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    The history of English,Old English is to start from the 449 a.d,in that time the chief Jitish landing in British kent.古代英语是从公元449年日耳曼的首领Jitish在不列颠的肯特郡登陆时开始的 BC,the Celts lived on the island of Great Britain,in five and sixth Century the Anglo Saxons began to move.公元前,大不列颠岛上住着克尔特人等,公元五到六世纪盎格鲁撒克逊人开始移入。Around the seventh Century,there were 7 Angle Saxon Kingdom,the word English is evolved from Angle.公元7世纪先后出现了7个AngleSaxon王国,English一词就是从Angle演变而来的,Old English(4991066),There are three kinds of language had a greater impact on the ancient English.1.Celt.The ruins has Avon,Kennet,Dove and London.凯尔特语。遗迹有Avon,Kennet,Dover和London2.Latin.The surviving words are:ancor(anchor),flasce(flask),mil(mile),altar(altare),papa and etc.拉丁语。幸存的词语有:ancor(anchor),flasce(flask),mil(mile),altar(altare),papa等等3.A period of time after 1013,the Danish ruled all of England,so,Old Norse has influence on Old English as the third language.1013年后的一个时期,丹麦人统治了全英格兰,所以,古北欧语是对古英语有影响的第三种语言,The three languages with/sk/audio generally,such as:sky,skin,skull,scare,skill.The earliest English literature can be traced back to 750 years,which is carved in stone on the Dream of the Rood(十字架之梦),than the Chinese book of songs in late 1000 years.它们的影子多带/sk/音,如:sky,skin,skull,scare,skill。最早的英语文学作品只能追溯到750年,即是刻在石碑上的“Dream of the Rood”(十字架之梦)。比中国的诗经晚了1000多年。,*Normans conquered England for the British king Harold is not of royal blood grounds during two century.诺曼人以英国国王哈罗德不是王室血统为由,对英国进行长达两个世纪的出兵。*So the French left deep mark in English.The prefix de-,dis-,in-,inter-,pre-,pro-,ad-,and the suffix-able,-ment,-ess are borrowed from french.英语中留下了法语的深深的烙印,前缀de-,dis-,in-,inter-,pre-,pro-,ad-,-和后缀-able,-ment,-ess都是从法语中借来。,*Early into the English Feench words:bacon,castle,market,prison,service,paradise,fruit。And French usually used to describe the life in the upper society.For example,Englishmen live in houses while Frenchmen live in towers.,Middle English(10661492),But after the hundred years War(1337-1453)of English and French.England returned to the English people,English has rediscovered as Mandarin dignity.但是英法百年战争(13371453)结束后,英格兰回到了英吉利人手中,英语又找回了国语的尊严。After 1489,French is only used for writing the law and the Congressional record.In 1500,London dialect has been upgraded to a standard english.1489年后,法语只用于书写法令与国会记录。到了1500年,伦敦方言已升格为标准英语。1350-1500 is a great master of literature of the times,court poet Chaucers Canterbury tales,Lan Geluns the Pearce of the Bible,Wycliffe had a revolutionary impact on English.13501500年是一个文学巨匠时代,宫廷诗人乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集,兰格伦的农夫皮尔斯,威克立夫的圣经对英语都产生了革命性的影响。,*Old English and Middle English almostly describe the birth,change and development of English,which results in them contained by British English age(英国英语时期).And then,we will see how English walk towards the world.,In 1492 the Kolumb discovered the new continent,the British established many oversea company,such as East Africa,Ltd.(1579),(1588),East India Company(1600),reaching out to the world.东陆公司(1579),非洲公司(1588),东印度公司(1600),In 1517 Martin Luthers religious reform provides a rare opportunityfor English development.At the beginning of the seventeenth Century,Britain established a colonial strongholds(殖民据点)in Asia,Africa,North America,the West Indies successively.Renaissance writers use method of borrowing,creation and so on to expand the English vocabulary,the English river is constantly injected in various countries and regions of the language.文艺复兴的作家们用外借和造字等方法扩大了英语词汇,各个国家地区的语言不断地注入英语的河流。,Modern English近代英语(14921900),This is the century(1800-1900)English spread extensively and won the world.After the mid nineteenth Century,Britain gradually became the empire of the sun,and English is used by the world.America.English began to form美国英语开始形成。