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    2016年职称英语考试卫生类A级句型汇总及例句Suppose/Supposing (that) .结构Suppose/Supposing (that)+子句,S+V .说明此句型意为“如果,假使”。Suppose/Supposing (that) 引导假设条件句,其功能相当于 if。Suppose/Supposing (that) we miss the train, what shall we do?如果我们误了火车,我们将怎么办?What if/Say .结构What if/Say+子句,S+V .说明此句型意为“假设”。What if 和 Say 用来引导一个假设条件句,其义相当于 Let us suppose(让我们假设)。What if/Say he goes home before us and cant get in? What will he do then?假设他在我们之前赶到家而又进不去呢?那他怎么办呢?What if/Say you were to run out of money? What would you do?假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢?With luck .结构With luck,+主要子句说明With luck 为含蓄假设条件句(即不用 if 直接引导)。with luck 意为“如果幸运的话,如果运气好的话”。With luck, well be there by tomorrow.幸运的话,我们明天将到达那儿。(=If we are lucky)With luck, she will get the job. 如果幸运的话,她将得到那份工作。(=If she is lucky)Given time .结构Given time,+主要子句说明此为含蓄假设条件句(即不用 if 直接引导)。Given time 意为“(如果)给以时间的话”。Given time, they will probably agree.给以时间的话,他们可能会同意。(=If they are given time/If we give them time)To hear him talk, .结构To hear him talk,+主要子句说明此句型意为“听某人谈话(的口气)”。从形式上看,To hear him talk 似为不定式词组,但实则为含蓄条件句(即不用 if 直接引导)。To hear him talk 相当于 If you could hear him talk。To hear him talk, youd think he was Prime Minister.听他谈话(那口气),你会以为他是首相呢。To hear you talk, Id think you were Prime Minister.听你谈话(那口气),我还以为你是首相呢。Without ., S + V .结构Without ,+主要子句说明此句型意为“如果没有”,是导致主要子句结果发生的必要条件。Without . 为含蓄假设条件句,此用法在口语表达中最为常见。without 意为“(如果)没有的话”。Without 既可以放在句首,也可以放在句尾,放在句首有强调作用。此外,如果主要子句用否定式,则和 without 构成双重否定,表示特别强调 without 之后项为主要子句动作发生之必备条件。Without your help, I couldnt have done it.(如果)没有你的帮助,我是不会做成的。(=If you hadnt helped me)She cant solve the problem without his help.如果)没有他的帮助,她不可能解决这道题。We cant live without air or water.(如果)没有空气或水,我们就无法生存。Fish cannot live without water.(如果)没有水,鱼儿就无法生存。结构祈使句+连接词+主句说明表示须具备的条件,主句表示可能的结果。代替 if 子句进行评说,提出要求,订立协议,提供建议或威胁等。的用法比 if 子句表示的更为紧迫。Provide the materials and well do the job. 提供材料,我们就做这活。Stop shouting or youll wake up the neighbors. 不要喊了,否则你会把邻居吵醒的。Put that down or else Ill smack you. 把它放下,不然我就揍你。Be there on time, otherwise youll create a bad impression.要准时来,否则你会给人一个坏的印象。Fail to pay and theyll cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他们就要断电。Stop eating sweets, or you wont get any dinner. 你如果不停止吃糖,你就不要吃饭。Unless .结构Unless+子句,主要子句说明此句型意为“除非”。unless 引导一个否定假设句,相当于 if . not .,有时可以互换使用。总体上看,unless 的语气强于 if . not .,而且有时较为常用,例如在最后通牒中。Unless you change your mind (=If you dont change you mind), I wont be able to help you.除非你改变你的想法,否则我不能帮助你。Unless the management improves their offer, therell be a strike.除非资方做出进一步的建议,否则将举行罢工。I couldnt have got to the meeting on time - unless I had caught an earlier train.我不可能及时赶到会场,除非我赶上了较找的一班火车。Provided/Providing (that) .结构Provided/provided(that)+子句,S+V .说明此句型意为“如果”。Provided/Providing (that) 引导假设条件句,其功能相当于 if。Provided/Providing (that) you clear your desk by this evening, you can have tomorrow off.如果你到今晚把手头上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息。As/So long as .结构As/So long as +子句,S+V .说明此句型意为“如果,只要”。As/So long as引导一个条件假设句,其功能相当于 if。So (As) long as you clear your desk by this evening, you can have tomorrow leave.如果你到今晚把手头上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息。As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe. 如果你开车小心,你就会很安全。You may eat anything, so long as you dont eat too much.只要不吃得太多,你可以吃任何东西。