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    《海盗时代沉船之城 》完全心得,技巧及游戏FAQ.docx

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    《海盗时代沉船之城 》完全心得,技巧及游戏FAQ.docx

    海盗时代沉船之城 完全心得,技巧及游戏FAQ海盗时代:沉船之城 完全心得,技巧及游戏FAQ 玩沉船之城有一段时间了 最近论坛上讨论这游戏的朋友也越来越多 为了方便大家交流 整理了一下本人的游戏心得 希望对大家有所帮助 游戏环境:City of the Abandon Ships V1.08 和V1.10 使用christiedo朋友的英化补丁。 关于游戏FAQ最后一页! 操作篇: 基本和AOPCT一样,切换场景使用空格键和鼠标左键。WASD控制移动方向,同时可以按住鼠标右键向前移动,基本上普通活动对话可以完全靠鼠标实现。ESC掉出系统菜单,鼠标左键触发对话,按ENTER可以掉出动作菜单能在城里瞬间移动到目的地、拾取物品等。F2调出游戏主菜单,这里可以看到主角各项数值,船只数值,副官状况,任务日志,国家关系,贸易市场等信息。在大地图的环境下按TAB能得到天空模式的大地图,不过只显示岛屿名字,沙滩城市的名字要恢复正常模式才能看到。其他功能快捷键设置可以看控制键 1 / 55 表并在那修改成自己习惯的模式。 战斗方面默认鼠标左中右3个键是:轻/重/中 三种攻击模式,其中轻击攻击速度最快,最不容易被打断而且容易打断对手的攻击不过造成的伤害最低;重击攻击速度最慢最容易被打断,不过可以突破对方的防御在对方防御的时候也能造成伤害且伤害最高;中击不能突破防御不过能造成比轻击更高的伤害同时速度也比重击快。按下SHIFT同时点轻击可以使出横砍,能同时攻击多个站在周围的目标不过这个动作比较大,完成一次要用不少时间,期间被攻击的话受到的伤害是双倍,所以使用必须小心。 属性篇: 此作升级模式和很多游戏有所不同,个人等级升级经验并非直接来源于游戏中直接获得的经验,而是来源于14项技能的等级提升。14项技能每提升一个等级将获得一点个人等级经验。游戏中所获得的经验作用是支持14项技能升级。 和个人能力相关的属性有7项基础属性和14项技能。7项基础属性在游戏初期设定,以后不能再提升,不过会因为健康下降和越级开船而下降,所以设定的时候要小心。 2 / 55 7项基础能力如下: Strength (Power)Force. It is necessary so that it is strong to strike, far to throw and much to carry off. It influences the transferred weight and the quantity glasses of life. Determining characteristic for the skills, which require large physical efforts, especially heavy and average weapon, gun habits. 力量 人物影响:负重、基础生命值、生命值成长 能力影响:重武器能力、火炮能力 Perception 3 / 55 (Perception) Perception. Ability to see and to hear. Without a good eye of the nucleus guns hardly they will fly to the side enemy. Especially strongly it influences skill accuracy, reticence. 直觉 人物影响:无 能力影响:轻武器、火枪、火炮命中率、运气 Agility (Agility) Reaction. Motor coordination and the promptness of 4 / 55 hands. In the awkward person sabre zastryanet in the scabbards, and boarding hook will be hooked on the pants of its owner. It is necessary for such skills as lung and average weapon, pistols, boarding. It influences the quantity maximum energy. 敏捷 人物影响:初始能量值 每一点敏捷提升会带来10点初始ENERGY 能力影响:轻武器、中武器、火枪、接舷战 Charisma (Charisma) Leadership. Result of the combination the courageous covered with wounds physiognomy and the well suspended language. To leader not it is necessary to come running to the force in order to take possession of by goods of 5 / 55 lucky merchant - it its itself will return. After it will go best people, and most beautiful women will be to wait in each port. Leadership - the necessary attribute for such skills as authority and commerce. It influences a quantity of joined officers. 魅力 人物影响:能雇用到的副官总数 1点魅力能雇用2名副官 能力影响:领袖能力、贸易 Intellect (Intellect) Learning ability. Knowledge, wisdom and the ability to make decisions rapidly. For the clever character it will not comprise the labor both to rapidly recharge the weapon and to throw out prices in the store. Rotation s by navigation instruments also it requires mind. It influences the commerce, 6 / 55 guns, navigation and, most importantly, to the rate of growth the rank of hero and obtaining by it of the new abilities. 