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    寂静岭2谜题秘籍结局及特殊物品寂静岭2谜题、秘籍、结局及特殊物品 KONAMI的寂静岭2是一个很值得研究的游戏,这个游戏的表达方式非常独特,竟然涉及到很多精神和意识领域的知识,情节也确实很玄. 迷题2 硬币的迷题 这个排硬币的迷题在不同难度下答案不同,且越容易的所给提示也会更直接。EASY答案“老,空,蛇,空,囚”;NOMAL答案“空,老,囚,空,蛇”;HARD答案“空,老,空,蛇,囚” 迷题3 三楼大门密码 如果是EASY或NOMAL会直接告诉你密码,如果是HARD,游戏提示比较晦涩,会给你一些英文,而这些英文提示是可以九宫格表示,这些英文的起笔和收笔的位置便是其密码数字,如“Z”是由1开始后再在3转析再落到7最后到9,这Z的答案就是1379,如此类推。大家只要留意本月是哪个英文便可。 迷题4 TRICK OR TREAT 1 / 20 当JAMES和MARIA二人一同坐电梯时,就会发生这个事件,JAMES的收音机突然收听到一个怪异的问答游戏“TRICK OR TREAT”,这时会问玩家3个问题,知道回答的到三楼的STORE ROOM会发现突然多了一个神秘箱子,顺序把答案按下去就可打开箱子取得不少珍贵道具,不过如果按错的话,就会突然喷出毒气令JAMES的体力大幅下降,答案是“01:3,02:1,03:3” 迷题5 没有提示的密码 大家可以在门旁发现一个密码按钮,其实大家一定要有一定的观察力才可以,因为这门的密码是以3个数字来组成的,大家之需要看哪一些数字略为变成白色。那些便一定是密码组合,大家只要试数次不同的组合便可以很快知道。(因为每一次玩时的密码会不同,所以没有一定的答案) 迷题6 谁人没罪 在这两间房间之中,其中一间有6具尸体吊在这里,而另一间则只有6根绳子,在这迷题之中大家要在版上所说的故事之中,估计哪一个被吊死的人是被诬告的,只要在空 2 / 20 房把这个位置的绳子拉下便可以回去取钥匙。而不同的难度答案也会有不同EASY是那个“KIDNAPPING”(诱拐)是被诬陷;NORMAL是那个“ARSON”(纵火)是被诬陷;HARD则是那个“COUNTERFEINING”(伪造)是被诬陷的。 迷题7 音乐盒之谜 大家把不同的音乐盒放在指定的位置便可以取得钥匙。EASY的可以随意放也可以取得;NORMAL的左边放“CINDERELLA”(灰姑娘),中央放“SNOW WHITE”,右边放“LITTLE MERMAID”(小美人鱼);HARD的左边放下“CINDERELLA”,中央放下“LITTLE MERMAID”,右边放下“SNOW WHITE”。 隐藏武器: 1、CHAIN SAW(电锯) 只要爆机一次(任何难度),然后再开游戏之时,在刚开始走的小径通往SILENT HILL的大版前会有一株大树上插着一把开动中的电锯, 3 / 20 这时便可以取得它。其攻击力十分高,可是出招慢容易被敌人反击。 2、HYPER SPRAY 可以算是强力武器或是最弱的武器,因为这会因玩家最近爆机所取得的分数而定其威力。这HYPER SPRAY可以在SAUL ST.上的旅行车上取得。 十分差的分数:紫色喷雾,对敌人没有什么效用 正常分数:白色喷雾,可以令敌人一时停止行动 接近完美分数:黄色喷雾,可以令敌人一时停止行动,包括BOSS 完美分数:绿色喷雾,可以杀死所有敌人 5个不同的结局 1,MARIA ENDING 4 / 20 听MARIA的指示行动,不作多余的行动 MARIA不能被敌人攻击太多 JAMES不曾攻击MARIA 在医院时当MARIA在S3休息时,常回去看她 当进入死届医院时,再次去S3时MARIA不见了 当地下监仓MARIA被杀后,再次尝试进入房内(虽然是不能进入) 最后BOSS走进MARY的房间时,没有听完MARY与JAMES的对话 2,LEAVING ENDING 不要令JAMES的体力时常在低水平 打最后BOSS后听完MARY全部的话才进入 EXAMINE(调查)“MARY”的信和照片 JAMES攻击MARIA数次(不要用枪) 3,IN WATER ENDING EXAMINE在ANGELA取得的“KNIFE” 在医院的屋顶上看过自杀日记 在HOTEL中听过MARY的录音带 打最后BOSS后听完MARY全部的话才进入 尽量使自己的体力保持在低水平位置 EXAMINE(调查)“MARY”的信和照片 5 / 20 4,REBRITH ENDING 先把游戏完成一次或以上 游戏中取得以下四件ITEM: (1)“WHITE CHRISM”(白色圣油):WOOD SIDE APARTMENT西侧大楼的RM 105 (2)“BOOK OF LOST MEMORIES”:TEXXON GAS的LOCKER之中 (3)“OBSDIAN GOBLET”(OBSDIAN酒杯) (4)“THE CRIMSON CEREMONY BOOK”:里世界LAKE VIEW HOTEL二楼的READING ROOM中 5,DOG ENDING 把REBRITH以外三个ENDING完成或把“REBRITH”ENDING完成 在NATHAN AVE中JACK INN(旅馆)旁的狗屋中就可以取得DOG KEY 在最后HOTEL之中312室看完MARY的录影带后,利用DOG KEY进入旁边的OBSERVATION ROOM 6 / 20 特殊物品: 这本书关系到SH2Rebrith结局意思和反衬SH1中的'神(Samael)'的定义,所以我大胆(笑)以英文版的内容翻译出来。(还真的很难译呢>_<|) 有助各位对这个宗教狂热的小镇多一点认识吧如有错误也请指正_ Crimson Ceremony 深红色的仪式 "Speak. I am the Crimson One. 说出愿望吧我就是深红色的'主'。 The lies and the mist are not they but I. 