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    In a Nature Park课堂教学实录及反思.docx

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    In a Nature Park课堂教学实录及反思.docx

    In a Nature Park课堂教学实录及反思In a Nature Park教学实录 一、 教学内容分析: 本单元是人教版小学英语五年级上册第六单元In a Nature Park 。 本单元主要能力目标是:能够简单描述自然公园和村庄。能够用一般疑问句询问自然公园及村庄的基本情况并作答。能够听懂、会唱歌曲。 知识目标是:能够听说读写四会单词和四会句子。能够了解字母组合的发音规律及其例词的读音。能够听说认读三会单词及句子。能够了解Story time Good to know Task time等部分的内容。 情感态度:培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,增强学生的环境保护意识。 文化目标:了解生态环境的相关知识及熊猫的生活习性。 本课时是本单元第五课时,是一节对话课。主要学习“Are there any?”及回答“Yes, there are. No, there arent.”并能在情景中运用。在交际中培养学生的提问和语言交际能力,同时能够让学生了解自己家乡的一些情况,培养学生热爱家乡热爱大自然的情感。 二、 学情分析: 本课教学的对象是小学五年级第一学期的学生,学生通过两年多的英语学习,学生已经具备了一定的英语学习基础。大多数学生活泼开朗,敢于开口,乐于模仿,能积极地参与课堂活动。经过平时阅读课上的常规训练,他们已经掌握了初步的阅读方法和技巧,大部分学生可以通过自己阅读获取本课的关键信息。 在学习本课前,学生在前面的两个Lets learn中学生已经学习了:village, river, bridge, mountain, building, grass, sky, cloud, road等词汇 ,已经学会简单地运用:There be句型,也能用Is there ?来询问某处有什么吗?并能用Yes, there is./No, there isnt.作出回答。 三、 教学目标 语言技能目标: 能够围绕village and city展开话题并进行对比,能够熟练运用所学句型进行交际,培养学生在交际中培养学生的提问和语言交际能力。 语言知识目标: 能够听懂、会说“Are there any?”及回答“Yes, there are. No, there arent.”并能在情景中运用。 情感态度目标: 培养学生活泼开朗的性格、积极主动地与别人沟通与交流的能力 通过小组合作学习,体会到合作学习的快乐,让学生愉快成长。 培养学生热爱家乡热爱大自然的情感。 学习策略目标: 通过师生问答、小组活动、图片描述,辩论等多种言语交际活动,培养和提高学生口语交际能力和在日常生活中迁移运用英语的能力,培养学生语言表达和交流的愿望。 文化意识目标: 通过查阅资料,了解更多的中外乡村和城市的区别。 四、教学重点和难点 重点:本课时的教学重点是Are there any? 及回答 Yes, there are. No, there arent . 要求学生能够听懂句型,根据情景中的事物代换单词,并结合这些句子询问相关内容。 难点:在本课时的重点教学内容Are there any? 中, any是本课时的教学难点,教师可通过反复练习达到掌握的目的,同时适当用中文提示达到理解的目的,同时教师要注意纠正读音,引导学生正确使用。 五、教学过程 Procedures Teachers Activities 1、Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls? 2. Lets chant.(P68) 3Lead in the topic and group the students. T: Today we are going to learn Unit6 part B Lets talk. I am going to divide you into two groups: the city group and the village group. T:Do you like the village or the city. T: Well done, Today we Learners Activities Purposes S: Good morning,Miss zhu. Ss: Chant together. Ss:Ok! Ss:Yes, I do. City Group: I like the city. 由课本中的小诗引入,既复习了旧知识,又提高了学生的学习兴趣。 根据本课教材安排的特点,把学生分Warm-up are going to have a competition between the city and the village group. Lets who can build up your city or village first. The winner can get some presents from me. Are you ready? 1.A game: T:Look at the screen and say out the words as quickly as you can. If its in the city, the city group says it loudly. If its in the village. The village group says it loudly. If you can see them in both. Please say that together. 2.T: Please look at the picture, whats it like? Using: There is a/anin the city/village. There are many _s in the city/village. Village Group: I like the village. Ss:根据自己所在的你组别有选择性的进行说单词。 Presentation S:Say the sentences by themselves in groups,then say to the classmates.(You can choose one picture.) 为乡村组和城市组。大大增加了学生学习的积极性和竞争意识。 由竞猜游戏来复习本单元的单词为对话的学习做铺垫。 由浅入深,由词汇练习过渡到句子的练习,符合学生的认知规律。 3.Im from the village . But now I live in the city. Lets compare the city with my village. There is fresh air in the village. Is there fresh air in the city? There are manyin the city. Are there any tall buildings in the village? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 4. Listen and do lets try. T: Now look at this picture and answer my questions. Is it a city or a village? Whats in the village? T: This is a beautiful village. But there is something wrong with the picture. Please listen and circle the wrong place in the picture. Are there any rivers in the girls village? Are there any bridges in the village? Are there any lakes? 