智力 人物影响:个人等级升级经验、个人特技获得经验 每多一点智力会降低一点个人特技提升经验和个人等级提升经验。智力是5的时候个人升级经验为30,特技提升经验35,智力是10则升级只需要25经验,特技获得则只需要30经验 能力影响:贸易、火炮、航海术 Endurance (Endurance) Endurance. It is extremely necessary for the 7 / 55 survival to people of the heavy pirate profession. Not less it is necessary and them to potential clients. Repair and protection most strongly they depend on this characteristic, just as the increase glasses of life and the transferred weight. 忍耐力 个人影响:负重、基础生命值、生命值成长 能力影响:重武器、修理、防御 Luck (Luck) What it is possible to speak about success? We gentlemen, if there is a success, but without the success there are no gentlemen. It helps, where uselessly everything else. Bullet will fly by, but enemy will pass by a number and will not note. It influences skills pistols, luck, reticence. 8 / 55 运气 个人影响:无 能力影响:幸运、潜行、火枪、命中 14项技能分为个人技能和航海技能,都是7项。这些技能提升不仅供应个人等级提升所需要的经验还会提供获得相应特技所需的经验。而这14项技能经验的获得则需要在游戏中进行使用到这些技能的行为,用得越多升级越快。例如贸易技能,在游戏中从事各类交易活动都能提升,作交易所任务,和交易所交易,和小贩交易甚至在船埠卖船买船都能提升。 14项技能如下: FencingLight英化补丁后名称light weapon 9 / 55 Skill to be turned the light weapon - predominantly by foils and by small according to the size tools of murder. It depends on reaction and perception. (R*0.9+.I*0.1) 轻武器,攻击力比较弱但是攻击速度绝对快,是封杀敌人动作的利器,初始等级和升级经验受敏捷和直觉影响。 Fencing The ability to cope with sabres - weapon, which requires not only force, but also specific skill. It depends on force and reaction. (P*0.6+.R*0.4) 10 / 55 中量级武器,攻击力和重量都适中,有相当的杀伤力攻击速度也不慢同时力气消耗也不大,初始等级和升级经验受力量和敏捷影响。 FencingHeavy英化补丁后名称heavy weapon The possession of heavy broadswords, by axes and by swords requires unusual physical force. It depends on force and endurance. (P*0.9+.E*0.1) 重量级武器,攻击力强悍不过也比较重,速度稍微慢动作容易被拿轻武器的敌人打断力气消耗也大,初始等级和升级经验受力量和耐力影响。 Pistol 11 / 55 Skill to use highly technological devices, capable of sending small lead balls up to the great distance. It requires adroitness and specific success. Who knows it, where this bullet will fly. It depends on reaction and success. (R*0.5+.S*0.5) 火枪,无视对方的防御动作给予对方严重伤害,这一作中手枪能重新装弹,相当好用。装弹时间由手枪的型号不同而异,看说明书上一个图有一把雷鸣灯散弹枪不知道哪来的 初始等级和升级经验受运气和敏捷影响。 Fortune Fortune. It - luck. It is necessary everywhere. It depends on udachi.(.S) 幸运,就是运气,哪都需要,闪避拦截你的舰队,搜查杀死 12 / 55 的敌人身上所得到的物品,商店摆卖的特殊商品的出现都和此能力有关。初始等级和升级受运气和直觉影响。此技能经验提升方式虽然多不过也比较难练,酒馆总督府和人赌博、使用各类药物、炮击出暴击等都能提升。 Leadership Leadership. When people see that with you not you propadesh' in any alteration, they begin in you to believe, and here narrower than tavern they are complete desiring to be joined to you in the marches, but hostile vessels are surrendered, hardly after catching sight of your flag. And if authority is high, can be assured - your people will take for the boarding of the most marine devil. It depends on leadership and learning ability. (A*0.9+.T*0.1) 领导能力,副官忠诚度变化幅度、水手士气变化、接舷战水 13 / 55 手的强度都受这个数值影响。初始等级和升级经验受魅力和智力影响。