假象与迷蒙都是我的分身。 You all know that I am One. 你们全都知道我就是'主'。 Yes, and the One is I. 是'主'就是我。 Believers hearken to me! 信徒们倾听我的训示 Twenty score men and seven thousand beasts. 7 / 20 二十位相信真相的人类与七千只畜生。 Heed my words and speaketh them to all, 留心我的言词和全部朗诵出来 that they shall ever be obeyed 这样他们定会永远遵从 even under the light of the proud and merciless sun. 即使在高傲的光或是残忍的太阳之下。 I shall bring down bitter vengeance upon thee 我会对你施下严酷的报复 and thou shalt suffer my eternal wrath. 然后你会为我那无尽的天谴而受苦。 The beauty of the withering flower 枯萎中的花之美丽 and the last struggles of the dying man, 与在死前挣扎的人 they are my blessings. 都是我的恩惠赐予。 Thou shalt ever call upon me 汝应永远应我所召 and all that is me in the place that is silent. 与我的分身同在这片寂静之地。 Oh, proud fragrance of life which flies towards the 8 / 20 heart. 噢生命中自豪的芳香往心内飘散。 Oh Cup which brims with the whitest of wine, 噢圣杯溢满白色的酒 it is in thee that all begins." 所有都会从你那里开始。 Rank计算方法: 前言从DPS.193上看来的. 这里所有的都是以小颗的计算 小的×10为大的一颗 Action Level Beginner0 Easy 1 Normal 3 Hard 5 Riddle Level Easy 1 9 / 20 Normal 3 Hard 5 Extra 5 Ending Clear 每拿到一个Ending4 共五个Leave In water Maria Rebirth Dog Saves 当然越少越多啦 Save02 回:5 35 回:4 610 回:3 之后每多10回减1 :Total Time 16hr内:1 8hr内:2 6hr内:3 4hr内:5 10 / 20 3hr内:10 : Items 通常的Item20入手1 隐藏Item一入手1 最多15 : Defeated Enemy By Shooting 用任何射击武器打倒敌人(用脚踢算Fighting) 打倒五体1 最多15 : Defeated Enemy By Fighting 用任何打击武器打倒敌人 打倒五体1 最多15 : Boat Stage Time 划船的时间 80秒以内:5 160秒以内:4 240秒以内:3 11 / 20 480秒以内:2 960秒以内:1 :Total Damage 受到Damage量越少所得越高 500pts以下:5 以下.每500pts增加得数1 总合有10颗大 对?的颜色影响 15以下:紫 1679 :白 8099 :黄 100 :绿 8-5-2-2-6 结论:要拿到满点10颗大必须Action Hard.Riddle Hard以上.Ending全有 Save2次以内.Time 3Hr以内.Item扣掉6个隐藏要拿180个 Shooting打倒75只.Fighting打倒75只. 12 / 20 别太容易受伤(三角头推下楼算吗) 划船80秒以内 地下监狱吊绳谜题: 难度:Hard I do not wish to die . But tomorrow I will climb the thirteen steps . Please someone - answer me , why must I die come the morning ? The man imprison beside me belived me . "Because they're all insane , that's why , " he said . Of course I know his opinion will change nothing . " Now you know why I struck out at them , " he muttered . The man who was executed yesterday , the one who had 13 / 20 said his job was to sell dreams , sais that was not true . But the man who is to be executed the day after tomorrow for stealing children shouted back that it was true . The man who was hung to today did not answer . " they'll kill me either way , " he said . He was caught embezzling public money , so he hasn't any hope for mercy . The man who is always quietly smiling to himself said " I am happy for I will soon be with her . " I don't wish to die . I long only to return home . But I know it is not to be . Thought I have done nothing , this crime has been thrust upon me . 