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    Culture Difference on ColorsNumbers and Animals英语毕业论文.doc

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    Culture Difference on ColorsNumbers and Animals英语毕业论文.doc

    哈 尔 滨 理 工 大 学毕 业 设 计题 目:Culture Difference on Colors, Numbers and Animals 院 系:荣成学院外语系 姓 名: 指导老师: 系主任: Culture Difference on Colors,Numbers and Animals摘要 中西方的差别存在于我们生活中的各个方面。词语意义上的差别更是非常突出。我将通过这篇文章阐释中西方在颜色,数字和动物方面理解的区别和联系。由于历史发展和社会风俗习惯的不同,不同的国家可能会对相同的颜色有着截然不同的视角。在中国,千百年来,古代君主的衣服都是用亮黄色的不了才回,所以黄色被中国人视为权力地位的象征。然而在西方国家里,黄色与恐惧吝啬败坏相联系。同样,数字在中西方文化里同样存在着类似的差异,有些甚至完全对立。在中国,数字“六”被视为大吉大利,然而在西方,三个六代表撒旦密码,寓意是邪恶与阴暗。动物上的东西方差距更是明显,中国人习惯性地把自己称作“龙的传人”,因为龙在中国象征着祥和,高贵。然而在西方,龙则被视为邪恶的化身。有很多像这样的例子,全都是中西方文化差异的存在。在全球化日趋明显的今天,中西方的交流也越来越多。所以,了解中西方文化差异,特殊的偏爱和禁忌显得尤为重要,有利于我们更加和谐融洽的中西方文化交流。关键词:文化差异 颜色 数字 动物。AbstractThe difference between China and Western countries are existed everywhere in our daily life. The differences on words are also very specific. Through this essay I will explain the association and distinction on colors, numbers and animals in detail.Due to the historical development and social custom, for thousands of years, the emperors clothes made by the yellow cloth, so the color yellow is regarded as the power, and the majesty. But in Western countries, color yellow is associated with fear, mean and corruption. Also, cause of different social customs, the numbers meanings in different countries are also different, some are even totally the opposite. In China,666 are considered as great luck, but it is Satan code which are related to evil and crime in Western countries. Things are also nearly the same about animal. Today, as the globalization are becoming more and more obvious, the communication between Chinese an Westerners are also becoming general, so we should be conscious of the culture differences and respect the believes and taboos of each other to build up a harmonious relationship.Key words: culture difference ;color; number ;animalsContentsChapter 1 Introduction.1Chapter 2 The reasons of culture differences.22.1Environment22.2History2Chapter 3 Words meaning and culture differences.33.1Words on colors33.2Words on animals3Chapter 4 The comprehension of the differences4Acknowledgements.5Bibliography6Chapter 1 IntroductionAs we all know, although the relationship between China and Western in politics, economy, culture become more and more close and cross fertilization of culture are more and more obvious, there are still a variety of differences between China and Western countries. The differences exist in various aspects of social life. Every nation has itself special standard which created with the spirit of this their nation. The differences on culture and customs make China and Western countries totally different. As languages is the carrier of the human culture. This difference must be reflected in the languages of different nations. So in the following, the paper will take the colors, numbers and animas as representations to introduce the difference.Many words which mean luck and happiness in Chinese represent the total different meaning, some are even the opposite .The paper will set examples in the essay to explain this phenomenon.In a word, we have to acknowledge the difference between China and Western in culture, all college students should get well-prepared for this impact in cultures. Only when we realize the significance of the difference in difference cultures, can we get along with foreign in the multi-cultural society.Chapter 2 The reasons of culture differencesThe culture of the East and West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate on the whole.2.1EnvironmentThe ancient Eastern civilization was born from the river civilization which made the rich fertile plain, while the ancient Western civilization came from the cradle of the seaThe Easterners made their lives by wording on the farm plough and sow. It was the land that gave them food, gave them the wood to build the house. In a word ,it was the land that gave them life. So they relied on the land, adored the land, and regarded it as the god and belief.The Westerners took advantage of the natural marine resources to catch fish to eat and traded on the sea for the other necessities of life. So the worship of nature is not as strong as the Easterners. On this basis, the god in the west is just a faith, not that mysterious and omnipotent as the east. So, westerners and Easterners have many different thoughts of one same thing. 2.2HistoryChina as the representative of the Eastern countries which has five thousand yeas culture accumulation is a country of morality, harmony. It devoted particular care to everyone but not one person. The ancient China had its unique form of culture, like poetry and Tai ji, a kind of Chinese kung fu. It laid particular emphasis on the verve but not the shape. While in the west, because of the historical spirit and their own religious faith they treat every thing as careful as they can. They do think that is a manner of life. So various distinction of thoughts on everything between Easterners and westerners came into being.Chapter 3 Words meaning and culture differences3.1Words on colorsRed is considered as the basic advocating color in Chinese traditiongal culture, and it means happiness and luck. When there comes something very joyful like their traditional spring festival, they will hang up the big red lanterns and red hi words and put red firecrackers. In addition, on the wedding, the bride and bridegroom will both dress in red, and the bride will be covered the red lid waiting for the married team.3.2Words on animalsAre very piggish “little chan mao” very intimate. While in English culture, cat is used to describe venomous woman. It is the different culture that leads to different thoughts of the animals.Chapter 4 The comprehension of the differencesIn the globalized world, the communication becomes more and more frequent, during the communication we may inevitably mention something, like colors, numbers and animals that have different meaning between the two language culture, we should respect the culture and custom of each other, try to avoid the tattoo, and say something that both of us can accept or just stand on the others position to accept and comprehend it. Only in this way, can we build up a friendly relationship.AcknowledgementsI would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to person who led me into me the world of translation.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my since gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the theses.Bibliography1 Kamsch.C.language and Culture.New.York:Oxford University Press,1998. 2 LarryA.Samovar,RichardE.Porter,LisaA.Stefani.Commuication Between Cultures.北京:外语 教学与研究出版社,2002.3邓炎昌,刘润清著。语言与文化.北京:外语教学与研究出版社。1989.4贾玉新著。跨文化交际学.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997


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