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    雅思写作提升之短期内冲刺高分 在花了大量的时间备考雅思写作之后,考生依然很难突破雅思写作瓶颈,对于如何在短期内冲刺雅思写作高分,今天给大家带来了雅思写作提升之短期内冲刺高分,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。雅思写作提升之短期内冲刺高分明确雅思作文题目类型及特点无论备考或考试中,考生都要做好审题,明确写作话题的类型及特点。审题很关键,很多考生因为审题方向错误,作文内容严重偏题,导致低分。比如这个话题:It is said that nowadays one cant acquire the qualifications and quality essential to success through university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? 如今通过大学教育的人无法获得成功必备的资源和资格。你在多大程度上同意或不同意这个说法?这个话题实际上说一个人能否通过教育获得成功所必须的资源和资格,教育的真正意义是什么。但是有些考生却偏题为成功需要具备哪些品质。建议考生备考过程中可以分别按照话题类型及问题性质进行备考练习。如社会类话题、教育类话题、科技类话题等,不同的话题整理不同的语料库和论点。相近的写作话题应做区分。按照不同的问题形式:如何讨论两方观点并给出自己的观点(Discuss both opinions and give your own idea),讨论利弊(Do the advantages of. outweigh the disadvantages)。表明某个观点(To what extent do you agree or disagree? )雅思写作提升注意事项之:观点及论据作为议论文,雅思大作文写作的观点必须鲜明,论据充分。核心观点必须要鲜明,模糊不清的态度是议论文写作的大忌。而论据不仅要多,更要有层次和逻辑。雅思写作提升注意事项之:培养英式思维因为是雅思写作,英式写作会更顺畅也更能获得考官的青睐。按照英式写作先总结后具体。在论证过程中,一定是先将中心句放在句首,而论证过程是由概括到具体,一层层深入的。写作模式可以轻易模仿,但是英语的地道表达则需要考生有更多的积累。根据雅思写作评分标准的词汇丰富及任务回应,才能更加接近考官的要求。雅思写作提升注意事项之:避免低级错误很多考生的作文结构不错,观点和论据都没有问题,但依然没有获得考官青睐,这是为什么?也许考生们在训练过程中充分模仿了高分写作结构,语料库也储备充分,但是具体写作语言上有太多低级错误。这类低级错误在考官看来是明显的瑕疵,对于雅思写作来说,内容的漏洞对于写作分数影响同样不小。建议考生在平时备考过程中,注意写作批改,及时发现自己写作过程中存在的一些语法、词汇表达上存在的错误,查漏补缺。雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Meanwhile, we see some politicians enjoying power well into their eighties. Clearly, there is little agreement on an appropriate retirement age.Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment?Model Answer:Mandatory retirement age varies from society to society, perhaps a reflection of economics, population pressures or simply value systems. Indeed, retirement at 50 can probably be as easily justified as that at 70. It is my belief, however, that the longer an able person is allowed to work, the better for both the individual worker and the employer.Chronological age is not always a true indicator of ability. While some 65? year-olds may not perform as well as they did in their past, many workers at this age do just as well or better than they used to. Peoples suitability for a position should be a reflection of their performance in the job, rather than the number of wrinkles or grey hairs they have. Employers concerned about the increasing age of their employees need only observe their work records. Those doing poorly may be asked to retire, but those as yet unaffected by age should stay on. Indeed, it would appear economical for an organisation to retain its older employees when possible rather than spend time and money on training new workers.Remaining in ones job for as long as one is able makes sense as life expectancies increase around the world. As people live longer, they are longer able to contribute to society in the form of meaningful work. But they are also in need of income for a longer period, so a mandatory retirement age of 55 for someone who is statistically likely to live to 77 becomes increasingly difficult to justify. At a time when populations are ageing, governments are less able to provide for their senior citizens, so by keeping able workers in paid employment for as long as is practicable, public expenditures are less strained.Thus, workers who can still demonstrate their capacity to carry out their work should not be asked to retire simply because they have reached a certain age. Societies that insist on early retirement may do well to look again at their policies.雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting.Model Answer:The view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout history. This is not to say that men are not of importance in child- rearing indeed, they are most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have proven themselves superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive natures and their generally better communication skills.From the time they are little girls, females learn about nurturing. First with dolls and later perhaps with younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role of carer. Girls see their mothers in the same roles and so it is natural that they identify this as a female activity. Boys, in contrast, learn competitive roles far removed from what it means to nurture. While boys may dream of adventures, girls conditioning means they tend to see the future in terms of raising families.Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men, not women, who prove to be the aggressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising children, a more patient, gentle manner is preferable to a more aggressive one. Although there certainly exist gentle men and aggressive women, by and large, females are less likely to resort to violence in attempting to solve problems.Finally, women tend to be better communicators than men. This is shown is intelligence tests, where females, on average, do better in verbal communication than males. Of course, communication is of utmost importance in rearing children, as children tend to learn from and adopt the communication styles of their parents.Thus, while it is all very well to suggest a greater role for men in raising children, let us not forget that women are generally better suited to the parenting role.雅思写作


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