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    Language Express Cultural Reality Language and culture, intrinsically interdependent on each other,mix up and evolve together since the birth of language. With its special tool-characters, which can be used to speak,write and preserve,language could record and spread the connotation and influence of culture.Thats the close-knit relation between language and culture.Based on it,we can research the relation more further. Culture,as we all known ,in a broad sense,means integrated pattern of human knowledge ,belief,customs,tools and so on.While whats the most important thing that keep culture transmit forever is character,a tool of language.Therefore,language keep culture alive and express cultural reality.Due to language use and its meaning are heavily tinted with its culture. So, research on the topic” language express cultural reality “as following titles:1、 The Study of Language After we were born, we will require to acquire our mother tongue in the following years.It is the contexts that parents want to teach children in the early period is similar.However,the results are not quite similar.For instance, a child , come from China and accept the Chinese traditional education, general be diffidence,modest and dependent even at the age of 20.On the contrary,the one,come from Europe country or America and receive Western English education, usual be outstanding,representative and relatively independent.It can not be to deny that family education also affect the result more or less.But the attention should be payed on the difference between Chinese and English. With different language linked with different culture, the English indicate that the western culture pursuit freedom ,democracy and independent with the objective view.They prefer to show self out and do thing by own. Opposite it, the Chinese suggest that eastern culture address collective, good-mannered,and familial,demonstrating in Chinese with gracious,low-pitched and subjective attitude.It can not hard to find the relative manner in the English and Chinese language. 2、The Communication of Language The basic function of language is communication. By it,we can exchange views or information, conversate with each other,and interact with different culture.Namely,which language you speak can identify your cultural background.For example, an American firstly meet with a Chinese on business in office,after handshakes, the America will directly talk on the business willing in official words,indicating his intention.Unlikely that, Chinese general turn to talk on other things, like the taste of the tea, counterparts appearance or market situation,Then,they will return to euphemize on business appropriately in more relaxed atmosphere. We can easy find the interesting thing that it seems that American are worried about time but Chinese talk slowly. In fact, it is the cultural difference cause the distinct behavior and manifestation expressed by the spoken words.As your behaviors are imperceptibly influenced by culture,your word directly indicate what you are and whats the feature of your country culture.待添加的隐藏文字内容23、 The Diffusion of Language Language as a communication tool and the carrier of culture,its spreading speed indicate the trait of the language itself and decide whether it can be a practical and useful language or not.In reality,a kind of language can be used conveniently on the base of its usage and spoken population. Take the example of English,it was formed a kind of language just lasting few hundreds of years unlikely the long history of Chinese.In addition, its spreading speed is increasing fast since its birth and more and more countries set it as its official language to interact on international issues.Its spoken population is surging as well. Compared it with Chinese, we all know Chinese usage population was over 14 billion with 5000-year-old age,but its diffusion speed is hard to catch up with English.Besides, only limited districts use it,even just in China.Thats the language its characteristics contribute its dissemination,while the back of language-culture making the decision. In other words, the western culture can be accepted more easily and simple,as the facile acquired English and direct objective view.Nevertheless,eastern culture could hardly be learned and used fluently, due to the complexed study Chinese and implied subjective attitude. Above all,we could easy find that culture and language mix up and evolve together.With detailed words,language can express cultural reality in the study of language, the communication of language and the diffusion of language. To keep culture transmission and energic,we need make good use of language and make it become beneficial appropriate carrier of culture.


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