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    短文速记九年级英语词汇 unit.docx

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    短文速记九年级英语词汇 unit.docx

    短文速记九年级英语词汇 unit短文速记九年级英语词汇 unit1-2 unit 1 How do you study for a test Antonio and Pierre are talking about how to face challenges. -As a learner, its my duty to learn better. But I realize I often make mistakes in pronunciation and grammar, and I cant write complete English sentences or memorize new words quickly. -How do you deal with the troubles? -By reading aloud or making flashcards, taking notes and so on. But my study improves very slowly. Besides, one thing is always frustrating me. -What is it? -This term, one of my friends is always trying her best to find out others secrets and make up essays to laugh at them. Im in disagreement with her, but Im afraid to lose our friendship if I stop her doing that. -I think differently. Unless she stops that, its unimportant to break off your friendship. -Whats your specific solution? -Dont be angry with her and dont make it influence you. With time going by, everything will be fine. -Im very impressed that all the secrets are about you -What? My secrets? Thats unfair! I cant stand that! Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. My Murry, our head teacher, used to be terrified of taking an airplane. But now hes taking pride in himself-he is no longer afraid of it. One day, he chatted with a passenger on the plane. He said, “Be patient when you have made a decision to do something, even though you are afraid of it dont give it up easily.” “Why, sir?” the passenger said, “Can you tell me more about that?” “Not long ago, I couldnt go to sleep before taking a plane , but after great efforts I like traveling around the world by plane in the end.” “Well, you must think it is the best way to somewhere to go by plane, isnt it?” the passenger asked. Mr Murry chewed his gum and went on saying, “Of course. I even want to drive a plane by myself! It was last week that I met a funny plane. I was driving along the road. A small plane exactly landed on my car but I didnt pay attention to it. To ones surprise, my car was still on and carried it forward. I was very happy that I became the star on the daily newspaper without wasting one cent!” Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. My Murry, our head teacher, used to be terrified of taking an airplane. But now hes taking pride in himself-he is no longer afraid of it. One day, he chatted with a passenger on the plane. He said, “Be patient when you have made a decision to do something, even though you are afraid of it dont give it up easily.” “Why, sir?” the passenger said, “Can you tell me more about that?” “Not long ago, I couldnt go to sleep before taking a plane , but after great efforts I like traveling around the world by plane in the end.” “Well, you must think it is the best way to somewhere to go by plane, isnt it?” the passenger asked. Mr Murry chewed his gum and went on saying, “Of course. I even want to drive a plane by myself! It was last week that I met a funny plane. I was driving along the road. A small plane exactly landed on my car but I didnt pay attention to it. To ones surprise, my car was still on and carried it forward. I was very happy that I became the star on the daily newspaper without wasting one cent!”


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