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    雅思新手解读之雅思机经是什么 入坑雅思的考生们,你们知道雅思机经是什么吗?此机经非彼鸡精,但非常营养好用。下面就和大家分享雅思新手解读:雅思机经是什么,欢迎阅读!雅思新手解读:雅思机经是什么关于什么是雅思机经?机经这个词最早出现是在GRE考试的机考中,原意为机考的经验。由于GRE机考的试题重复,所以很多人背以前考过的朋友总结的经验得了高分。而同理,雅思考试真题回忆的总结就变成了雅思机经。小站雅思君友情提示:雅思官方是没有所谓机经题库这样的考试材料的,所有机经的题目和答案都是考生们自己回忆的,并不是完全正确的官方答案。官方只出过雅思官方考试指南OG和剑雅真题1-13系类。如何使用雅思机经首先,雅思机经是用来帮助我们了解雅思试题的形式和内容的。雅思机经的使用只能是备考复习的参考资料,市面上既没有售卖渠道也没有权威认证出版。因为机经的题量非常巨大,复习起来费时费力,小站雅思君觉得与其花时间背这些所谓的机经答案,不如老老实实做好雅思复习计划,考前一个月再来看雅思机经。雅思听力机经使用雅思听力机经可以作为听力词汇补充和听力背景知识拓展,雅思听力机经是没有mp3音频资料的,所有的内容都是文字形式,对听力词汇的掌握没有信心的考生可以借助雅思听力机经来补充词汇。听力中难免有听漏或听不清的情况,考生们在听力机经中了解到的听力背景知识会对考试有一定的帮助。有些聪明的考生还能借助听力机经掌握到考试出题的策略,甚至做出答案预测,这也不失为一种考试技巧哦。雅思阅读机经的使用雅思阅读考试时间非常紧张,很多考生需要训练相当一段时间才能在1个小时内完成雅思阅读考试。雅思阅读难在词汇量和题型上,有了雅思阅读机经,考生们能够尽可能了解雅思阅读的学术背景知识,这样做题效率会有所提高,另外,阅读机经中的生词也是很好的词汇量补充。雅思写作机经的使用雅思写作机经基本等于历年雅思写作真题库。雅思写作机经的作用很大,建议考生们至少提前2个月获取使用。考生们可以翻阅写作机经,找出出题规律,大作文一般总结话题分类和出题类型。雅思写作话题大致分为8个,社会类,科技类、政府职能类、教育类、环保类、文化类、犯罪类及综合类。出题类型:原因及解决方案,支持某方观点及原因,两方观点优劣势讨论。小作文就比较简单,只需要做图表类和信息图两类。图表类小作文有柱状图,线性图的数据分析和规律总结;新题图主要是地图题和流程图,一般是将重要信息和变化写出来即可。雅思口语机经的使用雅思口语机经也就是雅思口语当季的题库,一般是4个月换一次。雅思口语机经上的话题都是高频话题,考生们按照话题制定每日练习的计划定时定量复习即可。什么是雅思中的版本对于没考过雅思的朋友,“版本”这个词可能的确很陌生。雅思考试的每一科每一张卷子都有一个号码,就是“VersionX”,每一个号码只对应一套试题。这个号码是世界通行的,会写在你的成绩单上面。我们在论坛上讨论的“版本”就是这个试卷上的号码,实际上就是试题。特别提醒一下,论坛上一般把Version简写成V,所以大家看到V37、V41的时候不要奇怪。雅思机经又称雅思民间雅思考试答案题库。由于雅思考试的试题随机选择并重复出现,当基数足够大的时候,所有题目会对应一个较为可靠的出现频率。有较高频率出现的题目,同样也有较低频率的,也有从未出现过的。2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案解析:诗歌里的词句Describe a sentence or a few words you like from a poem or a song.You should say:What it isHow you know this poem or songWhy you like this poem or songAnd explain how you feel about this sentence or a few wordsOh this is a tough question! But the one that really stands out in my mind is the line from a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. To me this line is very meaningful and its clear what the poet is trying to say. Although it is painful to love someone, then lose them, through separation or death, the process of being in love with someone, being at their side, and sharing love, the struggles of love, too, is better to have experienced, than have not experienced at all. Hes basically saying that despite the suffering, we learn things from intimate experiences in life, and those things can make us stronger people. They build our character, they increase our empathy and understanding of others, and they make us the people we are today. If you hide away from experiences in life, simply to shelter yourself and keep safe from hurt or danger, then you will never really be a strong person with a profound understanding of life and human nature. Like most lines of poems and songs, you can interpret this one in different ways, and expand on its meaning. This is something I really like about poems. They are often open to varying interpretations. I think most people are drawn to poems about love and relationships, because these things form the foundations of passion and struggle in our lives, and also these things are the things that confuse us too. Matters of the heart are always hard to deal with, sometimes troubling, and we are all left wondering in our marriages or relationships “is this really worth it? Is it worth the struggle and conflict of personalities being with this person?” for many relationships involve a degree of conflict, difference of opinion, arguments and strife about differing values and life decisions, and we all think, if we are honest with ourselves “is this really worth it!? It could be easier if I were alone! This quote by Tennyson is a reminder of the value of what we learn from relationships, and even failed relationships or those in which a partner sadly dies. And, therefore on several levels it resonates with me and is meaningful.Part31. Do you think children are interested in learning songs and poems?I think that children are particularly attracted to songs and poems, actually. I think a lot of kids learning involves music, songs and rhymes. This is because it helps vocabulary and ideas stick in their heads, as well as, of course, being entertaining. Children like learning with movement, song and dance, and enjoy being actively engaged in things with other children. Songs provide this, especially if combined with movements, gestures and dance. Performance is a great way to learn and I am a strong believer in performance art being incorporated into curriculums for children in school it makes them feel encouraged, engaged in the learning materials, and active and happy at the same time. Learning certainly should be much more focused on songs and musical activities in my opinion. Kids find it inspiring actually, adults do too!2. Do you think it is easier for children to learn a song or poem than adults?I think it depends. Some adults are really into songs and poems and can pick up the words really quickly, too. So, I think it depends on the level of motivation. But, in general I reckon that children are more willing to sing and get involved in group performance than adults. Adults can be a bit shy and find these things intimidating, so I think that can prevent them wanting to get into these things, and therefore they arent so willing, and because theyre not so willing, they are less likely to remember words of songs and poems if theyre pushed. Having said this, I think most adults remember the words of their favourite songs, the songs they play a lot on headphones or so.3. What kind of things do you think we can learn from poems?Poems are like pieces of art in writing. They are expressions of sentiments, emotions, feelings and also descriptions of real life scenes, scenarios and situations. We can learn a lot from poems, and there are a huge variety of different types of poems too from the more simple and easily-understandable nature poems, to the more deep and mysterious, more abstract poetry. It depends how we approach poems. I once was involved in a poetry class with an American teacher in university and she took us through the history or poetry in the USA over a period of around 100 years, and this was really fascinating. I was especially drawn to the more abstract