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    Unit Travel journal 阅读教学设计公开课优质课.docx

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    Unit Travel journal 阅读教学设计公开课优质课.docx

    Unit Travel journal 阅读教学设计公开课优质课Unit 3 Travel journal 阅读教学案 教学内容 Learning aims: 1.To talk about the topic of Travel journal. 2.To master the main idea of the text. Learning key points: To know the routine of the travel. Learning difficult points: To master the main idea of the text. 1.Do you like travel? Why do people like to travel so much? relax oneself enjoy scenery experience different lives enrich knowledge Make new friends 课前请了教学设计 2. If you are fortunate enough to travel, how are you getting there, by bus, train, ship or 解airplane? Lets think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of 本transportation. Step 1 Fastreading 单元课1. Read the whole passage quickly and decide which is the main idea of the passage. 文_ A. The dream of Wang Kun and Wang Wei and their preparation for the bike trip. B. Their dream and the journey down the Mekong. C. Their plan to travel down the Mekong and the attitudes of two people D. The proper trip down the Mekong. 2. Match the paragraph and the main idea. Para 1 Different attitudes between them Para 2 Take a great bike trip along the Mekong River. Para 3 The preparation before the trip & details about Mekong River 背景 Step 2: Careful reading Para.1 1 What did Wang Kun and his sister dream about ? 2 When did they finally get the chance to do it? 3 What idea did Wang Wei have? Para.2 Is it easy to travel along the Mekong river? Why? Source of the river altitude air weather Para.3 How does the scenery change when you travel along the Mekong? At first Then Sometimes After As At last Summary: Wang Kun and Wang Wei have _ about taking a great bike trip. when they _ from college, they _ to _ along the Mekong River with their _. Wang Wei is very _. Once she is _ to do something she will never _ her mind. Although it is difficult to travel along the Mekong River by bike, she _ that they find the _ of the river and begin their journey there. Discussion Make a plan for your trip 1. Where are you going to? 2. How are you going to.? 4. When are you leaving? 5. What are you going to take with you? 6. Where are you staying? 7. How long are you staying in? 8. When are you coming back? Step6.Homework (Group workDiscussion) Read the text again and find the useful words and expressions 答案: Fastreading: 1. A 2. Para lTake a great- Para 2-Different- Para3-The preparation- Carefulreading 1. Taking a great bike trip. 2. After graduating from college. 3. To cycle along- the entire Mekong River. Para 2: Qinghai Province; more than 5000metresrhard to breathe; very cold Summary: Dreamed: graduated: decided: cycle; cousins; stubborn; determined; change: insisted; source


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