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    八下英语unit4 sectionA 3a3c知识点课件.ppt

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    八下英语unit4 sectionA 3a3c知识点课件.ppt

    Unit 4Section A 3a-3c笔记,2020.3.6,1.,*get on/along with sb.与相处;get on/along with sth.进展 get on/along well with sb/sth.相处得好,进展顺利,Language points,I got on well with my teachers and classmates last term.How are you getting along with your study?,你和他处得来吗?,Can you get on/along with him?,他很容易相处。,Its easy to get on with him.He is easy to get on with.,2.Relations between my parents have become difficult.,relation n.关系 the relation between A and B A 和B 之间的关系,他不知道为什么和弟弟之间的关系变得更糟糕了。,He didnt know why the relation between him and his brother got even worse.,the relation between parents and their kids,因果关系,the relation between cause and effect,父母与孩子之间的关系,munication n.交流、沟通 communicate municate with 与沟通/交流,Good communication,the relations between us,Li Mei can easily communicate with foreigners in English.,李梅能用英语与外国人轻松交流。,良好的沟通能够改善我们之间的人际关系。,_ can improve _.,4.instead adv.“代替;反而;却”用于句首(逗号隔开)或句末 He didnt go to work yesterday.Instead,he stayed at home.He didnt go to work yesterday.He stayed at home instead.instead of“代替”,是介词短语,后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式,我在床上躺了一天没去上班。,I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work.,他没学法律,而是决定当演员了。,He didnt study law.Instead,he decided to become an actor.,我们步行去的那里,没坐公交车。,We didnt go by bus.Instead,we walked there.,We went there on foot instead of by bus.,1.Dave went swimming _ going skating.2.My brother isnt good at math._,he is good at English.3.I like reading in the library _ in the classroom.4.Yesterday,John _ Jim gave us a talk.5.-Does your brother go to the library?-No,he doesnt.I will go _.,instead of,Instead,instead of,instead of,instead,用 instead,instead of 填空,1.Its the only communication they have.,Fighting is the only communication(that they have).,Fighting,吵架是他们唯一的交流。,珍妮是唯一我愿意与之下棋的女孩.,Playing tennis is the only thing(that)he loves to do.,定语从句,Sentences突破难句,Jenny is the only girl(that)Id like to play chess with.,打网球是他唯一喜欢做的事情.,They only communicate by fighting.,2.When they argue,its like a big,black cloud hanging over our home.,他们一争吵,我感觉就像有一大团乌云笼罩在我们家上空。,be like sth.doing,it is like a big,black cloud hanging over our home.,介词,“像”,现在分词作定语,it is like a big,black cloud which is hanging over our home.,e.g.When the earthquake happens,the noise sounds like the train going under our house.,3.Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night,anything that he wants,他喜欢看的任何(节目),Its not good for him if we give him whatever he wants.,His grandpa told him to take whatever he liked.,相反,他却可以看他喜欢的任何节目,一直看到很晚。,在你这个年龄真不容易。,4.Its not easy being your age and its normal to have these feelings.,It is normal to have these feelings.,It is+adj.+(for sb)+to do sth.,Its not easy being your age.,Being your age is not easy.,It is+adj./n.+doing sth.,(你)有这样的情绪很正常。,在Its no use(或good,need)等结构中,常用动名词作主语,Its no use sending him there again.,Its no good playing computer games all day long.,1.和.相处2.和.吵架/争论(某事)3.拒绝做某事4.悬浮/笼罩5.公平的/不公平的6.感到孤独和紧张7.(主动)提出做某事8.以便于9.和.交流10.一直11.介意他做某事,argue with sb about sthrefuse to do sthhang over be fair/be unfair feel lonely and nervousoffer to do sth.so that/in order thatcommunicate with sball the timemind him doing sth,Phrases,(宾格),get on/along with sb,lonely adj.(情感上)孤独、寂寞 alone adj./adv.单独,独自一人,,Jim lives alone,but he never feels lonely because he has many friends.,Translation我的困扰是我无法和家人(融洽地)相处。他们经常吵架。那是他们唯一的交流。.3.他们一争吵,我感觉就像有一大团乌云笼罩在我们家上空。4.在家里我总是感到孤独和紧张。,My problem is that I cant get on with my family.,When they argue,its like a big,black cloud hanging over our home.,At home I always feel lonely and nervous.,They fight a lot.Its the only communication they have.,Translation 5.你为什么不把这些感受和家里人谈谈呢?6.你何不坐下来和你哥哥好好沟通呢?7.你可以(向他)解释你并不介意他整天看电视,不过他应该让你看你最喜欢的节目。8.希望你的一切会很快好起来。,Why dont you talk about these feelings with your family.,Why dont you sit down and communicate with your brother?,You should explain that you dont mind him watching TV all the time.However,he should let you watch your favorite show.,I hope things will be better for you soon.,1.整理笔记(幻灯片2-11),并背诵2.3a第一封信:听读,背诵默写翻译,发背诵 音频3.完成打印的两个对应练习(3a-4c)。以上为今天作业,明天上午必须完成。所有作业拍照上传。明天有周末作业,Homework,


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