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    主谓一致获奖版 完整ppt课件.ppt

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    主谓一致获奖版 完整ppt课件.ppt

    主谓一致,Subject-verb Agreement,Learning Aims:summarize and review the SubjectVerb Agreement.try to ent,Learning Aims,主谓一致是指主语和谓语要保持人称和数上的一致,主语的“人称”和“数”决定谓语动词的变化。但是如果主语不是单一的,或主语名词的数比较特殊时,其主谓一致一般要根据,就近/前一致,语法一致,意义一致,一.名词作主语时应注意的几个问题,1.表时间,距离,金钱,重量,数字等的复数名词作“整体”看时,。Two hours is quite enough.1).“_ twenty dollars a big sum to her?”(be)“I sus”_first published in 1970.(be),谓语常用单数,IS,is,was,2.以-s结尾的名词作主语时,根据其意思来决定谓语动词的单复数。表学科的名词(es)、国名(the United States)或组织名称(the United Nations)及news作主语,es are held once every four years.,3.集体名词作主语时,视其意义来决定谓语动词的单复数:1)mittee,enemy等名词表示整体时,表其中的成员时,1.His family _ always quarrelling among themselves.2.The team _ driving to the game in their own cars.3.The team _ the best in this city.,谓语常用复数,谓语常用复数,谓语常用单数,are,are,is,4.clothing,furniture,traffic,jewellery,baggage,equiade according to her order.(be),was,5.有的名词表示的是由两个对称的部分构成的物品。如:trousers,glasses,shoes,gloves,shorts,scissors等,这类名词作主语时,。但如果其前有a pair of,a kind of 修饰时,则应被看作,谓语常用复数,单数形式,谓语常用单数,My trousers _ too tight,so I have to change them for another y aunt yesterday.(be),are,was,6.名词有each,every,no修饰时,被and/or 连接时,即使有多个并列的主语,仍看作。Each boy and each girl wants to have a holiday.,单数形式,谓语用单数,desk and every chair _ made of wood.(be)boy and no girl _(be)in the classroom.,is,is,1.以and连接的两个名词作主语时,Walking and riding are good exercises.注意:当and连接的两个单数名词在意义上指的是同一人,物或概念时,。The teacher and writer is popular with his students.(区别:The teacher and the writer are),二、由连词连接的名词或代词作主语时的主谓一致问题,谓语用单数,谓语用复数形式,2.就近一致:即谓语动词与后面的中心词一致,or eitheror neither.nor not onlybut also not but There be whetheror,连接的词作主语,,谓语与靠近的主语一致,就近原则,1._ you or he to attend tomorrows meeting?(be)2.Either you or he _ mistaken.(be)3.Neither Mary nor her usic.(go)4.There _ a e books on the table.(be),Are,is,go,is,3.就前一致:(即谓语动词与前面的中心词一致)名词 A+名词 B 这样的结构做主语,2.The teacher as well as her students _ fond of usic very much.3.All but Tom _(know)the truth so far.,with;together with;along with;but;except;besides,including;as well as;in addition to,not;rather than;like,is,-,have known,-,谓语动词仅与 A 一致,4.+名词 作主语时,1.One third of the students in our class _ girls.(be)2.Seventy percent of the surface of the earth _covered with/by water.,分数+of;百分数+of;some of;ost of;the rest of;ost of;the rest of;the majority of;.,are,-,is,-,-,谓语动词取决于后面名词的数,1.any,either,neither,none,all,some等作主语时,Now all _ changed.(Have)All _ silent at the meeting.(be)2.none 有时作单数看待,有时作复数看待,主要根据说话人的意思决定。eg.None of the books _easy enough for us.None of us _ a camera.(have),三、代词作主语时的主谓一致问题,视其在句中的意义,谓语动词可用作单数或复数。,has,are,are,has,3.what,who,which,any(of),more,most,all(of),half(of),?2)A man who thinks only himself can never be happy.3)He is not one of those who bow before difficulties.,4.one/every one/each/either/neither/the other/another anybody/anyone/anything/somebody/someone/something/everybody/everyone/everything/nobody/no one/nothing/the number+of+复数名词作主语或是独立充当主语时,谓语动词用单数。,each _ a new dictionary.(have)of you _ res _ to play it.(like),has,is,likes,One and a half years has passed.One and a half apples has rotted away.one and a half做主语时,谓语动词用做单数。,四.特殊用法的总结,特殊1:more 复数名词 than one 和 more than one 单数名词的意义相同,均表示“不只一个”,但前者用作复数,后者用作单数。more than+两个以上的数字+名词复数做主语时,谓语动词用复数。many a+单数名词 More students than one were ore than one student was any a student was punished.,谓语用单数。,特殊2:a large quantity(amount)of+名词 quantities(amounts)of+名词A large amount of water has been ounts of water have been polluted.,谓语常用单数。,谓语用复数。,特殊3:“定冠词+adj/分词”表示一类具体的人或物时,谓语用复数,若表示某一抽象概念,则用单数。1)The old _taken good care of here.(be)3)The true _(be)to be distinguished from the false.,are,is,特殊4.动名词、不定式或从句作主语时,谓语用_但what引导的主语从句视后面的表语而定。What we need _ time.(be)What we need _ books.(be)特殊5.单复同形的名词,如:means,works等视其在句中的意义,谓语动词可用作单数或复数。Every means has been tried.All means have been tried,单数,is,are,1.Our class _ a big one.(be)Our class _ fond of music.2.1.The trousers _ mine.(be)2.This ine.类似地:Apples of this kind _(sell)well.This kind of apples _(sell)well.,四、易错点汇总,is,are,are,is,sell,sells,比一比,3.The ers.4.1.Every means _ been tried to solve the.(have)All means _ been tried to solve the.,is,are,has,have,5.1.The aged _ being cared for in the community.(be)2.The beautiful _ not always good.6.1.A singer and dancer _ been invited to the party.(have)2.A singer and a dancer _ been invited to the party.(have),are,is,has,have,7.Tom is one of the workers who _ fired by the company last week.(be)8.A large quantity of water _wasted every year.(be)Large quantities of water _wasted every year.(be),were,was,is,are,1.Look through your learning ember the rules learnt today and use them in learning e words or.,Homework,


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