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    主讲人:,中医英语翻译理论与实践,一点常识,礼记王制“ 中国,夷、蛮、戎、狄五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译。”,严子译例言,译事三难信 达 雅。求其信已大难矣。顾信矣不达。虽译犹不译也。,支谦法句经序 仆初嫌其辞不雅。维祗难曰:“佛言依其义不用饰,取其法不以严。其传经者,当令易晓,勿失厥义,是则为善。”座中咸曰:“老氏称美言不信,信言不美。仲尼亦云:书不尽言,言不尽意。明圣人意深邃无极。今传胡义,实宜径达。”是以自偈受译人口,因循本旨,不加文饰。,译业与译才,咸宁万国第一 Bringing peace to all the countries in the world 黄帝升坐紫微宫,岐伯、雷公各侍左右。 Huangdi was sitting in the palace in the Heaven. Qibo and Leigong, his senior ministers, were standing on either side in attendance.,黄帝曰:“惜时与卿等谈医论药,旨在救天下万民于忧患,非为吾华夏一族所计。朕观日月交辉,忧人世多艰。愿昔时所厘之医道广播四海,咸宁万国。”Huangdi said: “I have established this system of medicine for people all over the world, not just for the Chinese nation. I hope that it can be disseminated and practiced over the world.”,岐伯曰:“陛下所立之医道乃兴国生民之大法。故当传于四方,惠及愚智贤不肖。 Qibo said: “The medicine that Your Majesty have established is indispensable to the life of the people. So it should be disseminated to all the whole world and serve for peoples from different countries.,自黄帝内经问世,华夏医道于汉唐之际东传高丽、扶桑,南播交趾诸岛,北及朔方之域,西入吐蕃高原,于各族各部之繁荣昌盛,善莫大焉。”Since the publication of Huangdi Neijing, Chinese medicine was spread to Korea, Japan, Viet Nam and northern areas of China. It has made great contributions to the prosperity and development of these countries.”,黄帝曰:“四异之邦与吾华夏言语不通,嗜欲不同。华夏医道,何以传之于彼?” Huangdi said: “The languages spoken in these countries and areas are different from the Chinese language. How was the Chinese medicine disseminated to these places?”,岐伯对曰:“诸四异之邦文在初创,医道未立。故遣其聪慧之士远涉千山,前来中土,潜习华文,精修医术。 Qibo answered: “At that time medicine and written language in these countries and areas were not established yet. These countries sent students and scholars to China to study Chinese language and medicine through Chinese media.,及谙熟之,并携医经药典还国,以华文传于其地。故今之日文多杂以华字。朝韩越国,旧亦书华文行儒学。”After returning their countries, they practiced and taught Chinese medicine through the media of Chinese characters. That is why today Chinese characters still can be found in Japanese written language.”,黄帝曰:“吐蕃、西域及朔方之大部今属中国之地;高丽、扶桑、交趾皆为儒学昌盛之邦。华夏医道传之其地当无山隔水断之忧。 Huangdi said: “Korea, Japan and Viet Nam are all the countries within the circle of Confucian civilization. The dissemination of Chinese medicine in these countries is certainly not very difficult.,朕所虑者,乃泰西之国。其国与华夏远涉重洋,言语迥异。华夏之医,如何传之于彼?”What I am always worrying about is the countries in the West. The Western countries are quite different from China in language and customs. What shall we do to disseminate Chinese medicine to these countries?”,岐伯曰:“古人云:名物不同,传实不易。欲使泰西之人晓谕华夏医术,须经翻译之径。然泰西之语与华夏之文契合者少,遂使翻译辞不达义,谬误广布。”