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    英文剧本心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting.doc

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    英文剧本心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting.doc

    英文剧本: 心灵捕手 Good Will HuntingGood Will Hunting script Birds Twittering Dog Barking In The Distance Airplane Flying Overhead Murmuring Bell Tolling Mod f-x-square, d-x.So please finish Percival for next time.I know many of you had this as undergraduates, but it won't hurt to brush up.Thank you, Steven.I also put an advanced Fourier system on the main hallway chalkboard.I'm hoping that one of you might prove it by the end of the semester.Now the person to do so will not only be in my good graces.but also go on to fame and fortune.by having their accomplishment recorded and their name printed.in the auspicious M.I.T. Tech.Former winners include Nobel laureates, Field's medal winners.renowned astrophysicists and lowly M.I.T. professors.Well, that's all. If you have any questions.I'm sure that Tom has the answers. Applause Chattering Door Closes - Country - Hi, Will.- Kirsten, how you doing? - I'm all right. How are you?- Good. - I didn't get on Cathy last night.- No? - No.- Why not? - I don't know.- Cathy! - What?Why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochie-woochie.- you usually throw at me? - Oh, you.and your Irish curse, Chuckie.Like I'd waste my energy spreadin' my legs for that Tootsie Roll dick?- Go home and give it a tug yourself. - Boy Tootsie Roll!T-Toots! Chuckling She's missin' a tooth, Will.She's got skin problems. I don't-Plus, it's like 5-to-2 Morgan ends up marryin' her, you know what I mean?There's only so many times you can bang your friend's future wife.It's wrong. Where you goin'?- I'm gonna take off. - Fuck you, you're takin' off. It's, like, what, 10:00?No, I'm tired.Irish curse?She don't know. There ain't no Irish curse. Buffer Humming Buffer Clicks Chalk Clicking Chalkboard Chattering Out! Stop pressuring me back.Stop crowding the plate! Which one will it be?You're gonna get charged, you know that?You think I'm afraid of you, you big ? You're crowdin' the in' plate.Hey, uh, Casey's bouncin' up a bar at Harvard next week. We should go up there.- What are we gonna do up there? - I don't know.We'll up some smart kids. Probably fit right in.Ow! Fuckin' punk.- Oh, what's up? You still tough? - Come on!Come on. Come on. That's it. I'd hold you forever here In my arms - Professor Lambeau? - Yes?I'm in your applied theories class. We're all up at the math and science building.- Come here. It's Saturday. - Chuckles - Unless you wanna have a drink with me tonight. - Chuckling Maybe.We just couldn't wait until Monday to find out.- Find out what? - Who proved the theorem.This is correct. Who did this?- Jack? - It wasn't me.- Nemesh? - Chuckling N-No way.- Come on, Joey, now! - Billy, McNamara's up. Chuckie Come on, kid!- Joey, dig it out! Dig it out! - Son of a bitch!Bring it down, Mac! That's how to do it! Attaboy! Take two, Mac.Hey, Morgan, who's the girl with the striped pants? She's got a nice ass.- Morgan Yeah, that's a real nice ass. - Who's the guy she's with?That in' guinea. I hate that little bitch. Will knows him.Yeah, I do. Yeah, in' Carmine Scarpaglia.- That guy used to beat the shit out of me in kindergarten. - That guy?Yeah. Mm-hmm.Fuck this. Let's get some food.- Oh, what, Morgan, you're not gonna go talk to her? - Fuck her. Burps - I could go for a Whopper. - Let's go to Kelly's.Morgan, I'm not goin' to Kelly's just 'cause you like the take-out girl.- It's 15 minutes out of our way. - What the are we gonna do? We can't spare 15 minutes? Morgan Double burger. Morgan Double burger.Double burger.Chuck, I had a double burger.Would you shut the up! I know what you ordered. I was there.- So give me my in' sandwich. - What do you mean, your sandwich? I bought it.Morgan, how much money you got on you?I said I'd get change when I get the snow cone.I said that when we pulled up. Give me my sandwich and stop bein' a prick.All right, well, give me your in' 16 cents that you got on you now.We'll put your in' sandwich on layaway. Here we go. Keep it right up here for ya.We'll put you on a program. Every day you come in here with your six cents.- At the end of the week, you get your sandwich. - Are you gonna be an asshole?What am I, in' sandwich welfare? I think you should establish a good line of credit.Like how you bought your couch- payment plans.Remember how your mother brought in ten dollars every day for a year.She finally got her couch Rent-A-Center style.- Can I have my food, please? - Here's your in' double burger.- Whoa! - Hey, hold up, Chuck.- Slow it down. - Who do we got?- I don't know yet. - Hey, douche bag!- Glass Shattering - Yeah, you, you skank face!