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    译林版牛津小学英语4B Unit 9 Breakfast教案.doc

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    译林版牛津小学英语4B Unit 9 Breakfast教案.doc

    4B Unit 9 Breakfast 教学内容:牛津小学英语 4B Unit 9 Breakfast (Part A)教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词 a cupboard。2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型Wheres/ Where are the/ my Its/ Theyre Theres no in/ on /3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际语Whats for breakfast? Have some juice then.4. 能正确理解课文,熟练朗读并表演。5. 通过魔术游戏等活动激发学生的学习兴趣,以及用英语交流的热情。6. 通过新颖的课堂活动和有趣的小组活动培养学生综合运用语言的能力,以及交流与合作的能力。教学流程:A. Free talk.1. Greeting.2. Revision. Theres a in/on There are some in/on/near 3. Yes. The room is very big and nice. Look, there is a TV in it.B. Magic Time. (Presentation and practice)1. T: I like watching TV. Boys and girls, do you like watching TV?S: T: Me, too. And nowadays I have found that magic is very interesting, amazing and wonderful. I like it very much.2. Magic game 1. Teach: Where is the biscuit?Its on the desk.Theres no biscuit in the box.3. Magic game 2. Let a student play the game with T.Teach: Where are the chocolates? They are in the box.4. Magic game 3. T: Boys and girls, look, Doraemon is coming. He wants to play the magic game with us. Look, there are something for his breakfast. Today well learn Unit 9 Breakfast. (揭题)T: What are these? S: They are bread, eggs, chocolate and juice.T: Whats for breakfast? (带读)S: Bread, eggs, chocolate and juice.T: Yes. Doraemon hides his breakfast in this room. Can you find them?T: Wheres the bread? Where are the eggs? Ask and answer in pairs.Practise: Wheres the? Its in/on Where are the ? Theyre in/on Teach: There is no milk in the fridge.5. T: Boys and girls, we have played three magic games, wheres the biscuit? Where are the chocolates? And wheres the breakfast? I think you have done very well. Are you happy?C. Story Time. (Presentation and practice)1. T: Doraemon, are you happy?D: Yes, I am.T: What are you going to do?D: Im going to watch the cartoon.T: Boys and girls, lets watch the cartoon, OK? Now lets have a story time!2. Watch the cartoon and answer the question. Q: Whats for Helens breakfast?3. Read by themselves and match.eggs and breadfridgejuicecupboardglass.table4. Listen and repeat.Open the books and read after T.5. Read the dialogue together. Read in groups.6. Can you have a try? Try your best, fill in the blanks. Then read the passage.table fridge glass milk eggsIts time to have breakfast. The _ and the bread are on the _. Theres some juice in the _. Theres no _ in it. The _ is in the cupboard.7. Read in pairs. Then act. Show time.D. Dream Time. (Production)Boys and girls, Doraemon will go to a wonderland. Its very beautiful and amazing! Shall we go there together? OK. Lets have a dream time. Now please close your eyes, and lets imagine: the blue sky, the green trees, and lots of colourful flowers. what else? Lets open your eyes and see. Wow! How nice! Right? Look, there are some special things, can you find them? T: Look, whats that?S: Its a T: Where is it?S: Its in the tree.T: Yes, there is a in the tree. Its nice!T: Theres no fish in the river. Where are the fishes? S: Theyre in the tree.Boys and girls, can you talk about the wonderland like this?Maybe there are some other things here. You may imagine that.Lets make a dialogue in groups of 4.E. Homework.1. Please listen to the tape and read the dialogue.2. The 2010 World Exposition will be held in Shanghai,. If you want to visit there, what do you want to take with? Where is it? Where are they? Try to make a dialogue with your friends.


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