,Modern English started in 1900.,During this period,the United States defeated Spain to become a world power.And in the Anglo Boer War,the British routed the Boers,established the union of South Africa.In the result,English replaced French as a diplomacy language,has become an international trade media.而在英布战争中,英国击溃了布尔人,建立了南非联邦。结果,英语取代法语作为外交用语,成了国际贸易的媒介。From the geographical pattern,English king force has been formed.从地理格局上看,英语的王者之势已经形成。,Contemporary English当代英语(1900),In the Second World War,there are some uncomprehending vocabulary in British and American languages,causeing a lot of misunderstanding.In order to reduce unnecessary trouble,1942 U.S.military issued a A short Guide to Great Britain,the British Royal Air Force also compiled the Notes for Your Guidance.第二次世界大战时期,英美两国的语言里都有一些互不了解的词,曾给双方造成了不少的误会。为了减少不必要的麻烦,1942美军印发了A short Guide to Great Britain,英国的皇家空军也编制了Notes for Your GuidancePublished in 1951,A Dictionary of Americanisms collecte a large of American English words.1951年出版的A Dictionary of Americanisms,收集了大量的美式英语单词。,In Analysis,American English words derived from the following four aspects:1.old word new,such as Swan(claims),Bluff(cliff).旧词表新意,如swan(宣称),bluff(悬崖).2.Composite,such as terrain Vocabulary:backwoods watershed.Spoken words:Almighty highbrow,paleface.复合,如地形词汇backwoods watershed,口语词汇:almighty highbrow,paleface.3.Borrowed words.Borrowing the meaning of the English In many parts.From the Indian language words:totem,persimmon,pone(corn bread),From the Spanish words:ranch,patio(courtyard).借用词。对许多地区的语言和意思的借用。来自印地安语的词汇有:totem,persimmon,pone(玉米面包),来自西班牙词汇有:ranch,patio(天井).4.New words(neologism),such as:PEP(劲头),chunky(矮胖的),blurb(new book).新创词(neologism),如:pep(劲头),chunky(矮胖的),blurb(新书简介).,What need points out is:after the Second World War,the spread of English is mainly carried by the United States.Television,newspapers and other news media reported the United States of America all day long,the classroom,music,tourism,commerce and trade,everywhere can hear the United States.America English language was officially formed.电视、报纸等新闻媒介整天都少不对美国的报道,课堂上、音乐里、旅游、商贸到处可以听到美国的声音,美语正式形成。Since 1900,the deep structure rules of English almost no change.Change seems to be active on vocabulary,vocabulary grow rapidly in a rate about 5000 words a year.自1900年以来,英语的深层结构规则几乎没有发生变化。词汇方面的变化似乎要活跃的多,词汇以每年5000左右的新词迅猛增长。,Throughout the history of English for thousands of years,the rise of English has a three jump.In 1588,the British defeated the Spanish Armada,took a firm foot in the European,which is the first jump;1640-1660 the British bourgeois revolution and the end of the eighteenth Century to the beginning of the nineteenth Century,capitalism develop rapidly,to the end of nineteenth Century,the British became the worlds largest colonial empire-day does not fall the Empire,which is the second jump;after the two World War,the United States a new force suddenly rises.English,took the baton,completed the third leap.纵观千年的演变史,英语的崛起有个“三级跳”。1588年英国打败西班牙的无敌舰队,在欧陆站稳脚跟,是第一跳;16401660年英国资产阶级革命及18世纪末到19世纪初,资本主义迅速发展,19世纪末,成为世界上最大的殖民帝国“日不落帝国”,是第二跳;两次世界大战后,美国异军突起,接过英语的接力棒,完成了第三飞跃。Thus,we can know:the development of English is closely related to economy,economy promote the development of the English language.由此,我们可以知道:英语的发展与经济紧密相联,经济推动了英语的发展。,At present,English grammar is simplified to a very low level,in the world are learning and using.目前,英语的语法简化到了很低的程度,在世界上普遍被学习和运用。In twenty-first Century,English thrived in China was also a period of time,maybe English development will rely on China,perhaps Chinese style English will form.21世纪,英语在中国盛行了也有一段时间,也许英语的大发展将会靠中国,也许中国式的英语将会形成。The development of English how?Lets rub our eyes and wait.英语的发展究竟会怎样呢?且让我们拭目以待。,Thank you!,


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