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    人教版PEP小学英语四级上册修订教材Unit 4My home Read and write 教案.doc

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    人教版PEP小学英语四级上册修订教材Unit 4My home Read and write 教案.doc

    人教版PEP小学英语四年级修订教材Unit 4 My home Read and write 教案一、教学内容本课时主要学习 Read and write:1.阅读描述起居室的小文段,完成图片与文字的连线以及描述钥匙的位置;2.完成有意义的单词抄写活动。二、教 学 目 标 1.能够综合运用本单元的核心词句,描述家里的居室及物品设施。 2. 能够读懂描述起居室的小文段,完成图片与文字的连线以及描 述钥匙的位置。 3.能够按意群和正确的语音语调朗读小文段。 4.能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。 5.能够主动收拾物品并摆放整齐,养成良好的生活习惯。三、教 学 重 难 点 教学重点是:1.读懂描述起居室的小文段,完成图片与文字的连 线以及描述钥匙的位置。2.有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。 教学难点是:单复数的正确运用。四、教 学 策 略 1、本课采用生动有趣的动画效果小故事,创设情景,整合复习整 单元的主要单词及句型,并通过小故事自然引出本课新授内容, 2、运用多媒体教学,动画效果的自制课件及小组动手操作拼图,激发学生学习兴趣,以达到良好的教学目的。 3.设计多种评价方式,并针对学生在课堂上的表现,及时表扬,调动学生参与课堂的积极性。五、教 学 准 备 教学光盘、自制课件、拼图材料六、教学过程(一)、Warming up /Revision1.Clap hands as the teacher does.(more and more quickly)2.(PPT)Show a picture of “My home”,go over each room.3.A story:The cat and the mouse.(1)(Use the sounds of the cat and the mouse to present the story,the cat chase the mouse all over the house) A:Where is the mouse ? Is she in the .? B: No , she isnt. (2)The mouse is in the living room.Go over the preposition words.(二)、Presentation1.(show the living room of “Read and write”)The cat runs into Wu Yifans living room to look for the mouse and makes the room in disorder. A:Where are the pens?B:Theyre ./The pens are.2.T:But this is not the former state of Wu Yifans living room.Lets see whats the former state.(Show “Read and write”) (1)Listen to the video for one time(2)Students read and match(3)Check the answer(4)Follow the video(5)Read together3.(呈现连线后的效果图<拼图>)T:Do you think Wu Yifans living room is tidy?Lets make the things in order.(let the students to tell their opinion then put the things in the right place.)4.Look , choose and write Do it by themselves,then read the sentences together. (三)Consolidation and extension.1.T:We like the tidy room.Lets design our room.(The teacher makes a model:put the things in the right place then complete the sentences to describe the room) 2.Group work Design the room, then finish the sentences and describe it in four people group.(四)Summary Read the words and sentences together (五)Homework Draw your room,then write about it.画出你的房间,然后对其摆设进行描写。板书设计:Unit 4 My Home Read and write The bag is under the table. The pens are on the fridge . The glasses are near the phone. The books are on the sofa. find 找到 them 他(她、它) 人教版PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 My Home Read and write教学设计 设计教师:陈海燕教学年级:三年级课题名称: Unit 4 My Home: Read and write指导教师:温娉婷教材版本 人教版PEP四年级上册课时:第六课时教学内容本课时主要学习 Read and write:1.阅读描述起居室的小文段,完成图片与文字的连线以及描述钥匙的位置;2.完成有意义的单词抄写活动。教 学 目 标1. 能够综合运用本单元的核心词句,描述家里的居室及物品设施。2. 能够读懂描述起居室的小文段,完成图片与文字的连线以及描述 钥匙的位置。3. 能够按意群和正确的语音语调朗读小文段。4. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。5. 能够主动收拾物品并摆放整齐,养成良好的生活习惯。教 学重、 难 点教学重点:1.读懂描述起居室的小文段,完成图片与文字的连 线以及描述钥匙的位置。2.有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。教学难点:单复数的正确运用。教 学 策 略1、本课采用生动有趣的动画效果小故事,创设情景,整合复习整 单元的主要单词及句型,并通过小故事自然引出本课新授内容,2、运用多媒体教学,动画效果的自制课件及小组动手操作拼图,激发学生学习兴趣,以达到良好的教学目的。3.设计多种评价方式,并针对学生在课堂上的表现,及时表扬,调动学生参与课堂的积极性。教 学 准 备教学光盘、自制课件、拼图材料教 学 过 程教学活动设计意图教 学 过 程(一) Warming up /Revision1. Clap hands as the teacher does.(more and more quickly)2.(PPT)Show a picture of “My home”,go over each room.3.A story:The cat and the mouse.(1)(Use the sounds of the cat and the mouse to present the story,the cat chase the mouse all over the house)A:Where is the mouse ? Is she in the .?B: No , she isnt. (2)The mouse is in the living room.Go over the preposition words.(二)Presentation1.(show the living room of “Read and write”)The cat runs into Wu Yifans living room to look for the mouse and makes the room in disorder. A:Where are the pens?B:Theyre ./The pens are.T:But this is not the former state of Wu Yifans living room.Lets see whats the former state.(Show “Read and write”) (1) Listen to the video for one time(2) Students read and match(3) Check the answer(4) Follow the video(5) Read together2. (呈现连线后的效果图<拼图>)T:Do you think Wu Yifans living room is tidy?Lets make the things in order.(let the students to tell their opinion then put the things in the right place.)3. Look , choose and write Do it by themselves,then read the sentences together. (三)Consolidation and extension.1.T:We like the tidy room.Lets design our room.(The teacher makes a model:put the things in the right place then complete the sentences to describe the room) 2.Group work Ddesign the room,then finish the sentences and describe it in four people group.(四) Summary Read the words and sentences together (五) HomeworkDraw your room,then write about it.画出你的房间,然后对其摆设进行描写。对于不熟悉的学生,与教师进行节奏越拍越快的互动活动能快速地拉近师生距离并激发学生的学习热情。了解学生对已学单词的掌握情况,以便更好地开展下一环节;同时呈现“家”也为下一环节的故事做铺垫。通过声音、动画的方式呈现故事,可以吸引学生的注意力,并在故事中让学生进入情景,从而自然地进行对话交流,达到复习目的。通过老鼠在起居室里的不同方位复习介词(通过意群短语呈现)由故事自然过渡到本课主情景图,复习复数的表达方式。并通过找回物品原来的位置引出本课教学内容。在英语课堂中多听多跟读能培养学生的语感及较好的语音,同时提高学生的听力能力。让学生把Wu Yifan 的杂乱起居室按自己的设想重新摆设布置整齐,可以给学生灌输主动收拾物品并摆放整齐的意识,养成良好的生活习惯。教师的示范作用,可以让学生更清楚自己接下来的小组任务。动手操作是学生比较喜欢的一种活动,让四人小组从设计房间到描写房间,既可以培养学生的合作意识,也可以提高学生说和写的能力。板 书 设 计Unit 4 My Home Read and write The bag is under the table. The pens are on the fridge . The glasses are near the phone. The books are on the sofa. find 找到 them 他(她、它)


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