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    GRE写作如何用高分范文来备考 通过模仿高分范文的写法来提升GRE写作水平和得分是许多人都会使用的方法,但实际上却有不少考生即使模仿甚至完整背熟了范文也无法有效提升写作能力拿到理想成绩。下面就和大家分享GRE写作如何用高分范文来备考,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作如何用高分范文来备考?考生在练习GRE作文如何通过高分范文来进行练习呢?以下是几个尤其值得关注的细节要点:1. 寻找真正有价值的参考范文现在市面上关于GRE写作的复习资料不少,其中有许多都是打着高分范文的幌子作为卖点,但实际上这些*要么根本不是根据GRE官方写作题库里的题目来写的,要么*本身的质量就并不靠谱。考生参考这些范文来练习也难有收获。正确做法是首先要选对正确的写作学习对象,参考一些诸如官方指南和权威教材里收录的经典范文来进行学习,如此才能有真正意义上的收获和提升。2. 范文注意看各类高分细节看GRE范文,其实最忌讳的就是粗略看过点到即止,也许大家会留下这篇*写得不错的印象,但实际上真正有用的内容和精华却完全没有学到。对待优质范文的正确态度和做法是要理解这篇*,理解它的用词、句子结构、段落结构。参考学习的目的是为了提高,因此考生首先要做的就是吃透*,了解这篇*究竟好在哪里高在何处。一篇*之所以会被当成范文得到高分评价,都必然有其独到之处,写作备中一定要注意吸取这些精华要素。3. 选取长度适中有中文解析的范文用来参考学习的GRE范文最好能够具备正确的中文翻译和适当的*长度。GRE写作虽然没有长度方面的要求和限制,但无论*太长或者太短都并非常态,可能给评分老师留下一些错误印象。同时,部分*可能在写作中使用了比较深奥晦涩的词汇或者典故。因此,一篇适合学习的优质范文,最好还是要备中文翻译和适当长度才能够更好地帮助大家进行联系。GRE作文范文:知识的影响The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.GRE作文范文参考:Ever since the appearance of convenient printing method and huge libraries, modern education became possible. Since then, the process of accumulation of knowledge was greatly accelerated, for mankinds knowledge storation can be developed in a systematic way. Educations function is to prepare our youth for the future by lending them the ability to discover mysteries of the world themselves or from books. The history of the human race gives us the impression that the major benefit we get from the academic training is the ability to perceive the world in different ways.The most primitive form of education, which helped our ancestors, the cavemen, to survive in the harsh conditions during the pioneering period of human history, already possessed the power to change peoples perspective. When a child learnt how to make a fire, he was brought to a brand new world, in which he was no longer the game of wild animals and the weakest creature facing the mightiness of nature. He could better understand and conquer the surroundings; the long winter, might have been one of the dangerous enemies in his eyes, seemed weaker since the fire he made could ensure him the victory. Once we have the ability to harness more power, we regard the nature in new ways; we used to have to adapt to the nature absolutely, however,today we could transform it to certain extends.It is the coming of science and many other realms that truly and profoundly changed our view of the world. We can see further and deeper, thanks to the inventions of macroscope and microscope. But that is hardly the whole thing the science has presented in front of us. Science, widely taught in every secondary school around the world, not only allows us to see what we couldnt see before, but also allows us to get new information and knowledge from that we could see before. Only when a student finishes his course in basic physics, could he understand why some things are hot while others are cooler, and could he know what happens during the cooling down of a cup of hot water. What we observe does not change; nevertheless, the knowledge we learn from changes because of the new power science gives us. The study of science enables us to learn the truths behind the complex phenomena and to use the truths learnt to serve the mankind.The study of diverse disciplines not only provides us with the ability to learn more, but also the intentions to think more and seek for the general principles. The study of philosophy, histories, classics, and other disciplines deepens our thoughts rather than broadening our scopes. Lets take philosophy for example, which inspires us to dig more deeply in our thoughts and hones our ability to form a correct judgment of our situations and our worlds. We may encounter the death of others, however, we wont understand the life and the death, were it not for the study of philosophy. We will also get more from the reading of all the good books, which is just like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. We may not see more, but we inspect more; we may not hear more, but we listen to more. This best demonstrates the power of these disciplines and the value of studying them.Human, the most intelligent, and rational beings on the Earth, stands in the dominant position of our world for thousands of years. We cannot make the wildest guess at what our world would like without the different realms of our thoughts and the education imparting these treasures to our descendants. Different fields of study give us different perspectives of this world, only when we properly and usefully assimilate the various discoveries in myriad disciplines, could we form a most brilliant picture of our today and of our tomorrow.GRE写作高分范文:北美GRE写作满分范文The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:"Most companies would agree that as the risk of physical injury occurring on the job increases, the wages paid to employees should also increase. Hence it makes financial sense for employers to make the workplace safer: they could thus reduce their payroll expenses and save money."Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.GRE首段This argument states that it makes financial sense for employers to make the workplace safer because by making the workplace safer then lower wages could be paid to employees. This conclusion is based on the premise that as the list of physical injury increases, the wages paid to employees should also increase. However, there are several assumptions that may not necessarily apply to this argument. For example, the costs associated with making the workplace safe must outweigh the increased payroll expenses due to hazardous conditions. Also, one must look at the plausability of improving the work environment. And finally, because most companies agree that as the risk of injury increases so will wages doesnt necessarily mean that the all companies which have hazardous work environments agree.GRE中间段1The first issue to be addressed is whether increased labor costs justify large capital expenditures to improve the work environment. Clearly one could argue that if making the workplace safe would cost an exorbitant amount of money in comparison to leaving the workplace as is and paying slightly increased wages than it would not make sense to improve the work environment. For example, if making the workplace safe would cost $100 million versus additional payroll expenses of only $5,000 per year, it would make financial sense to simply pay the increased wages. No business or business owner with any sense would pay all that extra money just to save a couple dollars and improve employee health and relations. To consider this, a cost benefit analysis must be made. I also feel that although a cost benefit analysis should be the determining factor with regard to these decisions making financial sense, it may not be the determining factor with regard to making social, moral and ethical sense.GRE中间段2This argument also relies on the idea that companies solely use financial sense in analysing improving the work environment. This is not the case. Companies look at other considerations such as the negative social ramifications of high on-job injuries. For example, Toyota spends large amounts of money improving its environment because while its goal is to be profitable, it also prides itself on high employee morale and an almost perfectly safe work environment. However, Toyota finds that it can do both, as by improving employee health and employee relations they are guaranteed a more motivated staff, and hence a more efficient staff; this guarantees more money for the business as well as more safety for the employees.GRE中间段3Finally one must understand that not all work environments can be made safer. For example, in the case of coal mining, a company only has limited ways of making the work environment safe. While companies may be able to ensure some safety precautions, they may not be able to provide all the safety measures necessary. In other words, a mining company has limited ability to control the air quality within a coal mine and therefore it cannot control the risk of employees getting blacklung. In other words, regardless of the intent of the company, some jobs are simply dangerous in nature.GRE末端In conclusion, while at first it may seem to make financial sense to improve the safety of the work environment sometimes it truly does not make financial sense. Furthermore, financial sense may not be the only issue a company faces. Other types of analyses must be made such as the social ramifications of an unsafe work environment and the overall ability of a company to improve that environment (i.e。, coal mine)。 Before any decision is made, all this things must be considered, not simply the reduction of payroll expenses.GRE这篇官方钦定满分的范文,其最明显的优点在于:1. 字数高达599words, GRE充分体现了字数为王的判分倾向。2. 标准的五段制,首段、GRE末端,中间三段,看上去很美。3. 没有陈词滥调、GRE满篇废话的模板式语言。只有以上三点离满分还是很远的,GRE之所以SIX,我看更重要的在于,每段各尽其责,既独立又统一,形成了完整的ARGUMENT,specifically:1. 首段再现了原TOPIC的推理过程,GRE并指出其assumptions多有不适;尤其令阅卷人高兴的是:首段在最后简化罗列了推理中的三个问题。要知道美国人就喜欢的作文-总分式,在首段就把三个ideas罗列出来,然后在中间三段分别展开,先总后分,一目了然。2. 中一的TS - “The first issue to be addressed is whether increased labor costs justify large capital expenditures to improve the work environment.”可谓是一针见血,一剑封喉。对于这样严重的推理漏洞,如果不首先指出,其argument必然软弱乏力。此所谓Topic中的 “必削点”,不可不察。3. 中二的TS “This argument also relies on the idea that companies solely use financial sense in analysing improving the work environment.”这可谓是剑走偏锋,独辟蹊径,出人所料。*竟然批评了Topic以钱为本经营理念,提出了要以人为本,这样写是有一定风险,毕竟这不是Issue。那*是如何化险为夷的呢?且看本段最后一句“this guarantees more money for the business as well as more safety for the employees.”我不由得长舒一口,人家再次回归了,又回到了Topic中以“Money”为本的推理。4. 中三的TS “Finally one must understand that not all work environments can be made safer.”这充分体现了作者不只是坐而论道的arguer,而是关心其可行性的现实主义者,考虑到方案本身的可行性和局限性。5. 末端不但对首段提出的论点做出了重复性的总结,GRE而且又不厌其烦地把中间三段的ideas一一罗列。如此“啰嗦”估计令某些同学略有不齿,但这恰恰是美国人的最爱,cultural shock了吧?*最令我欣赏的地方,GRE就是对EXAMPLES的运用1. 中间段一,运用了“设例”GRE(假设的情况),$100 million啦、$5,000了,很幼稚是吧?可美国人喜欢啊;咱中国的学生,尤其是理工科的,喜欢用一些相当高深的例子,有没有想过那些阅卷老师能看懂吗?尤其是在极短时间内,他们IQ又不高,知识又不多,联想又不丰富2. 中间段二,运用了“具例”GRE(具体的例子),举一个妇孺皆知的Toyota例子把想说明的问题统统道出,再次体现出美国人喜欢浅显易懂的事例。3. 中间段三,运用了“泛例”GRE(某一类人、团体或组织),通过采煤行业指出了计划可行性的所受到的制约,一个多么质朴无华的泛例,充分地考虑到了阅卷老师的理解能力。以上这一切怎能不让美国阅卷者频频颔首,GRE啧啧称善呢?他或她手中的笔在纸上划出了一条美丽的弧线 6相反,有些中国学生,凭借自己繁密的逻辑、GRE渊深的例子和云雾缭绕的行文,每每令那些阅卷者咬唇咂舌,shrug连连,又怎能获得一个理想的分数呢?你挑战了他的智商,他必然报复你的分数。GRE写作


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