- Shut the up. - Get outta here. - What are you worried about?Why don't you lick my love stick?We seen the guy 15 minutes ago. We should've fight him then. We're eatin' our snacks now.- Shut up, Morgan, you're goin'. - I'm not goin'. - So don't go.- I'm not goin'. - Fuckin' go, Morgan.Let me tell you somethin'. If you're not out there in two in' seconds,when I'm done with them, you're next.Carmine, it's me, Will. Remember, we went to kindergarten together. Way down the street there's a light in his place - Birds Twittering - He opens the door, he's got that look on his face Bell Tolls - Fuckin', let's go, man. - Step on his in' head.Get his ass on the ground. Stop that motherer.Motherer, die!- Carter! - Come on! - Groaning Chuckie Will! Will, come on!Will, come on. Let's go. Let's go.Easy, brother, easy.- Chuckie Hey, fellas, thanks for comin' out. - Come here!Whoa! Whoa! Groans Dispatcher On Walkie-talkie, Indistinct Ah. Fuck. Students Chattering Is it just my imagination, or has my class grown considerably?Well, by no stretch of my imagination.do I believe you've all come here to hear me lecture.Rather, to ascertain the identity of the mystery math magician.So without further adieu, come forward, silent rogue, and receive thy prize.Well, I'm sorry to disappoint my spectators, but.it seems there will be no unmasking here today.However, uh, my colleagues and l have conferred,and there is a problem on the board right now.that took us more than two years to prove.So let this be said: The gauntlet has been thrown down,but the faculty have answered and answered with vigor. Car Alarm Screeches Hey, when's the arraignment?Next week. Chalk Clicking Chalkboard Chattering Sorry.- What are you doing? - Sorry.That's people's work. You can't graffiti here.- Don't you walk away from me! - Hey, you!Oh, you're a clever one. What's your name? Door Closes Oh, my God.Looks right. Cheering Will, how retarded do you gotta be to get fired from that job?I mean, how hard is it to push a motherin' broom around?Mitch, you got fired from pushin' a in' broom.I got fired 'cause management was restructuring.Yeah, restructuring the amount of retards they had workin' for 'em.Shut up. You get canned more than tuna, bitch.At least I got a motherin' job right now, don't I?- Why'd you get fired, Will? Come on. - Management was restructuring.- My uncle could probably get you on a demo team. - Can he do that?You kiddin' me! I asked you yesterday if I could get a job.And I told you "no" yesterday.- What's up, Casey? - What's up, Case? - What's up, Big Case? Rock Let's sit over here.All right. Let's go.Oh, this is- this is a Harvard bar, huh?I thought there'd be, like, equations and shit on the wall.I will take a pitcher of the finest lager in the house.Timeout. I'm gonna have to bust a little move on them Harvard hotties down there at the bar.- Work some magic. - Get some potion for us.- Giggling - Oh, hello. - Oh, hello.- Hi. How are ya? - Fine.- So, do you ladies, uh- - Come here often?Do I come here? I come here a bit.I'm here, you know, from time to time.- Do you go to school here? - Yep.- Yeah, that's it. I think I had a class with you. - Oh, yeah. What class?- History. - Maybe.Yes, I think that's what it was.You don't necessarily- may not remember me. You know, I like it here.- It doesn't mean 'cause I go here, I'm a genius. I am very smart. - Hey.- Hey, how's it goin'? How are ya? - Good. How ya doin'?What class did you say that was?- Together History. - Yeah.Just history? It must have been a survey course then.- Yeah, it was. It was surveys. - Right.You should check it out. It's a good course. It'd be a good class.- How'd you like that course? - You know, frankly,- I found that class, you know, rather elementary. - Elementary.- You know, I don't doubt that it was. - Yeah.I, uh, I remember that class.It was, um- It was just between recess and lunch.Clark, why don't you go away?- Why don't you relax? - Why don't you go away?-I'm just havin' fun with my new friend. -Are we gonna have a problem?No, no, no, no. There's no problem here.I was just hoping you might give me some insight into the evolution.of the market economy in the southern colonies.My contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War, the economic modalities-especially in the southern colonies-could most aptly be characterized as.