As long as live, I will help you. 只要我活着,我都会帮助你。As long as you dont betray me, Ill do whatever you ask me to (do).只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。Well ship the goods at an early time as long as there is a steamer.只要有船,我们就尽早装货。You will never be good students so long as you goof around.如果你们成天游手好闲,就永远也成不了好学生。If it were not for .结构if it were not for+名词/子句,主词+would/should 等+原形动词说明此句型意为“若非(有)”。此类句构专门用于表示与现在事实相反的。亦可用“but for+”或“without+”代替。were 可以提前,省略 if,如例句3。If it were not for his presence, I would punish you. 要不是他在场,我会处罚你的。But for your advice, I should have failed. 要不是你的忠告,我会失败的。But for music (=Were it not for music), life would be dull. 要不是音乐,人生会很无聊。If it were not for oxygen and nitrogen in the air, no man could live on the earth.大气中如果没有氧和氮,人就无法生存于地球了。Without air, all living things would die. 若非空气,所有的生物都会死亡。Without newspaper, we would get behind the times. 要不是报纸,我们都赶不上时代了。I should be lonely, were it not for the birds and the flowers. 我会寂寞,若非有鸟也有花。Were it not for his help, I could not finish the work.若非有他的帮助,我就不能完成这件工作。Were it not for science, we could not live a comfortable live.若非科学,我们无法过着舒适的生活。If it had not been for .结构if it had not been for+名词/子句,主词+would/should 等+原形动词说明此句型意为“若非(有)”。此类句构专门用于表示与过去事实相反的。If it had not been for his help, I should have failed. 如果没有他的帮忙,我应该已经失败。Had it not been for your timely help, our company would have been on the verge of bankruptcy. 若非你及时伸出援助之手,本公司将会濒临破产的边缘。If it had not been for these experiments, the improvement of the machine would have been impossible. 要不是这些实验,这部机器也许就不可能改良了。Had it not been for the kind guide, I might have got lost in the mountains.要不是这位好心的向导,我可能就在山中迷路了。If it had not been that he was here, I would have punished you.要不是他在场,我当时就会处罚你。I demand/insist that .结构主词1+意志动词(demand/insist 等)+(that)+主词2+(should)+原形动词说明意志有四类:建议(suggest,recommend,propose,advise,urge 等),要求(desire, ask,demand,require,request,maintain,insist 等),命令(order,command 等),规定( rule,regulate,stipulate 等)。其后接 that-时,该里的要用原形或“should+”。美式英语通常省略 should。The committee moved that the meeting (should) be adjourned. 委员提议休会。His parents demanded that he (should) be back by ten. 他的父母要求他十点以前回家。The employees demand that their salaries be raised. 员工们要求加薪。They ruled that the law (should) not be imposed. 他们规定不应加重法律。His father ordered that he (should) keep a diary in English.他的父亲规定他要用英文写日记。My mother encouraged me and insisted that I continue my education.我妈妈鼓励我,而且坚持我应该继续我的教育。He insisted that I (should) apologize to her. 他坚持我应该向她道歉。Recently, many states have insisted that high schools teach students how to drive.最近,许多州坚持中学应该教学生如何开车。His father insisted that they (should) move to the country. 他爸爸坚持他们应该搬到乡下。It is proper . that .结构It is+意志形容词(important 等)+(that)+主词+(should)+原形动词说明意志包括 important,necessary,imperative,essential,urgent,desirable, advisable,recommendable,proper 等。that-中只能用 should,不可用 must,而 should 往往予以省略。It is necessary that he (should) sort out the information for my reference.他有必要整理些资料供我参考。It is essential that he get up early. 他有必要早起。It is urgent that food and clothing (should) be sent to the sufferers.急需将食物和衣服送给灾民。It is desirable that we (should) provide for the poor at Christmas.在圣诞节施舍穷人是可喜的事。It is important that he be quiet. 他该保持安静是有必要的。It is important that he not do it. 他不该做那事是有必要的。It is requested that all members be present at the party. 