5.Lets talk T: Zhang Peng is from the village. But Sarah is from the city. And she has never been to the village. S: No, there isnt. S:There are many tall buildings and cars in the city. S:No,there arent. S:There are many trees and villages in the city. S:根据实际情况来回答。 Ss: There is /are(看课本图片来描述。) S:Listen and circle the wrong place in the picture. S:Listen again and answer the questions. 由There be 句型的单数的一般疑问句,自然引入复数形式的一般疑问句。 听录音前让学生先看图片,既降低了听音的难度,又教给了学生做题的方法。 由谈话直接引入课文情境过渡自然。 让学生有目的的去听,初步感知文本。 She is asking Zhang Peng about it. a) Lets listen to the dialogue and then answer: Whats in the village? There are many bridges in the village. There arent tall buildings. How does Sarah feel.(First listening) b)Listen and pay attention to the intonations( Second listening) c)Listen and follow: try to imitate the sound) d) Practice in roles (boys to be Zhang, girls to be Sarah). Practice S:There are many bridges in the village. There arent tall buildings. How does Sarah feel. S:Listen and answer the questions. S:Listen and say after the tape. S:Listen and say after the tape in order. (boys to be Zhang, girls to be Sarah). S: Practice in roles first,then act it out. 1、Cover the pictures and S:Guess and say. guess whats in the Using: Are there anyin picture. the picture. Using: Are there anyin the picture. S: Yes, there are. 2.Look and answer. (1). Are there any tall S: No, there arent. buildings in the city?. 边听边说让学生纠正了学生的发音。 将学生的所学知识运用于实际的交际中。 运用猜一猜的游戏进行练习既符合实际情境,又激发了学生的学习兴趣。 Are there any small houses in the city? S: Yes, there are. (2). Are there any small S: No, there arent. houses in the village? Are there any tall buildings in the village? (3). S1: Are there any trees in the village? S2: Yes, there are. S1: Are there any cars in (4). the city/ village? S2: Yes, there are./ No, there arent. 1、实践应用: 1. T: Now we are going to have a debate between the city group and village group. You can look at the pictures of village or city and discuss whats it like, and how to ask the other side. For example: A: There are many s in S:做对话练习。 Are there any s in the village? B: Yes, there are. /No, 让学生把所学知识运用到实际生活中。 Add- activities 通过辩论活动来运用本课的句子,使练习形式和内容充满趣味性,同时也推进了学生进一步巩固语言的进程。 there arent. There is fresh air in the village. Is there fresh air in the village? 2、评价提升 (1)、What have we learned S:自由谈收获。 today? (2).Which group is better? S:共同评出优胜小组。 Draw your ideal city or village and talk about it with Assignment your partner, then write down your dialogue. Unit6 In a nature park? Lets talk Blackboard design There are some/many_s. Are there any _s.? Yes, there are. /No, there arent. 本节课的学习重点是Are there any in the village? Yes, there are. No, there arent. 相对来说内容含量不大,因此,我运用Is there a ?Yes, there is. No, there isnt. 来引入本课的学习,目的是让学生能够灵活运用There be一般疑问句的单复数形式,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。这样由单数形式过渡到复数形式的疑问句,循序渐进,由易到难,符合学生认知规律,学生在不知不觉中就接受了新的知识点。从整节课的课堂效果来看,学生对于重点句型Are there any ? Yes, there are. No, there arent.的掌握程度还是让我很满意的。遗憾的是拓展对话部分没取得我预期的效果。那就说明学生语言运用能力的培养是一项艰巨任务,需要我们不懈地努力。另外整节课虽然运用了竞争机制来学习,但是感觉学生还是没有很好融入课堂,说明教师导的作用没有达到一个比较佳状态。在今后的教学过程中我要不断进行改进和创新,力求能充分吸引学生积极参与课堂。 教学反思


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