- agrarian precapitalist. - Let me tell you somethin'.Of course that's your contention. You're a first-year grad student.You just got finished readin' some Marxian historian- Pete Garrison, probably-You're gonna be convinced of that till next month when you get to James Lemon.Then you're gonna be talkin' about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania.were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740.That's gonna last until next year. You're gonna be in here regurgitatin' Gordon Wood,talkin' about, you know, the prerevolutionary utopia.and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization. Scoffs Well, as a matter of fact, I won't,because Wood drastically underestimates the impact of-Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions.predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth.You got that from Vickers' Work in Es County. Page 98, right?I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us?Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter?Or is that your thing? You come into a bar. You read some obscure passage.Then pretend- pawn it off as your own.As your own idea just to impress some girls? Embarrass my friend?See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years,you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own.You're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life.One: Don't do that.And two: You dropped 150 grand on a in' education.you could've got for $1.50 in late charges at the public library. Chuckling Yeah, but I will have a degree,and you'll be servin' my kids fries at a drive through on our way to a skiing trip.Maybe, but at least I won't be unoriginal.If you have a problem with that, we could step outside. We could figure it out.No, man, there's no problem. It's cool.- It's cool? - Yeah.- Cool. - Damn right, it's cool.How do you like me now?My boy's wicked smart.I just spent three minutes in this in' place and run into a barney, huh?There it is.- Nice to meet you. - They were fine, man.I was gonna close the deal, but then Chuck- Billy insulted one of 'em-The heavyset girl said I had a receding hairline, and I was a few pounds overweight.And I was, like, "Go yourself."I swallowed a bug. Chuckling Hi.- You're an idiot. - What?You're an idiot. I've been sitting over there for 45 minutes.waiting for you to come and talk to me.But I'm tired now, and I have to go home.I couldn't sit there anymore waiting for you.- I'm Will. - Skylar.- Skylar. - Oh, and by the way,that guy over there- Michael Bolton clone-He wasn't sitting with us, so to speak.- I know. I kinda got that impression. - Good. Okay.Well, I've got to go.Gotta get up early and waste some more money on my overpriced education.- No, I didn't mean you. - That's all right.There's my number. Maybe we can go out for coffee sometime.All right, yeah. Maybe we can just get together and eat a bunch of caramels.- What do you mean? - When you think about it,- it's as arbitrary as drinkin' coffee. - Oh. Yeah. Okay.Uh, right, then.- Oh, come on. You're kidding. - Giggling Yo!- Fuck you, bitch! - Fuck you.- There goes them in' barneys right now with his skiin' trip. - Hold on.We should've beat that old bitch's ass.Do you like apples?- Yeah. - Yeah?Well, I got her number! How do you like them apples? Chuckling We arrived tonight The miles were over me I turned off the light So, come on, night Everyone who's gone Home to oblivion So come home So come on by Come.Excuse me? Is this the Buildings and Grounds office?Yeah. What can I do for you?I just need the name of a student who works here.- No students work for me. - Could you please check?I have this guy who works in my building.- He's about this high. - Which one is your building?- Two. - Two. Building two.- Look, if anything was stolen, I should know about it. - No, it's nothing like that.I just need his name.- I can't give you his name unless you have a complaint. - This is Professor Lambeau.And this is Professor Hayes.Tom, please.This is important. Please.Will didn't show for work today. Sighs Got this job through his P.O. You can call him.- P.O.? - Yeah. Parole officer.Thank you.Asshole. Chuckling Will There is a lengthy legal precedent, Your Honor, going back to 1789,whereby a defendant can claim self-defense against an agent of the government.if that act is deemed a defense against tyranny, a defense of liberty. Clears Throat Your Honor, Henry Ward Beecher,- in Proverbs from the Plymouth Pulpit, 1887, said, quote- - 1887?- Excuse me. - This is the 20th century.- He's gonna make a mockery. - I am afforded the right to speak in my own defense, sir,by the Constitution of the United States.- Don't tell me about the Constitution. - This guarantees my liberty."Liberty," in case you've forgotten, is a soul's right to breathe.When it cannot take a long breath, laws are girded too tight.- Without liberty, man is a syncope. - Man is a what?- Ibid., Your Honor. - Son, my turn.I've been sitting here for ten minutes now lookin' over this rap sheet of yours.I just can't believe it. June '93, assault.September '93, assault.Grand theft auto, February of '94.Where, apparently, you defended yourself and had the case thrown out by citing."free property rights of horse and


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