Qibo answered: “It is true that the Western languages are totally different from the Chinese language. That is why there are many errors in the current translation of Chinese medicine into the Western languages.”,黄帝曰:“医者,性命攸关之术。岂可恣意妄为?差之毫厘,谬之千里。反左为右,生即为杀。然泰西之语与吾华夏之文泾渭两色,如之奈何?”Huangdi said: “Medicine is closely related to the life of the people. One small mistake may lead to a great disaster. But the Western languages are so different from the Chinese language. How to translate Chinese medicine into Western languages then?”,岐伯对曰:“必得精于华夏医术、谙于泰西言语之士潜心较之、辨之,方可厘定传译之序,通达医道之旨,消讹除误,交通东西。”黄帝问曰:“此等贤士,何处可得?”Qibo answered: “It can only be done by those who have a good command of both Western languages and Chinese medicine. ”Huangdi asked: “Where can we find such erudite scholars to undertake such a difficult task?”,岐伯对曰:“华夏之国,今恰政通人和,重教兴学。此等贤才,当可访寻。陛下即可遣一天官到下界走访一番,若遇此等贤才,即诏命其精研译道,传译华夏医药于泰西诸国。”Qibo answered: “China now is stable and peaceful. The government pays much attention to education. Qualified translators can certainly be found in this country with such a great ancient civilization. Your Majesty may send an official from the Heaven to the world of man to look for such qualified translators.”,黄帝曰:“卿言极是。雷公何在?”雷公拜曰:“臣谨听圣训。”Huangdi said: “Good suggestion! Wheres Leigong?”Leigong kowtowed and answered: “I am ready to follow Your Majestys edict.”,黄帝曰:“今差汝速往下界,遍访华夏古国,悉求精通医术、熟谙西语之贤士。 Huangdi said: “Ill send you to the world of man to look for qualified translators who have a good command of both Chinese medicine and Western languages.,诏命其精研译道,传译华医于泰西,以使万国咸宁,天下安康。雷公稽首再拜曰:“谨遵圣意。”When you have found such erudite scholars, ask them to carefully study the methods of translation and translate Chinese medicine into Western languages.”Leigong kowtowed again and said: “I will act in compliance with Your Majestys instructions.”,中医英语翻译原则与方法,中医英译基本特点,1.仿造化所谓仿造,指的是在翻译原语的无等值词汇时用译语中的直接对应词代换无等值词汇的组成部分,即词素或词。,例如:liver blood(肝血)、blood deficiency(血虚)、activating blood to resolve stasis(活血化瘀)等等。英语中有liver, blood, deficiency这些单词,但却没有liver blood, blood deficiency 这样的概念。仿造翻译就是借用英语中已有的相关单词来表达中医特有的概念。亦即通过对英语已有单词的重新排列组合向英语语言输入中医特有的概念和表达法。,2. 定义化,辨证论治:diagnosis and treatment based on the overall analysis of symptoms and signs“辨证论治”目前已基本简洁为treatment based on syndrome differentiation 或syndrome differentiation and treatment,从翻译的角度来看,这个术语中的“辨”、“证”和“治”是“关键字”,现一般通译为differentiation, syndrome 和treatment。只要这三个“关键字”翻译一致且整个术语的结构比较简洁,即基本达到了术语翻译的要求。,3.多样化,例如,“虚” 指脏腑的“虚”时可用asthenia,如”脾虚”可译为asthenia of the spleen,若译为deficiency of the spleen,则有可能被误认为脾脏有实质性的缺损。纯指功能的虚弱,也可以用hypofunction 来表示。表示“体虚”这一概念时,也可用weakness 或debility 来表达.,4.拼音化,由于中西方文化及中西医之间的巨大差异,中医理论中特有的一些概念在英语中很难找到对应语。如“气”、“阴阳”、“气功”、“推拿”等等。这些概念具有典型的中国文化特色,无论直译还是意译都无法准确地再现原文的内涵。从目前国内外的实践来看,采用音译法翻译中医上某些特有概念是比较可行的。事实上,这种方法已逐步为中医翻译界所普遍采用,也为国外读者所接受。,中医英语翻译的难点,1.