击沉敌舰,攻入城镇、格斗中亲手杀死敌人,完成各类任务都能提升该技能。 Commerce Trade. The skill to podorozhe to sell that the fact that yesterday purchased podeshevle. The knowledge of advantageous commercial routes, business grasp and friendly relations with the owners of stores - all this fills pockets by pleasant gravity and makes possible not to think about such trifles as wage for command or the shortage of canvas in the hold. Mind and specific charm of leader be required. (T*0.8+.A*0.2) 贸易,买卖时候的价钱受此技能影响。初始等级和升级经验受魅力和智力影响。从事各类交易活动都能提升,作交易所任务,和交易所交易,和小贩交易甚至在船埠卖船买船都能提升。 14 / 55 Accuracy Accuracy. One of the most necessary qualities for those furrowing sea expanses. Real captain will not begin to expend powder and nucleus on that in order to scare entire fish in the region, each volley - it is accurate into the purpose! And when salt wind will scatter powder smoke above the captain's bridge, the horizon must be pure from the hostile wash-tubs! Without the perception and the specific luck here not to manage. (I*0.8+.S*0.2) 命中,炮击的命中率。初始等级和升级经验受运气和直觉影响。炮击命中目标就能提升该技能。 Cannons 15 / 55 Cannons. To rapidly equip Cannons, to rapidly roll, and thus far the echoes of the shot yet not of stikhli among the sortings - again to clean, to clog, to direct, not to forget to in time pour gun by water so that it would not overheat. Among crash and flame of fatal battle - nothing excess - to load, to roll, volley! It requires knowledge and force. (T*0.6+.P*0.4) 炮术,大炮的装填速度受此技能影响,初始等级和升级经验受力量和知识影响。在战场开炮就能提升该技能无论是否命中目标,所以在战场里就算对这鲨鱼开炮也能提升此技能。 Sailing英化补丁后名称Navigation Navigation. Ability to lead ship into the port through the storm and fog. Skill to use navigation instruments and to govern squadrons. The largest and most terrible ship will fly, as if bird, easily obeying to the solid hand of experienced skipper. It 16 / 55 depends on perception and learning ability. (I*0.2+.T*0.8) A deficiency in the navigation leads to minuses into all skills and characteristics of hero class 1 it requires 95 class 2 it requires 80 class 3 it requires 65 class 4 it requires 40 class 5 it requires 25 class 6 it requires 1 difference between the current and desired value of navigation will be the value of minus from the class of ship. 17 / 55 航海术,可顺利使用的船只等级受此技能影响。6级和以下级别的船只需要 1级航海术就能开,5级船需要25级航海,4-40、3-65、2-80、1-95,越级开船每跳一级则基础能力下降2点伴随的是各类技能提升的经验增加并会影响个人属性的成长。初始等级和升级经验受直觉和智力影响。 Repair Repair. When enemy brings down aboard your ship deg of nuclei, resounding into the chips of board and converting sail into the sieve, when under the impacts of squall treshchit housing, and wind vomits tackle, as threads - repairing becomes very important from the ship skills. Here the main thing - endurance, even without power of observation not to manage. (E*0.8+.I*0.2) 18 / 55 修理,在海上使用备用帆布和板材修复船只的速度和使用紧急修理特技的效果受此技能影响。初始等级和升级经验受忍耐力影响。 