测 (见学案)八、配餐作业 (见学案)九、教学反思法帕中学八年级下仁爱版英语科目 学案学科长: 李水仙审核意见:签名时间:备课组长:赵改香备课组成员:邵涵宇、赵改香、张晓兵、张有昌主备人:张有昌 授课教师:授课时间: 年 月 日 节课题 :Unit 5 Feeling happy Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings. Section B一、学习目标1. 目标: (1)学习make+object+n. 和let+ object+v的用法。 (2)谈论保持良好情绪的重要性二、问题与活动1. 复习Section A对话并导入新知识。2呈现并学习1a中的重点词句。3. 巩固1a,完成1b。4. 编对话并表演,完成2和3。5。探究处理4。三、目标检测. 单项选择。(10分)( )1. Tom must be at home because the light in his house is on. He _ be at home, because I saw him playing basketball on the playground. A. mustB. canC. mustntD. cant( )2. Youll find the bus stop _ the street. A. at the end ofB. by the end ofC. at the endD. in the end( )3. I feel really _ before making speeches. Take it easy. You are the best. A. nervousB. disappointedC. unpopularD. bitter( )4. Our headmaster told us how to _a good mood, so we can study in high spirits. A. keepB. keptC. keepingD. keeps( )5. It makes me so _ to see children being treated _. A. angrily; badlyB. angry; badC. angrily; badD. angry; badly四、配餐作业一、基础题(A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。41. Carrie will give a s_ in front of all her classmates. 42. His aunt cant find her p_, so she wont go to England tomorrow morning. 43. When the sun shines brightly, we always have happy t_. 44. Dont make so much n_, the other students are preparing for the English exam. 45. If you are in a good mood, you can study in high s_.二、巩固题(B组题)51. _ (放松)! We still have a lot of time. 52. When we are in trouble, we should learn to _ (笑对生活). 53. I would like more time to _ this problem _ (仔细考虑). 54. Tom has no experience to give a speech. Lets _ (轮流) to help him. 55. Li Ming wants to improve his English, so he often uses his Renai English Machine to _(自学). . 五、学后反思.


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