对应语的缺乏五行 five elements; five phases 三焦 three warmers; three burners; three heaters; triple energizer经脉meridian; channel; conduit五脏 five solid organs; five zang-organs; five zang-viscera六腑 six hollow organs; six fu-organs; six fu-viscera,2.理解的偏差,黄帝内经 Yellow Emperors Internal Medicine带下医 doctor underneath the skirt失笑散 Powder for Lost Smiles,中医英语翻译的原则,1.自然性原则疫毒痢 :中毒性菌痢(toxic bacillary dysentery)寸白虫 :绦虫病(taeniasis)痨瘵:肺结核(pulmonary tuberculosis)疳积:小儿营养不良(infantile malnutrition)瘰疬 : 颈部淋巴结核(tuberculosis of cervical lymph node)瘿:甲状腺肿大(goitre, thyroid enlargement),2.简洁性原则,原文词的意义单位(实词)数信息密度= - 译文词的意义单位(实词)数信息密度标准可分为三个档次:A 挡为0.5,B 挡为0.25,C 挡为0.1。最佳信息密度不低于A 挡,低于B 挡的词应反复推敲,低于C 挡的词不应采用。,3.民族性原则,音译有一部分中医用语在英语中有其“形”,但却无其“意”,如“表里”、“六淫”等。在英语中有external/exterior(表)和internal/interior(里)这样的词语,也有wind (风)、cold (寒)、summer-heat (暑热)、dampness (湿)、dryness(燥)、 fire (火)这样一些概念,但却没有中医上的特定内涵。,再比如英语语言中有 heart(心)和fire(火),但却没有heart fire 这样一个概念。那么在翻译时如何处理中医的这些概念呢?一般的做法是借用英语语言固有的词汇,按照中医概念的特定内涵重新组合其结构形式,从而使其能承载中医概念的信息。如将“心火”译为heart fire,将“肾虚”译为kidney asthenia或kidney deficiency等。严格地讲,这样的翻译还只是“表层”翻译,原概念的“深层”含义还游离于其新组合的形式之外。其“形”与“意”的有机结合还需要在交流的过程中不断磨合,逐步得以实现。,4.回译性原则,所谓“回译性原则”,指的是英译的中医名词术语在结构上应与中文形式相近。这样在中医药的国际交流中,就能较好地实现信息的双向传递。如将“肺气不足”译为insufficiency of lung qi,将“活血化瘀”译为activating blood to resolve stasis,将“湿热”译为damp-heat等等,英译的中医术语与原文相比,在结构上和字面意义上都比较接近,因而具有一定的回译性。,5.规定性原则,规定性原则指的是对中医名词术语的翻译在内涵上加以限定,使其不能另有解释。提出这样一个原则主要是为了解决中医名词术语翻译上内涵的对等问题。,例如“辨证”尽管一般人多译作syndrome differentiation,但对这一译法历来争论不休。有人认为中医的“证”不同于西医的syndrome。但是,如果我们从“名”与“实”的辨证关系出发来考虑问题,便可以将syndrome differentiation加以规定。规定其只能表达中医“辨证”这个概念,不能作任何其它的解释。,比如世界卫生组织对“针灸经穴名称”的国际标准化,实际上就是一种规定。它规定“三焦”的英语译名为triple energizer、“经脉”的译名为meridian、“冲脉”的译名为thoroughfare vessel等等。如果我们将其英语译名与中文原文加以比较,便会发现诸多“不相对应”或“不相吻合”之处。然而由于对它们的内涵作了规定,所以并没有在实际的交流中引起人们想象中的“混乱不堪”。这就是规定性原则的作用所在。,中医英语翻译方法,1.借用西医用语解剖概念心、肝、脾、肺、肾”heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney,病症名称,心悸 palpitation便秘 constipation呃逆 hiccup遗尿 enuresis黄疸 jaundice白喉 diphtheria癃闭 retention of urine经闭 amenorrhea纳呆 indigestion,治疗方法,放血 bloodletting驱虫anthelmintic treatment正骨reduction止血hemostasis, hemostasia止痛analgesia止泻antidiarrhea按摩疗法massotherapy,2.直译法,基础理论:阴中之阴yin within yin阳中之阳yang within yang母子关系mother-child relation木生火 wood generating fire金克木 metal restricting wood抑木扶土inhibiting wood to strengthen earth,生理:通调水道regulation of the water pathway脾主运化The spleen controls transportation and transformation.肝藏血 The liver stores blood.肾藏精 The kidney stores essence.藏而不泻storage without excretion泻而不藏excretion without storage,病理:阴阳失调 imbalance between yin and yang热入心包invasion of heat into the pericardium脾失健运failure of the spleen to transport normally 肝不藏血failure of the liver to store blood胃失和降failure of the stomach qi to descend气虚不孕sterility due to qi asthenia风热腰痛lumbago due to wind-heat肾阳不足 insufficiency of kidney yang,3.