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    外研版英语七级下册课件:Module 11 Unit 1 They touch noses!.ppt

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    外研版英语七级下册课件:Module 11 Unit 1 They touch noses!.ppt

    Unit 1 They touch noses!,Module 11Body language,welcome,People from different countries have different ways of body languages to greet(欢迎)each other.Look at the following(下列)pictures.,Various(各种各样的)ways of greeting,smile,shake hands,hug,wave,kiss,bow,People in different countries may use different body language to greet each other.,touch,3,2,1,Activity1 Match the pictures with the words and expression from the box.,1/2/3,Activity2 Listen and match the pictures with the nationality(国籍).,3,2,1,3.Listen and choose the correct answers.(导学案二)Who will come to Linglings school tomorrow?A Some Russian students.B Some Russian teachers.C.Some English students.D.Some Chinese stars.How many times do people kiss in Russia?A Once B.Twice C Three times D.Four times What do Chinese people do when they meet visitors?A.Kiss.B.Nod heads.C.Shake hands.D.Both B and C.Who touches noses when they meet?A.Maori people.B Chinese people.C English people.India people.,Read after the tape,Chinese way,Shake hands and smile,Russian way,Kiss three times,American way,Shake hands,kiss or hug,Indian way,Put hands together and nod heads,Maori people,Touch noses,Activity3 Now complete the table with the correct form of the words from the box.,India,kiss,Russiatogether,touch,visitor,In China,people shake hands and smile,American people shake hands and sometimes(1)_,when they meet(6)_,kiss,visitors,In(2)_,people put their hands(3)_In(4)_,people kiss each other 3 timesMaori people(5)_ noses,when they meet(6)_,India,together,Russia,touch,visitors,3,Lets read:,1.Read with the video in low voice(小声跟读).,2.Read together in your group.,People in different countries may use different body language to express(表达)the same meaning and feelings(感情).When you talk with people from other countries,try to understand and respect(尊重)their body language.,Learning to learn,What do you do and say when you meet your teacher in the morning?,I smile and say good morning.,What do you do and say when you meet a Russian?,I smile,say hello and kiss each other three times.,1.in Russia,people usually kiss three times,left,right,left.在俄罗斯,人们通常亲吻三次,左、右、左。kiss v.吻,亲吻The mother kissed the sleeping baby on his head.kiss n.吻He threw me a kiss and went away.,Language points,2.Thats because people do different things in different countries.那是因为不同国家的人们做法不同。thats because 表示“那是因为”,例如:Thats because you were not careful enough.那是因为你不够仔细。Thats because I didnt know much about body language in this country.那是因为我对这个国家的肢体语言了解不够。,3.They touch noses!他们互相碰鼻子!,碰鼻礼是毛利人传统的打招呼方式,也是一种表达真挚问候的礼仪。行礼时,相互问候的两个人要鼻尖相碰,表示交换双方的呼吸,使之融合在一起。毛利人是新西兰的原住民,他们有自己独特的生活方式和文化。,I、根据首字母及句子意思,填入恰当的词。,1.“Welcome!”,she s_ hands and smiles.2.She came and gave her grandpas a h_.3.If you agree with(同意)my ideas,you n_ your head.4.Maori people in New Zealand t_ noses when they meet.5.They b_ to their king every morning.,hakes,ug,od,ouch,ow,导学案三 随堂检测,II、根据今天所学内容,完成短文。,In _,people shake hands and smile when they meet visitors.In _,people shake hands and sometimes kiss.In _,people put their hands together and nod their heads.In _,people usually kiss three times,In _,Maori people touch noses.,China,America/the US,India,Russia,New Zealand,III.根据所给汉语完成英语句子。1.那是因为你不够仔细。_you were not careful enough.2.我们应该互相帮助。We should help _.3.他们互相碰鼻子!They touch _!,Thats because,each other,noses,抽测:翻译下列句子和词组,1我应该怎样做呢?2 不,我不知道那样。3 那是因为 4 做不同的事情5 在不同的国家6 双手合十,How do I do that?,No,I didnt know that.,Thats because,do different things,In different countries,put hands together,They are from China.They are Chinese.,They usually 1._ when they meet.,Where are they from?,How do they greet?,Maybe,shake hands and smile,Review,They are from Russia.They are Russian.,They usually 2._ when they meet.,Where are they from?,How do they greet?,Maybe,kiss three times,Review,Where are they from?,They are from Japan.They are Japanese.,Maybe,They usually 3._ when they meet.,Review,How do they greet?,bow each other,She is from India.She is Indian.,They usually 4._ and 5._ when they meet.,Where is she from?,How do Indian people greet?,Maybe,put their hands together,nod their heads,Review,They are from New Zealand.They are Maori.,They 6._noses.,Where are they from?,How do they greet?,touch,Review,Homework,1.Remember the new words and phrases in unit1.2.Finish the workbook.3.Preview the new words in unit 2.,惠东中学初中部:李平芳 2015-4-15,Thank you,bye!,


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