全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会。It is proper that such a bad man be punished severely. 这么坏的人受重罚是应该的。Imperative Sentence + Conj. + Main ClauseIf I had V-ed, I would have .结构Ifhad+过去分词,主词+would/should 等+have+过去分词说明这是与过去事实相反的假设。if 要用,则要用过去式(would,should,ought to,might,could)+have+过去。if 中的 had可置于前面,而省略 If。If I had seen him, I would have told him the truth. 如果我当时看见他,我会告诉他实情。I could have finished the task if I had had more time.如果当时我能有多一点时间,我就能完成这项任务。If we had known of your departure, we would have seen you off at the airport.如果我们事先知道你要离开,我们会到机场送行。I someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned.如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses.若非我已经习惯了这样的回答,我可能不敢轻易相信。Had he not apologize to her, she would not have forgiven him.她(那时)不会原谅他,若非他道了歉。Had he not saved me, I might have been drowned. 我可能溺死了,若非他救了我。Had I proposed to you, would you have married me?我要是当年向你求婚,你会答应嫁给我吗?Had you not helped us, we should have canceled this transaction.假如没有你的帮助,这笔生意早就告吹了。If I had V-ed, I would .结构Ifhad+过去分词,主词+would/should 等+原形动词+now/today说明这是不一致时的假设,亦称混合假设条件句。即:if 若与过去事实相反,用表示;而若与现在事实相反,则用过去式表示。此类句尾通常有表现在的,如 now,today 等。If he had worked harder when young, he would be well off now.如果他年轻时多努力一点,现在就能过得舒服些。If I had been rich ten years ago, I could buy that house today.如果十年前我有钱,今天我就能买下那栋房子了。Had he told the truth, he wouldnt be punished now.如果他当时肯说实话,现在就不会受罪了。Had he followed the doctors advice, he might be alive now.当时他要是听了医生的建议,现在可能还活着。I wish . + V-ed .结构I wish+(that)+主词+动词过去式/过去完成式(had+过去分词)说明I wish 之后以 that 为时,该的一定要用:若用过去式,表示与现在事实相反的愿望;若用,则表示与过去事实相反的愿望。“I wish+that-”的也可用“I would rather+that-”取代。而 I hope 之后以 that 做时,该用一般。I wish there were meadows and lambs. 但愿有草地与小羊。I wish I were as tall as you. 但愿我像你一样高。I wish he could tell us. 但愿他能告诉我们。I wish (=I would rather) he could come tomorrow. 但愿他明天能来。I wish you had not been caught in the rain yesterday. 但愿昨天你们没有淋到雨。I wish you had not told the truth. 但愿你没有说实话。I wish I had known you ten years ago. 真希望十年前就已经认识你。If only + V-ed结构If only+过去式/过去完成式说明此句型意为“要是就好了。”用过去式,表示与现在事实相反;若用,则表示与过去事实相反。If only I had a rich father. 要是我有个有钱的爸爸就好了。If only he had been here. 要是他当时在这儿就好了。If only I had another chance. 要是我再有一次机会就好了。. as if/as though .结构as if/as though现在式/过去式/过去完成式说明此句型意为“彷佛;好像一样”。as if,as though 是,引导。中,可用现在式,以表示事实;也可用过去式或,分别表示与现在或过去事实相反的。He speaks like that as if he doesnt want to attend the meeting.他那样说话,似乎不想参加会议。He walks as if he is drunk. 他走起路来好像他真的醉了。He felt as if he almost wished to kill them. 他感觉彷佛几乎要杀掉他们。The baby opened the book as if he were able to read. 这个婴儿打开书本彷佛他会念书。The nurse attends on the patient as if he were her father.这护士照顾这位病人彷佛在照顾她爸爸似的。He ran into the room as if he had seen something terrible.他跑进屋子,彷佛他看到什么可怕的东西。She looks as if nothing had happened to her. 她当时看起来好像什么事都没发生似的。It seems/looks as if .结构It seems/looks as if说明此句型意为“似乎”。本句型中的 as if 可用以表示事实。It looks as if it is going to rain. 好像要下雨了。It seems as if he knows everything. 他似乎是个万事通。It seems as if he knew everything, but in reality, he is as stupid as can be.他似乎是个万事通。其实他是再愚蠢不过了。It looks as if she had just come back from outer space.她看起来彷佛刚从外层空间回来似的。It seemed as if he had finished the work. 他似乎已经完成了这个工作。It seemed as if he would never finish the work. 他似乎永远完成不了这个工作。


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