Grappling英化补丁后名称Boarding Boarding. To accurately bring ship to the hostile board, from the very first to throw cat and by avalanche to attack the quivering enemy, by hurricane to be carried on the decks and to take enemy ship, as the deserved prize - all this requires big enough skill and experience, but rich output will easily pay all efforts. Reaction and keenness are necessary. (R*0.7+.T*0.3) 接舷术,影响发动接舷战的范围等级越高可发动接舷战的范围越大。初始等级和升级经验主要受敏捷影响。 Defence 19 / 55 Defence. Day after the day grows together command with its ship, and here each sailor already stands tens of salag from the tavern. To protect their people during the battle, not to give to them is foolish and it is thoughtless to perish - the task of a good captain. Endurance and sensitive management of leader is equally important in the mobilization of crew to the protection of ship. (E*0.5+.A*0.5) 防御,保护船上成员,降低水手伤亡的技能。初始等级和升级经验主要受忍耐力和直觉影响。1.10版个人受到伤害也能提升此技能,1.08版则只有水手受到伤害才提升,具体此技能对个人格斗防御有没效果有待摸索。 Sneak英化补丁后名称LUCK Sneak. By that not noticed to pass past the enemy protection, 20 / 55 to be hidden in the boundless oceanic desert from the persecutors or as thunder among the clear sky to attack the happy-go-lucky enemy - a good captain must manage this skill. Such is impossible without the high success and the power of observation. (S*0.5+.I*0.5) 潜行:夜间潜入时候影响被卫兵发现的几率,此技能高的话在卫兵面前瞎晃他也不会发现你,低的话以进入视野就会被发现。初始等级和升级经验主要受运气影响。要提升此技能就要找个敌对国家的港口或者堡垒,晚上11点后到早上6点前潜入,尽量在卫兵周围晃,被发现了加经验不被发现也加经验,不过不在卫兵周围晃,仅仅潜入则不会提升。 除了以上基础属性和技能外还有几项个人属性是比较重要的。 下面给出说明: Life 21 / 55 Life - this is the index of the stability of character to the physical damages. The greater the life of character, the greater the split, rezanykh, chopped and bullet wounds it is necessary to apply in order it to kill. Each addition of rank increases the value of life by the value, dependent on the fatigue datum. 生命,就是一般游戏所说的HP,到0就GAMEOVER了,对于热衷于战斗的玩家来说是相当重要的属性。随着个人等级提升会提升,其成长受基础属性力量和忍耐力影响,以游戏中其中一个主角Pieter的基础属性举例,默认此主角力量是7,忍耐力是6,则此主角在没有特技Growing life的支持下每提升一个个人等级会获得5点生命上限的提升,有Growing life支持后将是6的上限提升。如果把主角忍耐力调整到7力量不变的话就能获得6的上限提升,不过就这个主角来说力量和忍耐力都只加到7就好再继续追加只会提升初始能力成长不会再加,要继续提升成长就要保 22 / 55 持其中一个是7的基础上把另外一个加到10。经个人测试得到的结论大概是1-3一点HP成长 4-6是2,7-9是3,10是4,也就是说人物的HP成长最高是8。不过力量和忍耐力加太多就会影响其他能力的成长,得未必能偿失。 Health Health - this is the index of the general physical state of hero. The worse the health, the worse the indices of hero in the game become. Health deteriorates, if hero obtains many injuries, and he is restored, if hero does not participate long time in hand-to-hand fightings. 健康,相当重要得一项属性,主角如果在一天内累计受到过多的伤害就会令健康下降,下降到一定程度就会使7项基本 23 / 55 属性下降,其危害前面已经提到了,严重影响等级提升的速度和个人的成长,而且随着健康程度的下降幅度加大,基本属性的下降也会加大,最坏的情况是基础属性只剩余1点。恢复健康的方法是一段时间不要受伤,只要不受伤,在每天0点的时候健康能自动恢复一点,有MEDIC特技支持的话能降低健康下降的速度和提升健康恢复的速度。另外一个比较快捷的恢复健康方法,就是利用妓院,在妓院休息能有效恢复健康,虽然不能一次加满不过也比慢慢等日子过效率高,此游戏相当健康,虽然设置了妓院不过完全没有越轨的内容,大家不用担心被和谐。 