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    英语:必修三Unit 9 Car Culture(北师大版) .ppt

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    英语:必修三Unit 9 Car Culture(北师大版) .ppt

    Lesson 4Car culture,Designed by shelleylee,Warm-up,How many famous brands do you know about car?What are they?2.What car would you like to have?Why?,中文名:大众英文名:VW golf产地:中国上海,中文名:奥迪英文名:Audi 产 地:德国,中文名:宝马 英文名:b.m.w产 地:德国,中文名:红旗英文名:hongqi产 地:中国,中文名:奔驰英文名:mercedes_benz产 地:德国,福特的探险者(Explorer),中文名:丰田 英文名:toyota产地:日本,中文名:奇瑞英文名:CHERY产地:中国,中文名:尼桑英文名:NISSAN产地:日本,中文名:马自达英文名:MAZDA产地:日本,中文名:法拉利英文名:FERRARI产地:意大利都灵,However,what problems it may cause if everyone owns a car?,Whats this?,Carbon monoxide,Is it bad for us?,What happened?Whats your feeling about this?,Get stuck in traffic jam,stressed out,tired and angry,What happened?,Traffic accident.,What was the effect of road accident?,death,hurt,losses,毁 灭 之 路,The Road to Destruction,Look at the title and caption:Is the writer optimistic or pessimistic about the traffic?,What are they complaining about?,Traffic jam,Read the article and divide it into two parts,then summarize the passage.,Reading,Part 1:Part 2:,The problems caused by car,6 pieces of advice to solve the problems,Make notes in your notebook:,Number of cars:Increase in the last ten years:,25 million,30%,Chemicals produced by cars:Health effects of air pollution:Number of road deaths:,carbon monoxide,25,000 deaths per year,some types of cancer caused by traffic pollution,over 3,000 per year,Traffic in London,40 people travel in 1 bus,and you can relax on a bus,Saves money,keeps you fit and helps you live longer,cuts the risk of heart disease,Speed limit,zebra crossing,pedestrian area,Make excuses for being addicted to car:,Ask for advice about how to give up:,1.What effect does traffic have on people?Makes them angry and stressed/they become addicted to their cars.2.Why do people make excuses?Because they want to continue using their cars.,Amount of TV advertising about cars:1/4 Short car journeys:25%under 2 miles Advantages of buses over cars:40 people travel in 1 bus,you can relax on a bus Advantages of sharing a car:cheaper and kinder to environment,Read the text again and choose the best answer:,1.The A10,the M11 and the M25 are_ A.roadworks B.roads C.traffic cones2.The reason for our being stressed out,tired and angry is_.A.that we often hear those conversations.B.the real cost of the motor car C.getting stuck in traffic jams.,3.We carry on using our cars so much because_.A.we are addicted to our cars.B.we know cars are bad for us.C.we want to make ourselves healthy4.Jenny Trowe advises me not to _.A.walk or cycle in a short journey B.use my car as often as possible C.travel in buses,5.Which of the following best summaries the writers attitude to cars?A.He thinks cars have more advantages than disadvantages.B.He knows what he should do,but uses his car because it is convenient.C.He thinks it would be easy for all of us to use our cars less.,What do you think we should do to keep off the road to destruction?,Discussion,Homework,Finish exercise 6 on P43 and exercise 1,2,4 on P84.,


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