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    人教小学英语三年级上册人教版小学英语三年级上册 Unit 5 Lets eat ! B . Lets learn 教学设计 课题 Unit 5 Lets eat !B . Lets learn 课时 第5课时 本节课是第五单元的第五课时。学生在本单元前两个课时已经学习了关于食物milk,juice,egg,bread的单词以及Lets do中相关的指令。并学 教学 内容 分析 会正确表达自已喜欢的食物以及为别人提供或请别人吃东西时的表达语。本节课主要学习water, cake,fish,rice.以及本课Lets do的相关指令。 该课主要是培养学生英语听、说、认读能力和应用语言能力的课。教师为学生提供精心制作的图片、实物等,为学生提供了比课本更生动更真实更丰富的资源,更容易引起学生的兴趣,使学生可以在生动活泼的氛围中进行创新思维,打破传统教学的束缚,培养学生自主学习、自我创新能力。 教学 目标 1. water, cake,fish,rice. 2. 会按Lets do的指令做出相应的动作。 3. 会在真实的情景中运用本课时的单词。 充分利用教材、图片、多媒体课件,“班班通”等辅助教学以及江西省基础教育资源网所提供的学习资源,实现自由参与和创新,充分调动全体学生参与课堂活动,从而提高课堂教学效率。 water, cake, fish, rice. 教学 手段 教学 重点 教学 难点 Lets do内容的理解和动作的模仿。 1.water, cakefishrice单词卡片及自己制作的句子卡片; 教具 2.多媒体课件; 3.Zip头像; 准备 4. 奖励的贴片以及神秘小礼物 5.水瓶、水杯。 教学过程 Step1:Warm-up (1) Daily oral greetings: T: Good morning,boys and girls ! My names Arena, Whats your name? OK. Nice to meet you. How are you today? (2) Sing a song: T: Are you happy today? If you are happy, lets sing and dance right now. (Old Macdonald) (3) Explain the competition mechanism in this class: 3 groups, 3 mouths. Use mouth to climb the stairs to get points. Whos the winner, who can get a mysterious present. Step2: Revision (1) Review the learned words together: milk, juice, egg, bread; (2) Ask and answer: -Can I have some milk / juice/ eggs / bread, please? -Here you are. Step3: Presentation (1) Lead-in: T: Good news for you, Zips new restaurant is grand opening today. Congratulations! Every food and drink there are free of charge. Do you want to go there? But before we go there, we should learn something new. 。 (2) Teach the new word: rice Guessing game: Whats this? (Show a part of the picture, let them guess). Ss read in different ways , and then get points depends on their performance. If Id like some rice, how can I ask politely? Yes! “Can I have some rice, please?” (3) New word: fish T:I always wonder whats your favorite dish? And can you guess what my favorite dish is? Then lead in the new word: fish. T: Do you know how to eat fish in western countries? Use chopsticks? No. Now, look at John, can you guess how does he eat? Then tell Ss some extra-curricular knowledge: how to eat fish using fork and knife. Teach closely :Drink some water . (4) Teach new word: water. T: Oh , Im thirsty now. Id like some water, please. But where is water? Then lead in the new word: water. Ss read in different ways. Play a game: High and low voice. (5) Presentation of “cake” and “Cut the cake.” T: Look at the whiteboard. Do you wonder what the mysterious present is? Wow, a birthday cake, yummy .Do you like it? Teach the new word in various ways. T: Do you like cake? Yes, so you should ask me : Can I have some cake, please? But I dont know which group is the winner in the end. So come on, everybody! PPT show a picture of a girl who is cutting the cake. Then ask Ss: what is she doing? Lead in the phrase: cut the cake. Step4: Consolidation (1) Read a chant together: I like water. Me too. I like rice. Me too. I like fish. Me too. I like cake. Me too. (2) Lets do: I say, you do. Eat some rice. Eat some fish. Drink some water. Cut the cake. (3) You did a good job: Now lets go to Zips new restaurant. Guessing task: Look at this picture. What are Sarah and Zoom talking about? Lead in the text in the book. Then read aloud together. Follow the video to read the words and sentences. Role play: Show an example on the PPT, then give Ss three minutes to act it out. S1: Can I have some -, please? Zip: Here you are. S1: Thank you. Zip: Youre welcome. Step5: Extension Enjoy a video and let Ss talk about their feeling towards it. Make a conclusion: Wasting food is wrong; we should learn to treasure food. Step6: Summary and homework (1) Sum up the whole class .Then walk around the classroom to see whether some students still have any questions. (2) Assign the homework . 认读单词,小组长评分。 熟读本课Lets do部分。 听读预习,完成本课练习。 板书设计: Unit 5 Lets eat ! B . Lets learn Eat some rice. Drink some water. rice water Eat some fish . Eat some cake . 此处为竞争机制 fish cake 教后反思: 本课时围绕4种食物单词展开教学。利用形象的“班班通”设施,采取多种形式开展活动和游戏,引导学生练习和运用所学的单词。由于三年级学生活泼好动注意力持续时间较短,喜欢表扬,喜欢比赛,虽说是无生课堂,但整节课教学形式丰富多样,我相信学生都能积极的参与课堂活动,在玩中学,在学中用,有助于教学目标的实现。以上还存在一些设计不科学的环节,我正在努力改进当中。


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