Energy Energy - is index and the reserve of the endurance of character in hand-to-hand fighting. All attacking actions in hand-to-hand fighting require the expenditure of energys of character.In other words, in the process of struggle character gets tired also for the completion of forces to him is required the respite. The maximum value of energy depends on the instantaneous 24 / 55 value of the reaction of character. 能量,力气、蓝条,反正就是挥动武器消耗并自动会恢复的数值。初始30点然后每点敏捷属性会带来10点上限提升。所以初始人物最多能获得130点的能量。个人等级提升不会提升能量上限,不过有了Growing energy特技支持的话每一个个人等级提升会提升一点energy上限。 Reputation Reputation - is the index of that how other characters relate to the character. Reputation is high (positive), neutral and low (negative). It is earned by behavior of character and influences that, as character receive other characters in the game. The reputation of hero in the course of time tayet, behavior are 25 / 55 erased from the memory of people. Poor is forgotten more badly, it is a good more rapid. If we accomplish no matters, then the reputation of hero in the course of time will roll away to "usual seaman". 声望,完成普通任务,海战放过投降的船只,冒险的时候解救被流氓骚扰的MM等行为能提升声望。走私、绑架乘客卖猪崽、遇到MM求救见死不救、夺取投降的船只、上妓院等行为会降低声望。这项属性主要影响副官们的忠诚度,生存法则是正义的副官欢迎声望高的船长,而邪恶的副官则欢迎名声不好的船长,声望等级以usual seaman为间隔,比usual seaman高的话正义的副官们忠诚会慢慢提升而邪恶的副官们忠诚会慢慢下降。反之类推。当副官们的忠诚度到底就会和你分道扬镳,身上的装备也全部带走 weight 26 / 55 The transferred weight - this is a maximally possible summary mass of load, which the character can transfer without the loss of his engine functions and with the retention of the level of skills. It depends on force and endurance. 负重,身上能带的物品的重量上限,初始设定后不会随等级提升而增加,特技Additional weight能提升30磅负重。 Title Title - this is the index of that how much benefit brought character to the power, on service of which he consists. 27 / 55 头衔,完成总督府的任务能提升头衔,不过因为俄文的关系,对这项属性的提升和影响不太了解,只知道在海盗港的酒馆可以找人买到获得头衔的证书,并可以利用这个设定改变国籍。不过估计证书是伪造的,因为买证书就降低声望。 NextExp The threshold of experience shows, how many glasses in the skill selected at the given moment, the rank, the ability accumulated and how much remained before obtaining of the following point. Skills grow from the actions. For each, for example, well-aimed shot from the pistol are added to the glasses of experience into the skill pistols. The obtained glasses of skills, in turn, fall into the experience of rank and lichnykh/korabel'nykh abilities (depending on the type of skill). Passage of the threshold of the experience of rank and abilities gives new rank, and, which means, increase the life of hero and 28 / 55 glasses of the abilities, which the player can distribute at his discretion. 下级经验,纯查询项目,在任意技能上点左键可以在此看到该技能还有多少经验升级,14项技能、个人等级、特技获得都能在此查到。 特技篇: 特技分为个人特技和航海特技,这些特技将非常有效的提高你的能力,个人特技20项,智力是6能全部学完,智力是5的话因为初始等级关系会损失一些经验点,导致有一个特技无法学习。航海特技37个,基本上学不全,不过不要紧,全部航海特技和部分个人特技是可以靠任命副官获得的。详细的技能说明就不列出来了christiedo 朋友的英化补丁已经翻译成了英文,要看懂问题不大。稍微说一下技能选择的心得。 29 / 55 个人特技推荐顺序是 Tireless , Growing energy , Basic Defense , Advanced Defense , Growing life , Medic/Shared Experience , Shared Experience/Medic ,Critical Hit ,Rush , Cuirass , Professional fencer其他的就随便加了 原则就是先学升级附加能量和生命的特


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