14 / 20 Someone save me . This is not judgement . They are bloodthirsty and I am their sacrifical lamb ! 答案: 无辜的是犯下counter feiting的犯人 难度:Normal Dead men , dead men swinging in a tree How many dead men do you see Tongue turned blue and face gone grey watch them as they twist an sway The first one killed the butcher man Then cooked him in the frying pan 15 / 20 served him to his hungry guests And gave them seconds on request The next one with his smile and sweets stole poor children off the streets To men who dressed unsavory He sold them into slavery Breaking into a home at night The thief he had a nasty fright Filled his foolish head with ale Woke in the morn in the county jail The artist with his daunting skill Tried his hand at painting bills But caughting in rain he was undone when the ink held use did start to run With promises of great return Taking gold he did not earn 16 / 20 Bundled it up out of sight Quietly slipped off into night Three houses into ashes burned The sheriff with no place to turn Did spy a stranger to his town Locked him up and beat him down Dead men , dead men swinging in a tree How many dead men do you see ? Six feet long and six men wide Round their necks the noose be tied 答案: 无辜的是犯下arson的犯人 硬币的诗解法: 17 / 20 Hard 等級 Blue Creek Apartment 105号房 硬币谜题的诗与解答 First lies the seat of He who is peerless Silent and empty , heartless and fearless Beside him sits one who knows The place of the servant is next to the throne . Dozens of feet , yet not a single toe The one that is hidden beside him doth go Seducer of dreams , creature of Hades , Lying further from Man and closer to lady Man and Woman seeing all Heedless to the Raben's call 18 / 20 Silent and Hidden the two may be The be not there for you to see Return them to whence they would be And blessing shall descend on thee Ispeak thus with the North Star behind me The birth of the sun is the start of the story . 谜底是 、老人、蛇、囚犯 normal 等級 Blue Creek Apartment 105號房 硬币谜题的诗与解答 Three bright coins in five holes be At one end sits the Seducer of she The wind from behind 19 / 20 the woman doth play The formless Ones , Null , lies furthest from they The old ones beside the Serpent sit not Tis to the prisoner's left that he doth rot . 谜底是 、老人、囚犯、蛇 20 / 20


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