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    李蕾 商务英语函电 课后题答案 .docx

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    李蕾 商务英语函电 课后题答案 .docx

    李蕾 商务英语函电 课后题答案 Unit Ten Complaints and Adjustments Part Five: Exercises Exercises in Class I. Answer the Following Questions: 1. There are two kinds of complaints being frequently made by buyers: 1) The genuine complaint, which arises from one of the following situations: a. The wrong goods may have been sent. b. The quality may not be satisfactory. c. The goods may have been delivered damaged or late. d. The prices charged may be excessive, or not as agreed. 2) The market complaint, which arises from some complaints that are not based on real reasonable causes but from evil intentions. a. The buyer finds fault with the goods as an excuse to escape from their contract obligations. b. The buyer doesnt want the goods any longer because he has found that he can get them at cheaper prices or because the market condition of these goods is declining at his end. 2. When making a complaint, plan your letter as follows: 1) Begin by regretting the need to complain. 2) Mention the date of the order, the date of delivery and the goods complained about. 3) State your reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation. 4) Refer to the inconvenience caused. 5) Suggest how the matter should be put right. 3. When making a reply to complaints, the seller should include the following: 1) The first thing that has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified. If so, then the seller has to admit it readily; express his regret and promise to put matters right. 2) If the complaint is not justified, point this out politely and in an agreeable manner. It would be a wrong policy to refuse the claim off hand. 3) If the seller cannot deal with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once. Explain that he or she is looking into it and that he or she will send a full reply later. 4. No, it is not necessary to do so, because the buyer who made the compliant only cares about how the seller would remedy and how much he will be compensated. II. Tick off the one that fits into each of the following sentences most appropriately: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B III. Revise the following reply-to-a-complaint letter so as to work out a successful one. My dear Mr. Harrington: By parcel post, prepaid, we have mailed you today one winding arm and record platform to replace those that did not arrive in your recent shipment. The originals were doubtless packed with the box that contained the remainder of your order. When they arrive, will you please return them to us, parcel post, notifying us what it cost you to do so, and we will reimburse you. We are indeed sorry that you have been disappointed because of the shortage, and hope that you will receive the arm and platform promptly, and that you will enjoy the music that this machine can give you. It gives us pleasure to help you. Cordially yours, IV. Put the following into English 1. We are very sorry to inform you that your last shipment is not up to your usual standard. 2. A claim for damage will be filed on us together with your surveyors report as evidence. 3. We regret that the damages are chiefly due to poor packing which is not adequately reinforced. 4. There is a difference of 35 tons between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight of this consignment. 5. In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to meet your claim for the 35 tons shortweight. 6. This is the maximum concession we can afford. Should you not agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle by arbitration. V. Write a letter dealing with the following: Dear Sirs, After careful examining the worsted cloth shipped ex S.S. FENGCHING, we cannot but express disappointment at their quality. The consignment certainly does not match the samples you sent us last month. Some of them are so poor that we cannot help feeling there must have been some mistake in making up the consignment. The materials are quite unsuited to the needs of our customers and we have no choice but to ask you to take them back and replace them by materials of the quality as specified in the order. If this is not possible, then we are afraid we shall have to ask you cancel our contract. We trust you will look into this matter and send us a prompt reply. Yours faithfully, Exercises after Class VI. Case analysis 1. 船公司应承担责任。 以保函换取清洁提单的, 船公司不能以保函不得对抗第三人为由逃避责任。汉堡规则承认了不清洁提单保函的效力,基于合约的相对性,保函不得对抗第三人。我国对不清洁提单保函没有立法规定,在司法实践中有承认其效力的判例。 2. B公司应承担责任。B公司交货不符合合同约定,包装不当。货物装船时外包装有严重破损,说明B公司交货不合格,未能适当包装。 3. 保险公司不负责赔偿。海商法第243条:“除合同另有约定外,因下列原因之一造成货物损失的, 保险人不负赔偿责任:航行迟延、交货迟延或者行市变化;货物的自然损耗、本身的缺陷和自然特性;包装不当。” 4. A公司可向船公司索赔。因为船公司出具了清洁提单,有义务将表面状况良好的货物交给收货人。 船公司没有如实签发提单, 提单持有人仅凭单据记载提货, 承运人应根据提单的记载向提货人交货。 VII. 国际贸易合同索赔条款一般应包括哪些主要内容? 进出口贸易合同中的索赔条款,大致有两种:一种是异议和索赔条款,一种是罚金条款。 在一般商品的买卖合同中,多数只订异议和索赔条款,同检验条款合并订在一起。条款的内容包括: 明确一方如违反合同,另一方有权提出索赔。 索赔依据,规定索赔时需提供的证件以及检验出证的机构。 索赔期限,包括索赔有效期和品质保证期。 赔偿损失的估损办法和金额等。例如规定所有退货或索赔所引起的一切费用及损失均由卖方负担等。 在买卖大宗商品或机械设备的合同中,一般还订有罚金条款,内容主要规定:一方如未履行合同所规定的义务时,应向对方支付一定数额的约定罚金,以补偿对方的损失。这种条款一般适用于卖方延期交货等,双方还根据延误时间长短预先约定赔偿的金额,同时规定最高罚款金额。


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