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    The Family Man 英文对白.docx

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    The Family Man 英文对白.docx

    The Family Man 英文对白Then I'm gonna spend four hours skiing. alone. Completely and utterly alone. I'm going to do that because that is my life, that's what's real. and there's nothing I can do to change that. Beeping For Manhattan. Kate Reynolds. I need an address too. It's very fragile, so I want you to be very careful with it, okay ? It's valuable. It's over 300 years old. You'll probably need a few guys to carry it. All right. The painting is also very, very old, so take extra care. It means a lot to Kate, okay ? I appreciate it. Yeah ? What ? Are you from the moving company ? I'm Jack Campbell. I'm an old. friend of Kate's. Kate, some guy is here. Did you call the airline like I asked you to do ? It's like two hours- Jack. Kate. God, it's been a long time. You look- You look great. Thanks. I-Come on in. Come on in. I'm just doing some- Lori, do you know where those boxes- I'm sorry. No, no, no ! You know what- Jack. Don't-Please. I don't even care. Oh, great. Thank you. - What's going on ? - I'm moving to Paris. Hey, Lori, have you seen that box ? It says "Jack" on it. I put it with the rest of the Salvation Army stuff. Do you want me to look for the box or call the airline, Kate ? Hey, kind of under a little pressure here. Hey, kind of giving up Christmas day for my ex-boss here. Hey, didn't mind offering to help when she was opening the Prada bag I gave her. - Maybe it's by the wardrobe boxes. - Thank you. - So you're moving. - Yeah, to Paris. My firm has an office there. I'm gonna be heading it up. Paris. Paris, France ? That's the one. So you're-you're not at a nonprofit firm ? Laughs God, no, not with what they pay me. Are you married ? No, I never got married, Jack. You ? Not exactly. Look, could we take a minute here, maybe go get a cup of coffee or something ? - I'll go for a cup of coffee. - Yes. I found it. Congratulations. Your earlier flight was canceled, but I got you out of Kennedy on United at 7:00. - Excellent. - Am I good or what ? Yes, you're brilliant. Thank you. You're welcome. Here you go. It's just some old stuff of yours. Do you ever think about us, Kate ? About what might have happened ? Jack, I'll tell you what. If you're ever in Paris, look me up and we'll go have that cup of coffee, okay ? Or cafe. Or cafe au lait. Oh, wait. No, no, no, no ! Don't close that up. I will never find this box again. Well, I marked it. Just be more specific next time. We 'll leave it open then. I was just trying to close it up. Make a right here. Man Sir, you're gonna be late for your flight. We're not going to the airport. Tires Screeching You can't leave this here. You can't park here ! Female P.A. Announcer Speaking French Kate ! You can't go. - Don't get on that plane. -Jack ? Please, let's just go have a cup of coffee. That's all I'm asking for. I'm sure there's another flight to Paris tonight. Jack. What are you doing here ? Do you need closure ? Because if you do, after all these years, you got it. I'm okay. I'm fine. I-I was heartbroken, Jack, but I got over it, I moved on, and. you should move on too. Okay ? I'm sorry. I just can't- I've gotta go. I-I-I'm sorry, Jack. I'm sorry. Excuse me. Can I just- I'm sorry. I was here. We have a house in Jersey ! We have two kids. Annie and Josh. Annie's not much of a violin player, but she tries real hard. She's a little precocious, but that's only because she says what's on her mind. And when she smiles- And Josh, he has your eyes. He doesn't say much, but we know he's smart. He's always got his eyes open. You know, he's always watching us. Sometimes you can look at him and you just know. he's learning something new. It's like witnessing a miracle. The house is a mess, but it's ours. After 122 more payments, it's going to be ours. And you, you're a nonprofit lawyer. That's right. You're completely nonprofit. But that doesn't seem to bother you. And we're in love. Please, Kate. One cup of coffee. You can always go to Paris. Just. please, not tonight. Okay, Jack. Okay. No Audible Dialog # We should be right here # # Get through all this fear # # One of these days # # 'Cause when it comes around # # Weshould be right here #


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