意译法,白虎历节white tiger joint running 牛皮癣oxhide lichen鹤膝风cranes knee wind天行赤眼heaven-current red eye天柱骨celestial pillar,“天柱骨”就是指的“颈椎骨”,译作celestial pillar就不知所云了。中医上讲的“天柱骨折”和“天柱骨倒”实际上就是指的“颈椎骨折”(fracture of cervical vertebra)和“项软”(flaccidity of neck)。中医上讲的“天行”就是“流行性”(epidemic)的意思。翻译成英语时,“天行”有时也可不必译出,因为英语中相应的术语本身就含有这曾意思。例如“天行发斑疮”、 “天行瘟疫”译成英语就是smallpox, pestilence。,4.音译,玄奘(602-664 A.D.)在翻译佛经时就提出了“五种不翻”的观点。翻译名义集序中称这五种是:秘密故,如陀罗尼(真言、咒语);含多义故,若薄伽梵具六义(自在、炽盛、端言、名称、吉祥、尊贵);此无故,如阎浮(胜金)树,中夏实无此木;顺古故,如阿耨菩提(正偏知)。皆掩而不翻。,5.音意结合,元气 primordial qi 正气 healthy qi真气 genuine qi 宗气 pectoral qi 中气 middle qi 营气 nutrient qi 卫气 defense qi肾气 kidney qi,国家标准 与国际标准,中 医 基 础 理 论 术 语Basic theory nomenclature of traditional Chinese medicine,发 布: 国家标准化管理委员会 本标准由国家中医药管理局提出并归口。本标准起草单位:辽宁中医学院。本标准起草技术负责人:李德新。本标准界定了中医基础理论中阴阳 、五行、脏象、气血精津液、经络、体质、病因、病机、养生、预防、治则、五运六气等的术语。,Principles for English expression selection,1. Accurate reflection of the original concept of Chinese terms. 2. No creation of new English words. 3. Avoidance of pinyin (Romanized Chinese) use. 4. Consistency with WHOs Standard Acupuncture Nomenclature.,国标,中医基础理论fundamental theory of TCM整体观念concept of holism天人相应correspondence between human and environment,西太区,基础理论 Basic theory 整体观念 holism天人相应 correspondence between nature and human,国标,辨证论治 treatment upon syndrome differentiation 证候 clinical manifestation理法方药 theory, principle, prescription and medicinal,西太区,辨证论治pattern identification/ syndrome differentiation and treatment精气学说 essential qi theory,国标,阴阳学说yin-yang theory阴阳对立opposition between yin and yang阴阳互根interdependence of yin and yang,西太区,阴阳学说 yin-yang theory阴阳对立 opposition of yin and yang阴阳互根 mutual rooting of yin and yang,国标,阴阳消长waxing-waning between yin and yang阴阳平衡equilibrium between yin and yang阴阳自和natural harmony of yin-yang,西太区,阴阳消长 waxing and waning of yin and yang阴阳平衡 yin-yang balance阴阳调和 yin-yang harmony,国标,阴阳转化inter-transformation of yin and yang阴盛格阳阴极似阳exuberant yin repelling yang亡阳阳脱yang prostration,西太区,阴阳转化 yin-yang conversion阴极似阳 extreme yin resembling yang阳; 脱阳; 阳脱 yang collapse亡,国标,阴阳离决separation between yin and yang阴竭阳脱yin exhaustion and yang collapse阴阳两虚deficiency of both yin and yang,西太区,阴阳离决dissociation of yin and yang阴竭阳脱exhaustion of yin and collapse of yang阴阳两虚 dual deficiency of yin and yang,国标,阴平阳秘sound yin and firm yang阴中之阴yin within yin阴阳交感interaction of yin and yang,西太区,阳盛阴衰 yang exuberance with yin debilitation阴中之阴 yin within yin,国标,五行five elements五行学说five-element theory相生generation 相克restriction,西太区,五行 five phases五行学说 five phase theory相生engendering相克 Restrain,国标,相乘over-restriction相侮counter-restriction亢害承制harmful