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    上海版牛津初中英语课件8B Chapter 2(1).ppt

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    上海版牛津初中英语课件8B Chapter 2(1).ppt

    Oxford English 8B Chapter 2,Teaching period(12 class hours),Teaching tasks,Welcome to the unit,Contents:Know about five senses Teaching aims:Students are expected to practice and improve their oral English and share opinionsDeal with the general idea,some new words for the reading.,Period 1,What are they?,1.Play a game to warm up and lead in the new lesson,What are they?,What are they?,What is it?,What is it?,What are they?,What part of body do we use when we play this game?,Eyes-sense of sight,Other games,things needed:小动物的声音两个透明的玻璃杯,分别装入同一颜色的饮料,让学生闭眼品尝分辨一瓶醋,一瓶水,让学生通过嗅觉分辨一个盒子,装些纸片和钱,让学生闭着眼睛通过触觉摸出钱,2.Competition:finish Part A,Sense of sight Sense of hearing Sense of smell Sense of taste Sense of touch,1.What senses do you use more than the others?(in class,in the darkness,listen to music,watch movies),2.As a blind,how does he find out about things?,3.What can a blind do if he/she is trapped in a fire?,3.Discussion,4.Finish Ex.B Look and think,Additional questions:What is going to happen to the blind man and his dog when they are trapped in the burning hotel?Get the Ss to think up the details of the story and an ending.,6.Get the Ss to skim the whole text,and try to find out the time line of the story.,Q:Did the blind man and his dog save their lives in the fire?How can they be saved?,6.Find the meanings,Find the words in C1,C2,and mark the paragraph where the words appeared.Have a discussion in groups,or look them up in the dictionary to find the meanings.Read the new words in the words listRead the text together,Period 2 课文细节把握,Read P1-P10,listen and follow More Qs to get the detailed information:Q1:What trouble happened to John F Dancer?Q2:Where did the story happen?Q3:What did J.F.Dancer want to know from the manager?Why did he do so?Read the part again to get further information,and fill in the blanks.,John F Dancers troubles began _ he _ into the hotel _ his friend,Charile.He had _ a room there.But the clerk said they didnt _ pets in the hotel.John _ that Charile wasnt a pet and it was his eyes.Charile barked,which _ like“Yes”.Then John asked the clerk to _ the manager.The manager _ at once that John and Charile could _ be guests.Then he _ them _to the room,and showed them the _ of the fire exit in the hotel.,as soon as,walked,with,booked,allow,exclaimed,call,agreed,both,location,_,sounded,led,personally,Scan P11-14 to find out what Dancer did in the fire.(Attachment 1)Talk about the reasons for what he did.,Read P15-17,and answer the following questions:Q1:Did John get out of the room through the door?Q2:Did the fireman want to take out the dog?Why?Complete the chart about the fire rules.Finish E1,E2Role play what John did in the fire.Deal with some key language points,finish E3,1 five senses2 the window of the brain3 keep ones balance 4 be spread over 5 belong to 6 as soon as 7 walk into8 the reception desk9 book a room10 sound like11 at once,12 leadto13 the location of the fire exit 14 safety first15 describe sth to sb16 in his own words17 pull at 18 just then 19 go off 20 seem like21 against the rules,Period 3 总体把握课文,学会运用知识,提升能力,课文串线复述课文总结中心思想(实现情感目标)1.Animals are our best friends 2.Fire rules in our daily life布置任务:Fire rules in school/at home/in the cinema,Period 4 Listening,Listen to the tape,try to label the four places on the mapListen again,and check the answerListen to the dialogue part by part,and ask the Ss some questions to get more information,Managers room-on the right of the front doorDinning room-on the left of the front doorJohns bed room-go forward from the front door,turn left,and take the second on the leftFire exit-come out of the bed room,turn right,at the end of the corridor,_,_,Period 5 Language(1),Get the Ss to draw a boy and a girl on a piece of paper,and give English names to the boy and the girl.Ask:who is the boy/girl?,He is Tom.,Tom saw Lily.,She is Lily.,_,He saw her.,It is a coat.,Lily bought a coat.,She bought it.,Lily gave Tom the coat.,She gave him the coat.,=She gave the coat to him.,She gave it to him.,_,_,She gave him it.X,subject,object,Do as many exercises as possible in class(book,workbook,exercises book),Period 6 Language(2),He is Tom.,She is Lily.,His name is Tom.,Her name is Lily.,It is a cat.,Its name is Mimi.,Possessive pronouns+n.,让学生就所画的画两人一组进行提问,教师可先给出例句,可以问姓名,职业,年龄等等学生练习做自我介绍,并布置笔头作业Reflexive pronouns:I am an English teacher.I teach you English.I teach me English,too.I teach myself English.,做反身代词练习,做练习中补充一些固定搭配,如:all by oneself learn by oneself think for oneself say to oneself leave one by oneself总结人称代词做综合练习,Period 7 Speaking,通过图片引出话题:warning people通过复习课文,讨论话题:What couldnt you do,if you were blind?,利用图片进一步讨论 If you lost your sense of smell,you couldnt If you were deaf,you couldnt If you were in a wheelchair,you couldnt,Giving warnings,Here are some ways of warning people.,Be careful!Watch out!Take care!Look out!Mind!,Period 8 Writing,复习方位介词做口头操练完成书上练习写作拓展:Introduce your room to your teacher!,S1:What can you see in the picture?S2:I can see a chair/a ball.S1:Where is the chair/ball.S2:Its on the floor/under the chair,oppositeat the bottom of on the top ofin the middle of,oninaboveunderon the left/right ofbesidenext toin the front of,.,Thanks for your listening!,


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