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    现代大学英语 精读3Unit 答案.docx

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    现代大学英语 精读3Unit 答案.docx

    现代大学英语 精读3Unit 答案Unit 4 Preview 2.Do the following exercises. 1.Paraphrase the following sentences. 1.He had opened his eyes when the sun rose,scratched (because he had an itch on the skin), relieved himself like a dog at the roadside Notice the euphemism “done his business.”The author could not have used the normal expression”used the toilet”because there was no toilet. 2.Live simply and freely.Pay no attention to conventions, which are unnatural and useless. Avoid or get rid of all those unnecessary things that make our life complicated and wasteful 3.They own and control him. He is their slave. In order to get some goods that have no true value and will be useless very soon, he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence. 4.He knew very well what he lived for:it was to change peoples values, to make them know the true meaning of life 5.He was the most popular/important/successful person at this particular moment or his century 2.Translate the words in bold type. 1.我们那调皮的猫把我们的新沙发套都抓破了。 2.你看问题别那么愤世嫉俗。你怎么能说我们的教育制度不但让我们的年轻人失业,而且使他们无法就业呢? 3.说来自相矛盾的是,他们越想帮忙,就越是妨碍了经济的发展。 4.她正在使尽全力准备这一顿丰盛的晚餐。 5. *储备太多不一定是件好事,这听起来有点矛盾,但的确是这么回事。 6.我至今还不明白他们为什么抱怨我们*的采购政策。你能跟我详细说说吗? 7.社会习俗同样也在变。先是量变,然后是质变。但这需要时间。 3.Observe how these words are formed. 1.-ware:articles of the same general kind 2.auto-:prefix, meaning “same” or “self” 3.These are compound adjective consisting of a noun and an adjective. In these words, the nouns modify the adjectives. Vocabulary 1.Translate the following expressions. Into English 1. scratch each others backs 2. publish or perish 3. make RMB convertible 4. seek the truth 5. discard conventions 6. satirize peoples vanity and extravagance 7. the island is uninhabited, and being without drinking water, is also uninhabitable. 8. admire their courage/guts/bravery 9. neglect ones duty 10. escape/avoid the consequence 11. erase/delete sth from ones memory 12. take command 13. block the way/stand in the way/be in ones way 14. ruin ones reputation/name Into Chinese 1. 年久失修的防御工事 2. 临时占用或建造的简陋小棚 3. 储物缸 4. 容易变质的商品 5. 社会旧习 6. 摇摇晃晃的酒鬼 7. 隐士住的山洞 8. 此刻的风云人物 9. 英雄人物 10. 决定未来的气势 11. 咄咄逼人的眼光 12. 对战争的恐慌 13. 落石如雨 14. 一小撮捣乱分子 2.Put in the blanks appropriate propositions or adverbs. 1. with,of 2. with,up 3. round 4. with,out,of 5. to,out,of,for,in 6. by,for 7. upon,over,to 8. For,into 9. in,to,to 10. to,out,of,into 3.Choose the right words or expressions.1. ashamed,garment 2. resulted from,matter 3. affairs,requires,restrain 4. restrict,empty 5. respected,emulating 6. empty,bare,bare 7. changed,hollow 8. vacant,respectfully 9. activities,convert 10. laughing,behavior 4.Replace the italicized parts with words or expressions from the text. 1.minds; lunatic 2.sick with anxiety; purchase; were highly perishable 3.call upon; realm; a large corps of; seek out 4.elaborate doctrines/creeds; developed/described/expounded 5.approached; rose in respect 6.examined/inspected; inhabited; occasionally; discarded 7.out of choice/by design; complexities and extravagances 8.gave scant; expected him to 9.possessed; unanimously elected 10.switched; with his air of destiny 5.Translate the following sentences using the words listed below in their appropriate forms. 1.Only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior. 2.She claims to possess a magic power-the power to cure diseases simply by the touch of her hand. 3.He appointed five people to handle the case.They formed a strong team. Within days they found in his possession rolls of euros, US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which the suspect could not account for. 4.In the story, this evil spirit often appears in the form of a pretty young lady. 5.He rolled up the painting and said that he would not part with it for less than a million dollars. 6.Of all the qualified judges, I dont know on what account she was appointed to the Supreme court. 7.I dont know enough to form an elaborate theory, but Im sure that poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate. 8.A big stone suddenly rolled down the hill, so big that it smashed the truck to pieces. 