and radical poets of the Beat Generation, who used irregular rhyme-schemes and approached more daring topics and themes. But, theres a lot of good and interesting poetry in the world, and I think there are all sorts or types of poetry that are worth learning a little bit about.4. How can we know the maid idea that the writer or composer wants to convey from a poem or song?Usually a song is easier to understand, especially a pop song, and the meaning is quite clear from the lyrics, but some poems are more obscure and difficult to understand at first. It really depends, theres a huge variety of different types of songs and poems in the world, and some are really literal and easy to understand, whilst others are more mysterious and less transparent in their meanings full of metaphors and other literary devices that convey meaning in a more subtle way a way that is harder to initially grasp and understand. When I studied poetry in school I found the older poems harder to understand because the language is a bit different than modern poems and because people are more keen to hide the meanings in lots of imagery and metaphor. Whilst, in contrast, modern pop songs are designed for the masses, written so that anyone can easily understand the meanings very clearly. So, this is one example of a stark contrast between words that are easy to understand and words that are harder to understand in poems an,d songs!2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案解析:一条好消息Describe a piece of good news you received.You should say:When you received itWhere you received itWhat the news was aboutAnd explain how you felt about it after you received itSome good news that I got recently was the news that my grandmother had recovered from a fairly serious illness. She has been ill, on and off, for a number of years, but this time she was really sick. I do not know exactly what the medical problem was, but it was quite serious and she had to be admitted to hospital for over a week. I was really worried because shes pretty old, and as we all know, the older you are, the more difficult it is to deal with serious illness and the harder it is to make a good, speedy recovery. Anyway, after a week or so, she had an operation, and the doctors called us to inform us that it had gone really well and she had healed better than expected, and she was allowed to come home. This was great news and I felt massively relieved too, because, if Im honest, there was a point when I thought she might die. So, it was a big day when we received this news and it made me really happy. We prepared a big meal and organized and cleaned the house, and made it as cozy as possible for her return. I think hearing the news of a family members recovery is probably one of the best types of good news a person can receive. Apart from maybe getting your final exam results and discovering youve done really well and can get into the university you wanted to get into! Thats also a very common piece of great news that people are elated to receive too, I guess.Part31. When do companies should publicize new information to the public?Companies usually publicise new information when they have a new product out. They usually do some kind of press release or something like that. Its important that companies maintain a good relationship with the press and media and whenever there is a big change, like an IPO or a new product launch, or a take-over or a new CEO or something like this, they usually make some kind of external announcement to the public. Usually in the form of a press conference, an article in a newspaper or even a TV presentation. Apple are quite famous for giving quite big conferences before the launch of the latest model of iPhone or another key product, for example. This is what a lot of big companies usually do today.2. When do we share good news with friends?People often share good news with friends through a variety of means. It really depends entirely what kind of good news it is, when it comes and who it involves. Some good news is communicated by text message, some good news by a phone call. Other people, for example, if they are going to get married or something major like that, might actually arrange a big dinner with friends or family and then make a more formal announcement at that dinner almost as a sort of surprise. This sometimes happens, too. So, it entirely depends on the kind of good news that were talking about, and how it affects the individuals in question.3. How would you like to receive good news?Again, it depends on the news. Im a fairly laid-back person so frankly I dont really stand on ceremony much Im happy to receive good news by phone, or by text, but generally I prefer to hear some really good news, especially if its sentimental or romantic, face-to-face. Like for example when my friend announced his engagement he told me in person when we were walking in the park after lunch. It was a nice setting to hear such good news and it was quite touching, especially as it was a really sunny day and a beautiful park too. So, I guess if I was made to decide, Id say that I prefer to receive particularly special good news face-to-face, in person.4. Should companies release news online or in a real press conference?Companies should ideally do both, as far as Im aware. Its not a subject I know an awful lot about really, because I dont really follow much business and tech news, but I think that most companies often do both. They have some quite fancy and elaborate press conferences and events, as well as sometimes huge promotions on and offline. I think there is a lot of competition these days, too, which means that companies are increasingly aware that they have to have a range of marketing activities to keep their brand name high profile in potential customers minds. Press conferences are important because thats when lots of journalists from key media outlets are invited and then those journalists go off and write articles, accompanied by high quality photos, and that helps to promote a companys activities and new developments to the general public.雅思


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