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    (公开课)Book 1U2Task 1Writing A Letter of Giving Advice.ppt

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    (公开课)Book 1U2Task 1Writing A Letter of Giving Advice.ppt

    Writing A letter of Giving Advice 高一(3),Task:Writing a letter of advice,Conclusion,When asking for advice,you should 1)state your problem;2)ask for help,using What can/should I do?How can/should I?Should I?,Task:Writing a letter of advice,When giving advice,you should 1)ask questions to make sure you fully understand the problem;2)show sympathy to the person you are talking with Im sorry to hear that.I hate it when that happens!I know just what you mean!3)give advice,using You should/ought to/must You must make sure to do Do/Dont,Task:Writing a letter of advice,Can you think of more useful expressions when asking for advice?,What do you think of it?What would you suggest I do for it?Whats your opinion on it?May I have your comment on this matter?Woulditbeagoodideatodo so?,Task:Writing a letter of advice,More useful expressions,GIVING ADVICE:What/How about trying a new method?Why not find a new way?Youd better change your former plan.It is better to give up your former plan.Id like to suggest you make a new plan.I strongly recommend that you try this one.You might as well take this way.If I were you,I would think over it.,Task:Writing a letter of advice,Tips,ASKING FOR ADVICE:What can/should I do?How can/should I?Should I?What do you think of What would you suggest Whats your opinion on May I have your comment on Woulditbeagoodideato.,GIVING ADVICE:You should/must You must make sure Do/Dont What/How about Why not Youd better It is better to Id like to suggest I strongly recommend You might as well If I were you,I would,Task:Writing a letter of advice,How to plan your letter of advice?Tips,When planning your letter of advice,you should 1)find the main points;2)answer each of the points;3)offer comfort and support;4)give your advice.,建议信格式,1.称呼(Salutation):收信人的称呼,第一行左边顶格写,在称呼后面一般用逗号.2.正文(Body):正文在称呼语下面隔一行开始写,是信的核心部分。正文有缩进式和齐头式两种。每段书信第一行的第一个字母稍微向右缩进些,通常以五个字母为宜,每段第二行从左面顶格写起,这就是缩进式。但美国人写信各段落往往不用缩进式,用齐头式,即每一行都从左面顶格写起。齐头式,称呼多不用逗号。3.结束词(Conclusion):在正文下面一两行处,是对收信人有礼貌的问候或良好的祝愿。4.签名(Signature),黄金表达,建议信开头常用句式:I am writing to express my views/ideas about You have asked me for my advice on and I will try to make some suggestions.Thanks for trusting me.Its my great pleasure to give you some suggestions/advice/tips.I am sorry/surprised to hear/learn that,Body(giving advice),We can use conjunctions or phrases to make the letter better.,平行:as well as;not only but also;转折:however;nevertheless;in spite of;otherwise因果:therefore;as a result;owing to;递进:besides;whats more;furthermore;in addition;whats worse对比:on the contrary;instead of;on the other hand;unlike,SENTENCE PATTERNS,建议信结尾常用句式:These are only my personal suggestions/advice/tips.I hope you will find them useful/helpful.I am writing to discuss this matter with you whenever you need help.I am looking forward to your reply.,Sample 佳作观摩,Dear Li Hua,My mom and dad have a rule for their kids:you get all As in your exams or you are out.I am only 18.I do my homework and try my best,but I feel the pressure from them and I am worried about what is doing to me.I wonder what it is like in your family.What should I do?Yours,Peter,假定你是李华,你的笔友Peter给你发来E-mail寻求帮助。请根据E-mail的内容写一封回信,告诉Peter你的情况;给Peter 提出解决问题的具体建议。,Ask for advice,Dear Peter,Im surprised that this kind of thing should happen in your country.Here in China parents usually take their children to all kinds of courses after class,which are supposed to help them get top grades in all exams.But in my family my parents treat me as their friend and wont put too much pressure on me and allow me to develop my own interest in art,music and sports.So Im pretty lucky in this aspect.,第一段:介绍自己的情况,以引起对方的共鸣。,非限制性定语从句,I suggest that you should have a heart-to heart talk with your parents and tell them they should set high standards,reward achievements but not punish you for poor performance.I am sure they will understand you sooner or later.Hope everything will go on well with you.Yours,Li Hua,第二段:给对方提出具体的建议,第三段:提出自己的希望,宾语从句,第一段:介绍自己的情况,一引起对方的共鸣。第二段:给对方提出具体的建议。第三段:提出自己的希望。,结构分析,1.使用了划线的高级词汇be supposed to,treat as,put pressure on,develop ones interest in,pretty,in this aspect,reward achievements,set high standards,sooner or later,体现了扎实的英语语言功底和运用能力。2.连词but和so的使用使文章内容衔接更加自然流畅。3.非限制性定语从句和宾语从句的使用使文章句式富有变化,显示了英语语言的驾驭功力。,亮点点击,建议信注意事项,理由要合情合理,语气一定要礼貌。慎用must等命令口气。建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。建议信一般采取“三段式结构”。,如何算是一篇好文章?覆盖了所有的要点应用了较多的语法结构和词汇有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,行文连贯,条理清楚。,要点全,词汇,句型(高级)和语法多样化(较复杂)语言地道,连接词,Dear Bob,Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to(引出主题).Here are a few suggestions.First,it is important to.Then,it also helps to.Besides,it should be a good idea to.You can also.(此三句不同的句式提出建议)As to,I suggest(有时根据需要具体到某一反面).In addition,(其他建议).Im sure(预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心).Im looking forward to(表达愿望).Sincerely yours,Li Hua,反面范例,反面范例,不推荐字体,优秀作文范例2,优点:考生的书面整洁,字体美观,运用there be句型,介词短语,从句,非谓语,套用句式等来提亮句子,使得文章更彰显内涵和语言功底。,Practice,书面表达 根据刘伟给杂志编辑Dr.Wang的信,以及要点提示,为Dr.Wang写一封回信。要求:1.内容要覆盖所有要点并适当发挥;2.字数150字左右。,Dear Dr.Wang,I am a 16-year-old teenager,and I have some problem is that I cant get along with my parents.Whenever I want to do something or suggest an idea,they dont listen to me.They always make me do things I dont like.Each time I watch a DVD or play foreign music,he sends me to bed or asks me to play the piano.He even forbids me from chatting with my friends online.,I love them a lot but I cant understand them,what should I do?Can you give me some advice?Best wishes,Liu Wei要点:1.很多青少年和父母相处存在困难是个普遍的问题,不必担心。2.要有耐心,找一个合适的时间地点和他们谈谈。3.告诉父母你爱他们并且一定会认真学习。4.主动帮忙做家务说明自己已经长大独立生活了。5.(自行发挥 至少2点),Representation Evaluation,


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