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    小学英语五年级Chinese Idiom Storyppt课件.pptx

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    小学英语五年级Chinese Idiom Storyppt课件.pptx

    “五个一百工程”英语角Chinese Idiom Story(中国成语故事),五年级英语名师课程,Level 2 三月 下旬 Mar.2019,Chinese idioms are rich in history and deep in meaning.中国成语历史悠久,意义深远。,Chinese Idiom Story,Chinese Idiom Story,按图索骥,Chinese Idiom Story,Chinese Idiom Story,a wild goose,a group of wild geese,What Chinese idiom story are we going to read?,Look,listen and guess 看图听英文,猜故事。,What is this Chinese idiom story?,What is this Chinese idiom story?,A.笨鸟先飞,B.惊弓之鸟,C.一石二鸟,Look,listen and guess 看图听英文,猜故事。,语出战国策楚策四,战国策是西汉时期文学家刘向专门把战国时候谋士们劝说君王的高招收集在一起,编成的一部国别体史书。,请拍摄本课学习内容,在今天的作业中也可以下载,There is a famous archer(弓箭手).His name is Geng Lei.One day,he goes hunting with the king of Wei.They see a group of wild geese flying in the sky.,(大雁),1,Geng Lei sees the wild geese and smiles.“I can shoot down a wild goose without aiming at it.”The king is half believing(半信半疑).“Do you really have such a wonderful skill?”“Yes,check it.”Geng Lei draws the bow and shoots the arrow randomly(随便地).The arrow misses.But to the kings surprise,one wild goose falls down.,2,请拍摄本课学习内容,在今天的作业中也可以下载,“How can you do that?”“Because the wild goose is hurt.”“How do you know that?”“The wild goose flies slowly in the group.So I knew it was hurt before.It would be frightened(害怕的)when it heard the sound of a bow.”“How clever you are!The wild goose belongs to you now.”“Thanks,Your Majesty.”,3,请拍摄本课学习内容,在今天的作业中也可以下载,Listen and answer 听完整的故事,回答问题。,Who draws the bow and shoots the arrow?,谁拉弓射箭?,a bow,an arrow,draw the bow 拉弓,shoot the arrow射箭,1.There is a famous archer(弓箭手).His name is Geng Lei.,2.One day,he goes hunting with the king of Wei.,3.They see a group of wild geese flying in the sky.,4.Geng Lei sees the wild geese and smiles.,5.The king is half believing.半信半疑,I can shoot down a wild goose without aiming at it.,Do you really have such a wonderful skill?”,Yes,check it.,6.Geng Lei draws the bow and shoots the arrow randomly(随便地).The arrow misses.,7.But to the kings surprise,one wild goose falls down.,How can you do that?,How do you know that?,Because the wild goose is hurt.,The wild goose flies slowly in the group.So I knew it was hurt before.It would be frightened(害怕的)when it heard the sound of a bow.,How clever you are!The wild goose belongs to you now.,Thanks,Your Majesty.,Who draws the bow and shoots the arrow?,谁拉弓射箭?,A.Geng Lei,B.The king of Wei,The famous minister of Wei during the Warring States period.He is good at shooting.更羸,战国时期魏国大臣,著名射箭能手,The King of Wei during the Warring States period.战国时期魏国君主,2.One day,he goes hunting with the king of Wei.,3.They see a group of wild geese flying in the sky.,去打猎,4.Geng Lei sees the wild geese and smiles.,I can shoot down a wild goose without aiming at it.,Read and answer 读故事的经过(图4-7),回答问题。,What does Geng Lei say to the king of Wei?,不瞄准它,5.The king is half believing.半信半疑,Do you really have such a wonderful skill?如此高超的技能,Yes,check it.,Read and answer 读故事的经过(图4-7),回答问题。,Does the king of Wei believe 相信 him?,6.Geng Lei draws the bow and shoots the arrow randomly(随便地).The arrow misses.,7.But to the kings surprise,one wild goose falls down.,to ones surprise令惊讶的是,Read and fill in the blanks.读故事的经过,填空。,Geng Lei _ the bow and _ the arrow.The arrow _.But a wild goose _ down.The king of Wei is so surprised.,draws,shoots,misses,falls,Read and answer.读故事的结尾(图8-10),思考问题。,Why does the wild goose fall down?,How can you do that?,How do you know that?,?,?,?,The wild goose flies slowly in the group.So I knew it was hurt before.It would be frightened(害怕的)when it heard the sound of a bow(听到拉弓的声音).,Why does the wild goose fall down?,Read and answer.读故事的结尾(图8-10),回答问题。,Why does the wild goose fall down?,It flies slowly.,Why does the wild goose fall down?,It is hurt.受伤,It is frightened.受惊吓,Because,The wild goose flies _ in the group.So I knew it was _before.It would be _ when it heard the sound of a bow.,Why does the wild goose fall down?,slowly,hurt,frightened,How clever you are!The wild goose belongs to you now.,Thanks,Your Majesty.,belong to sb.属于某人,(对一国之君及此地位以上人物的尊称)指陛下、圣上、大王等。,1.There is a famous archer(弓箭手).His name is Geng Lei.,2.One day,he goes hunting with the king of Wei.,3.They see a group of wild geese flying in the sky.,Listen and Read 听录音,一起朗读完整的故事。,4.Geng Lei sees the wild geese and smiles.,5.The king is half believing.半信半疑,I can shoot down a wild goose without aiming at it.,Do you really have such a wonderful skill?”,Yes,check it.,6.Geng Lei draws the bow and shoots the arrow randomly(随便地).The arrow misses.,7.But to the kings surprise,one wild goose falls down.,How can you do that?,How do you know that?,Because the wild goose is hurt.,The wild goose flies slowly in the group.So I knew it was hurt before.It would be frightened(害怕的)when it heard the sound of a bow.,How clever you are!The wild goose belongs to you now.,Thanks,Your Majesty.,What do you learn from the Chinese idiom story?,We should be honest and kind.We should be a man of good character.,Read and think 思考成语故事的含义。,What do you think of Geng Lei?,Read and think 思考成语故事给我们的启发。,Why does he have such a wonderful skill?,good observation 细致的观察,accurate judgment 准确的判断,We should learn from Geng Lei.,hard training 刻苦的训练,A burnt child dreads the fire.烧伤过的孩子怕火。,A badly frightened person,Enjoy more,了解类似英文表达。,Make an idiom card 尝试制作成语卡。,Make an idiom card 尝试制作成语卡。,an idiom cardTitle _ 标题Character _ 主要人物 Meaning&Truth _ 蕴含的意义和道理,The frightened bird,Geng Lei and the king of Wei,We should be honest and kind.We should be a man of good character.,Homework:,1.Share the story with your parents.将故事读给父母听。2.Make an idiom card.制作一张成语卡。(选做题),Goodbye!,Read and match 小检测:成语配对,对一题得一星,共五颗星。,A.勤能补拙,B.半途而废,C.老马识途,D.画蛇添足,E.惊弓之鸟,()1.Drawing a snake with feet,()2.The old horse knows the way.,()3.Giving up halfway,()4.The frightened bird,()5.Hard-working making up for bad talent,A,E,B,C,D,


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