hyperactivity checked for harmony,西太区,相乘 Overwhelm相侮Rebellion亢害承制 harmful hyperactivity and responding inhibition,国标,母气mother element qi 子气child element qi制化restriction and generation,西太区,母气 mother qi子气 child q制化inhibition and generation,国标,精essence semen,西太区,精Essence ((1) the fundamental substance that builds up the physical structure and maintains body function; (2) reproductive essence stored in the kidney ),国标,先天之精innate essence后天之精acquired essence精气essential qi,西太区,先天之精 innate essence后天之精 acquired essence精气essential qi,国标,先天之气innate qi后天之气acquired qi元气原气original qi正气healthy qi,西太区,先天之气innate qi后天之气acquired qi原气; 元气source qi正气healthy qi,国标,真气genuine qi宗气pectoral qi中气middle qi,西太区,眞气genuine qi宗气ancestral qi脏气visceral qi中气middle qi,国标,卫气defense qi营气nutrient qi气机qi movement气化qi transformation,西太区,卫气defense qi营气nutrient qi气机qi movement气化qi transformation,国标,君火monarchic fire相火ministerial fire少火moderate fire,西太区,君火sovereign fire相火ministerial fire先天之火innate fire from the life gate,国标,脏象visceral manifestation脏象学说theory of visceral manifestation脏zang viscus腑fu viscus,西太区,脏象visceral manifestation脏象学说visceral manifestation theory脏 viscus腑 bowel,国标,五脏five zang viscera六腑six fu viscera三焦triple energizer奇恒之腑extraordinary fu viscera,西太区,五脏 five viscera六腑 six bowels三焦triple energizers奇恒之腑extraordinary organs,国标,元神之府house of original mentality疏泄 free flow and rise of qi刚脏firm-characterized zang viscus,西太区,元神之府house of the original spirit疏泄free coursing刚脏unyielding viscus,国标,娇脏delicate zang viscus宣发 dispersion and ascent肃降purification and descent,西太区,娇脏 delicate viscus宣发 diffusion肃降purification and down-sending,国标,经络meridian and collateral经脉Meridian手太阴肺经lung meridian of hand taiyin奇经八脉eight extra meridians,西太区,经络meridian and collateral经脉meridian vessel手太阴肺经 lung meridian (lU)奇经八脉eight extra meridians,国标,督脉 governor vessel任脉conception vessel冲脉thoroughfare vessel带脉belt vessel阴维脉yin link vessel阳维脉yang link vessel阴跷脉yin heel vessel阳跷脉yang heel vessel,西太区,督脉 governor vessel任脉conception vessel冲脉thoroughfare vessel带脉belt vessel阴维脉yin link vessel阳维脉yang link vessel阴跷脉yin heel vessel阳跷脉yang heel vessel,国标,三因three categories of disease cause内因endogenous cause外因exogenous cause不内外因non-endo-exogenous cause病机pathogenesis,西太区,三因 three causes内因 internal cause外因 external cause不内外因 cause neither internal nor external病机 mechanism of disease,国标,虚实错杂 虚实夹杂deficiency and excess in complexity虚中夹实deficiency complicated by excess真虚假实true deficiency with false excess气阴两虚deficiency of both qi and yin,西太区,虚实夹杂 deficiency-excess complex虚中夹实 deficiency with excess complication真虚假实true deficiency with false excess气阴两虚 dual deficiency of qi and yin,谢谢,


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