9.I said that we must roll up our sleeves and start working, but he just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled. 10.In ancient times, our philosophers believed that a good king should be to the people as a good father is to hi children. He must never treat them cruelly on any account. 6.Translate with special attention to the different meanings of the same word or words which happen to have the same spelling. 1.这事和我们没有关系,他弄错了抱怨的对象。 2.据说这种树的树皮含有某种对癌症有疗效的物质。 3.他们计划在哪里钻一个深洞来处理核燃料。但是这项计划受到了尖锐的批评。 4.这些小学生们知道语言训练需要大量的练习。但他们发现这很枯燥。 5.他为那位银行要员准备了一桌极其丰盛的酒席,希望这能帮公司得到那笔贷款。难怪他今天穿得这么精神。 6.这是大致的意思。以您的聪明,我想我就不用细说了。 7.瞳孔在昏暗的房间里会放大,以接受更多的光线。 8.那男子又高又瘦,两眼目光炯炯,鼻子又高又尖。 9.“别胡说八道了!”他厉声说道。他嘴巴厉害的出名。坦白说,我们有点怕她。 10.那个骑车的人来个急转弯,失去了平衡。这事发生在下午八点一刻。 Grammar 1.Recognize and learn to use present participles as adverbial modifiers. 1 recognize the type of adverbial modifier in these sentences . Pattern 1: 1,4,6,10 pattern 2:3,7,8 pattern 3:2,5,9 2 rewrite the sentences using present participles . 1 They talked to her for a good hour, trying to persuade her to stay on. 2 Reading the book again , she discovered that she had missed a lot in the first reading . 3 The door opened .it was Harley ,who entered ,looking dirty and tired ,carrying a suitcase and umbrella. 4 Having taken the injured boy and his parents to hospital ,the taxi driver left quickly. 5 All those years ,she would often sit by the window and look out ,hoping to see her son returning home. 6 Galileo died on January 8, 1642,leaving the world he loved better informed than it was when he entered it. 7 Knowing it was dangerous to continue in the dark ,they decided to camp for the night where they were. 8 I should wish to die while still at work ,knowing that others will carry on what i can no longer do , and (being ) content in the thought that what was possible has been done . 2.Complete the sentence by translating the Chinese in brackets ,using either of the patterns below. Note: when ordinal,chiefly“first,”and such words as "next " and "last " are preceded by the definite article ,they are used as nouns .they are often used in these two patterns: the first /next/last+to-infinitive the first /next/last+relative clause introduced by that or who Used in this way ,they can refer to one person/thing or to more than one .the first pattern is more frequently used than the second. 1. The first to participate in the Olympic games 2. The last to be promoted in the department 3. The first to arrive ,the last to leave 4. The first to send man into space,the first who set on the moon 5. The next to rise the occasion 6. One of the first to apply to become self-governing 7. among the first to be considered 8. The first to win a grand slam singles champion 9. The last to know what had happened between the two of them 10. The first to use nuclear weapons 3. study the grammatical structure of these involved sentences. 1. This is a complex sentence Main clause :all we require is one garment to keep us warm ,and some shelter from rain and wind In the main clause : Subject: all we require(pronoun +relative clause ) Link verb : is Predicative :one garment to keep us warm ,and some shelter from rain and wind (noun phrase +prepositional phrase) Subordinate clause :since nature did not dress us properly (an adverbial clause of reason) 2. This is also complex sentence Main clause :it was a storage jar made of earthenware ,no doubt discarded In the main clause : Subject: it Link verb : was Predicative :a storage jar made of earthenware ,no doubt discarded (noun phrase +2 past participle phrase) Subordinate clause :because a break had made it useless (an adverbial clause of reason) 4.Translate the selection into Chinese 我为什么而活 贝特朗.罗素 三种简单却极为强烈的激情主宰了我的一生:渴望爱情、寻求知识、同情人类的苦难。这三种激情像飓风一般,将我四处吹荡,越过痛苦的海洋,抵达绝望的边缘。 我追求爱情,首先因为它能使人欣喜若狂这种喜悦比较美妙,我愿为几小时的享受而舍弃余生。其次,因为它能驱散孤独感在那种令人害怕的孤独中,颤抖的意识越过世界边缘,盯着深奥莫测、没有生命的深渊。最后在爱的结合中,我看到了圣人和诗人想象中的天堂景象。这就是我曾寻求的,尽管这对人类生活似乎可望而不可即,但我最终还是找到了我之所求。带着同等的激情,我寻求知识。我希望了解人类的感情。我试图理解.我获得了一些知识,但不多。 爱情和知识,在其可能的范围之内,引导我飞翔天堂,但怜悯心总又把我带回人间。痛苦的哭喊声在我心中回响。饥荒中的儿童、受压迫者折磨的人们、成为孩子累赘而无依无靠的老人,还有随处可见的孤独,但我无能为力,我也痛苦。这就是我的生活。我认为这样的生活是有价值的,如果有机会,我将高高兴兴的以同样的方式再活一回。


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